
North Cook News

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Village of Hoffman Estates Village Board met May 4

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Village of Hoffman Estates Village Board met May 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


Village President William McLeod called the meeting to order at 7:11 p.m. The Village Clerk called the roll.

Trustees present: Gary Stanton, Michael Gaeta, Karen Arnet, Karen Mills, Anna Newell, Gary Pilafas attended electronically.

A quorum was present.


J. Norris, Village Manager

D. O’Malley, Deputy Village Manager

A. Janura, Corporation Counsel

P. Cross, Asst. Corporation Counsel

T. Bos, Police Chief

J. Nebel, Public Works Director

F. Besenhoffer, IS Director

M. Saavedra, H&HS Director

R. Musiala, Finance Director

R. Signorella, CATV Director

S. Ostrovsky, Asst. to the Village Manager


The Pledge was led Trustee Pilafas.


No one wished to be recognized.


Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Stanton, to approve Item 4.

Approval of Minutes

Minutes from April 20, 2020.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Stanton, to approve Item 4.

Approval of Minutes

Minutes from April 27, 2020.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.


Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Stanton, to approve Item 5.A.

5.A. Approval of Agenda

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Stanton, to approve Item 5.B.

5.B. Approval of the schedule of bills for May 4, 2020 - $1,882,076.33.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Stanton, to approve Item 5.C.

5.C. Request Board authorization to award contract for the 2020 contracted weed control and fertilization, for various Village owned sites and rights-of-way, to Tru Green, Carpentersville, IL (low bid), in an amount not to exceed $14,200.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Stanton, to approve Item 5.D.

5.D. Request Board authorization to award construction contract for rehabilitation of Chippendale Sanitary Sewer Lift Station to Marc Kresmery Construction, Elgin, IL (low bid), in an amount not to exceed $700,000.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Stanton, to approve Item 5.E.

5.E. Request Board approval of an amendment to a license with ATC Indoor DAS LLC for a neutral host cellular antenna system at the Sears Centre Arena.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.


6.A. President’s Report


Trustee Gaeta read the following proclamation.

Motion by Trustee Stanton, seconded by Trustee Arnet, to concur with the proclamation proclaiming May 2020 as Mental Health Awareness Month.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Trustee Newell read the following proclamation.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Stanton, to concur with the proclamation proclaiming May 2020 as National Nurses Month.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Trustee Arnet read the following proclamation.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Stanton, to concur with the proclamation proclaiming May 3rd through May 9th, 2020 as Public Service Recognition Week.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Trustee Mills read the following proclamation.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Stanton, to concur with the proclamation proclaiming May 3rd through May 9th, 2020 as Municipal Clerks Week.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Trustee Stanton read the following proclamation.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Stanton, to concur with the proclamation proclaiming May 4th through May 9th, 2020 as National Economic Development Week.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Mayor McLeod wished Trustee Arnet a Happy Birthday, he stated that you can go on-line to complete the Census questionnaire, he thanked the many residents who have helped out each other and businesses and he said that he is still participating in numerous COVID 19 calls. The Mayor also said that Mayor Shepley from Crystal Lake passed away.

6.B. Trustee Comments

Trustee Gaeta stated that he participated in COVID 19 calls and attended an electronic Fire & Police Commission meeting. He said that he was contacted by a resident who asked about allowing restaurants to extend out onto sidewalks and parking lots to be able to maintain social distancing when they open. Mr. Norris said that we will look into this but it may be limited because the area that they would be using is private property, the shopping center owns it, and could potentially be blocking other businesses.

Trustee Stanton stated that the number of COVID cases in Hoffman Estates has tripled.

Trustee Newell stated that she has participated on COVID 19 calls, she wished everyone a happy Mother’s Day and Trustee Arnet a Happy Birthday, she also wishes that everyone stay safe and healthy.

Trustee Pilafas wished Trustee Arnet a Happy Birthday.

Trustee Arnet thanked everyone for the birthday wishes and staff for what they have been doing.

Trustee Mills stated that she is attending COVID 19 calls, she hopes everyone continues to stay healthy and safe, she thanked the Clerk for what she does, wished Trustee Arnet a Happy Birthday and she commented on a clip that she saw about the G-League.

6.C. Village Manager’s Report

Mr. Norris stated that there will be a special Finance Committee meeting next Monday and that staff is working on a plan to reopen Village Hall.

6. D. Village Clerk’s Report

The Village Clerk stated that during the month of April 102 FOIA requests were received and she thanked everyone for their kind words regarding Municipal Clerks Week.

6. E. Committee Reports

Transportation & Road Improvement

Trustee Mills stated that they would be meeting to receive and file the Transportation Division Monthly Report.

Planning, Building & Zoning

Trustee Stanton stated that they would be meeting to receive and file the Planning Division, the Code Enforcement Division and the Economic Development and Tourism monthly reports.

General Administration & Personnel

Trustee Arnet stated that they would be meeting to receive and file the Cable TV, Human Resources Management and Legislative Operations & Outreach Monthly Reports.


Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Stanton, to approve Items 7.A.

7.A. Request Board authorization to award construction contract to Rausch Infrastructure LLC, Des Plaines, IL for Golf Road Sanitary Sewer Lift Station replacement, in an amount not to exceed $1,945,000.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell


Motion carried.


Motion by Trustee Mills, seconded by Trustee Stanton, to adjourn the meeting into Executive Session to discuss Personnel-Employment (5 ILCS 120/2-(c)-(1)). Time: 7:45 p.m.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Stanton, to adjourn the meeting. Time: 8:26 p.m.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.
