
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Wheeling President and Board of Trustees met March 7

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Village of Wheeling President and Board of Trustees met March 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

1. Call to Order at 6:38 p.m.

2. Pledge of Allegiance - N/A

3. Roll Call - Clerk Brady called the roll:

Present: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Jim Ruffatto, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel

4. Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes for the Regular Meeting of February 7, 2022

Motion by Mary Papantos, second by Ray Lang to approve Minutes as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Approved

Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Jim Ruffatto, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel

5. Changes to the Agenda

Manager Sfondilis asked to remove items 13.F & 13.G from the agenda.

Motion by Jim Ruffatto, second by Mary Krueger.

Final Resolution: Motion Approved

Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Jim Ruffatto, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel

6. Proclamations

A. Proclamation: Social Work Month - March 2022

Clerk Brady read the Proclamation into the record.

B. Proclamation: National Athletic Training Month - March 2022

President Horcher recognized National Athletic Training Month.

7. Appointments and Confirmations - None

8. Administration of Oaths - N/A

9. Citizen Concerns and Comments - None

10. Staff Reports

Public Works Director Dan Kaup gave an update on the Wolf Road construction project.

11. Consent Agenda-All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Village Board and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered after all other Agenda items.

A. Ordinance 5479 Approving the Transfer of Volume Cap in Connection with Private Activity Bond Issues and Related Matters

B. Resolution 22-021 Waiving Competitive Bidding and Accepting the Northwest Municipal Conference Suburban Purchasing Cooperative’s Previously-Bid Contract with Peerless Network Related to Professional Telecommunication Services at a Cost Not to Exceed $140,000 during Fiscal Year 2022

C. Resolution 22-022 Accepting and Approving a Publicly Bid Contract with Stenstrom Petroleum Services Group for Underground Storage Tank Replacement at North Station in the Amount of $152,280 for FY 2022

D. Resolution 22-023 Accepting and Approving a Publicly Bid Contract with Langos Corp. in the Amount of $119,500 for the Demolition of the Building at 561 W. Dundee Road (Formerly Collins Fireplace)

E. Resolution 22-024 Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. for Storm Sewer Design Services in an Amount Not to Exceed $26,600 for FY 2022

F. Resolution22-025 Approving a Contract with the RJN Group for Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Services (SSES) in an Amount Not to Exceed $40,000 for FY 2022

G. Ordinance 5480 Amending Chapter 4.32 of the Village of Wheeling’s Municipal Code, “Alcoholic Liquor Dealers,” Specifically Section 4.32.085, to Increase the Authorized Number of Class D-4 Liquor Licenses

Motion by Ray Lang, second by Jim Ruffatto to approve Consent Agenda as Presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Approved

Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Jim Ruffatto, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel 12. Old Business - None

13. New Business - All Listed Items for Discussion and Possible Action

A. Public Hearing Re: Request for a Cook County Class 7c Real Estate Tax Assessment for MOR-SEL GROUP, LLC – 250 Alice Street

Clerk Brady read the Public Hearing title into the record. President Horcher read the Public Hearing Rules. The Public Hearing opened at 6:51 p.m.

President Horcher asked if any member of the public wished to be recognized. Seeing that no member of the public wished to be recognized, President Horcher asked for a Motion to close the Public Hearing.

Motion by Dave Vogel, second by Mary Papantos to Close the Public Hearing

Final Resolution: Motion Approved, the Public Hearing closed at 6:52 p.m.

Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Jim Ruffatto, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel

B. Ordinance 5481 Amending Title 19, Zoning, of the Wheeling Municipal Code in Order to Modify Zoning Regulations to Establish a Motor Vehicle Custom Shop Land Use [Docket No. 2022-04]

Clerk Brady read the legislation title into the record.

Community Development Director Ross Klicker introduced the item. Property owner Paul Moreno and attorney Harold W. Francke were presented and answered a question from the Board. Trustee Lang spoke in favor of the amendment.

Motion by Jim Ruffatto, second by Mary Papantos.

Final Resolution: Motion Approved

Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Jim Ruffatto, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel

C. Resolution 22-026 Consenting to a Cook County Class 7c Real Estate Tax Assessment Classification for the Property Located at 250 Alice Street in the Village of Wheeling, Cook County, Illinois

Clerk Brady read the legislation title into the record.

Economic Development Director Patrick Ainsworth gave an overview of the request; there were no questions from the Board.

Motion by Dave Vogel, second by Ray Lang.

Final Resolution: Motion Approved

Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Jim Ruffatto, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel

D. Ordinance 5482 Granting a Variation from Title 19, Zoning, and Title 17, Planning, Subdivisions and Developments, to Reduce the Required Minimum Lot Size at 1005 S. Wolf Road (Lot 6, Atlantic Aviation) [Docket No. 2021-54A]

Clerk Brady read items 13.D, 13.E & 13.H into the record. Director Klicker reviewed the projects and answered a question from the Board.

Motion by Ray Lang, second by Mary Papantos.

Final Resolution: Motion Approved

Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Jim Ruffatto, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel

E. Ordinance 5483 Granting a Variation from Title 19, Zoning, and Title 17, Planning, Subdivisions and Developments, to Reduce the Required Minimum Lot Size at 1011 S. Wolf Road (Lot 7, Atlantic Aviation) [Docket No. 2021-54B]

Motion by Dave Vogel, second by Jim Ruffatto.

Final Resolution: Motion Approved

Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Jim Ruffatto, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel

F. Resolution Approving the Final Plat of Atlantic Aviation Subdivision (Current Address 1011 S. Wolf Road) [Docket No. 2021-55]

this item was removed from the agenda

G. Ordinance Vacating Kerry Lane, Ande Avenue and Cindy Lane (Atlantic Aviation) [Docket No. 2022-09] this item was removed from the agenda

H. Ordinance 5484 Granting Major Site Plan and Building Appearance Approval for a Fuel Farm, 951 S. Wolf Road (Atlantic Aviation) [Docket No. 2021-53]

Motion by Mary Krueger, second by Ray Lang.

Final Resolution: Motion Approved

Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Jim Ruffatto, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel

I. Resolution 22-027 Approving the Preliminary Plat of DiCosola Estates Subdivision (Current Address 747 S. Elmhurst Road) [Docket No. 2021-08]

Clerk Brady read the legislation title into the record. Director Klicker introduced the item. Petitioner Mike DiCosola was present and answered questions from the Board.

Motion by Dave Vogel, second by Mary Papantos.

Final Resolution: Motion Approved

Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Jim Ruffatto, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel

J. Ordinance 5485 Amending Title 19, Zoning, Appendix A – Use Table, of the Wheeling Municipal Code, in Order to Modify Zoning Regulations to Permit Assembly Use in the I-3 General Industrial Zoning District [Docket No. 2022-02]

Clerk Brady read the legislation title into the record. Director Klicker reviewed the request and stated that the Plan Commission did not recommend approval. Petitioners Marina and Yanni Elyash were present and addressed the Board. Board discussion followed regarding hours of assembly, room capacity, parking standards, and weekend activities in an industrial area.

Michael Elyash, owner of Living Royal Inc., spoke in support of the amendment.

Motion by Dave Vogel, second by Ray Lang.

Final Resolution: Motion Approved

Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Jim Ruffatto, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel

K. Resolution 22-028 Approving a Contract with BS&A Software in an Amount Not to Exceed $425,761 for Enterprise Resource Planning Software, Equipment, and Implementation Services

Clerk Brady read the legislation title into the record. Finance Director Michael Kaplan introduced the item on behalf of Finance, Community Development and Information Technology Departments. Directors Kaplan, Klicker and IT Director Ursan answered questions from the Board.

Motion by Mary Krueger, second by Jim Ruffatto.

Final Resolution: Motion Approved

Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Jim Ruffatto, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel L. Ordinance 5486 Amending Title 14, Fire, of the Municipal Code of the Village of Wheeling, Illinois

Clerk Brady read the legislation title into the record. Fire Chief Michael McGreal described the amendment and answered questions from the Board. Manager Sfondilis clarified that the amendment is not an addition, it is to make the code less restrictive.

Motion by Mary Papantos, second by Mary Krueger.

Final Resolution: Motion Approved

Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Jim Ruffatto, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel

14. Official Communications - None

15. Approval of Bills

Approval of Bills for February 3, 2022 to March 2, 2022

Motion by Dave Vogel, second by Jim Ruffatto to approve Bills as presented.

Final Resolution: Motion Approved

Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Jim Ruffatto, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel

16. Executive Session & Adjournment

President Horcher asked for a Motion to recess to enter Executive Session for the purpose of review of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under the Open Meetings Act, and the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of a specific employee(s) of the Village.

Motion by Dave Vogel, second by Mary Papantos to recess into Executive Session and to adjourn the meeting directly from Executive Session.

Final Resolution: Motion Approved by Roll Call vote, the open meeting recessed at 8:06 p.m. Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Jim Ruffatto, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel
