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West Northfield School District 31 Board of Education met Oct. 24

Meeting 06

West Northfield School District 31 met Oct. 24.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call to Order

The Open Session Meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by Vice President Laura Greenberg at 7:04 pm.

Roll Call

Board Members:


Robert Resis

Jeffrey Steres

Nancy Hammer arrived at 7:11pm

Daphne Frank

Melissa Choo Valentinas arrived at 7:17pm

Laura Greenberg

Maria Vasilopoulos

District Administration:

Present: Dr. Erin K. Murphy, Superintendent of Schools

Catherine Lauria, Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations

Erica Berger, Principal Winkelman Elementary School

April Miller, Principal Field Middle School

Janine Gruhn, Director of Special Education

Nino Alvarez, Assistant Principal

A quorum of the Board was confirmed by President, Melissa Choo Valentinas.

Additions or Changes to the Agenda

● none

Reading of Communications to the Board of Education

● Superintendent Dr. Erin Murphy read a letter addressed to the Board of Education from Kendra Wallce, NSSED Coordinator, lauding Principal Erica Berger’s positive impact as a principal.

Recognition of Audience

● Winkelman -

○ Carla Lev, Special Education Teacher

● Field -

○ Alexis Ellis, Special Education Teacher

● District - In honor of Principal Appreciation Month

○ Mrs. Erica Berger - Winkelman Principal

○ Mr. Nino Alvarez - Winkelman Assistant Principal

○ Dr. April Miller - Field Principal

○ Mr. Nick Milano - Field Assistant Principal

Presentation-Student Outcomes

District 31 Curriculum Coordinators: Anne Zahn, Julie Stone, Leslie Redmond, Jacqueline Le-Mon presented student outcome data to the Board of Education. The coordinators shared the assessment results, cohort data,and trends regarding MAP, IAR, and the Illinois Science Assessment.

After further discussion, Vice President Laura Greenberg requested to see additional comparison data. Vice President Laura Greenberg also requested the Curriculum and Instruction department to please ask the Board of Education if any type of support.

Consent Agenda

Assistant Superintendent, Cathy Lauria reviewed the following donations listed for approval on the consent agenda:

● Glenbrook Hospital - NorthShore University Health System donated $1,000 for Winkelman breakfast and snacks

● Parent Teacher Organization donated $2,000 for Six Flags for 8th grade trip as well as $1,213.17 for a picnic and game table

Vice President Laura Greenberg made a motion to approve items A-I. Member Jeffrey Steres seconded the motion.

Final Resolution:

Aye: Laura Greenberg, Daphne Frank, Robert Resis, Jeffrey Steres, Maria Vasilopoulos, Nancy Hammer, Melissa Choo Valentinas

Nay: None.

The motion passed 7:0.

Action Items

● Assistant Superintendent Cathy Lauria stated no bids were received for the Field landscaping bid opening. The District has sought out other ways to address this project. Landscapers were contacted to see if any portion of this project can still be completed this year. Mrs. Lauria stated that the landscaping started at Winkelman around the addition and with a planned completion data of Thursday. The main components of this landscaping project are to plant evergreens along the building by the commons, to add trees and shrubbery and place sod outside of the addition.

● Superintendent Erin Murphy and Assistant Superintendent Cathy Lauria summarized the recommendation that the Board of Education award the base bid for the additional Facade Improvements at Field, as well as Alternates 1 and 3, to Edwin Anderson Construction Company. Renderings were presented on the screen for input. If approved this evening, they are ready to start ordering material and work through the second week of December, depending on weather conditions.

After further discussion, Secretary Daphne Frank made a motion to approve the base bid in the amount of $227,000 for cladding and brick staining at Field from Edwin Anderson Construction. Vice President Laura Greenberg seconded the motion.

Final Resolution:

Aye: Daphne Frank, Robert Resis, Jeffrey Steres, Maria Vasilopoulos, Nancy Hammer, Melissa Choo Valentinas, Laura Greenberg

Nay: None.

The motion passed 7:0.

Vice President Laura Greenberg made a motion to approve alternate one for cladding and brick staining the auditorium, including east and west elevations from Edwin Anderson Construction. Secretary Daphne Frank seconded the motion.

Final Resolution:

Aye: Daphne Frank, Jeffrey Steres, Maria Vasilopoulos, Nancy Hammer, Melissa Choo Valentinas, Laura Greenberg

Nay: Robert Resis

The motion passed 6:1.

Member Jeffrey Steres made a motion to approve alternate three for exterior custom signage from Edwin Anderson Construction. Secretary Daphne Frank seconded the motion.

Final Resolution:

Aye: Nancy Hammer, Maria Vasilopoulos, Jeffrey Steres, Daphne Frank, Laura Greenberg, Melissa Choo Valentinas,

Nay: Robert Resis

The motion passed 6:1.

Assistant Superintendent Cathy Lauria stated she updated the RFP for the window laminate to include additional areas as options, which included the Makerspace. Those RFPs were sent to three companies. She is waiting for updated proposals so there is no recommendation for approval yet but are expecting proposals soon.

Information and Discussion

Administrative Sharing:

● Science Coordinator, Anne Zahn presented an update of the new science curriculums at Field and Winkelman schools, as well as an explanation of the process used for teacher training and implementation. The department is working to complete K-8 Science Curriculum Guiding documents by the end of the year. After further discussion, President Melissa Choo Valentinas stated that the science department should ask if any support is needed from the Board of Education.

● Principal of Field Middle School, Dr. April Miller, summarized the 6th grade survey on transitioning from Winkelman Elementary to Middle School. There were 117 students responses and 29 parents responses. Results were reviewed by the Field SLT and transition plans will be modified or added based on the feedback.

Office of the Chief School Business Official

● Assistant Superintendent Catherine Lauria summarized the September monthly budget reports, as follows:

○ Treasurer’s Report - reflects an ending fund balance of just under $22.7 million for all funds.

○ Investment Summary - reports $19 million of investments which do not include the dollars invested from the tax exempts bonds.

○ Budget Summary - In regards to the operating funds, only the transportation fund, there is no variance more than 2.5 percent in either the revenues or expenses. Transportation has paid less expenses to date due to receiving late invoices. Aside from Capital Projects, the only large variance in expenses was from a reallocation due to an accounting error when recording some of the expenses. At the last meeting, it was pointed out that some of the capital lease expenses were recorded in Fund 31 versus 32. This has been corrected in October.

● The P-Card summaries remain available in the packets for Board review. Please contact her with any questions.

● Assistant Superintendent Catherine Lauria summarized the Post Issuance Tax Compliance Report wherein she stated that every year, plus three years after paying off the bond balance, this review is required to be completed and presented to the Board of Education. Its purpose is to ensure compliance with SEC and IRS tax laws regarding the responsibilities after the issuance of tax-exempt bonds. She further stated that the District is in compliance with the rules that apply to our issuance. The District is considered a small issuer since less than $10 million was issued is tax-exempt bonds.

● Assistant Superintendent Catherine Lauria summarized the construction update:

- We are working on getting quotes for the additional fixes needed for the field at Field School. With the addition of the play area, additional drainage was needed which we are requesting sewer work to be buried as well as additional adjustments need to be made to the soccer field, and a general clean up of the field.

- Cook County has not responded to emails and calls regarding the left turn lane on Landwehr Road by Field School, though they expect a traffic study to be done. To date, we have not seen much in terms of traffic backing up. The fact that the much longer driveway is removing cars from the street supports the opinion a left turn lane may not be needed. We want to do the study to confirm the need for this road but will need to wait until the current work being done on Landwehr is completed.

- With the improved appearance of the outside of Field, we are getting estimates for replace downspouts around the perimeter of Field.

- Winkelman’s playground is set in place, the curbing is also done, and ground work is taking place. Once completed, Glenview Park District will reach out to Kids Around the World, who will donate the equipment to another country.

- The landscaping has been started at Winkelman. We are moving forward with this because Village of Glenview allowed us to wait a year from last year’s meeting to complete this due to the fire lane taking longer than expected.

- We are making efforts to get the trash enclosure done and the grass by the exit done. Our engineers continue to try to work through this with the Village.

- In the auditorium there are some updates such as a wider screen and two new speakers. Also, a new projector has been put in place and is much easier to access. We are also exploring options to improve the sound system to a different level.

Board Reports

● Member Nancy Hammer reported on the PTO. She stated they had a book fair and it was very successful. The book bash program got books to more than 100 students in need. The directory and the art enrichment program at Winkelman is up and running. Winter Gear Drive runs through the end of this month. The Yankee Candle Fundraiser starts November 8th through the end of November.

● Member Nancy Hammer also reported on the Education Foundation. She stated that the parent night out made about $365.00. The Education Foundation is wrapping up their, “Fun Run” fundraiser. So far, it made about $25,000. The Winter Benefit scheduled for February 22, 2020.

● Member Maria Vasilopoulos summarized the 2019 Resolutions Committee Report. She suggested that we reconsider our involvement this year and consider skipping it. The Member Jeffrey Steres asked to put this topic on the November agenda to allow time to prepare for a discussion on whether we want to vote on some of the resolutions. President Melissa Choo Valentinas asked the Board to review the book in order to determine which items should be discussed.

Student Enrollment

Superintendent Murphy reported on the enrollment.

Freedom of Information

Assistant Superintendent Catherine Lauria summarized the FOIA request for:

1. SmartProcure - PO/Vendor Information

2. Indiana, Illinois and Iowa Foundation for Fair Contracting - Gerardo Mendez - Bids for Field site work

3. Construct Connect - Bids for Landscaping Project (None available)



Discussion Items

FY21 School Calendar Preliminary Information

● Superintendent Murphy reviewed with the Board of Education the FY21 School Calendar Preliminary information wherein she stated that one of her goals is to get a calendar set earlier in the year to better allow the district, parents and staff to plan. The Board of Education review assumptions, recommendations, and possible survey questions regarding the 2020-2021 calendar. These assumptions, recommendations and survey results will be used to assist the calendar committee when they meet to build the next calendar. A survey for parents and staff will be sent out shortly.

Options for Improving Sub Pool

● Superintendent Murphy shared a new option for filling sub needs now allowed by the Illinois State Board of Education. Districts are now allowed to outsource substitute recruiting, hiring and management to an outside company. Substitute essentially become the employee of the contracted company. The districts that have done that found that their sub pools have increased. Superintendent Murphy and Assistant Superintendent Cathy Lauria met with Kelly Educational Services. The Board of Education agreed to let the administrative team explore this option and bring a proposal to a future meeting. In addition, the Board asked the team to bring any options to the Board for consideration.

Weather Emergency Closing Information

● Superintendent Murphy the summarized the weather emergency closing information with the Board of Education. Northfield Township has collaborated on these guidelines and will use it uniformly. The time to make the call in the morning has been changed to 5:45 am. Severe cold may be decided the evening before. Member Jeffrey Steres questioned the information regarding the severe cold. He does not want to read like a rule but a guideline. Superintendent Murphy stated she will bring it back to the superintendents.

Follow-up on Transportation Concerns

● Assistant Superintendent Cathy Lauria summarized concerns regarding transportation for our District and the other districts within our township as all are experiencing numerous transportation issues. She stated the districts continue to meet to discuss moving forward as this was the last year of the group contract. All decided it was best to go out to bid earlier this time around and the decision was made to advertise bids on their own and produce similar, but meeting individual districts’ needs, with their own documents. The pre-bid meeting and bid opening will be on the same day, at the same location for all districts. An invitation to bid will be in the paper next Thursday and all the Northfield Township schools are following the same time frame in advertising the bid. The bid opening will be November 21, 2019. We are hoping to come to the Board of Education with a recommendation in December.

Recognition of Audience


Move Into Closed

Vice President Laura Greenberg made a motion to move into closed session to consider information regarding individual student matters and the appointment, employment, compensation, or performance of specific employees. Secretary Daphne Frank seconded the motion.

Final Resolution:

Aye: Melissa Choo Valentinas, Nancy Hammer, Maria Vasilopoulos, Jeffrey

Steres, Robert Resis, Daphne Frank, Laura Greenberg

Nay: None.

The motion passed 7:0 at 10:21 pm

Action Items Regarding the Appointment, Employment, Compensation or Performance of Specific Employees

Member Jeffrey Steres made a motion to approve the property tax settlement. Secretary Daphne Frank seconded the motion.

Final Resolution:

Aye: Robert Resis, Daphne Frank, Laura Greenberg, Melissa Choo Valentinas,

Nancy Hammer, Maria Vasilopoulos, Jeffrey Steres

Nay: None.

The motion passed 7:0

Member Jeffrey Steres made a motion to approve the resignation contract of Jennie Winters effective October 24, 2019. Member Maria Vasilopoulos seconded the motion.

Final Resolution:

Aye: Robert Resis, Nancy Hammer, Maria Vasilopoulos, Jeffrey Steres

Nay: Daphne Frank, Laura Greenberg

Abstain: Melissa Choo Valentinas

The motion passed 4:2:1

After further discussion on schedules, the Board of Education, made the following changes to Board meeting dates:

● November is now Wednesday, November 20, 2019

● January is now Wednesday, January 22, 2020.

● February is now Wednesday, February 20, 2020

All other published Board meeting dates remain the same.


Vice President Laura Greenberg made a motion to adjourn. Member Nancy Hammer seconded the motion.

Final Resolution:

Aye: Melissa Choo Valentinas, Nancy Hammer, Maria Vasilopoulos, Jeffrey Steres, Robert Resis, Daphne Frank, Laura Greenberg

Nay: None.

The motion passed 7:0 at 12:06 am
