
North Cook News

Friday, July 5, 2024

City of Evanston Utilities Commission met November 13

City of Evanston Utilities Commission met Nov. 13.

Here is the agenda provided by the commission:

1. Call To Order / Declaration Of Quorum

2. Suspension Of The Rules: Members participating electronically or by telephone

3. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Of October 9, 2020

4. Public Comment

5. New Business

6. Unfinished Business

a. Impact of COVID 19 – Mr. Stoneback

b. ComEd Franchise Negotiations – Messrs. Partel and Skey

c. Community Electricity Aggregation POGO/RFP – Mr. Jensen

d. Municipal Electric Supply RFP – Mr. Jensen

e. Net Zero Emissions Strategy Update – Mr. Jensen

f. International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) 2021 Update - Mr. Jensen

g. CARP Implementation Task Force – Mr. Everhart

7. Staff Reports. – Mr. Stoneback

a. Monthly utility reliability report (electric system outages, basement backups, water main breaks, service repairs)

b. Water & sewer fund capital improvement project status

c. Skokie rate litigation status

d. Lincolnwood water project status

e. Morton Grove/Niles water main/pumping station status

f. Review of 2021 CIP for water and sewer funds

8. Announcements/Communications

a. Forthcoming Public Works Agency activities relative to the Utilities Commission – Mr. Stoneback

b. December’s Meeting – Mr. Shure

9. Adjournment 8:45 a.m.




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