
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Wheeling Liquor Control Commission met July 18

Village of Wheeling Liquor Control Commission met July 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

1. Call to Order at 6:30 p.m. 

2. Pledge of Allegiance 

3. Roll Call Led by Village Clerk Kathryn M. Brady 

Present: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Jim Ruffatto, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel 

4. Approval of Minutes 

Approval of Minutes for the Special Meeting of June 20, 2022 

Motion by Mary Papantos, second by Jim Ruffatto to approve Minutes as presented. 

Final Resolution: Motion Approved 

Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Mary Papantos, Jim Ruffatto, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel 

Abstain: Ray Lang 

Commissioner Lang abstained as he was not present at the meeting of June 20, 2022. 

5. Citizen Concerns and Comments - None 

6. New Business 

A. Consideration of a Request for a Class B Liquor License from AMG Restaurant Group LLC d/b/a Rise N Dine, an Existing Restaurant at 102 South Milwaukee Avenue 

Manager Sfondilis introduced the item and read the conditions for approval as follows: 

Motion to approve conditionally on 1) passage of an ordinance by the Board of Trustees authorizing the creation of a new Class B liquor license, 2) submittal of BASSET certificates for all applicable individuals, and 3) satisfactory background check results. 

There were no questions from the Commission. 

Motion by Dave Vogel, second by Mary Papantos to approve with conditions as read. 

Final Resolution: Motion Approved 

Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Jim Ruffatto, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel 

7. Adjournment 

Chairperson Horcher asked for a motion to adjourn. 

Motion by Jim Ruffatto, second by Mary Krueger. 

Final Resolution: Motion carried by Voice Vote, all ayes, the meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m. 
