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Monday, December 23, 2024

City of Prospect Heights Mayor and City Council met Sept. 28

City of Prospect Heights Mayor and City Council met Sept. 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL - At 6:30 PM, Acting Mayor Dolick called to order the Regular Hybrid City Council Meeting at City Hall, 8 North Elmhurst Road, Prospect Heights, IL 60070. Deputy Clerk Schultheis read the preamble to the meeting. Deputy Clerk Schultheis called roll. A quorum was present. 

ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT - Acting Mayor Alderman Ward 5 Dolick, Treasurer Tibbits, Aldermen - Dash, Cameron, Morgan-Adams, Ludvigsen 

ABSENT - City Clerk Prisiajniouk (by previous notification) 

OTHER OFFICIALS PRESENT – City Administrator Wade, Assistant City Administrator Falcone, Deputy Clerk Schultheis, Digital Communications Technician Colvin, Department of Building and Development Director Peterson, Public Works Director Roscoe, Attorneys Willits and ODriscoll, Police Chief Caponigro, Finance Director Graefen

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Led by Police Corporal Pardeep Deol


A. September 12, 2022 City Council Workshop Meeting Minutes 

B. September 21, 2022 Joint CEA/Wheeling/Prospect Heights Workshop Minutes - Alderman Dash moved for an omnibus approval of the September 12, 2022 Regular City Council Hybrid Workshop Meeting Minutes and the September 21, 2022 Joint CEA/Wheeling/Prospect Heights Workshop Minutes; seconded by Alderman Morgan-Adams. There was unanimous approval. 


Ayes - Cameron, Ludvigsen, Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick

Nays - None 

Absent - None

Motion carried 5-0


Presentation of Police Awards by Police Chief William Caponigro - Chief Caponigro and Deputy Chief Derman presented awards to officers for the following:

Unit Citation - Detective Sergeant Lange, Corporal Deol, Detective Zitkus, Officers Farina, Savas - July 18, 2022 apprehended a person with an illegal weapon as the gun crime was in progress. Gang members at Willow Park were in the park, and one was carrying a loaded Glock pistol. The above sited officers were able to ID the person with the gun, as well as eight other gang members. They diffused the situation and charged a juvenile with no shots fired.

Unit Citation - Officer Garza July 18, 2022 on East Old Willow, Officer Garza used her expertise as a DUI officer, and stopped a speeding vehicle. She noticed that the driver's eyes were dilated and determined that he was intoxicated on drugs. He was in possession of 2.5 grams of cocaine, and he had consumed Adderall. The drugs were seized.

Honorable Mention - Crime Prevention - Corporal Deol. Officers Blanco, Coglianese. Loehrer, Garza – For multiple acts of community service and participation in community events including but not limited to Youth Outreach, the Park District Block Party, the Tree Lighting Ceremony, the Thanksgiving Drive, etc. These officers worked on their own time, and without the assistance of an event coordinator.

Life Saving Award – Corporal Deol, Officer Garza - June 4, 2022, a male subject had no pulse. Officers performed CPR, and administered a dose of Narcan. The victim was revived.

Life Saving Award – Officer Cierniak – May 11, 2022 The victim had OD'ed on heroin, and Officer Cierniak administered two doses of Narcan, as well performing CPR. The victim was revived.

Life Saving Award - Officers Blanco, Loehrer - February 27, 2022 an unconscious male had overdosed on heroin. The officers administered two doses of Narcan, and the victim survived.

Life Saving Award -- Officer Blanco - On August 14, 2022, in the Motel 6 parking lot, a female had overdosed on heroin and was not breathing. Officer Blanco administered two doses of Narcan, and she was revived.

Life Saving Award - Officer Loehrer – on April 11, 2022 the officer administered two doses of Narcan to an unresponsive male and used CPR to revive him

AAIM (Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists) Award – Officers Sigsworth and Cierniak - AAIM has recognized the two officers for their DUI enforcement.

Acting Mayor Dolick congratulated the officers and recognized the two members of the Fire Police Commission in the audience - Chairman Hoffman and Commissioner Riebman.

B. Informational Presentation by Prospect Heights Park District Regarding Bond Referendum for the Replacement of the Gary Morava Center, New Aquatic Center and Sundry Improvements - Park District Executive Director Christina Ferraro addressed the Council and Staff regarding the upcoming Bond referendum. She said that the ballot question November 8th will be for a $30 million bond. The money is to replace the Gary Morava Center, a new aquatic center and sundry improvements. She said that there has been a reoccurring theme has been that the Park District needs to update the recreation center. It is now 46 years old and only has a lifespan of 50 years. The last pool time the pool was updated was in 1996. It is also at the end of its lifespan. More amenities need to be added. There have been issues with the tennis court because of the subsurface cracking and high water table. There has also been requests for pickleball courts. If Lions Park can be updated, the Park District can double the size of the current parking lot. The administrative house can be knocked down and the Administration moved into the new recreation center. This would allow the playground to be moved adjacent to the building. A garage would be built on the property to the north for the Park Department staff, equipment and buses. If the referendum is successful, there will be a suspended walking track over the basketball court. Right now, there is one gym with no air conditioning and foundation problems. So, a second gym would be built. There would be two full-sized fitness rooms.

There would be family changing stations, The pool would have a second water slide, and a separate pool entry.

The Park District has received feedback from their public discussions. There has also been HOA meetings, social media coverage. The feedback has been mostly positive. They will be speaking with the residents and condo associations through October.

If the referendum passes, a house with an assessment of $200,000 would pay an extra $25 per month. There is also a tax calculator of on the Park website.

She said that the project needs to be done together as the Rec center will be $18 million and the Pool will be $7 million, or it will need to have two referenda. The Park District only gets $2.2 million dollars per year in property taxes; $225,000 for capital. There is not enough money to make the kind of comprehensive improvements needed. The Park District is also seeking grant money for these projects. If the referendum fails then the projects will be put on hold. If the referendum is successful in November, them 2023 will be the design phase, and all the permits will be gotten. It would take about 24 months to complete. The expected opening date would be Fall, 2025.

Director Ferraro noted that the Park District's boundaries are not the same as the City's. The Park District also incorporates parts of Arlington Heights, Wheeling, Mount Prospect and Prospect Heights. Alderman Cameron - asked if there would be picnic areas. Director Ferraro said that they would be by the tennis court. There will be a shelter by the playground. She noted that the ideas were still in the conceptual; stage. Alderman Cameron asked if the price would increase as this project would take place over years. Director Ferraro said that the prices could increase and some improvements might have to be scaled back if that happened.





A. O-22-25 Staff Memo and Ordinance Updating Title 12: Fines and Fees Schedule to Include Recently passed Ordinance Changes (2nd Reading) – Alderman Ludvigsen moved to approve O 22-25 Staff Memo and Ordinance Updating Title 12: Fines and Fees Schedule to Include Recently passed Ordinance Changes; seconded by Alderman Morgan-Adams. There was unanimous approval. 


Ayes - Ludvigsen, Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick, Cameron

Nays - None Absent - None

Motion carried 5 - 0

B. O-22-26 Staff Memo and Ordinance Establishing a Local Motor Fuel Tax in the City of Prospect Heights, Cook County, Illinois (2nd Reading) – the Aldermen were surveyed. Alderman Cameron was in favor of a 2¢ per gallon tax, Alderman Ludvigsen asked the Finance Director how many funds the City had lost by not having the full amount of the local government distributive fund. He noted that this tax would help make up for the revenue that was lost. Alderman Dash is in favor of 24, Alderman Morgan-Adams is in favor of 2¢, and Acting Mayor Dolick is in favor of 2¢. Alderman Dash moved to approve 0-22-26 Staff Memo and Ordinance Establishing a Local Motor Fuel Tax in the City of Prospect Heights of two-cents per gallon, Cook County, Illinois; seconded by Alderman Ludvigsen. There was unanimous approval. 


Ayes - Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick, Cameron, Ludvigsen

Nays - None 

Absent - None

Motion carried 5 - 0


A. Request by Corporation Counsel for First Reading Waiver 0-22-27 Staff Memo and Ordinance Terminating the Designation of the Palatine Road Redevelopment Project Area, as Created by City of Prospect Heights Ordinance Nos. 0-98-06, and 0-98-07, and 0-98-08 Adopted January 22, 1998, as a Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project Area and Dissolving the Palatine Road Redevelopment Project Area Special Tax Increment Allocation Fund by the City of Prospect Heights, Cook County, Illinois (1st Reading) - - City Administrator Wade said that the TIF is at the end of its 23 year life, and moneys can now be distributed back to the taxing entities. There is $800,000 in the fund. Alderman Dash moved for waiver of first read for 0-22-27 Staff Memo and Ordinance Terminating the Designation of the Palatine Road Redevelopment Project Area, as Created by City of Prospect Heights Ordinance Nos. 0-98-06, and 0-98-07, and 0-98-08 Adopted January 22, 1998, as a Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project Area and Dissolving the Palatine Road Redevelopment Project Area Special Tax Increment Allocation Fund by the City of Prospect Heights, Cook County, Illinois; seconded by Alderman Ludvigsen. There was unanimous approval. 


Ayes - Dash, Dolick, Cameron, Ludvigsen, Morgan-Adams

Nays - None 

Absent - None

Motion carried 5 - 0

B.O-22-27 Staff Memo and Ordinance Terminating the Designation of the Palatine Road Redevelopment Project Area, as Created by City of Prospect Heights Ordinance Nos. 0-98-06, and 0-98-07, and 0-98-08 Adopted January 22, 1998, as a Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project Area and Dissolving the Palatine Road Redevelopment Project Area Special Tax Increment Allocation Fund by the City of Prospect Heights, Cook County, Illinois (2nd Reading). - Alderman Ludvigsen moved to Approve 0-22-27 Staff Memo and Ordinance Terminating the Designation of the Palatine Road Redevelopment Project Area, as Created by City of Prospect Heights Ordinance Nos. 0-98-06, and 0-98-07, and 0-98-08 Adopted January 22, 1998, as a Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project Area and Dissolving the Palatine Road Redevelopment Project Area Special Tax Increment Allocation Fund by the City of Prospect Heights, Cook County, Illinois; seconded by Alderman Dash. There was unanimous approval. 


Ayes - Dolick, Cameron, Ludvigsen, Morgan-Adams, Dash

Nays - None 

Absent - None

Motion carried 5-0

C. Request by Corporation Counsel for First Reading Waiver 0-22-28 Staff Memo and Ordinance Deeming Certain Funds in the Milwaukee Avenue/Palatine Road Redevelopment Project Area, as "Surplus" Funds, and Directing the Payment and Distribution Thereof by the City of Prospect Heights, Cook County, Illinois (1st Reading) - Alderman Morgan-Adams moved to waive first Reading of Staff Memo and Ordinance Deeming Certain Funds in the Milwaukee Avenue/Palatine Road Redevelopment Project Area, as "Surplus” Funds, and Directing the Payment and Distribution Thereof by the City of Prospect Heights, Cook County, Illinois; seconded by Alderman Dash. City Administrator Wade noted that this process is mandated by law. There was unanimous approval. 


Ayes - Cameron, Ludvigsen, Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick

Nays - None 

Absent - None

Motion carried 5 - 0

D. O-22-28 Staff Memo and Ordinance Deeming Certain Funds in the Milwaukee Avenue/Palatine Road Redevelopment Project Area, as "Surplus” Funds, and Directing the Payment and Distribution Thereof by the City of Prospect Heights, Cook County, Illinois (2nd Reading) – Alderman Ludvigsen moved to approve 0-22-28 Staff Memo and Ordinance Deeming Certain Funds in the Milwaukee Avenue/Palatine Road Redevelopment Project Area, as “Surplus" Funds, and Directing the Payment and Distribution Thereof by the City of Prospect Heights, Cook County, Illinois; seconded by Alderman Dash. There was unanimous approval. 


Ayes - Ludvigsen, Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick, Cameron

Nays - None 

Absent - None

Motion carried 5-0


A. August Financial Report Presented by Finance Director Cheri Graefen - said that the City is on target with its budget expenses and revenue. She noted that income tax, places for eating tax and hotel taxes are up. Alderman Morgan-Adams – Ward 3 - wished everyone a Happy New Year (Rosh Hashanah). She thanked City Administrator Wade and Assistant City Administrator Falcone, and Chief Caponigro for their assistance with legislative issues. She said that the Northwest Municipal Conference Legislative Committee has identified three major areas:

The Drone Surveillance Act – for being too restrictive. They would like to see it amended so that the Police can fly drones over large public community events.

• Restore the Local Government Distributive Fund to protect municipal revenues. It has been reduced from 10% to 6%. The hope it up to 8% this assembly year.

• The Safety Act – there are many proposed legislative issues that need to be reviewed. Assistant City Administrator Falcone said that once they receive more information for Alderman Morgan-Adams, he will put together a memo that will be distributed to the Council members. If approved, it will be proposed to the NWMC. Public Works Director Roscoe - Noted that hydrant flushing is completed.

Public Works and Engineering have been in discussion with River Trails Park District regarding the Willow Trails Park. Work is being done on a rejuvenation plan. It is a very active park that has been deteriorating. They are looking at starting on new playground equipment in the Spring. - Arlington Countryside is moving along. There is still supply shortage regarding the pump. Police Chief Caponigro – said that the Police Department has three officers in training, and expects to be at full staff within two months.


A. Review of City Liquor Licenses - Alderman Ludvigsen will be working with Staff to conduct this review.

No action was taken 


Deputy Clerk Schultheis read the warrants. Alderman Ludvigsen moved to approve the Warrants as presented; seconded by Alderman Cameron to include a TOTAL of $1,063,938.49; 09/09/2022 Payroll of $165,246.34; 09/22/2022 Police Pension Funding of $117,355.09; and a TOTAL WARRANT of $1,346,539.92. There was unanimous approval. 


Ayes - Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick, Cameron, Ludvigsen

Nays - None 

Absent - None

Motion carried 5-0




ADJOURNMENT – At 7:30 PM, Alderman Dash moved to Adjourn; seconded by Alderman Cameron. There was unanimous approval. 


All Ayes, No Nays

Motion carried 5-0




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