
North Cook News

Monday, March 31, 2025

Village of Streamwood President and Board of Trustees met Nov. 17

Village of Streamwood President and Board of Trustees met Nov. 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


President Roth called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.


Trustee William Harper Present

Trustee Mary Thon Present

Trustee Larry Schmidt Present

Trustee Rezwanul Haque Present

Trustee Michael Baumer Present

Trustee James Cecille Present

President Billie D. Roth Present

All those answering “present” were physically present at the meeting.



P-22-001 Commission Re-Appointment

President Roth requested concurrence to change the appointment of Erin Hokanson from an alternate member to a member of the Natural Resource Conservancy Commission. Her current term expires March 2023. Trustee Thon moved for approval. Trustee Haque seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the change to member.

P-22-002 Fire Department Life Saving Award

Presented to Firefighter/Paramedics Becker, Brendle, Johnson, Pabianczyk, and Schmauderer, Lt. Lively and Batallion Chief Schmidt from Sherman Hospital for their actions on October 19, 2022.

P-22-003 Fire Department Promotion/Swearing-in -- Fire Chief Michael L. Meyer


Trustee Baumer moved for a recess to allow for photos and refreshments. Trustee Schmidt seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the recess. The Village Board recessed their meeting at 7:18 p.m.


The Village Board reconvened their meeting at 7:43 p.m.


Trustee William Harper Present

Trustee Mary Thon Present

Trustee Larry Schmidt Present

Trustee Rezwanul Haque Present

Trustee Michael Baumer Present

Trustee James Cecille Present

President Billie D. Roth Present

All those answering “present” were physically present at the meeting.


Village Manager Sharon Caddigan recognized the retirement of Fire Chief Christopher Clark after 31 years with the Village Fire Department.


Request the Board approve the November 17, 2022 Agenda as presented. Trustee Cecille moved for approval. Trustee Haque seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the Agenda as presented.


Request the Board approve the Minutes of the Board Meeting of November 3, 2022 as presented. Trustee Harper moved for approval. Trustee Schmidt seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the Minutes as presented.

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT – Trustee Thon/Trustee Baumer

A-22-123 Ordinance – Special Use Permit - Bucky’s – 2 S. Sutton Road

Request the Board approve an Ordinance entitled “AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR THE SALE OF PACKAGED ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES IN A C-2 COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LOCATED AT 2 S. SUTTON ROAD.” This Ordinance approves a Special Use Permit to allow for the sale of packaged alcohol at Bucky’s Mobil at 2 S. Sutton Road.

Trustee Thon presented the Ordinance for second reading and moved for approval. Trustee Schmidt seconded the motion.


Trustee Harper Aye

Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Schmidt Aye

Trustee Haque Aye

Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye

Motion carried. ORDINANCE 2022-31

A-22-124 Ordinance – Special Use – Barrington Genesis Auto Repair - 1539 Burgundy Parkway

Request the Board approve an Ordinance entitled “AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR AN AUTOMOBILE REPAIR BUSINESS IN AN I-1 OFFICE, RESEARCH AND RESTRICTED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT LOCATED AT 1539 BURGUNDY PARKWAY.” This Ordinance approves a Special Use Permit for an automobile repair business known as Barrington Genesis Auto Repair at 1539 Burgundy Parkway.

Trustee Thon presented the Ordinance for second reading and moved for approval. Trustee Schmidt seconded the motion.


Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Schmidt Aye

Trustee Haque Aye

Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye

Trustee Harper Aye

Motion carried. ORDINANCE 2022-32

A-22-125 Ordinance – Planned Unit Development Modification - Portillo’s – 950 S. Barrington Road

Request the Board approve an Ordinance entitled “AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A TWELFTH AMENDMENT TO AN EXISTING PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE WESTVIEW SHOPPING CENTER.” This Ordinance approves a twelfth amendment to the Westview Shopping Center Planned Unit Development for site modifications to the Portillo’s at 950 S. Barrington Road.

Trustee Thon presented the Ordinance for second reading and moved for approval. Trustee Cecille seconded the motion.


Trustee Schmidt Aye

Trustee Haque Aye

Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye

Trustee Harper Aye

Trustee Thon Aye

Motion carried. ORDINANCE 2022-33

LEGISLATIVE – Trustee Haque/Trustee Schmidt

A-22-127 Ordinance – Adjusting Class P Liquor Licenses Number – Bucky’s/Casey’s 2 S. Sutton Road

Request the Board approve an Ordinance entitled “AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3-4-8 ENTITLED “LICENSE CLASSIFICATIONS, FEES, NUMBER ISSUED” OF CHAPTER 4 ENTITLED “ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR DEALERS” OF TITLE 3 ENTITLED “BUSINESS AND LICENSE REGULATIONS,” OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE OF STREAMWOOD.” This Ordinance adjusts the number of Class P liquor licenses from 1 to 2 to match the number of licenses outstanding in the Village.

Trustee Haque presented the Ordinance for second reading and moved for approval. Trustee Thon seconded the motion.


Trustee Haque Aye

Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye

Trustee Harper Aye

Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Schmidt Aye

Motion carried. ORDINANCE 2022-34

A-22-131 Ordinance – Approval of 2022 Property Tax Levy

Request the Board approve an Ordinance entitled “AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING THE TAXES OF THE VILLAGE OF STREAMWOOD FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING ON JANUARY 1, 2022 AND ENDING ON DECEMBER 31, 2022.” This Ordinance levies $13,181,899 in property taxes for general government debt service, and pension purposes, which represents a 0% increase in the tax levy from the 2021 tax extension. A public hearing was held on November 17, 2022 to thoroughly review the levy.

Trustee Haque presented the Ordinance for first reading and posting.

Finance Director Josh Peacock noted the estimated tax amount presented in October has not changed. The Village’s portion of the property tax bill is approximately 13% of the total amount billed.

A-22-132 Ordinance – Approval of 2022 Special Service Area Tax Levy

Request the Board approve an Ordinance entitled " AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF TAXES FOR THE MUNICIPAL PURPOSES OF SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER ONE, SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER TWO, SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER FOUR, SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER FIVE, SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER SIX, SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER SEVEN, SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER EIGHT, SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER NINE, SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER TEN, SPECIAL AREA NUMBER ELEVEN, SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER TWELVE, SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER THIRTEEN, SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER FOURTEEN, SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER FIFTEEN, SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER SIXTEEN, SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER SEVENTEEN, SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER EIGHTEEN, SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER NINETEEN, SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER TWENTY, SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER TWENTY-ONE, SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER TWENTY-TWO, SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER TWENTY-THREE, SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER TWENTY FOUR, SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER TWENTY-FIVE, SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER TWENTY-SIX, SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER TWENTY SEVEN, SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER TWENTY-EIGHT AND SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER TWENTY-NINE OF THE VILLAGE OF STREAMWOOD FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2022, AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2022.” This Ordinance levies a supplemental property tax of $180,362 for the twenty-eight Village Special Service Areas. Specifically, this ordinance levies $15,541 in SSA #1 for maintenance of wetland areas in the Meadows South subdivision; $6,452 in SSA #2 for the Oak Ridge Trails subdivision; $10,573 in SSA #4 for the Little Creek subdivision; $5,740 in SSA #5 for the Prospect Place subdivision; $9,463 in SSA #6 for the Cross Creek subdivision; $8,771 in SSA #7 for the Sherwood Forest Subdivision; $3,025 in SSA #8 for the Jacobs Farm subdivision; $7,443 in SSA #9 for the Emerald Hills Subdivision; $7,558 in SSA #10 for the Lakewood Streams Subdivision; $5,608 in SSA #11 for the Prairie Point subdivision; $2,283 in SSA #12 for the Hidden Glen subdivision; $10,866 in SSA #13 for the Willow Pond subdivision; $9,007 in SSA #14 for the Sterling Oaks I subdivision; $2,884 in SSA #15 for the Suncrest subdivision; $4,502 in SSA #16 for the Suncrest West subdivision; $4,534 in SSA #17 for the Phoenix Lake Business Park; $17,744 in SSA #18 for the Sterling Oaks 2 subdivision, $753 in SSA #19 for the Suncrest North subdivision; $1,514 in SSA #20 for the Suncrest 2 subdivision; $2,835 in SSA #21 for the Marquette Woods subdivision; $3,036 in SSA #22 for the Sutton Park Shopping Center; $1,350 in SSA #23 for the Moraine Woods subdivision; $13,972 in SSA #24 for the Buckingham Woods subdivision; $11,803 in SSA #25 for the Forest Ridge subdivision; $3,161 in SSA #26 for the Rolling Hills I subdivision; $1,957 in SSA #27 for the Rolling Hills II subdivision; $2,177 in SSA #28 for the Remington Ridge subdivision; and $5,810 in SSA #29 for the Villas of Cambridge subdivision. A public hearing was held November 17, 2022 to thoroughly review the levy.

Trustee Haque presented the Ordinance for first reading and posting.

Finance Director Josh Peacock noted the 28 active Special Services Areas and the amounts to be assessed against only the property parcels in each of the specific Areas which are used for maintenance of the wetland/wooded areas within each subdivision.

FINANCE - Trustee Baumer/Trustee Thon

A-22-133 Motion – Approval of Semi-Monthly Expenditures

Request the Board approve the semi-monthly expenditures in the amount of $2,693,244.32 which represents the total of the schedule of bills dated November 17, 2022.

General Fund $ 563,428.13

Motor Fuel Tax Fund 78,716.99

Wetland Special Service Areas 5,005.52

Special Tax Allocation Fund 1,178.21

Debt Service Fund 973,775.00

Capital Replacement Fund 559.51

Street Improvement Fund 89,837.71

Equipment Replacement Fund 170,913.43

Facilities Replacement Fund 234,998.05

Water and Sewer Fund 544,955.05

Streamwood Oaks Golf Fund 28,676.72

Firefighters Pension Fund 1,200.00

Total $2,693,244.32

Trustee Baumer moved for approval of the semi-monthly expenditures as presented. Trustee Haque seconded the motion. Finance Director Josh Peacock noted the annual payment for the outstanding bond issue.


Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye

Trustee Harper Aye

Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Schmidt Aye

Trustee Haque Aye

Motion carried.

A-22-134 Ordinance – Approval of 2023 Operating and Capital Budget

Request the Board approve an Ordinance entitled “AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE 2023 OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS BUDGET FOR THE VILLAGE OF STREAMWOOD, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS.” This Ordinance approves the Village's 2023 Operating and Capital Improvements Budget. The Village Board held a series of public workshop sessions, and a public hearing was held on November 17, 2022, to thoroughly review the spending plan.

Trustee Baumer presented the Ordinance for first reading and posting.

Finance Director Josh Peacock noted this is a balanced budget that maintains all current levels of service in the Village. Revenues are stable and strong, and Streamwood will end 2022 in the “black.” Water rates have been frozen since 2019 and will remain flat through 2023. Approximately 80% of the budget is dedicated to the Fire, Police and Public Works Departments. This budget includes a recommended transfer from General Fund reserves of $4.5 million; $250,000 to Capital Improvement Fund, $500,000 to Equipment Replacement Fund, and $3,750,000 to Facilities Replacement Fund. The Small Business Development Grant Program will be expanded using funds from Video Gaming revenues. New capital projects include Phase 1 engineering for the improvement of Kollar Pond.

PUBLIC WORKS – Trustee Harper/Trustee Cecille

A-22-135 Motion – Road Salt Purchase – Lowest Bid

Request the Board approve a Motion for the purchase of road salt for the 2022-2023 winter season from Compass Minerals America Inc. Overland Park, KS at a cost of $83.48 per ton delivered.

Trustee Harper presented the Motion and moved for approval. Trustee Cecille seconded the motion. Public Works Director Matt Mann stated this is the state contract low bid for salt. Prices are up due to inflation and fuel costs. Mr. Mann estimates the purchase of 3,300 tons with the actual cost based on actual purchase.


Trustee Cecille Aye

Trustee Harper Aye

Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Schmidt Aye

Trustee Haque Aye

Trustee Baumer Aye

Motion carried.

A-22-136 Resolution – Intergovernmental Agreement with IDOT – Supplemental Engineering

Request the Board approve a Resolution entitled “A RESOLUTION APPROVING A FIRST AMENDMENT TO AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF ILLINOIS AND THE VILLAGE OF STREAMWOOD FOR THE IRVING PARK ROAD (IL 19) WIDENING WEST OF ROUTE 59 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT.” This Resolution approves an amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois for the Irving Park Road widening west of Route 59.

Trustee Harper presented the Resolution and moved for approval. Trustee Schmidt seconded the motion. Public Works Director Matt Mann stated this is an amendment to the existing IGA with the state for the improvements west of Route 59 on Irving Park Road. This will cover the additional engineering costs for the additional design of the multi-use path and retaining walls on the north side of the roadway which will help to avoid additional right-of-way acquisition. Cost are estimated at $118,000 and the state will reimburse the Village for these costs.


Trustee Harper Aye

Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Schmidt Aye

Trustee Haque Aye

Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye

Motion carried. RESOLUTION 2022-62

A-22-137 Resolution – Professional Services for Supplemental Engineering – HR Green

Request the Board approve a Resolution entitled “A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A SUPPLEMENTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR FEDERAL AID URBAN ROUTE FUNDS WITH HR GREEN, INC. TO PROVIDE PHASE 2 ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE IRVING PARK ROAD (IL ROUTE 19) WIDENING PROJECT WEST OF IL ROUTE 59.” This Resolution approves accepting a supplemental engineering services proposal from HR Green, Inc. for additional design (Phase 2) of the Irving Park Road widening improvements west of Route 59 at a cost not to exceed $117,926 which will be reimbursed by the State of Illinois.

Trustee Harper presented the Resolution and moved for approval. Trustee Schmidt seconded the motion. Public Works Director Matt Mann stated HR Green will providing the actual engineering design work for the Irving Park Road widening west of Route 59. The cost of $118,000 will be reimbursed by the state per the Resolution approved earlier.


Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Schmidt Aye

Trustee Haque Aye

Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye

Trustee Harper Aye

Motion carried. RESOLUTION 2022-63

COMMUNITY AFFAIRS – Trustee Cecille/Trustee Haque

A-22-138 Resolution – Approval of Village 2023 Meeting Calendar

Request the Board approve a Resolution entitled “A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE VILLAGE OF STREAMWOOD 2023 MEETING AND HOLIDAY CALENDAR.” This Resolution adopts the 2023 Calendar for Village meetings and holidays.

Trustee Cecille presented the Resolution and moved for approval. Trustee Baumer seconded the motion.


Trustee Schmidt Aye

Trustee Haque Aye

Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye

Trustee Harper Aye

Trustee Thon Aye

Motion carried. RESOLUTION 2022-64

PUBLIC SAFETY – Trustee Schmidt/Trustee Harper

A-22-139 Ordinance – Disposal of Surplus


STREAMWOOD.” This Ordinance approves the disposal of real property owned by the Village.

Trustee Schmidt presented the Ordinance for first reading and posting.

Village Manager Sharon Caddigan noted this surplus list has three vehicles and furnishings from the Police records department which is being renovated. These items will be disposed or sold.

I-22-001 Info Item – Thanksgiving Safety Campaign and Village Office Closures

The Streamwood Police Department is joining with the Illinois Department of Transportation and Illinois State Police to remind motorists to “Click It or Ticket” throughout the Thanksgiving holiday. Village Offices will be closed Thursday, November 24 and Friday, November 25 for the Thanksgiving holiday.



Trustee Cecille moved to adjourn. Trustee Haque seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the adjournment. The Village Board adjourned their meeting at 8:18 p.m.