Village of South Barrington Building & Zoning Committee met Dec. 18.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Call To Order
Chairman Guranovich called the meeting to order at 5:09 p.m.
Roll Call
Committee Members present: Chairman Guranovich, Trustee Patel and Trustee Stagno
Others present: Mayor McCombie, Trustee Abbate, Trustee Kerman
Village Staff present: Michael Moreland
Approval Of Minutes
Motion to approve Building & Zoning Committee Minutes of November 20, 2019 was made by Chairman Guranovich; Seconded by Trustee Stagno
MOTION PASSED by unanimous voice vote.
1. Discussion and Possible Recommendation to the Board for Consideration of South Barrington Monument Signs:
Chairman Guranovich led a discussion of the proposed monument signs to be located at entrances into South Barrington. Discussion included the size of the signs, the location of the signs, the sign materials being simulated stone, the color of the stones, and the weathering ability of the sign materials. The exact sign locations remains to be resolved, some felt that the signs should be located at the actual border to the Village and not at or near the first street encountered.
Willows Landscape provided a proposal to install plastic and mulch three feet around each sign for a total cost of $495.00.
Mayor McCombie suggested that the signs first be approved by the Architectural Control Committee. Chairman Guranovich will be discussing with Olympic Signs the questions raised during the B&Z committee meeting.
Motion: none
2. Discussion and Possible Referral from the Board to the Plan Commission for Text Amendments to the General Zoning Provisions regarding Alternative energy Systems.
Mr. Moreland led a brief summary discussion of the front facing solar panel proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance. Final decision on these revisions must be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Motion: Motion to refer these proposed changes to the Planning Commission made by Trustee Stagno and seconded by Trustee Patel. Motion Passed on a voice vote.
3. Discussion and Possible Recommendation to the Board for Consideration of Text Amendments to Preservation and Protection of Village Right-of-Way:
Mr. Moreland continued the discussion on masonry mailbox and driveway monument in the right-of-way. The discussion quickly widened to include trees and stones and boulders in the Right-of-Way. It became clear that the proposed changes to the Preservation and Protection of the Village right-of-Way ordinance needed more attention. Mr. Moreland withdrew the proposed changes from further discussion until further review and rewriting could be completed.
Proposed changes to this ordinance will be brought back before the Building & Zoning Committee for consideration and approval at a later date.
Motion: none
Building Officer Report: none
Old Business: none
New Business:
The Mayor reviewed with the Committee the brief history with Toll Brothers regarding road improvements at the corner of Bartlett and Penny Roads. Nothing has been done to date. The
Mayor indicated that the Village Attorney, Don Storino, would be sending a letter to Toll
Brothers demanding that the road improvements identified in the PUD approved plans be completed.
Adjournment: MOTION to adjourn was made by Trustee Guranovich SECONDED by Trustee Patel. MOTION PASSED and the meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.