Illinois State House District 55 issued the following announcement on July 30
A new law supported by state Rep. Marty Moylan, D-Des Plaines, will emphasize the importance of civics instruction in schools.
“Civics education at an early age is crucial, as younger people tend to be less interested and less involved in the democratic process,” Moylan said. “Younger people vote far less than the general population and are greatly underrepresented at most, if not all, levels of government. If they are taught how much influence their voice carries it will go a long way to change that and hopefully create more active citizens.”
The Moylan-supported House Bill 2265 passed the House chamber with bipartisan support and was signed into law by Gov. J.B. Pritzker. The law will be in effect for the upcoming school year and will require Illinois public schools to implement at least one semester of civics education in sixth, seventh or eighth grade. This expands on the current requirement which is one semester of civics education in high school as a graduation prerequisite. The content of the civics education will be focused on government institutions, societal issues and the democratic process.
“Educating our children on the importance of the democratic process is important for the health of our society,” Moylan said. “Allowing the opportunity for young people to become educated on societal issues and how to go about finding solutions to them will lead to more responsible government and a better society as a whole.”
For any questions concerning state issues, legislation or district matters, please contact Moylan’s full-time constituent office at 847-635-6821 or email
Original source can be found here.