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Monday, February 24, 2025

City of Prospect Heights Chicago Executive Airport Board of Directors met March 18

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City of Prospect Heights Chicago Executive Airport Board of Directors met March 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call to Order and Roll Call

Chairman Harris called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Roll call confirmed the following present via phone: Directors Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang and Saewert. Absent: None.

Also in Attendance: Jamie Abbott – Executive Director

George Sakas – Director of Economic Development (via phone)

Jason Griffith – Director of Finance (via phone)

Jennifer Pfeifer- Recording Secretary

Tom Lester – Attorney (via phone)

II. Pledge of Allegiance

Chairman Harris led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.

III. Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Director Hellyer and seconded by Director Saewert to approve the minutes from the February 19, 2020 Regular Board Meeting. The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Directors Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

A motion was made by Director Kiefer and seconded by Director Lang to approve the minutes from the February 19, 2020 Budget Workshop Meeting. The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Directors Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

IV. Changes to the Agenda

Executive Director Jamie Abbott requested items VII C and VII D be removed from the agenda. They will be on the April agenda. There were no objections.

V. Public Comments


VI. Hearing and Reports A) Treasurer’s Report

Director Saewert said we are currently in the 10th month of the fiscal year. Revenues are at 86% and operational expenses are at 71% of the budget.

B) Executive Director’s Report.

Executive Director, Jamie Abbott, reported on the following:

 COVID – The Airport touched base with the FBOs, the FAA Control Tower and U.S. Customs. If there is anything to report the Board of Directors will be notified. All are operating normally and a communications plan is in place.

 Projects

o The Airport Layout Plan was transmitted to the Illinois Department of Aeronautics and a meeting has been requested with them.

o Residential Sound Insulation Program – the noise office is temporarily closed to visitors, Penny will be there to answer phone calls. Penny has received 132 applications thus far and has been working on contact information for multi-family units.

o Hangar 4 demolition – the security fencing is up and internal work has started in Hangar 7.

 Noise complaint reports were displayed showing the number of complaints by town by call and daytime or nighttime.

 Upcoming Events

o GA Users Meeting will be on April 13th at 9:30 a.m.

o The next Board of Directors Meeting will be on April 15th.

o Young Eagles Event at Signature Flight Support is scheduled for April 18th.

 Public Relations Report – Cody has worked on putting out the quarterly newsletter called The Beacon. He is also working with Penny on the Quieter Home mailings. A newsletter will be created. He’s also been working on the COVID situation, getting information out to the public and the Board of Directors.

Director Kearns asked if the FBOs have noticed any change in traffic. Jamie said there has been an uptick in traffic and will keep the Board update.

C) Board Member Comments

• Director Hellyer had no comments.

• Director Kearns had no comments.

• Director Kiefer said everyone should stay safe.

• Director Lang had no comments.

• Director Saewert wished everyone good health. D) Correspondence and Chairman’s Comments

Chairman Harris had no comments

VII. New Business

Chairman Harris asked for a motion to approve:

o Resolution 20-007 – A Resolution Authorizing the Payment of Claims;

o Resolution 20-008 – A Resolution Recommending Approval of the FY21 Budget for Chicago Executive Airport;

o Resolution 20-011 – A Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement with CMT for the Design Phase Services, Construction Plans and Specification Development for the U.S. Customs Apron and Parking Lot;

o Resolution 20-012 – A Resolution Approving the Sale of Surplus Personal Property;

A motion to approve was made by Director Kiefer and seconded by Director Hellyer. The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Directors Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

The Chairman asked for any questions or comments about the above resolutions.

Director Saewert asked if the amount for the CMT contract was included in the U.S. Customs facility estimates and is CMT the only firm the Airport can contract with. Jamie said yes, it was included in the most recent estimate. Attorney Tom Lester explained not for every contract. A request for qualified engineers is sent out every few years as required by IDOT.

Director Kiefer asked if the CMT contract includes the demolition and said he is worried about additional costs and Jamie answered that the demolition is under a separate agreement. He noted that costs will be kept in check. Director Saewert commented about a prior contract with CMT for demolition and utility work. He also asked who the owners rep is on the demolition and Jamie answered CMT, our field engineer.

Director Lang asked when the actual demolition will be seen. Jamie said the internal work has begun and as soon as NICOR is finished the external demo work will start. Director Lang asked if the demolition company is still working at full capacity in light of the virus event and Jamie said the crew is a little lighter but they are working.

Chairman Harris asked who is coordinating with NICOR work and Jamie said our field engineer and Andrew Wolanik are monitoring their work. The Chairman also spoke about the budget and noted the option 2B is the choice on the resolution. There were no comments from the Board of Directors about the budget.

VIII.Executive Session

IX. There was no Executive Session

Action Taken from Executive Session, if required


X. Adjournment

At 6:18 p.m. a motion was made by Director Lang and seconded by Director Kearns to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved by voice vote. Ayes: Directors Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.
