
North Cook News

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Village of Hoffman Estates Village Board of Trustees met December 16

Webp meetingroom05

Village of Hoffman Estates Village Board of Trustees met Dec. 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


Village President William McLeod called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Village Clerk called the roll. Trustees present: Gary Stanton, Michael Gaeta, Karen Mills, Anna Newell, Gary Pilafas

A quorum was present.


J. Norris, Village Manager

D. O’Malley, Deputy Village Manager

M. Koplin, Asst. Village Manager

P. Cross, Asst. Corporation Counsel

T. Bos, Police Chief

K. Cawley, Asst, Police Chief

J. Nebel, Public Works Director

R. Musiala, Finance Director

F. Besenhoffer, IS Director

P. Seger, HRM Director

M. Saavedra, H&HS Director

P. Gugliotta, Planning, Building & Code Enforcement Director

S. Ostrovsky, Asst to the Village Manager


The Pledge was led by Trustee Stanton.


No one wished to be recognized.


Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Pilafas, to approve Item 4. Voice vote taken. 5 ayes, 1 abstain. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes

Minutes from December 2, 2019


Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Pilafas, to approve Item 5.A.

5.A. Approval of Agenda

Roll Call:

Aye: Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell, Pilafas 


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Pilafas, to approve Item 5.B. 5.B. Approval of the schedule of bills for December 16, 2019 -$10,440,359.43.

Roll Call:

Aye: Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell, Pilafas 


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Pilafas, to approve Item 5.C,

5.C. Request Board approval of Ordinance No. 4770-2019 granting a special use to 1400 Gannon Road, LLC (owner) and Charles Vincent George Architects (applicant), Lot 2, Hoffman Estates Retail Subdivision (1400 Gannon Road - New address: 1199 W. Higgins Road).

Roll Call:

Aye: Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell, Pilafas 


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Pilafas, to approve Item 5.D.

5.D. Request Board approval of Ordinance No. 4771-2019 granting a special use to Amita Health Alexian Brothers Behavioral Health (owner) and Kimley-Horn (applicant), 1650 Moon Lake Boulevard.

Roll Call:

Aye: Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell, Pilafas 


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Pilafas, to approve Item 5.E.

5.E. Request Board approval of Resolution No. 1695-2019 establishing fees for Police & Fire Department personnel (hireback rates).

Roll Call:

Aye: Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell, Pilafas 


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Pilafas, to approve Item 5.F.

5.F. Request Board approval of Resolution No. 1696-2019 providing compensation for appointed Commissions and Boards.

Roll Call:

Aye: Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell, Pilafas 


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Pilafas, to approve Item 5.G.

5.G. Request Board approval of request by Hoffman Estates Park District for site plan approval for park enhancements and parking lot expansion at South Ridge Community Park (1450 Freeman Road).

Roll Call:

Aye: Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell, Pilafas 


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Pilafas, to approve Item 5.H.

5.H. Request Board approval to enter into a Franchise Agreement between the Village of Hoffman Estates and Comcast of Illinois VI, LLC and Comcast of Illinois/West Virginia, LLC.

Roll Call:

Aye: Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell, Pilafas 


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Pilafas, to approve Item 5.I.

5.I. Request Board approval of the 2020 renewal of the Village’s property and casualty insurance program through the Suburban Liability Insurance Pool (SLIP); and 2020 renewal of the Village’s worker’s compensation, underground storage tank and liquor liability coverages through Alliant/Mesirow Insurance Services.

Roll Call:

Aye: Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell, Pilafas 


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Pilafas, to approve Item 5.J.

5.J. Request Board authorization to purchase a Kubota worksite vehicle with snow blower, salt spreader, broom and blade attachments for the Sears Centre Arena from Russo Power Equipment, Schiller Park, IL, in an amount not to exceed $37,216.

Roll Call:

Aye: Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell, Pilafas 


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Pilafas, to approve Item 5.K.

5.K. Request Board authorization to waive formal bidding; and purchase 32 new food and beverage point of sale (POS) units from NCR, Duluth, GA, for the Sears Centre Arena concessions, in an amount not to exceed $34,739.21.

Roll Call:

Aye: Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell, Pilafas


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Pilafas, to approve Item 5.L.

5.L. Request Board authorization to procure two (2) front end loaders via lease to purchase option through Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Program.

Roll Call:

Aye: Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell, Pilafas


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.


6.A. President’s Report


Trustee Gaeta read the following proclamation.

proclaiming Thursday, January 2, 2020 as Ted Bos Day. Voice vote taken. All ayes. Motion carried.

Chief Bos was congratulated by the Board and accepted his proclamation.

Trustee Stanton read the following proclamation.

Motion by Trustee Pilafas, seconded by Trustee Mills, to concur with the proclamation proclaiming Thursday, January 2, 2020 as Shelley Walenga Day. Voice vote taken. All ayes. Motion carried.

Ms. Walenga was congratulated by the Board and accepted her proclamation.

Trustee Mills read the following proclamation.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Stanton, to concur with the proclamation proclaiming Friday, January 3, 2020 as Michael Barber Day. Voice vote taken. All ayes. Motion carried.

Chief Bos accepted the proclamation.

Trustee Mills read the following proclamation.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Pilafas, to concur with the proclamation proclaiming Monday, December 23, 2019 as Kathryn Cawley Day. Voice vote taken. All ayes. Motion carried.

Chief Cawley was congratulated by the Board and accepted her proclamation.

Trustee Newell read the following proclamation.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Pilafas, to concur with the proclamation proclaiming Monday, December 23, 2019 as Scott Reichel Day. Voice vote taken. All ayes. Motion carried.

Chief Bos accepted the proclamation.

Trustee Pilafas read the following proclamation.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Pilafas, to concur with the proclamation proclaiming Monday, December 23, 2019 as Matthew Teipel Day. Voice vote taken. All ayes. Motion carried.

Chief Bos accepted the proclamation.

Appointments to Boards & Commissions

Motion by Trustee Mills, seconded by Trustee Pilafas, to approve the appointment of Myrene Iozzo to the Platzkonzert Commission. Voice vote taken. All ayes. Motion carried.

Mayor McLeod stated that he and Kevin Kramer attended the New York ICSC, he attended Shop with a Cop, did a business retention visit at Political Computer Systems and wished everyone Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas.

Asst. Corporation Counsel Cross to announce that our motion to dismiss was granted by the Cook County Circuit Court in the case involving the Village, School District 220, South Barrington and a group of Barrington residents.

Dr. Saavedra announced that the Village received another grant in the amount of $15,000 for the Complete Count Census.

6.B. Trustee Comments

Trustee Stanton stated that he attended the ground breaking at the Amita Behavioral Health Hospital, the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner, the Senior Commission Teddy Bear Tea and he thanked the commission, a DARE graduation, he wrapped gifts and stuffed stockings for Shop with a Cop and he wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

Trustee Mills stated that she attended Shop with a Cop and thanked Trustee Arnet for all of her hard work on the event, the park district Breakfast with Santa and Winter Fest, she wished everyone Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and she thanked staff for another great year.

Trustee Pilafas congratulated Ms. Walenga, Chief Bos and Chief Cawley on receiving their anniversary awards, he thanked Myrene for joining the Platzkonzert Commission, congratulated Shop with a Cop, thanked staff for a good year and wished everyone Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.

Trustee Newell stated that she attended the Cub Scout tour at the fire station, the Volunteer Dinner, the Teddy Bear Tea, the Schaumburg Township Holiday Sounds, the Shop with a Cop stocking stuffing and present wrapping and thanked all of the volunteers who helped, the wake for Steve Hellstrom and sent her condolences to Sharon and her family, and she wished everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year.

Trustee Gaeta stated that he attended Gigi’s open house, the kids craft event, the Teddy Bear Tea, a Senior Commission meeting, Shop with a Cop and he wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

6.C. Village Manager’s Report

Mr. Norris wished everyone Happy holidays and a safe and healthy New Year.

6.D. Village Clerk’s Report

The Clerk stated that during the month of November 40 passports were processed and 143 FOIA’s ere submitted.

6.E. Treasurer’s Report

Mrs. Musiala stated that during the month of October 2019, for Operating funds cash disbursements and transfers-out exceeded cash receipts and transfers-in by $99,577, primarily due to general operating expenses. After including these receipts and disbursements, the balance of cash and investments for the operating funds is $51.5 million.

For the Operating, Debt Service and Capital Projects funds, cash disbursements and transfers-out exceeded cash receipts and transfers-in by $743,599, primarily due to monthly operating transfers.

For the Trust Funds, cash disbursements and transfers-out exceeded cash receipts and transfers-in by $6.33 million, primarily due to payment of 2018 EDA notes.

The total for cash and investments for all funds decreased to $244.9 million.


Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Pilafas, to concur with the Planning & Zoning Commission’s recommendation and deny the petitioners’ request.

7.A. Request by DeSchouw BSM, LLC (Owner) and Winston Knolls Foundation (Applicant) to consider a special use amendment under Section 9-8-2-C-9 of the Zoning Code and a Site Plan Amendment to permit an outdoor playground for special needs children at the property located adjacent to 2353 Hassell Road, subject to following conditions:

1. This approval supplants prior special uses (ORD# 4317-2012 & ORD# 4666-2018).

2. No buses shall be parked on site unless they are of a size that allows parking within a legal striped 18 foot deep parking space. All taxi and bus parking shall occur within legal striped

parking spaces.

3. There shall be no stopping, standing, or stacking of vehicles in the drive aisles or along the curb in the fire lanes. The property owner and petitioner shall manage all taxi and bus operations on the site so as not to disrupt site circulation or block parking areas. The school shall monitor and manage where staff and visitors park to ensure that cars do not interfere with drop off or pick up parking. If the Village determines that there are problems, as witnessed by illegal parking or standing on the property, the Village shall have the right to require additional signage, site modifications, or other measures to remedy the problems.

4. Students shall be loaded and unloaded at the east entrance of the building only. Students shall be escorted between vehicles and the building by school staff.

5. Any issues between tenants and the school shall be remedied by the property owner.

6. The hours of operation shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

7. No overnight boarding of students shall be permitted.

8. Other than use of playground, no formal outdoor activities by the students shall be permitted. 9. Any violation of any of these conditions on the property shall be the responsibility of the business owner and property owner and either shall be subject to citations if violations are not resolved.

10. If the Winston Knolls School closes or moves, the playground shall either be removed or a new site plan request shall be submitted denoting how the playground will be used and maintained.

11. The Special Use shall only remain valid as long as a license agreement between the owner and applicant remains in effect.


Trustee Mills asked if the land was going to be leveled off.

Chairperson Combs replied that it was not discussed.

Val Balmonte, Winton Knolls School, stated that the land would be leveled off with a retention wall.

Trustee Newell asked if the retention pond ever flooded

Mr. Balmonte said that he didn’t know but that the playground would have drains in it. Trustee Stanton asked if they didn’t get approval for the playground would the school move. Mr. Belmonte said no but that the playground would become part of the students’ curriculum.

Roll Call:

Aye: Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Newell, Pilafas 

Nay: Mills

Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.


Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Mills, to approve Item 8.A.

8.A. Request Board approval of Ordinance No. 4772-2019 amending Sections 9-1-2, 9-2-1, and 9-3-13, and creating article 9-11, Cannabis Dispensary Overlay District, of the Hoffman Estates Municipal Code (cannabis dispensaries).

Roll Call:

Aye: Gaeta, Arnet, Mills, Newell 

Nay: Stanton, Pilafas

Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Pilafas, seconded by Trustee Stanton, to approve Item 8.B.

8.B. Request Board approval of the 2020 Village Board and Standing Committees meeting schedule as amended.

Roll Call:

Aye: Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Newell, Pilafas 

Nay: Mills

Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.


Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Pilafas, to adjourn the meeting. Voice vote taken. All ayes. Motion carried. Time: 7:37 p.m.
