
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Park Ridge City Council met February 18

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City of Park Ridge City Council met Feb. 18.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

I.Call to order

II.Roll Call

III.Pledge of Allegiance

IV.Approval of Minutes

A.Regular Meeting of the City Council - February 3, 2020

B.Committee of the Whole - February 10, 2020

V.Reports of City Officials

A.Mayor’s Report

1.Report - Temporary Liquor Licenses issued

B.City Council

1. Reconsideration of the February 3, 2020 "Approve a Resolution for the lease of space at the Uptown Train Station with B’s Sweet Bites, LLC’’

2. Approve a Resolution for the lease of space at the Uptown Train Station with B’s Sweet Bites, LLC (only if the preceding motion to reconsider is approved)

C.City Clerk

D.City Attorney

E.City Manager

F.Finance Director

1.Warrant Report C021220 for period ending February 12, 2020 Fiscal Year 2020 in the amount of $1,088,804.73 reviewed by Alderman Hartwig

VI.Consent Agenda

*All items listed with an asterisk are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of those items unless an Alderman so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda.

VII.Citizens Who Wish to Address the City Council on a Non-Agenda Item

VIII.Reports of Boards, Commissions and Committees

A.Community Health Commission - Ald. Wilkening

B.Finance & Budget Committee - Ald. Mazzuca

C.Historic Preservation Commission - Ald. Shubert

D.Library Board of Directors - Ald. Melidosian

E.Liquor License Review Board - Mayor Maloney

F.O’Hare Airport Commission - Ald. Mazzuca

G.Planning & Zoning Commission - Ald. Joyce

* 1. Approve the final reading of an Ordinance granting a Special Use for a Child Day Care Center at 418 Touhy Avenue / 409 Grant Place with Zoning Variances to accommodate shared parking at 410 Grant Place (SU-19-0012 and VA-20-0001)

2. Approve the first reading of an Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Park Ridge to Establish Educational Facility, Primary/Secondary (Non-Residential) as a Special Use in the B-2 and B-3 Districts (ZA-20-0007)

H.Procedures and Regulations Committee - Ald. Wilkening

I.Public Works Committee - Ald. Moran

1.Approve the Engineering Design Services for a Not to Exceed Contract for Green Alley Project, PW-20-17, with Postl-Yore & Associates Inc. in the amount of $64,205.00

* 2. Approve the final reading of an Ordinance amending 20-7-4 of the Municipal Code, Water Meters

J.Public Safety Committee - Ald. Melidosian

* 1. Approve a one year contract for Traffic Court Attorney, AD-20-04, to Addis Greenberg, LLC of Northbrook, Illinois

2. Approve an Ordinance to withdraw from the West Suburban Consolidated 9-1-1 System Board and waive the first reading

3. Approve a Memorandum of Understanding between the Cook County Sheriff’s Office and the Park Ridge Police Department for the High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Program

* 4. Approve a Purchase Order in an amount not to exceed $1,136,103.00 to Macqueen Emergency of Aurora, IL for one (1) Pierce Enforcer Rear-mount Ladder Truck

K.Zoning Board of Appeals - Ald. Hartwig

* 1. Approve the final reading of an Ordinance granting a Zoning Variance to allow the replacement of a Ground Monument Sign in the B-4 Uptown Commercial Sub-District at 22 S Washington Avenue (VA-20-0002)

IX.New Business – For announcement, deliberation, and/or discussion only; no official action will be taken.

