Arlington Heights School District 25 Board of Education met April 23.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Brian Cerniglia, President, called the organizational meeting to order at 7:37 p.m. The meeting was held remotely via Zoom.
Board members present: Brian Cerniglia, Chad Conley, Scott Filipek, Erin Johannesen, Rich Olejniczak, David Page, and Anisha Ismail Patel
Board members excused: None
Others Present: Dr. Lori Bein, Superintendent; Stacey Mallek, Assistant Superintendent for Business/CSBO; Brian Kaye, Assistant Superintendent for Personnel & Planning; Chris Fahnoe, Director of Technology and Assessment; Ryan Schulz, Director of Facilities Management; Adam Harris, Communications Coordinator; Lana O’Brien, Recording Secretary; staff; and community.
Appointment of President Pro Tem and Secretary Pro Tem
Motion: B. Cerniglia moved to appoint David Page to serve as president pro tem. Upon asking if there were any more nominations, and being none, nominations were closed.
Roll Call: B. Cerniglia, yes; C. Conley, yes; S. Filipek, yes; R. Olejniczak, yes; D. Page, yes; and A. Patel, yes. Motion carried 6/0.
As president pro tem, D. Page presided over the meeting and asked for a motion to appoint a secretary pro tem.
Motion: S. Filipek moved to appoint C. Conley to serve as secretary pro tem. Upon asking if there were any more nominations, and being none, nominations were closed.
Roll Call: B. Cerniglia, yes; C. Conley, yes; S. Filipek, yes; R. Olejniczak, yes; D. Page, yes; and A. Patel, yes. Motion carried 6/0.
D. Page asked for nominations for the office of president.
Motion: D. Page moved to appoint Brian Cerniglia as president for a one-year term commencing today, April 23, 2020. Upon asking if there were any more nominations, and being none, nominations were closed.
Roll Call: B. Cerniglia, yes; C. Conley, yes; S. Filipek, yes; R. Olejniczak, yes; D. Page, yes; and A. Patel, yes. Motion carried 6/0.
Brian Cerniglia is declared and elected as president.
B. Cerniglia presides over the remainder of the meeting asking for nominations, one at a time for a vice-president, a secretary, and a recording secretary.
Motion: D. Page moved to appoint Scott Filipek as vice-president for a one-year term commencing today, April 23, 2020. Upon asking if there were any more nominations, and being none, nominations were closed.
Roll Call: B. Cerniglia, yes; C. Conley, yes; S. Filipek, yes; R. Olejniczak, yes; D. Page, yes; and A. Patel, yes. Motion carried 6/0.
Scott Filipek is declared and elected as vice-president.
Motion: D. Page moved to appoint Erin Johannesen as secretary for a one-year term commencing today, April 23, 2020. Upon asking if there were any more nominations, and being none, nominations were closed.
Roll Call: B. Cerniglia, yes; C. Conley, yes; S. Filipek, yes; R. Olejniczak, yes; D. Page, yes; and A. Patel, yes. Motion carried 6/0.
Erin Johannesen is declared and elected as secretary.
Motion: A. Patel moved to appoint Lana O’Brien as recording secretary for a one- year term commencing today, April 23, 2020. Upon asking if there were any more nominations, and being none, nominations were closed.
Roll Call: B. Cerniglia, yes; C. Conley, yes; S. Filipek, yes; R. Olejniczak, yes; D. Page, yes; and A. Patel, yes. Motion carried 6/0.
Lana O’Brien is declared and elected as recording secretary.
Adoption of Past Practices, Policies, Motions
Motion: D. Page moved and R. Olejniczak seconded the motion that the Board of Education adopt past practices, policies, motions, etc. of the Board of Education. Roll Call: B. Cerniglia, yes; C. Conley, yes; S. Filipek, yes; R. Olejniczak, yes; D. Page, yes; and A. Patel, yes. Motion carried 6/0.
E. Johannesen entered the Zoom meeting at 7:45 p.m.
Board Meeting Dates
Motion: D. Page moved and E. Johannesen seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve the school board meeting dates, times and locations for 2020- 2021 as presented.
Roll Call: B. Cerniglia, yes; C. Conley, yes; S. Filipek, yes; E. Johannesen, yes; R. Olejniczak, yes; D. Page, yes; and A. Patel, yes. Motion carried 7/0.
Motion: D. Page moved and R. Olejniczak seconded the motion that the Board of Education adjourn the organizational meeting.
Roll Call: B. Cerniglia, yes; C. Conley, yes; S. Filipek, yes; E. Johannesen, yes; R. Olejniczak, yes; D. Page, yes; and A. Patel, yes. Motion carried 7/0.
The organizational meeting ended at 7:47 p.m. and the Board continued with the regular meeting business.