
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Buffalo Grove Planning and Zoning Commission met March 15

Village of Buffalo Grove Planning and Zoning Commission met March 15

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Chairman Frank Cesario

Public Hearings/Items For Consideration

1. Consideration of a Petition for Approval of a Variation to Title 14 (Sign Code) Section 14.16 to Allow Two Ground Signs in the R-9 Multiple Family Dwelling District at 70 S Buffalo Grove Drive, Where One Ground Sign is Permitted. (Trustee Pike) (Staff Contact: Andrew Binder)

Binder, Village Associate Planner, presented the project background and request for variations at Buffalo Creek Apartments, 70 S Buffalo Grove Rd, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089.

Petitioner Annenberg was sworn in.

Annenberg provided additional testimony for the sign variations being requested. Com. Moodhe asked the petitioner to address sign #3 on packet page 14.

Annenberg addressed the PZC regarding sign variation number 3, stating that they are planning to make improvements to the site and the new signs will help the aesthetic of the building.

Com. Moodhe asked staff if the signs currently located on the property were original signs

Binder said the Village has no record of the original signs.

Com. Spunt asked about how they chose the lettering for the sign.

Annenberg discussed how they came to the deign to make it look more modern. Chairperson Cesario asked how many complaints we have received regarding the signs. Binder said they had not received any complaints.

Com Worlikar asked if there is any concern with the lighting of the sign with neighbors.

Annenberg said there are light poles on BG road and the sign light is dim compared to the street lights.

Chairperson Cesario asked about the south bound visibility to people looking for the Buffalo Creek Apartments. He stated that without the sign, it would be hard to see Buffalo Creek Apartments.

Annenberg agreed with Chairperson Cesario.

Com. Weinstein referenced packet page 17 and asked due to the size of the lot, that the new larger signs are required which would meet Sign Variation Number 3.

Annenberg agreed.

Staff report entered as exhibit one.

Annenberg thanked the Commission for their time.

The public hearing was closed at 7:44 PM.

Com Weinstein made a recommendation for approval of a variation to Title 14 (Sign Code) Section 14.16 to allow two (2) ground signs at 70 S Buffalo Grove Drive, subject to the following conditions:

1. The ground signs shall be installed in accordance with the documents and plans submitted as part of this petition.

2. The property owner shall maintain the landscaping around the base of the signs in perpetuity.

3. The Petitioner shall comply with all applicable Village codes, regulations, and policies. Com. Richards seconded the motion.

Com. Richards spoke in favor of the motion.

Chairperson Cesario spoke in favor of the motion.

Com. Moodhe spoke in favor of the motion.


AYES: Moodhe, Spunt, Cesario, Khan, Weinstein, Au, Richards, Worlikar, Davis

2. Consideration of a Petition for Approval of a Zoning Map Amendment to R6-A Zoning District, a Special Use for a Public Park, a Preliminary Plan, and a Variation from Section 17.36.040 of the Zoning Code (Parking Requirements) to Allow Improvements to Prairie Grove Park at 2020 Olive Hill Drive (Trustee Pike) (Staff Contact: Kelly Purvis)

Purvis, Deputy Community Development Director, provided the project background and the requested amendments to the Prairie Grove Park located at 2020 Olive Hill Drive.

Petitioners were sworn in.

Maloney expanded on their testimony and explained the grant that was awarded for the park and the community engagement that drove the overall design of the park.

Com. Worlikar asked how they came about the placement of the play area.

Maloney said they wanted to keep the playground where it is currently. He briefly spoke to the setbacks of the playground equipment. Additionally, Maloney said a fence and landscape will be there to help shield the area.

Com. Worlikar asked about programing for the park.

Howe spoke about the use of Prairie Grove by the Park District.

Com. Worlikar asked the petitioners when the last time they spoke to the community for their input.

Maloney said in 2021.

Com. Worlikar asked if they plan on doing any more outreach to get input from the new residents that have moved into the area.

Risinger spoke to the downside of the grant that was awarded to the Park District. Since the grant was approved the ability to change the scope of the project is not possible.

Com. Worlikar asked if they would plan on a dog park now or in the future.

Risinger said a dog park is not very suitable for a neighborhood park, but the Park District is looking into other locations for a potential dog park.

Com. Worlikar asked about the trees that currently exist.

Risinger said they will keep the trees that are existing.

Com. Richards asked if they are going to program the park.

Risinger said no. In the past it has been used as a practice field, but currently the park is not being programed.

Com. Richards asked about pickleball courts as it relates to noise.

Risinger said they do create noise, which is why they limited it to one pickleball court. They limited it to one as well because it decreases the need for parking.

Com. Richards asked staff if they had received any phone calls.

Purvis said the Village received a few phone calls and two written correspondences, but no complaints.

Com. Weinstein asked for the hours of operation.

Risinger said dawn to dusk - there will be not lights.

Com. Weinstein asked if the plan was it presented to the community.

Risinger said yes.

Com. Weinstein asked why they would consider only 10 parking spots instead of the required 41.

Risinger said 41 parking spaces is too much for a park this size and when they engaged with the community, they did not want parking.

Purvis spoke to the parking condition listed in the staff recommendation.

Com. Weinstein asked if the limit to the number of pickleball courts and tennis courts was to reduce the need for parking.

Risinger said yes that is correct.

Com. Weinstein asked staff about the zoning recommendation.

Purvis explained the reasoning behind the rezoning for the park.

Com. Worlikar asked the petitioners how they came up with the number of benches within the park.

Ms. Blood, from Upland Design, said the placement of the benches was strategic to capture the views within the park as well as allow caretakes to watch children play on the playground.

Com. Worlikar asked if there can be more benches within the park.

Ms. Blood said they could add more if necessary.

Com. Worlikar asked about what they can do about loitering at the park after hours.

Ms. Blood explained how the shelter makes the area more visible and would create an area where kids would not want to conduct nefarious activities.

Com. Davis asked how you they plan to mitigate pickleball noise.

Ms. Blood explained how landscape can be used as a buffer, but right now they want visibility to the park to bring in community members.

Howe said that there is fencing that can be installed to help mitigate noise as well.

Com. Khan asked how they are going to enforce the use of the courts and keep pickleball players off the tennis courts.

Risinger said they will not have people policing their parks, but this court will only be stripped for tennis and they will have signage.

Com.Khan asked for clarification on parking.

Risinger said that 41 parking spots is not necessary. Risinger Spoke to the existence of the park and how parking has not been an issue, but they will continue to monitor.

Com. Spunt asked about the location future parking and why the basketball court was positioned where it was.

Ms. Blood spoke about use and placement of the basketball court.

Com. Au asked about programing.

Risinger said they do not plan on programming this park right now. In the past it was used for practice occasionally, but they have programming at their other parks and tend to move their programs around to maintain nice looking parks.

Com. Worlikar asked if there would signage regarding time limits for the pickleball and tennis courts.

Rising spoke to the courtesy rules of playing that players go by.

Com. Moodhe asked if this would be like Westchester Park.

Howe said Prairie Grove Park would be categorized as a neighborhood park.

Com. Moodhe asked if there is parking at Westchester.

Howe said no. Just street parking, like Prairie Grove Park.

Com. Moodhe commented on the different parking needs for neighborhood parks vs. community parks.

The staff report was entered as exhibit one.

Ms. Garfield at 2118 Prairie, A CRD commissioner, said they need to add two curb cuts for ADA.

Mr. Garfield at 2118 Prairie spoke in favor of the proposal and commended the Park District for the engagement that was conducted.

Mr. McCargy asked about the size of bike racks.

Resident at 197 Hoffman spoke in favor of the soccer goals staying. He said there is ample parking as it is now and said the residences worked hard to keep the park when link crossing was proposed. Lastly, he asked what the process would be for the construction of a parking lot.

Purvis said that there would need to be authorization for the parking lot to be constructed.

Resident of Link Crossings Neighborhood talked about the street parking and how they would go about reporting a concern if it ever became an issue.

Purvis said if there are concerns the Village and Park District would address it as code compliant/enforcement.

Risinger clarified the parking issues. He noted the Park District has no authority to enforce parking regulations but would be able to address any issues with the Village.

Risinger thanked the Planning and Zoning Commission for their time.

Com Moodhe asked about condition number 3 in staff packet.

Com. Weinstein said he would like to add the curb cuts to the conditions of the approval.

Risinger said they would work with the village as it is Village property to include the addition of curb cuts.

Staff noted that the curb cuts would be part of the final engineering review.

The public hearing closed at 8:48 PM.

Com. Weinstein made a motion to recommend approval of a Zoning Map Amendment to R6-A Residential District, a Special Use for a public park, a preliminary plan, and a Variation from Section 17.36.040 of the Zoning Code (parking requirements), all to accommodate the proposed improvements to Prairie Grove Park at 2020 Olive Hill Drive, subject to the following conditions:

1. The proposed park improvements shall be constructed in substantial conformance with the plans attached as part of the petition.

2. The Final Engineering plans shall be submitted in a manner acceptable to the Village.

3. Should a need arise for off-street parking on the site due to one of the following conditions:

a. Park programming (including programming by the Park District or by another entity that has rented/reserved space from the Park District); or

b. On-street parking becomes a nuisance or hazardous; the Park District will construct an off-street parking lot on the site, the size of which will be determined by the Village and Park District, based upon the established parking demand.

4. Any directional or incidental signage added to the site shall be reviewed administratively by staff

Com. Richards seconded the motion.

Chairperson spoke in favor of the motion.

Com. Worlikar expressed his desire for more outreach by the Park District.



AYES: Moodhe, Spunt, Cesario, Khan, Weinstein, Au, Richards, Worlikar, Davis

Regular Meeting

Other Matters for Discussion

Approval of Minutes

1. Planning and Zoning Commission - Regular Meeting - Feb 1, 2023 7:30 PM


AYES: Moodhe, Spunt, Cesario, Khan, Weinstein, Au, Richards, Worlikar, Davis

Chairman's Report

Chairperson Cesario spoke about his move from the PZC to the Village Board as a Trustee. Committee and Liaison Reports

The liaison provided their report from the last Village Board meeting.

Staff Report/Future Agenda Schedule

Purvis provided a preview of items that will be on the future agenda schedule.

Public Comments and Questions


The meeting was adjourned at 8:59 PM
