
North Cook News

Thursday, February 13, 2025

City of Evanston City Council met February 24

City of Evanston City Council met Feb. 24.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:




Habitat Restoration



Members of the public are welcome to speak at City Council meetings. As part of the Council agenda, a period for public comments shall be offered at the commencement of each regular Council meeting. Public comments will be noted in the City Council Minutes and become part of the official record. Those wishing to speak should sign their name and the agenda item or non-agenda topic to be addressed on a designated participation sheet. If there are five or fewer speakers, fifteen minutes shall be provided for Public Comment. If there are more than five speakers, a period of forty-five minutes shall be provided for all comment, and no individual shall speak longer than three minutes. The Mayor will allocate time among the speakers to ensure that Public Comment does not exceed forty-five minutes. The business of the City Council shall commence forty-five minutes after the beginning of Public Comment. Aldermen do not respond during Public Comment. Public Comment is intended to foster dialogue in a respectful and civil manner. Public comments are requested to be made with these guidelines in mind.


SP1. Application for Appeal to the City Council of Preservation Commission Decision Denying Certificate of Appropriateness for 612 Judson Avenue to Replace Twenty One (21) Wood Windows with Vinyl Windows

On February 10, 2020, City Council passed a motion to accept the appeal and set the date for the hearing on February 24, 2020. Motion approved 8-0. The City Council shall affirm, modify or reverse the decision of the Preservation Commission within forty-five (45) days of the date of approval of the motion to accept the appeal (no later than March 26, 2020).

SP2. Sustainability Legislative Update

Staff recommends City Council accept and place on file the Sustainability Legislative Update.

SP3. City Manager Recruitment Schedule

The Acting Assistant City Manager recommends City Council discussion with Heidi Voorhees of GovHR regarding the proposed City Manager recruitment schedule.


M1. Approval of the Regular Minutes of the February 10, 2020 City Council Meeting

Staff recommends City Council approval of the Regular Minutes of the February 10, 2020 City Council Meeting.

A1. Approval of the City of Evanston Payroll and Bills

Staff recommends City Council approval of the City of Evanston Payroll for the period of January 20, 2020 through February 02, 2020 in the amount of $3,092,449.16 and Bills List for February 25, 2020 FY 2020 in the amount of $2,053,010.57.

A2. Approval of Funds to Cover Cost of Repairs to Vehicle #313, a Pierce Arrow XT Tiller (Ladder Fire Truck) for the Fire Department

Staff recommends City Council approve payment in the amount of $41,770.46 to Global Emergency Products (1401 N Farnsworth Ave, Aurora, IL 60505) for cooling system repairs previously performed on a Pierce Arrow XT Tiller/Ladder Fire Engine (Vehicle #313) and additional repairs made at the same time to expedite the return of the vehicle to service in an optimal and safe condition. The Arrow XT TIller is used by the Fire Department, and is critical to continue necessary operations throughout the City. Funding will be from the Materials to Maintain Autos - Fleet Fund (Account 600.19.7710.65060) with a budget of $1,055,250.00, and a YTD balance of $988,442.12.

A3. Contract Award with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd Inc. for the Oakton Street Corridor Improvement Study (RFP 19-66)

Staff recommends that City Council authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd (820 Davis Street, Suite 520, Evanston, IL 60201)) to provide engineering services for the Oakton Street Corridor Improvement Study (RFP 19-66) in the amount of $139,932.81. This project will be funded from the City’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) 2019 General Obligation Bonds (Account 415.40.4119.62145-420012), which has an FY 2020 budget and a YTD balance of $175,000.

A4. Contract Renewal Award with Herrera Landscape and Snow Removal Inc. for 2020 Streetscape and Rain Garden Landscape Maintenance Services

Staff recommends City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract renewal award to the low bidder, Herrera Landscape and Snow Removal Inc.,(8836 Lincolnwood Drive, Evanston, IL 60203) for the 2020 Streetscape and Rain Garden Landscape Maintenance services in the amount of $56,920. Funding for this project will come from three accounts. $38,420 will be from the General Fund Greenways budget (Account 100.40.4330.62195, Landscape Maintenance Service), which has a total allocation of $142,000. The $15,500 in costs associated with the rain garden maintenance will be funded from the Sewer Fund budget (Account 515.40.4531.62461, Sewer Maintenance Contracts) which has a total allocation of $25,000. Lastly, the $3,000 allocated for plant replacements will come from a different line item in the Sewer Fund (Account 515.40.4531.65055, Materials to Maintain Improvements), which has an allocation of $5,000 for FY 2020. None of these three accounts have had any expenditures yet in FY 2020.

A5. Sole-Source Award of an Engineering Services Agreement with SmithGroup for City of Evanston Shoreline Condition Assessment

Staff recommends City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a sole-source agreement to provide engineering services for the City of Evanston Shoreline Condition Assessment with SmithGroup (35 E. Wacker Drive, Suite 900, Chicago, IL 60601) in the amount of $74,500. Funding will be from the Capital Improvement Fund 2020 General Obligation Bonds Facilities Contingency Account (Account 415.40.4120.62145 - 520011). This line item has an approved FY 2020 budget of $300,000 with $282,042 remaining.

A6. Contract Renewal Award with Cleanslate Chicago, LLC, for Park Mowing Services

Staff recommends City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract renewal award to the low bidder, Cleanslate Chicago, LLC (1540 S. Ashland Ave., Suite 105, Chicago, IL, 60608) for 2020 Park Mowing Services in the amount of $25,417.78. Funding for this project is included in the proposed FY 2020 General Fund budget (Account 100.40.4330.62195), which has a total allocation of $142,000, and no expenditures yet in FY 2020.

A7. Contract Renewal Award with Herrera Landscape and Snow Removal Inc. for FY 2020 Tree Planting Services

Staff recommends the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract renewal award with Herrera Landscape and Snow Removal Inc. (8836 Lincolnwood Drive, Evanston, IL 60203) for 2020 Tree Planting Services in an amount not to exceed $47,400.

Funding for this project is from the FY 2020 General Fund budget (Account 100.40.4320.65005), which has a total allocation of $135,000, which has a YTD balance of $135,000.

A8. One-year Contract Extension with Forward Space for the Office Furniture Supply Contract (RFP 16-65)

Staff recommends City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a one-year extension for the Office Furniture Supply Contract (RFP 16-65) in the not-to-exceed amount of $70,000 with Forward Space (1142 N. North Branch Street, Chicago, IL 60642). The one-year extension will extend the contract completion date from December 31, 2019 to December 31, 2020. Funding is provided by individual departments through various annual budgets.

A9. Change Order No. 1 to the Contract with Alfred Benesch & Company for Engineering Services for Downtown Transmission Main Rehabilitation Project

Staff recommends City Council authorize the City Manager to execute Change Order No. 1 to the engineering contract for the 30-inch diameter downtown transmission main rehabilitation project (RFP 17-06) with Alfred Benesch & Company in the amount of $99,954.00. This will increase the overall contract amount from $305,890.54 to $405,844.54. Funding for this change order will be provided from the Water Fund (Account 513.71.7330.62145 – 417006), which has an FY 2020 budget of $100,000.00, all of which is remaining. Staff is proposing to apply for a loan from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) for the water main rehabilitation. If the loan is received, most of the engineering costs would be considered eligible for reimbursement under the loan.

A10. Resolution 15-R-20, Authorizing the City Manager to Submit an Application for the Cook County Animal Shelter Grant

Staff recommends City Council adoption of Resolution 15-R-20 authorizing the City Manager to submit an application for the Cook County Animal Shelter Grant from Cook County for construction of an improvement project for the Evanston Animal Shelter building. Cook County has funded the Animal Shelter Grant Program at $8,000,000 to likely be disbursed to two or more animal shelters for capital improvements. Additional funding information is included below.

A11. Resolution 17-R-20, Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement With Fire Recovery USA for Emergency Billing Services

Staff recommends City Council adoption of Resolution 17-R-20, authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Fire Recovery USA for emergency billing services.Under the agreement Fire Recovery USA would collect a 20% portion of all monies they work to collect on the City's behalf for emergency service claims. Projected emergency incident cost recovery forecast for 2020-2022 is $75,000- $150,000 annually. This would result in a payment to Fire Recovery USA of $15,000-30,000 annually.

A12. Resolution 18-R-20, Authorizing the City Manager to Commit Matching Funds for Participation with the Illinois Department of Transportation for the Howard Street Resurfacing and other Capital Improvements Projects and to Sign Amendments to the Project Scope

Staff recommends adoption of Resolution 18-R-20, Authorizing the City Manager to Commit Matching Funds for Participation with the Illinois Department of Transportation for the Howard Street Resurfacing and other Capital Improvements Projects and to Sign Amendments to the Project Scope. Funding will be provided as follows: $898,000 in 2020 General Obligation Bond funds; $1,691,384 in 2021 General Obligation Bond funds; $1,518,487 from the Water Fund; $535,275 from the Sewer Fund; $6,556,874 in federal Surface Transportation Program grant funds; and $250,000 from the City of Chicago transferred directly to the City of Evanston.

A13. Resolution 19-R-20, Authorizing the City Manager to Sign an Illinois Department of Transportation Resolution for Improvement Under the Illinois Highway Code for Improvements to Various Evanston Streets

Staff recommends City Council adoption of Resolution 19-R-20, Authorizing the City Manager to Sign an Illinois Department of Transportation Resolution for Improvement Under the Illinois Highway Code for Improvements to Various Evanston Streets. Funding will be provided from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund, which has a total FY 2020 budget of $3,232,400. $1,400,000 of this fund is allocated for street improvements (Account 200.40.5100.65515 – 420007).

A14. Resolution 20-R-20, Authorizing the City Manager to Submit an Application for Surface Transportation Program Funds From the North Shore Council of Mayors for Green Bay Road Improvements from McCormick Boulevard to Isabella Street

Staff recommends City Council adoption of Resolution 20-R-20, authorizing the City Manager to submit an application for Surface Transportation Program Funds From the North Shore Council of Mayors for Green Bay Road Improvements from McCormick Boulevard to Isabella Street. The Surface Transportation Program funds 70% of the engineering and construction project cost, and the remaining 30% of the funding must be provided by the local municipality. For this project, the total remaining engineering and construction costs are estimated at $4,986,700. Of this, the City of Evanston will be responsible for $1,495,990, which will need to be budgeted in future years in the Capital Improvement Fund.

A15. Resolution 21-R-20, Lovelace Park Illinois Bicycle Path Grant Application

Staff recommends approval of Resolution 21-R-20, authorizing the City Manager to submit a Grant Application for state funding through the Illinois Bicycle Path Grant Program to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) for the Lovelace Park Bike Path Renovation Project. If awarded, funding for this project will be as follows: $50,000 from 2020 GO Bond (Account Number 415.40.4120.65515-520006), $150,000 from 2020 Good Neighbor Fund (Account Number 415.40.4219.65515- 520006), and $200,000 from the IDNR grant.

A16. Ordinance 19-O-20, Amending Title 10, Chapter 11, Section 10 “Limited Parking” and Section 12 “Parking Zones” Amending Parking on Central Street and Hurd Avenue

The Transportation & Parking Committee and staff, pursuant to Alderman Suffredin’s request, recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance 19-O-20, amending Title 10, Chapter 11, Section 10 (Limited Parking) and Section 12 (Parking Zones) of the City Code for portions of Hurd Avenue and Central Street to allow for four (4) hour parking. Hurd Avenue parking will remain free, and Central Street from Hurd Avenue to Central Park Avenue will be amended to allow for four (4) hour paid parking. This item was held by Alderman Suffredin at the February 10, 2020 Administration and Public Works Committee ("APW") meeting. Alderman Suffredin requests the item now be tabled at the February 24, 2020 APW meeting until after the Parking Study has been completed in September 2020.

A17. Ordinance 21-O-20, To Approve the Construction of a Local Improvement Known as Evanston Special Assessment No. 1525

Staff recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance 21-O-20, allowing the construction of a local improvement known as Evanston Special Assessment No. 1525, the alley north of Central Street and east of Ridge Avenue through the Special Assessment Process. Funding will be from the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) 2020 General Obligation Bonds (Account 415.40.4120.65515 – 420002), in the amount of $250,000; and the Special Assessment Funds (Account 420.40.6000.65515 – 420002), in the amount of $293,720.

A18. Ordinance 24-O-20, Amending Section 7-2-9-3 Sidewalks to be Cleared of Snow, Ice, Dirt, and Weeds

A18. Ordinance 24-O-20, Amending Section 7-2-9-3 Sidewalks to be Cleared of Snow, Ice, Dirt, and Weeds

Staff recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance 24-O-20, “Amending Section 7-2-9-3 Sidewalks to be Clear of Snow, Ice, Dirt, and Weeds", which will require snow and ice removal for any winter weather accumulation.


P1. Approval of Vacation Rental License for a Property that is not

Owner-Occupied, 2723 Noyes St.

Staff recommends approval of a Vacation Rental License that is not owner-occupied, for the single family residence at 2723 Noyes St. The Vacation Rental meets all of the Standards and Procedures for license approval.

P2. Ordinances 29-O-20 and 30-O-20, Creation of R5a Zoning District and Emerson Street Map Amendment

Plan Commission recommends denial of a Zoning Ordinance text amendment to create a new zoning district, R5a General Residential, and a map amendment to rezone the properties north of Emerson Street roughly between Asbury Avenue to the east, Gilbert Park and former Mayfair railroad property to the west, and the block north of Foster Street to the north from the existing R5 General Residential District to the new R5a Zoning District. The rezoning is primarily intended to reduce the height limit to better align with the existing lower height residential buildings in the area while avoiding creation of nonconforming uses.

P3. Ordinance 31-O-20, Amending Title 6, Cannabis Regulations

Plan Commission and Staff recommend approval of a text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to establish definitions and provisions for additional cannabis uses such as cannabis growers, infusers, processing organizations, transporters, etc. within the City’s zoning districts. Ordinance 31-O-20 has been written to be expansive following the Planning and Development Committee discussion. The Committee should review the list of uses and districts and consider whether they are appropriate.

P4. Ordinance 23-O-20 Amending Title 6, Cannabis Dispensary Distance Requirements

Plan Commission and staff recommend approval of a text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to revise the distance requirement between cannabis dispensaries and pre-existing public or private educational institutions that are elementary, middle, or high schools.

P5. Ordinance 166-O-19, Granting a Special Use for an Educational Institution - Private, and a Religious Institution, St. Athanasius School and Parish, to Expand Off-Street Parking in the R1 Single Family Residential District

The Zoning Board of Appeals recommends denial and staff recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance 166-O-19 granting special use approval for an Educational Institution - Private, and Religious Institution, St. Athanasius School and Parish, to expand offstreet parking at 2503 Eastwood Ave./2510 Ashland Ave./1615 Lincoln St. in the R1 Single Family Residential District. The Zoning Board of Appeals found the proposal does not meet all of the Standards for a special use in this district, specifically, the proposed parking expansion would increase the negative cumulative impact on the surrounding residential neighborhood, and may interfere with or diminish the value of property in the neighborhood. Following the ZBA hearing, the applicant submitted a modified traffic circulation plan and parking and operations summary that will mitigate the impact on the surrounding residential neighborhood.

P6. Ordinance 3-O-20 Granting Major Zoning Relief for Parking to Retain a Basement Dwelling Unit at 2008 Harrison St.

The Zoning Board of Appeals and staff recommend adoption of Ordinance 3-O-20, granting major zoning relief for 4 parking spaces where 7 parking spaces are required, to allow the retention of a basement dwelling unit in the R5 General Residential District and the oCSC Central Street Overlay District. The applicant has complied with all zoning requirements and meets all of the standards for major variations for this district.

P7. Ordinance 25-O-20, Amending Title 7, Chapter 8, Section 8 “Tree Preservation”

Staff recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance 25-O-20 amending the Tree Preservation Ordinance (7-8-8) to apply to trees 25 inches in diameter at breast height (dbh) and larger (20 inches dbh or larger for Oak and Hickory species) on private property when improvements are proposed that are classified as new construction or those that would increase the amount of impervious surface by more than 600 square feet.

PD1. Discussion of Potential Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance to Reduce Process for Variations and to Clarify Existing Zoning


Staff seeks feedback from the Planning & Development Committee on proposed text amendments to the Zoning Ordinance prior to preparing materials for the Plan Commission's public hearings on the matters.


ED1. Ordinance 28-O-20, Amending Portions of City Code Sections to Remove the Requirement for Business Licenses and Implement a Business Registration Program

The Economic Development Committee and staff recommend adoption of Ordinance 28-O-20, Amending Portions of City Code Sections to Remove the Requirement for Business Licenses and Implement a Business Registration Program, amending Title 3, “Business Regulations,” Chapters 1, 5, 6, and 27, and eliminating Chapters 13, 15, and 21, and amending Title 4, Chapter 2, Section 3, "Building Contractors." These changes will replace business licenses with a business registration program for all for-profit entities operating, including state-licensed businesses. Home-based businesses will also be required to register but will not be charged an annual registration fee.


APP1. Approval of Boards, Commissions and Committee Appointments

The Mayor Pro Tem, Alderman Fleming recommends City Council approval for temporary appointments to the Board of Ethics to fill vacancies in order to complete the review of current complaints under the previous City Code: Clark Chipman and Carrie Von Hoff


(Aldermen shall be called upon by the Mayor to announce or provide information about any Ward or City matter which an Alderman desires to bring before the Council.) {Council Rule 2.1(10)}


