
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Streamwood President and Board of Trustees met Oct. 6

Village of Streamwood President and Board of Trustees met Oct. 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


President Roth called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm.


Trustee William Harper Present 

Trustee Mary Thon Present 

Trustee Larry Schmidt Absent 

Trustee Rezwanul Haque Present 

Trustee Michael Baumer Present 

Trustee James Cecille Present 

President Billie D. Roth Present

All those answering “present” were physically present at the meeting.



P-22-001 Kiwanis Check Presentation

Sandy Stewart and Terri Johnson, Streamwood Kiwanis, presented a $500 check to the police and fire departments for their Child Safety Seat program

P-22-002 Fire Department Swearing In – Firefighter/Paramedic Scott Moens 


Trustee Thon moved for a short recess to allow for photos. Trustee Haque seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the recess. The Village Board recessed their meeting at 7:09 p.m.


The Village Board reconvened their meeting at 7:22 p.m.


Trustee William Harper Present 

Trustee Mary Thon Present 

Trustee Larry Schmidt Absent 

Trustee Rezwanul Haque Present 

Trustee Michael Baumer Present 

Trustee James Cecille Present 

President Billie D. Roth Present

All those answering “present” were physically present at the meeting.


Village Manager Sharon Caddigan stated the ongoing construction at Bartlett Road and Irving Park Road currently prohibits left turns from Bartlett Road as it is reduced to one lane in each direction. Plote Construction, the contractor, is working to restore a second lane as soon as possible.

Ms. Caddigan noted the Chipotle restaurant at 510 South Sutton Road opened on September 30th.


Request the Board approve the October 6, 2022 Agenda as presented. Trustee Harper moved for approval. Trustee Haque seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the Agenda as presented.


Request the Board approve the Minutes of the Board Meeting of September 15, 2022, and the Minutes of the Board Workshop of September 22, 2022 as presented. Trustee Cecille moved for approval. Trustee Haque seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the Minutes as presented.

COMMUNITY AFFAIRS – Trustee Cecille/Trustee Haque 

A-22-113 Resolution – Streamwood Oaks Golf Club – Links Management

Request the Board approve a Resolution entitled “A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE ON BEHALF OF THE VILLAGE, AND AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE CLERK TO ATTEST TO, A CERTAIN FIVE-YEAR MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WITH T&D INVESTMENTS II LLC, D/B/A LINKS MANAGEMENT.” This Resolution authorizes a 5-year agreement with Links Management to perform services as Professional Golf Course Managers at Streamwood Oaks Golf Club.

Trustee Cecille presented the Resolution and moved for approval. Trustee Baumer seconded the motion. Tom Schneider, Links Management, stated they have been very pleased working with the Village for the past 25 years. Finance Director Josh Peacock stated the agreement is for a five-year term, with no changes to the contractual fees. ROLL CALL:

Trustee Harper Aye 

Trustee Thon Aye 

Trustee Schmidt Absent 

Trustee Haque Aye 

Trustee Baumer Aye 

Trustee Cecille Aye

Motion carried. RESOLUTION 2022-53

A-22-114 Resolution – Health Inspections – Intergovernmental Agreement with Cook County

Request the Board approve a Resolution entitled “A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE ON BEHALF OF THE VILLAGE OF STREAMWOOD AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH COOK COUNTY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICES.” This Resolution authorizes an intergovernmental agreement with Cook County Department of Public Health for health inspection services for 2023.

Trustee Cecille presented the Resolution and moved for approval. Trustee Haque seconded the motion. Community Development Director Jeff Harris stated the Village has contracted with Cook County for mover 35 years for health inspection services. There are approximately 130 food service or sales establishments that require twice yearly health inspections. The cost for each inspection is $100; we charge $110 added to the business license. There is no increase in these costs for 2023. Trustee Cecille confirmed that any licensed food trucks are also subject to these inspections. ROLL CALL:

Trustee Thon Aye 

Trustee Schmidt Absent 

Trustee Haque Aye 

Trustee Baumer Aye 

Trustee Cecille Aye 

Trustee Harper Aye

Motion carried. RESOLUTION 2022-54

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT – Trustee Thon/Trustee Baumer 

A-22-115 Ordinance – Special Use – Electronic Message Center – BP at 1236 E. Irving Park Road

Request the Board approve an Ordinance entitled “AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR THE USE OF AN ELECTRONIC MESSAGE CENTER SIGN AND VARIANCES IN A C-2 COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LOCATED AT 1236 E. IRVING PARK ROAD.” This Ordinance approves a special use permit to allow an electronic message center sign with variances to increase the maximum allowable area of the sign and decrease the required arterial street frontage.

Trustee Thon presented the Ordinance for first reading. Community Development Director Jeff Harris reviewed the request for adding an electronic message board to the existing sign for the gas station/convenience store. This requires a variance as it increases the total sign from 32 square feet to 42 square feet. The Code requires placement for an electronic sign have 300 linear feet of roadway; this property is a corner lot and has 244 feet along Irving Park Road. The Planning and Zoning Board heard this petition and recommended in favor of the special use. Staff concurs. Petitioner Dipen Patel, and Attorney Mike Kelly, were present for questions. Attorney Kelly asked if the Board would consider waiving the first reading.

Trustee Thon moved to waive the first reading for this Ordinance. Trustee Cecille seconded the motion. A voice vote approved waiving the first reading. Trustee Thon moved for approval of the Ordinance as presented. Trustee Harper seconded the motion. ROLL CALL:

Trustee Haque Aye 

Trustee Baumer Aye 

Trustee Cecille Aye 

Trustee Harper Aye 

Trustee Thon Aye 

Trustee Schmidt Absent

Motion carried. ORDINANCE 2022-28

PUBLIC WORKS – Trustee Harper/Trustee Cecille 

A-22-116 Resolution – Cell Tower Lease Amendment – 409 E. North Avenue

Request the Board approve a Resolution entitled “A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE ON BEHALF OF THE VILLAGE OF STREAMWOOD AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE PCS SITE AGREEMENT WITH SPRINTCOM LLC.” This Resolution approves an amendment to an existing cell tower lease with T-Mobile for the water tower located at 409 E. North Avenue.

Trustee Harper presented the Resolution and moved for approval. Trustee Cecille seconded the motion. Attorney Adam Durkin stated this is an extension for existing agreement with T-Mobile which was set to expire in February 2023. This amendment extends the lease for four (4) additional five-year terms. Each renewal term has a 20% increase over the previous term. ROLL CALL:

Trustee Baumer Aye 

Trustee Cecille Aye 

Trustee Harper Aye 

Trustee Thon Aye 

Trustee Schmidt Absent 

Trustee Haque Aye

Motion carried. RESOLUTION 2022-55

LEGISLATIVE – Trustee Haque/Trustee Schmidt 

A-22-110 Ordinance – Liquor License Classifications – Amending the Number of Class “B” and  Class “P” Licenses Issued

Request the Board approve an Ordinance entitled “AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3-4-8 ENTITLED “LICENSE CLASSIFICATIONS, FEES, NUMBER ISSUED” OF CHAPTER 4 ENTITLED “ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR DEALERS” OF TITLE 3 ENTITLED “BUSINESS AND LICENSE REGULATIONS,” OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE OF STREAMWOOD.” This Ordinance reduces the number of Class “B” liquor licenses to eleven (11) and adjusts the number of Class “P” liquor licenses to one (1) to concur with the number of licenses issued.

Trustee Haque presented the Ordinance for second reading and moved for approval. Trustee Thon seconded the motion. ROLL CALL:

Trustee Cecille Aye 

Trustee Harper Aye 

Trustee Thon Aye 

Trustee Schmidt Absent 

Trustee Haque Aye 

Trustee Baumer Aye

Motion carried. ORDINANCE 2022-29

FINANCE - Trustee Baumer/Trustee Thon 

A-22-117 Motion – Approval of Semi-Monthly Expenditures

Request the Board approve the semi-monthly expenditures in the amount of $533,518.21 which represents the total of the schedule of bills dated October 6, 2022.

General Fund $ 229,946.75

Motor Fuel Tax Fund 120,936.68

Wetland Special Service Areas 19,729.08

Special Tax Allocation Fund 3,699.08

Street Improvement Fund 70,495.56

Facilities Replacement Fund 29,938.48

Water and Sewer Fund 41,280.97

Streamwood Oaks Golf Fund 14,466.61

Police Pension Fund 2,500.00

Firefighters Pension Fund 525.00

Total $533,518.21

Trustee Baumer moved for approval of the semi-monthly expenditures as presented. Trustee Haque seconded the motion. ROLL CALL:

Trustee Harper Aye 

Trustee Thon Aye 

Trustee Schmidt Absent 

Trustee Haque Aye 

Trustee Baumer Aye 

Trustee Cecille Aye

Motion carried.

PUBLIC SAFETY – Trustee Schmidt/Trustee Harper 

A-22-112 Ordinance – Disposal of Surplus Property

Request the Board approve an Ordinance entitled “AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION, PRIVATE SALE, OR TRANSFER OF SURPLUS PERSONAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE VILLAGE OF STREAMWOOD.” This Ordinance approves the disposal of surplus Village property via sale by public auction, private sale, or transfer of property.

Trustee Harper presented the Ordinance for second reading and moved for approval. Trustee Thon seconded the motion. ROLL CALL:

Trustee Thon Aye 

Trustee Schmidt Absent 

Trustee Haque Aye 

Trustee Baumer Aye 

Trustee Cecille Aye 

Trustee Harper Aye

Motion carried. ORDINANCE 2022-30

I-22-001 Information Item – Fire Department Open House

In honor of the 100th anniversary of Fire Prevention Week, the Streamwood Fire Department will host its annual Fire Prevention Open House on Saturday, October 15. The event will be held at Fire Station #31, 1204 S. Park Ave. from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. In addition to station and equipment tours, there will be a high angle technical rescue, a simulated vehicle auto extraction, an opportunity to spray a real fire hose, fire safety information, hands-on fire extinguisher training and more for both children and adults. This year’s theme is “Fire won’t wait. Plan your escape.”



Trustee Baumer moved to adjourn. Trustee Cecille seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the adjournment. The Village Board adjourned their meeting at 7:40 p.m.
