
North Cook News

Thursday, February 13, 2025

City of Evanston City Council Aug. 9

Webp meeting240

City of Evanston City Council Aug. 9.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:


(II) MAYOR PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS AND PROCLAMATIONS M1. National Suicide Prevention and Action Month September 2021


C1. Presentation of the All-American City Award

C2. COVID-19 Update 



Members of the public are welcome to speak at City Council meetings.  As part of the Council agenda, a period for public comments shall be  offered at the commencement of each regular Council meeting. Public  comments will be noted in the City Council Minutes and become part of  the official record. Those wishing to speak should sign their name and  the agenda item or non-agenda topic to be addressed on a designated  participation sheet. If there are five or fewer speakers, fifteen minutes  shall be provided for Public Comment. If there are more than five  speakers, a period of forty-five minutes shall be provided for all  comment, and no individual shall speak longer than three minutes. The  Mayor will allocate time among the speakers to ensure that Public  Comment does not exceed forty-five minutes. The business of the City  Council shall commence forty-five minutes after the beginning of Public  Comment. Aldermen do not respond during Public Comment. Public  Comment is intended to foster dialogue in a respectful and civil manner.  Public comments are requested to be made with these guidelines in  mind. 


SP1. Resolution 80-R-21, Authorizing the Mayor to Execute the  Separation Agreement between City Manager Storlie and the City  of Evanston 

Mayor Biss recommends adoption of Resolution 80-R-21, approving the  Separation Agreement between Erika Storlie and the City of Evanston.

Resolution 80-R-21, Authorizing the Mayor to Execute the Separation  Agreement between City Manager Storlie and the City of Evanston

SP2. Resolution 79-R-21, Authorizing the Allocation of ARPA Funds in  the Amount of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000) for the  Guaranteed Income Pilot Program 

Staff requests City Council provide direction on the proposed  Guaranteed Income pilot program and approve resolution 79-R-21,  authorizing $300,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to  match the $300,000 provided by the NU Racial Equity Fund to begin the  pilot program with a total budget of $600,000. Funding in the amount of  $300,000 is provided by the NU Good Neighbor Racial Equity Fund  (180.99.1800.62490) and the proposed $300,000 in ARPA funds  (170.99.1700.62490). 


CM1. Approval of the Minutes of the Special City Council meeting of July  17, 2021 and Regular City Council meeting of July 26, 2021 

Staff recommends approval of the minutes of the Special City Council  meeting of July 17 and Regular City Council meeting of July 26, 2021.  For Action 

City Council Minutes 7.26.21 

Special City Council Minutes 7.17.21 


A1. Approval of the City of Evanston Payroll, Bills List, and Credit Card  Activity 

Staff recommends City Council approval of the City of Evanston Payroll  for the period of July 5, 2021, through July 18, 2021, in the amount of  $3,207,687.65 Bills List for August 9, 2021, in the amount of  $4,653,320.36 as well as credit card purchases period ending May 26,  2021, in the amount of $204,958.84. 

A2. Approval of BMO Harris Amazon Credit Card Activity 

Staff recommends approval of the City of Evanston’s BMO Harris  Amazon Credit Card Activity for the period ending May 26, 2021, in the  amount of $8,557.56. 

A3. Approval of Extending Audit Agreement with Sikich LLP for One  Year 

Staff requests City Council approval of a one year extension to the  agreement with Sikich, LLP (200 W. Madison St., Ste 3200, Chicago, IL  60606) in the amount of $103,740 for the 2021 audit (to be performed in  2022). This amount represents no fee increase over the current year  pricing. Staff will issue an RFP for auditing services in 2022.Funding will  be provided from the General Fund (Account 100.15.1570.62110). For  FY 2022, $104,000 will be budgeted for Auditing services.  

A4. Approval of a Contract with Thelen Materials, LLC for the 2021 Leaf  Hauling/Disposal Program (Bid No. 21-31) 

Staff recommends City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a  contract with Thelen Materials Inc. (28957 W. IL Route 173, Antioch, IL  60002) for leaf hauling and disposal (Bid No. 21-31) in the not-to-exceed  amount of $40,000. Funding for this contract will come from the Motor  Fuel Tax Fund (Account 200.40.5100.62509), which has a FY 2021  budget of $120,000, of which $40,000 remains. 

Approval of a Contract with Thelen Materials, LLC for the 2021 Leaf  Hauling/Disposal Program (Bid No. 21-31)

A5. Approval of a Contract Award with Structured Solutions, LLC for  the 2021 Structure Lining Project (Bid No. 21-21) 

Staff recommends that City Council authorize the City Manager to  execute an agreement with Structured Solutions, LLC (828 S 400 E.  Winchester, IN 47394) for the 2021 Structure Lining Project (Bid No. 21- 21) in the amount of $47,229.00. Funding is provided from the Sewer  Fund (Account 515.40.4535.62461 - 421007), which has an approved  

FY 2021 budget of $180,000 for this contract, all of which is remaining. For Action 

Approval of a Contract Award with Structured Solutions, LLC for the  2021 Structure Lining Project (Bid No. 21-21)

A6. Approval of Contract Award with Capitol Cement Co., Inc. for the  2021 Alley Improvements Project (Bid No. 21-16) 

Staff recommends the City Council authorize the City Manager to  execute an agreement with Capitol Cement Co., Inc. (6231 N. Pulaski  Road, Chicago, IL 60646) for the 2021 Alley Improvements Project (Bid  No. 21-16) in the amount of $699,851.60. Funding is provided from the  2021 General Obligation Bond Fund in the amount of $70,000.00; the  Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Fund in the amount of  $419,110.00; the Special Assessment Fund in the amount of  $170,041.60; and the Sewer Fund in the amount of $40,700.00. A  detailed summary is included in the attached memorandum. 

A7. Approval of Contract with Garland/DBS Inc. for Roof Replacement  and Repairs of City of Evanston Facilities 

Staff recommends City Council authorize the City Manager to execute  an agreement with Garland/DBS, Inc. (3800 East 91st St., Cleveland,  OH) for roofing replacement and repairs at various city facilities in the  amount of $291,953. Funding will be provided from the Capital  Improvement Fund, 2021 General Obligation Bond (Account  415.40.4121.65515 – 621004) in the amount of $291,953. A detailed  funding breakdown is available in the attached memorandum. 

A8. Approval of Change Order 1 to the Contract with Patriot Pavement  Maintenance for the 2021 Crack Sealing Program 

Staff recommends the City Council authorize the City Manager to  execute Change Order No. 1 to the Contract with Patriot Pavement  Maintenance (825 Segers Rd., Des Plaines, IL 60016) for the 2021  Crack Sealing Program. This change order will increase the contract  amount by $50,000, from $80,000 to $130,000. Funding for this work will  come from the Capital Improvement Program 2020 General Obligation  Bond, Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program, which has a remaining  budget of $56,069 (Account 415.40.4120.65515-421030). 

A9. Approval of Change Order No. 1 to the Contract with Precision  Pavement Marking, Inc. for the 2021 Pavement Marking Program 

Staff recommends the City Council authorize the City Manager to  execute Change Order No. 1 to the contract with Precision Pavement  Markings, Inc. (P. O. Box 705, Elgin, IL 60123) for the 2021 Pavement  Marking Program. This change order will increase the contract amount  by $50,000, from $120,000 to $170,000. Funding for this work will come  from the Capital Improvement Fund 2021 General Obligation Bonds  (Account 415.40.4121.65515-421014). 

A10. Resolution 77-R-21: Approving ARPA grant funds for Water and  Parking projects 

Staff recommends City Council adoption of Resolution 77-R-21,  approving the use of ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) dollars to fund  Water and Parking projects. Funding will be provided from the ARPA  grant dollars awarded to the City of Evanston. The total ARPA grant  amount is $43,173,654; the total amount requested for these projects is  $3,950,000.  

A11. Resolution 72-R-21, Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an  Intergovernmental Agreement with the Chicago Transit Authority  for Special Transit Police Detail Services 

Staff recommends City Council adoption of Resolution 72-R-21,  Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Chicago Transit Authority for Special Transit Police  Detail Services. Funding will be paid out of the Special Detail Overtime  Line Item in various business units of the Police Department (Object  Code 61112), which has a FY 2021 budget of $280,854.00. The  execution of the new agreement will increase the current CTA  agreement cost of $207,995.00 by $57,005.00 for a total of  $265,000.00. The agreement obligates the CTA to reimburse the  Evanston Police Department for all wages paid at the then-current off  duty officer flat rate. In no event shall CTA reimburse the Police  Department more than $265,000.00 per annum. The CTA shall also  reimburse the Police Department an additional 10% of the flat rate to  cover payment for time lost and medical benefits paid due to an injury  while engaged in work on CTA Special Detail assignment and other  benefits and administrative overhead. Reimbursement of said overhead  shall not exceed the per annum amount. The revenue received from the  CTA to cover the salary and administrative expense is budgeted in  Police Department – Administration – Police Details (Account  100.22.2205.52541) with a 2021 budget of $300,000. 

A12. Resolution 78-R-21, Authorizing the City Manager to Submit a  Grant Application for State Funding through the Open Space Land  Acquisition and Development Grant Program 

Staff requests the City Council approve Resolution 78-R-21, Authorizing  the City Manager to Submit a Grant Application for State Funding  through the Open Space Land Acquisition and Development Grant  Program. If the City of Evanston receives this grant award, the City will  be required to budget $400,000 in matching grant funds in 2022, which  will need to come from 2022 General Obligation Bonds unless another  source of funding is identified. 

A13. Ordinance 68-O-21, Amending City Code Section 1-17-4-2 “Sale of  Real Property" 

Staff recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance 68-O-21,  Amending City Code Section 1-17-4-2 “Sale of Real Property". For Introduction 

A14. Ordinance 84-O-21, Authorizing the Sale of a Evanston Fire  Department 2003 Mobile Scotty House 

Staff recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance 84-O-21,  Authorizing the Sale of an Evanston Fire Department 2003 Mobile  Scotty House. Councilmember Suffredin requests suspension of the  rules for Introduction and Action at the August 9, 2021 City Council  meeting. Proceeds form the sale of this trailer will be applied to surplus  goods account: 601.19.7780.56065.  

A15. Ordinance 80-O-21 Authorizing 2021 General Obligation Bond  Issues 

Staff recommends City Council approval of Ordinance 80-O-21 providing for the issuance of not-to-exceed $18,500,000 General  Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2021, of the City of  Evanston, to finance capital improvements and refund certain  outstanding bonds of the City, authorizing the execution of a bond order  in connection therewith, providing for the levy and collection of a direct  annual tax for the payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds,  authorizing and directing the execution of an escrow agreement in  connection with said refunding bonds, and authorizing and directing the  sale of said bonds at public competitive sale. The ordinance will be  completed and signed after the bond sale, which is tentatively scheduled  for late August. General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds are issued  for capital projects (not to exceed $10,500,000). This bond issue also  includes refunding of outstanding amount of Series 2012A (not to  exceed $8,000,000) with an estimated savings of around $500,000. The  debt service for 2021 bonds (capital projects portion) will be paid out of  the future tax levy.  

A16. Ordinance 81-O-21, Amending Title 4, Chapter 13 "Floodplain  Regulations" 

Staff recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance 81-O-21,  Amending Title 4, Chapter 13 "Floodplain Regulations". 


P1. Approval to Allocate $125,000 of ESG-CV CARES Act Funding for  Case Management Services and the Homeless Management  Information System to Address the Needs of Homeless and  Unstably Housed People Impacted by the Coronavirus 

Staff recommends approval by the Planning and Development  Committee and its recommendation to City Council of the allocation of  $100,000 of Emergency Solutions Grant CARES Act (ESG-CV) funding  to Connections for the Homeless for case management services, and  $25,000 to the Alliance to End Homelessness in Suburban Cook County  for the Homelessness Management Information System to prevent,  prepare for, and respond to the Coronavirus. The funding source is  $76,314 of unallocated funds from the City’s $966,314 ESG-CV CARES  Act grant, and the reallocation of $48,686 of ESG-CV originally allocated  for ESG-CV Administration, GL 250.21.2129.67110. 

P2. Approval to Expand the use of CDBG-CV Funding Allocated for  Rent Assistance to Include Mortgage Assistance 

Staff recommends that the Planning & Development Committee approve  the use of up to $345,500 of the $500,000 of CDBG-CV allocated for  Rent Assistance to provide Mortgage Assistance, and recommend its  approval to City Council.Funding source is the City’s CDBG-CV grant of  $1,586,370 from the CARES Act to prevent, prepare for and respond to  coronavirus; the account number is 215.21.5226.65538. $500,000 is  currently allocated for rent assistance; approximately $345,500 is  unexpended and uncommitted at this time. 

P3. Approval of Up to $50,000 Additional CDBG-CV Funding to Expand  the Emergency Entrepreneurship Support Grants for Small  Businesses Suffering Continuing Impact of COVID-19 

Staff recommends approval by the Planning and Development  Committee and its recommendation to City Council of an additional  $50,000 in CDBG-CV funding to increase the Entrepreneurship Support  Grant - Emergency Assistance (CDBG-CV) awards to eligible small  businesses in the second round of CDBG-CV applications from $2,500  to $5,000. Funding source is the City’s CDBG-CV grant of $1,586,370  from the CARES Act to prevent, prepare for and respond to coronavirus;  the account number is 215.21.5226.65538. $120,000 has been  allocated to date for small business grants, including $46,500 disbursed  for grants to Low/Moderate Income (LMI) micro-enterprises in 2020, and  $73,500 being allocated to this new grant program. 

P4. Ordinance 82-O-21, Amending Title 6 of the City Code Concerning  “Live-Work Units” 

The Plan Commission and staff recommend the adoption of Ordinance  82-O-21 approving certain Text Amendments to the Zoning Code to  more explicitly allow and regulate live-work units.  

Ordinance 75-O-21, Creating A Provisional Moratorium on the  Permitting and Construction of New Internal and Attached, Non Owner Occupied Accessory Dwelling Units in the City 

Plan Commission recommends City Council approval by a 3-2 vote of  Ordinance 75-O-21, Creating a Provisional Moratorium on the permitting  and construction of new, non-owner occupied internal and attached  Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) to the Planning and Development  Committee and City Council. The referral for the moratorium was made  by Councilmembers Kelly, Burns, and Revelle. 

P6. Ordinance 83-O-21, Amending Title 6 of the City Code Concerning  Occupancy of Dwelling Units and Definition of “Family” 

Staff recommends approval of Text Amendment to the Zoning  Ordinance, Title 6 of the City Code, to Section 6-18-3 and Chapter 6-4  of the Evanston City Code to amend certain regulations pertaining to the  occupancy of dwellings, including but not limited to, the definition of  “family” as well as an implementation process for these changes. The  Plan Commission is not providing a recommendation due to a split vote  on a motion to recommend approval on the proposed text amendment. 

P7. Ordinance 61-O-21, Designating Evanston Landmark Status for the  Property Located at 2715 Hurd Avenue 

The Preservation Commission recommends City Council adoption of  Ordinance 61-O-21, Designating Evanston Landmark Status for the  Property Located at 2715 Hurd Avenue.  


R1. Ordinance 76-O-21, Amending Section 1-7-4 of the City Code  Concerning Deputy Clerk Appointments 

Rules Committee recommends City Council adoption of ordinance 76-O 21, amending Section 1-7-4 of the City Code concerning deputy clerk  appointments. 


AP1. Approval of Appointments to Boards, Commissions, and  Committees 

Mayor Biss requests the City Council of approval of appointments to the  Finance and Budget Committee, Housing and Community Development  Committee, Social Services Committee, and Liquor Control Board.  For Action 

Approval of Appointments to Boards, Commissions, and Committees 


(Aldermen shall be called upon by the Mayor to announce or provide  information about any Ward or City matter which an Alderman desires to  bring before the Council.) {Council Rule 2.1(10)}  








3:30 PM

Virtual Alternative Emergency  Response Subcommittee


6:30 PM

Arts Council - Virtual


2:30 PM

Design and Project Review Committee


7:00 PM

Plan Commission


7:15 AM

Utilities Commission


6:30 PM

Northwestern University - City  Committee


7:00 PM

Housing & Community Development  Act Committee


2:30 PM

Design and Project Review Committee


9:00 AM

Referrals Committee


6:30 PM

Equity and Empowerment  Commission


2:30 PM

Design and Project Review Committee


7:00 PM

Plan Commission


2:30 PM

Design and Project Review Committee


6:30 PM

Citizen Police Review Commission


9:00 AM

Referrals Committee


5:00 PM

Rules Committee


7:00 PM

Human Services Committee


2:30 PM

Design and Project Review Committee


7:15 AM

Utilities Commission
