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Saturday, October 5, 2024

City of Rolling Meadows Committee of the Whole met March 31


City of Rolling Meadows Committee of the Whole met March 31.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1) Administration & Finance Operations Update – COVID-19 Response 

2) 2020 Census – April 1st 

3) Re-Discuss G1 – 3 Mile Radius (Alderman O’Brien) 

4) G1 Discussion – Prohibit Gas Stations, Car Washes and Others for Consideration 

5) Meacham Road Improvement

1) Administration & Finance Operations Update – COVID-19 Response

This is information provided to the Mayor, City Council, residents, businesses and the community.

City Hall and Public Works Offices are temporarily closed to the public, based on health guidelines issued in response to the Covid-19 outbreak. All public safety operations will continue, including services provided by the Fire Department, Police Department and Public Works Department. While City Hall is closed to the public, City services continue to be delivered and our Community Development and Finance Departments remain open remotely by phone at (847) 394-8500 or by email at finance@cityrm.org.

The City’s Emergency Planning Committee and all City Departments are tracking COVID-19 activities and expenses.

Please understand that with this rapidly changing environment the most up-to-date information is on the City’s website at www.cityrm.org.

Additional Information:

✓ The Administration, Finance & Community Development Departments continue to operate at this time via phone and email (see www.cityrm.org for various emails).

✓ Payments are accepted by the following methods:

▪ Online at www.cityrm.org;

▪ White Drop Box (City Hall Parking Lot);

▪ By mail (City of Rolling Meadows, 3600 Kirchoff Road, IL 60008).

✓ There are NO LATE PENALTIES for any types of bills.

✓ There are NO WATER SHUT OFFs for Water Bills.

✓ To further assist the public, within days of the shut-down, at the direction of the City Manager, the City immediately created new, online payment options. We added online payment options for Real Estate Transfers, Local Motor Fuel Taxes, Food & Beverage Taxes and Building Permits. In addition, we created a one-page summary for the new procedure for Real Estate Transfers (which has been helpful for sellers, realtors and attorneys).

The City made a difficult decision to postpone plans to launch our new utility billing invoices and our online customer service payment portal. This decision was done in order to ensure the health and safety of our residents and employees due to Covid-19.

Rolling Meadows mailed, a four-page informational piece (in a green envelope) detailing the new billing platform and the new online payment portal’s features to all utility billing customers, just this week. This mailing went out well before the shut-down occurred. We ask that residents put this information on your fridge or a bulletin board for future reference.

For our Automatic Bill Pay customers (those who pay with a credit card or a bank account on the 20th of each month.) The City’s current auto payment system remains in place for customers already enrolled. There are no changes to your payments at this time.

Be advised, that paper bills will continue to be mailed to residents. When the new platform is available, residents will have always have a choice of receiving a paper bill or an electronic bill (there is no cost either way). If you receive a paper bill today, the only way to change it to an electronic bill is through the portal (when it becomes available).

Please see the City’s website for information and the April E-News & Views for information.

City Council Discussion: None.

2) 2020 Census


City video will be shown at the meeting – based on a US Census demo.


April 1st is the official Census Day.

Municipalities throughout the country, including the City of Rolling Meadows, are ramping up to April 1st. The data collected from the census is used to ensure equal political representation and fair allocation of government resources. Census data determines the number of congressional seats each state receives; the distribution of over $700 billion in federal government resources; and the funding of public services and infrastructure.

The U.S. Census Bureau has sent out and will continue to send out correspondences, specifically the 2020 census. You can complete the census online, by telephone or my mail. Fill out your online survey using any internet-enabled device (cellphone, computer, tablet, etc.).

 The 2020 Census will count every person living in the United States regardless of their country of origin or immigration (citizenship) status. Every person residing in your household on April 1, 2020 should be counted. This includes children, newborn babies, grandparents, friends, non- relatives, and anyone else living in your home.


Federal Funding

Every year, billions of dollars in federal funding go to local hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads, and other essential resources based on census data.

Political Representation

The results of the census also determine the number of seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives, and they are used to draw congressional & state legislative districts as well as the City’s Wards.

Critical Information

The census provides critical data that lawmakers, business owners, teachers, and many others use to provide daily services, products, and support for you and your community.

Constitutional Mandate

Article 1, Section 2, mandates that the country conduct a count of its population once every 10 years. The 2020 Census will mark the 24th time that the country has counted its population since 1790.



Your personal information is kept confidential! The Census Bureau is bound by federal law to protect your information, and your data is used only for statistical purposes. Your responses are compiled with information from other homes to produce statistics, which never identify your home or any person in your home.

Please remember, completing the 2020 Census questionnaire is required by federal law. [April 1 is actually “Census Day.”] If you do not self-respond by the end of April 2020, your household will be placed into a “non-responsive” status. The US Census Bureau will send representatives, several times, to non-responsive households throughout May, June, July, and August 2020 until the questionnaire has been completed. To avoid repeated visits from US Census Bureau representatives, it is highly recommended to self-respond to the 2020 Census questionnaire as early as possible.


During the 2020 Census, the US Census Bureau will never ask you for:

• Your Social Security number.

• Money or donations.

• Anything on behalf of a political party.

• Your bank or credit card account numbers.


Federal Funding

Every year, billions of dollars in federal funding go to local hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads, and other essential resources based on census data.

Political Representation

The results of the census also determine the number of seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives, and they are used to draw congressional & state legislative districts as well as the City’s Wards.

Critical Information

The census provides critical data that lawmakers, business owners, teachers, and many others use to provide daily services, products, and support for you and your community.

Constitutional Mandate

Article 1, Section 2, mandates that the country conduct a count of its population once every 10 years. The 2020 Census will mark the 24th time that the country has counted its population since 1790.


Your personal information is kept confidential! The Census Bureau is bound by federal law to protect your information, and your data is used only for statistical purposes. Your responses are compiled with information from other homes to produce statistics, which never identify your home or any person in your home.


Please remember, completing the 2020 Census questionnaire is required by federal law. [April 1 is actually “Census Day.”] If you do not self-respond by the end of April 2020, your household will be placed into a “non-responsive” status. The US Census Bureau will send representatives, several times, to non-responsive households throughout May, June, July, and August 2020 until the questionnaire has been completed. To avoid repeated visits from US Census Bureau representatives, it is highly recommended to self-respond to the 2020 Census questionnaire as early as possible.


During the 2020 Census, the US Census Bureau will never ask you for:

• Your Social Security number.

• Money or donations.

• Anything on behalf of a political party.

• Your bank or credit card account numbers.

If someone claiming to be from the Census Bureau contacts you via email or phone and asks you for one of these things, it is a scam, and you should not cooperate.

If someone visits your home to collect a response for the 2020 Census, check to make sure that they have a valid ID badge, with their photograph, a U.S. Department of Commerce watermark, and an expiration date.

If you still have questions about their identity, you can call 800-923-8282 to speak with a local Census Bureau representative.

Please note that US Census Bureau representatives will not be required to receive a City-issued solicitor or canvasser permit.


Apply online at: www.2020census.gov/jobs or for more information or help applying, please call 1-855-JOB-2020



Staff Comments & Recommendation:

This is just for informational purposes at this time. Please get the word out!

3) Re-Discuss G1 – 3 mile radius (Alderman O’Brien)


(j) Class G1 licenses shall authorize a license holder of class A1, Class A2, Class A3or Class D, in good standing, to file a request for a video gaming terminal operator and video gaming terminal business license application. If applying and receiving this class G1, the business operator will not place signs, posters, pictures or any wording on the windows or doors of the establishment mentioning video gaming which exceeds 10 percent of the existing signage. They will also not place on the outside walls or roof of the establishment or shopping area any video gaming wording or pictures. In addition, a partition wall inside the establishment will be created for the video gaming area consisting of a four-foot solid and permanent/stable material such as wood, paneling, or finished or painted dry wall visual barrier for the lower half and lattice or design blocks for the upper half. The establishment must have at least one grill (gas or electric). By each video gaming machine there must be a table, cabinet, or shelf so drinks and food are not placed on the floor or on the machine.

In addition to the requirements set forth above, in order to qualify for a G1 license, the establishment must be located in one of the following geographic areas and shall be subject to the limitations set forth below:

Area 1: Kirchoff Road Corridor (defined as the commercially-zoned area along Kirchoff Road between Wilke Road and Rowling Road).

Area 2: Meacham/ Plum Grove Road Corridor (defined as the commercially-zoned area along Meacham/Plum Grove Road between Bryant Road and Old Plum Grove Road).

Area 3: Golf & Algonquin Road Corridor (defined as the commercially-zoned area along Golf, Algonquin and New Wilke Roads, in the vicinity of Meadows Town Mall Shopping Center).

Area 4: Algonquin / Route 53 Corridor (defined as the commercially-zoned area located at the intersection of Algonquin Road and Route 53).

There shall be no more than three (3) G1-licensed establishments within Areas 1, 2 and 3, and no more than one (1) G1-licensed establishment within Area 4. In addition, there shall be no more than one (1) G1-licensed establishment in any commercial building designated to accommodate multiple businesses. These geographic limitations shall be effective on [the date of the passage of the amending ordinance]. If on [the date of the passage of the amending ordinance], there exists more than the limited number of G1 licenses in any designated Area, such licenses shall be reduced by attrition and all licenses in effect on [the date of the passage of the amending ordinance] shall remain valid until such time any license is extinguished pursuant to the terms of the City Code.

Moreover, there shall be no more than twelve (12) G1-licensed establishments in the City of Rolling Meadows at any one time. This cap on the number of G1-licensed establishments shall in no way obligate the City to grant, or limits its ability to deny, a G1 license, even if the City has not reached this designated cap on G1-licensed establishments.

1)Stadium Sports Club & Pizza 4015 Algonquin Road

2)Grande Jakes Fresh Mexican Grill 5500 New Wilke Road

3)Anna's Red Apple (Donato Rest. Group) 2121 S. Plum Grove Road

4)Rep's Place, Sports, Burgers & Beer 3200 Kirchoff Road

5)Daisy's Café 3334 Kirchoff Road

6)Isabella's Café (Donato Restaurant Group) 5540 New Wilke Road

7)Bigby's Pour House 1649 Algonquin Road

8)Sally's 1913 Plum Grove Road

9)Bulldog Ale House 1480 Golf Road

10)Lulu's 2633 Kirchoff Road

11)Picante Bar & Grill 3989 Algonquin Road

12)Shelby's Plum Grove Road

Overall Questions:

Fine with the areas?

Fine with the number of establishments in areas mentioned?

Fine with establishing a cap as proposed at 12?

Staff Comments & Recommendation:

None at this time.

4) G1 Discussion – prohibit gas stations, car washes and others for consideration

Discussion Summary: Rolling Meadows is a home-rule community. As a home rule community the City has the ability to take actions not specifically prohibited by state statutes.

With a G1 license, the City would now like remove the following businesses from even being considered by the City for a G1 License: liquor stores, grocery stores, car washes, coin laundry, dry cleaners, gas stations, repair/service stations, tobacco stores, massage parlors, cigar shops, banks, and hair stylists or the like service businesses. The City Council may consider adding additional other businesses for inclusion to this listing.

Also, no group or business may seek a location that was utilized as the above to open a G1 business. As an example, a car wash or gas station that closes to open a restaurant for the G1. In addition, the City ought to restrict a business which portions off a section of the property or business for the G1 purpose.

This is being presented to the City Council for consideration and discussion. The City’s next steps would be to bring forth an Ordinance amending the G1 License to include these prohibited uses for a G1 License.

5) Topic: Meacham Road Proposed Improvement - Request for City’s reconsideration of previous actions


• December 10, 2019, Staff Memorandum

• Roadway Life – Cycle Cost Report, City Engineer (Attachment A)

• Yearly Maintenance Costs (Attachment B)

• Council Questions from 12/10/2019, Committee of the Whole Meeting (Attachment C)

As the Council will recall, in December of last year, Staff provided a report related to the Plum Grove Road/Meacham Road corridor improvement, in response to a letter received from the Village of Schaumburg. The Village of Schaumburg provided the letter to the City in response to the Illinois Department of Transportation’s Multi-Year Plan, which identifies a project on this section of roadway. Based on the funding identified in the plan (~$667,000), the project is expected to resurface the subject roadway only. As this project has shared jurisdiction and importance to both the Village and the City, the Village of Schaumburg was interested to see if the position of the Council had changed, especially given the significant changeover in seats held from 2016, when the project was not supported.

Since that meeting, the Village of Schaumburg has reached out again, pursuing support from the City, in a letter drafted to the Illinois Department of Transportation requesting that they defer the resurfacing project, in favor of a reconstruction project. As Council had not made their position known at the time, Staff suggested that the Village of Schaumburg request that the Illinois Department of Transportation defer their decision to bid the proposed work until after the Council has had an opportunity to reevaluate the original decision. To date, staff has not received any feedback from the Village related to IDOT’s response.

At the request of the City Council a roadway life- cycle cost analysis (Attachment A) was developed by the City Engineer. These costs reflect anticipated costs that might be expected through the life-cycle of the roadway. A roadway life-cycle is typically 18 to 20 years, before the roadway is “reborn”. The City performs $1,000,000 in resurfacing roadways annually. This is the maintenance practice performed at the end of a life-cycle to allow a roadway segment to start a new life-cycle and avoid a complete reconstruction.

The costs provided by the City engineer are provided as a comprehensive cost assessment over a single life-cycle, with several assumptions. Staff further broke the costs down to review annual costs based on the maintenance projected in the engineering life-cycle analysis (Attachment B).

Lastly, the City Council had several questions in preparation for (and during) the December meeting. Staff attempted to capture those questions and provide answers which are attached (Attachment C).

Staff is requesting feedback on the following:

Does the Council desire to support a roadway project that would widen Plum Grove Road/Meacham Road to a three-lane cross-section originally proposed in 2012, subject to certain conditions (no jurisdictional transfer, IDOT participation, bridge ownership, etc.)?

Does the Council have any interest in pursuing a five-lane cross-section widening/improvement, instead of the originally proposed three-lane cross-section? If so, staff will work with the City Engineer to provide updated figures.

Does the Council desire that staff enter into discussions with both the Village of Schaumburg and the Illinois Department of Transportation, regarding widening/improving Plum Grove Road/Meacham Road?

Does the City Council want staff to begin to research funding opportunities that could be pursued at a more appropriate time? If so, staff will work with the Village of Schaumburg and the City Engineer to identify, and apply, for appropriate grant funding to account for the local share costs.

Topic: Meacham Road Proposed Improvement - Request for City’s reconsideration of previous actions

• Village of Schaumburg letter, dated October 25, 2019

• January 14, 2014, Staff Report

• March 15, 2016, Staff Report

As early as 2001, the City of Rolling Meadows and Villages of Palatine and Schaumburg collaborated on proposed roadway, drainage, and utility improvements to the Plum Grove Road/Meacham Road corridor, from Palatine Road extending south to Algonquin Road. Initial roadway improvements were performed in the Village of Palatine, which expanded the two (2) lane Plum Grove Road to the current three (3) lane roadway between 2001 and 2004.

The section of Plum Grove Road in Rolling Meadows, from Taft Lane to Emerson Avenue (including the Euclid Avenue and Kirchoff Road intersections/traffic signals) was reconstructed between 2007 and 2008, and was designed and constructed as a four (4) lane roadway. Federal funding and Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) funding paid for most of the construction, engineering, and land acquisition costs, in exchange for the City agreeing to take jurisdiction of roadway maintenance.

The remaining section of Plum Grove Road (Meacham Road), from Emerson Avenue to Algonquin Road, is located in the city of Rolling Meadows (north of Salt Creek) and the Village of Schaumburg (south of Salt Creek), with very a short section in unincorporated Palatine Township. This section of roadway is currently a two (2) lane roadway.

Between 2010 and 2014, extensive discussions and negotiations were held between City of Rolling Meadows staff, Village of Schaumburg staff and IDOT staff, culminating in an agreement to design and reconstruct the roadway as a three (3) lane pavement cross-section, with curb and gutters, and storm sewers. This three lane cross-section was to be constructed within the existing 100 feet wide right-of-way, with only minimal land acquisition needed at the Old Plum Grove intersection. This design decision was made primarily to limit the impact to all properties adjacent to the roadway improvement.

The City of Rolling Meadows and Village of Schaumburg had, years prior, secured $4,000,000 in federal funding for this project. Additionally, IDOT was prepared to provide funding for most of the remaining $3,000,000 of the $7,000,000 total cost estimate. This agreement would have had the City and Village each responsible for the remaining $225,000 local match costs, at a 50% split. As a condition of funding for the construction, the City of Rolling Meadows and the Village of Schaumburg would be responsible for a jurisdictional transfer and future roadway maintenance.

The City of Rolling Meadows approved Resolutions of support for the proposed Meacham Road improvement project in 2011, and in 2012. However, in February 2014, the City Council voted 4 – 3 to NOT PROCEED with the proposed Phase I engineering study, which was the next required step in the project. As a result of this action, the project ceased.

Public information meetings were held for residents of Rolling Meadows and for residents of unincorporated areas near the Meacham Road proposed improvements. Historically, it was noted that a significant number of the vocal opposition to proposed roadway improvements came from unincorporated areas. The City of Rolling Meadows did request, and the NWMC - Council of Mayors did reprogram the $4,000,000 in federal funds, into its “multi-year program” from its active program where the funds had been located. As a result of a reduction in federal funding opportunities at the NWMC – Council of Mayors, and programming requirements associated with new CMAP funding criteria, the project will have to now be resubmitted for funding, should the project be resurrected.

Meacham Road continues to be a significant regional roadway with (at last count) approximately 20,000 vehicles traveling on the roadway daily. The actions and decisions of the City of Rolling Meadows, Village of Schaumburg, and IDOT, related to the condition of Meacham Road has a direct impact on the quality of life, economic development, comprehensive planning, and arterial community networking for all of its residents and businesses. The reconsideration of this matter requests confirmation or change in philosophy from the City Council for the future transportation needs of the area.




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