
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Elgin City Council Committee of the Whole met April 26

City of Elgin City Council Committee of the Whole met April 26

Here is the agenda provided by the committee: 

Call to Order

Roll Call

Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings – April 12, 2023

Items also on Council Agenda

A. Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City of Elgin and the Illinois Department of Transportation for Costs Associated with Various Improvements at Illinois Route 31 and US Route 20 and Authorization of Conveyance of Right-of-Way ($2,440,862) Objective: Improve and upgrade city-owned facilities near the intersection of Illinois Route 31 and US Route 20 in conjunction with the Illinois Department of Transportation US Route 20 at Illinois Route 31 bridge replacement, channelization and ADA Improvements project. 

Initiatives and Other Items

B. Poplar Creek Flood Mitigation Master Plan (No Cost)

Objective: Conduct preliminary engineering to define the feasibility and costs for preparing grant applications for “Poplar Creek Master Plan” floodplain mitigations.

C. Agreement with Mad Bombers Fireworks Production for the 2023 Fourth of July Fireworks Event ($48,000)

Objective: Provide Fourth of July fireworks display for Elgin residents and visitors for the the annual Fourth of July event.

D. Agreement with Mad Bombers Fireworks Production for the 2023 “Canta con Orgullo” (“Sing with Pride”) Event ($42,500)

Objective: Provide fireworks display for Elgin residents and visitors during the “Canta con Orgullo” event.

E. Approval of Master Agreement with the Mutual Box Alarm System (MABAS) (No Cost) 

Objective:. Comply with the Mutual Box Alarm System’s (MABAS) requirement to have and be part of a master agreement for mutal aid within Illinois.

F. Public Roadway Expansion Easement from Commonwealth Edison Company to Widen and Improve the Shales Parkway and Sheldon Drive Intersection (No Cost)

Objective: Execute a public roadway expansion easement enabling the developer of the new industrial building at 1451 Sheldon Drive to widen and make other required improvements to the intersection of Shales Parkway and Sheldon Drive.

G. Economic Development Grant for the Haight at 166 Symphony Way ($35,455)

Objective: Provide financial assistance toward the replacement of an antiquated elevator at a downtown business.

H. Amend the City’s Liquor Code to Add a License Classification for Brew Pubs (No Cost)

Objective: Add a brew pub/microbrewery liquor license classification as an additional alternative liquor license.

Announcements from Council

Announcements from Staff

