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Monday, July 1, 2024

Village of Palatine Village Council & Committee of the Whole met March 8

Village of Palatine Village Council & Committee of the Whole met March 8.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

I. Roll Call

Ii. Pledge To The Flag

Iii. Approval Of Minutes

1. Village Council & Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting - March 1, 2021

Iv. Mayor's Report

1. As Submitted

V. Recess To The Committee Of The Whole

Vi. Committee Of The Whole

A. Business Finance & Budget Committee

Kollin Kozlowski, Chairman

1. Consider a Motion Authorizing the Village Manager to Purchase Three Replacement Five-Ton Dump Trucks

2. As Submitted

B. Administration, Technology & Community Health Committee

Scott Lamerand, Chairman

1. As Submitted

C. Community & Economic Development Committee

Doug Myslinski, Chairman

1. As Submitted

D. Fire Policy & Community Information Committee

Tim Millar, Chairman

1. As Submitted

E. Infrastructure & Environment Committee

Brad Helms, Chairman

1. As Submitted

F. Police Policy & Code Services Committee

Greg Solberg, Chairman

1. As Submitted

Vii. Reconvene The Village Council Meeting

Viii.Consent Agenda

All items are considered to be routine by the Village Council and will be enacted by one motion, with waiver of first reading. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from theConsent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda.

1. Consider a Motion Authorizing the Village Manager to Purchase Three Replacement Five-Ton Dump Trucks

Ix. Reports Of Standing Committee

A. Administration, Technology & Community Health Committee

Scott Lamerand, Chairman

1. As Submitted

B. Business Finance & Budget Committee

Kollin Kozlowski, Chairman

1. As Submitted

C. Community & Economic Development Committee

Doug Myslinski, Chairman

1. As Submitted

D. Fire Policy & Community Information Committee

Tim Millar, Chairman

1. As Submitted

E. Infrastructure & Environment Committee

Brad Helms, Chairman

1. As Submitted

F. Police Policy & Code Services Committee

Greg Solberg, Chairman

1. As Submitted

X. Reports Of The Village Officers

A. Village Manager

1. As Submitted

B. Village Clerk

1. As Submitted

C. Village Attorney

1. As Submitted

Xi. Closed Session As Required

Xii. Recognition Of Audience





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