
North Cook News

Monday, March 31, 2025

Village of Bartlett Village President and Board of Trustees met June 2

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Village of Bartlett Village President and Board of Trustees met June 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:


President Wallace called the regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Bartlett to order on the above date at 7:57 p.m. and is broadcasting live via Zoom Meeting video conferencing in order to comply with Section 2 of the Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 140/1, et.seq.), pursuant to SB 2135, finding that it is not practical to conduct public meetings with Board of Trustees of six members, Village President, village staff, members of the press and public to all be physically present at said meeting and still abide by gathering size limitation and social distancing requirements of the Restore Illinois Plan.

PRESENT: Chairmen Camerer, Carbonaro, Deyne, Gabrenya, Hopkins, Reinke and President Wallace


ALSO PRESENT: Village Administrator Paula Schumacher, Assistant Village Administrator Scott Skrycki, Sr. Management Analyst Samuel Hughes, Management Analyst Joey Dienberg, Economic Development Director Tony Fradin, Finance Director Todd Dowden, Director of Public Works Dan Dinges, Public Works Engineer Bob Allen, Planning & Development Director Roberta Grill, Building Director Brian Goralski, Head Golf Professional Phil Lenz, Village Attorney Bryan Mraz and Village Clerk Lorna Giless.


7-Eleven (555 W. Lake St.) Site Plan, Special Uses, Variations

Chairman Hopkins presented the 7-Eleven Site Plan Review/Special Use Permits and asked the Planning and Development Services Director to summarize.

Planning & Developer Services Director Roberta Grill stated that the petitioner is requesting Site Plan Review and Special Use Permits for an automobile station, package liquor sales, along with variations for the location of the canopy, parking in the side yard, the trash enclosure and the interior parkway. The Zoning Board of Appeals reviewed the variation request and the public hearing at their meeting on May 7th and they recommended approval. The Plan Commission also reviewed the Site Plan and Special Use Permits, conducted their public hearing on May 14th and recommended approval subject to the conditions outlined by staff in the staff report and some additional conditions. The first one is they wanted the posts to be wrapped in the same materials as the building. They also wanted the fence on the east property line increased to 8 feet. The third point was they wanted to see a stop bar added to the site and the directional arrows for one arrow in and a left and right turn arrow out. Lastly, they asked to increase the sidewalk width by 2 feet. They have agreed to complete all of these.

Chairman Carbonaro stated his only concern was the left turn on to Bartlett Road.

Ms. Grill stated she believed Cook County Highway approved that.

Mr. Silverman from 7 Eleven stated that was correct.

Ms. Grill stated that they eliminated the closest curb cut to the signaling will be removed and will be shifted further north.

President Wallace asked if they will allow a left turn across Lake St. into that entrance off of Lake.

Mr. Silverman stated no, it is a right-in right-out.

President Wallace asked if they are adding a right turn lane at the intersection.

Mr. Silverman stated that was correct.

Chairman Deyne asked if the 7 Eleven owner on Oak and Lake streets was being relocated.

Mr. Silverman stated that the franchisee at that location will have a first crack at taking over the new location.

Mr. Ackroyd stated they are working hand-in-hand with the current franchisee. Chairman Deyne asked what will happen with the current space if he relocates.

Chairman Hopkins stated that he wanted to thank them for hiring the environmental consultants to deal with the contamination on that site.

The item was forwarded on to the Village Board for a final vote.

Building Code Update

Building Director, Brian Goralski stated that the building division of the Planning and Development Services Department is requesting a building code update. The last code update was completed in 2014 to the 2012 ICC codes. Staff started the 2018 building code last summer and it is a long process with the 11 codes. The proposed building code is laid out for design professionals and for residents. Keeping codes up to date is important because of updated technology, and it affects the insurance rating for all businesses and residences as well. All amendments have been reviewed by the local departments, which is why it has taken so long and todays codes continue to help conserve energy and help communities withstand natural disasters. The IRC requires full sprinkler for one and two-family dwellings, the villages code requires limited sprinklers in dwelling units which will stay. On page two, the codes are listed A-J and are all the same besides updating to the 2018 version. The national electric code was last updated in 2011 and we are updating to the 2017 version. Letter K is a new code adoption. The ICC removed chapter four out of the international building code and replaced it with a stand- alone code and is added as Letter K.

Some of the highlights of the local amendments include, the design standards, ground and snow loads change somewhat which is largely due to climate change. The miscellaneous permit fees have been reviewed and revised. The senior discount fee has not changed and is still $35. The extension of building permit was raised from $35 to $45. It was last raised in 2002. Our detached single-family homes were raised to a minimum of $1,700 from $1,500. The increase does not count for multifamily. The home occupation permit fee was raised from $50 to $75 and is a one-time fee. Vehicle charging stations are required to be installed in construction buildings over 50,000 square feet. We added a local amendment that anything 3 or more stories would be required to have an elevator. The plumbing code amendments have been updated with grease interceptors. We have been having a lot of issues with that, so we have more specific penalties and provisions to correct those. Water service minimum sizes are not included in the code language. The fire code has been updated with help of the Bartlett Fire Protection District. Vacant buildings have been revised several times and we are almost completely finish with it.

Chairman Camerer asked if there are other coding agencies besides the international code?

Mr. Goralski stated that there is only one other, NFP 5000, but he doesn’t know any villages that have adopted it.

Chairman Camerer stated that he just wanted to make sure we aren’t too restrictive with the codes vs. other towns, but if every other town has the same code than it is a non- issue.

Mr. Goralski stated that we need to update codes for IDO ratings and its always good to stay up to date with them.

Chairman Hopkins asked if we made it mandatory for a construction site without running water to have a handwashing station.

Mr. Goralski stated no.

Chairman Hopkins stated that he has been on many construction sites and they are starting to add those. He wanted that to be a requirement. It’s not overly costly and it would go a long way.

Chairman Camerer asked if that was necessary. It’s another requirement that a business coming in would see as an additional requirement and hand sanitizer would do pretty much the same thing.

Chairman Hopkins asked if it was okay to go to the washroom without washing your hands.

Chairman Camerer said he never said that.

Chairman Hopkins stated that when you use a port-a-potty and there is no place to wash your hands, that’s problematic. He knows first hand many sites are adding them. They are affective and not expensive. He thought it should be necessary.

Chairman Camerer stated that some of those port-a-potty’s do have them if that’s what we are talking about.

Chairman Hopkins stated we are not talking about permanent plumbing, just a portable plastic sink that dispenses water and soap.

Mr. Goralski stated that it can be added.

The item was forwarded on to Village Board for a final vote.

Chairman Camerer moved to adjourn and that motion was seconded by Chairman Hopkins.


AYES: Chairmen Camerer, Carbonaro, Deyne, Gabrenya, Hopkins, Reinke

NAYS: None



The meeting was adjourned at 8:22 p.m.
