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Village of Northbrook Plan Commission met August 6

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Village of Northbrook Plan Commission met Aug. 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:


Attendee Name



Steven Elisco



Norm Jacobs



Jeff Sandler



Dan Pepoon



Jeremy Melnick



Mark DeBartolo



Jennifer Lawrence



Marcia Franklin



2. MINUTES APPROVAL - July 16, 2019

Commissioner Pepoon moved and Commissioner Sandler seconded a motion to approve the minutes for July 16, 2019. On a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Elisco abstained.

A. Plan Commission - Plan Commission - Jul 16, 2019 7:30 PM


MOVER: Dan Pepoon, Commissioner

SECONDER: Jeff Sandler, Commissioner

AYES: Elisco, Jacobs, Sandler, Pepoon, Melnick, DeBartolo, Franklin

ABSTAIN: Lawrence


Tom Poupard reported that on July 23rd, the Board of Trustees reviewed a number of matters of interest. At the Committee of the Whole Meeting, the Board spent quite a bit of time discussing short term rentals, such as AirBnBs in the community. The Board came up with a recommendation that would allow a room in a single-family home to be rented out on a short-term basis, if the owner is on the premises. Regarding an entire house being rented, they want a minimum of a one-month period. The Village also received its first request for a recreational cannabis business at 755 Skokie Blvd. The majority of the Board felt that this would be a good location, but wanted the traffic and parking analyzed in relationship to the 770 shopping center across the street. The Board also reviewed a preliminary application for a school bus storage terminal facility at 2045 Shermer Road. This was well received, with concerns about large platoons of school buses entering and exiting at the same time. There was also a request for a two-lot subdivision 2450 Landwehr Road. On August 13th, there will be the Resolution recognizing Norm Jacobs to be approved by the Board. On August 27th at 6:00 p.m. there will be a discussion on affordable housing at the Committee of the Whole meeting.




A. DOCKET NO. PCD-19-04: 4105 Dundee Road - Culver's Restaurant (Second Public Hearing.) An application filed by Culv NB, LLC as lessee of the property commonly known as 4105 Dundee Road, which is owned by WFC-Lincoln Sanders, LLC and WFC Sanders LLC for the purposes of authorizing the following zoning relief: A) Special Permit to allow a Drive-Through Facility (SIC No. 9980.00) accessory to a restaurant in the C-2 Neighborhood Commercial District; B) Text Amendment to allow an electronic message board sign by special permit in the C-2 District; C) Special Permit for an electronic message board sign in the C-2 District; D) Special Permit to increase the permitted ground sign height in excess of the height limit from 8’ to 11’-4 1/8” (SIC No. 9966.00); E) Variation to reduce the required front yard (east) from 25’ to 7.4’ to accommodate the proposed parking lot; F) Variation to reduce the required corner side yard (north) from 25’ to 3.3’ to accommodate the proposed drive aisle; G) Variation to reduce the required number of loading spaces from 1 to 0; H) Variation to reduce the required ground sign setback from 15’ to 5.8’; I) Site Plan Approval; and J) Approval of any such variations, waivers, and zoning relief as may be necessary.

Swati Pandey reported that Culver’s has returned for a second public hearing to request approval for a drive-thru restaurant in the Sanders Court Shopping Center at Dundee Road and Sanders Road. The applicant presented its plans and proposals at the first public hearing on July 16, 2019 and received feedback both from the Commission and the public. There is no change in the proposed building, the parking, the drive-thru, signage, trash enclosure and landscaping. There are two minor changes to the site plan; in response to the comments received from the Commission regarding pedestrian safety, the applicant has provided some minor changes, one of those being to propose a speed table at the intersection in the crosswalk between the drive- thru lane. They will also be relocating the bike rack, moving it just north of the outdoor seating area. They will also be proposing additional pedestrian signage two being located just south of the south drive aisle and one adjacent to the crosswalk. Another comment made at the first public hearing related to the ground sign design, the applicant has not proposed any changes to the design. The dimensions all remain the same as was proposed during the first public hearing. Another comment was related to noise pollution due to loading and unloading truck deliveries. In the response letter, the applicant stated that due to the interior location of these deliveries and limited hours of deliveries outside of their business hours, it would not create any negative impact on the residential properties around the building. The required relief remains the same as was discussed at the first public hearing.

Commissioner DeBartolo would like to see a sidewalk installed at the corner of Dundee and Sanders. Ms. Pandey replied this is an IDOT road and she doesn’t know what their plans are. Mr. Poupard suggested that a recommendation could be made that element be added to the Bike and Pedestrian Plan.

Larry Freedman, Attorney for the applicant stated that they are available to answer any questions.

Chairman Franklin asked if they received a response from the food distributor regarding the Noise Ordinance. The response stated they have not received a response as of yet.

Josh Kaplan, owns Josh’s Hot Dogs in town, stated that he is a local business serving and supporting the community for over ten years. After two years in his Deerfield store, he was forced to close due to a franchise chain store business opening near him. He is not happy about a national fast food chain opening in Northbrook across the street from his hotdog stand. He is opposed to the big sign on the corner with electric verbiage. It is simply not what this neighborhood depicts on the west side of Northbrook. West Northbrook is a quiet local business driven community. Please don’t take this away from us. If my request is denied and the electric sign is approved, then he is requesting that all businesses in that area be allowed large electric flashing signs for their businesses.

Motion and second to close the public hearing. All in favor.

Commissioner Elisco feels that all the previous concerns have been satisfied. He visited the site and feels the location of the sign is fine where it is, and he is fine with the setback relief and height. He is in favor of the electronic sign, but there needs to be specific restrictions, i.e., maximum number of image changes possibly two per day and no animation, the images must be static, and located 300’ from a residential property. He doesn’t feel that the speed table is necessary. It would make it difficult for cars to make a turn over the top of one of those and the placement isn’t good. It should be before the pedestrian walkway not after and not to mention snow removal which causes damage. He suggested signs saying, “Sharing the road with pedestrians”.

Commissioner Melnick agrees with everything stated by Commissioner Elisco but he doesn’t feel the sign is in the right location. He would like to see time limits on the sign; it would need to be shut off at a certain time.

Commissioner DeBartolo stated that he appreciates the revisions, moving the bike rack, etc. He has issues with the electronic sign. We don’t have one now in the Village and he doesn’t want to set a precedence. If the electronic message board stays in the proposal, he will not be able to support this project.

Commissioner Morgen agreed with other Commissioners.

Commissioner Riad still has safety concerns with the kids coming from the school to the south. He agrees with the statement from the public regarding allowing electronic signs for the small business if this large business gets to have an electronic sign.

Commissioner Sandler stated that he is fine with the sign on the Sanders location but is very concerned about crafting the right language in the text amendment and would like to review it before he votes in favor.

Commissioner Pepoon also doesn’t like the speed table but does agree with pedestrian safety signs as suggested by Commissioner Elisco. Would like to make sure there are controls on the signs i.e., static message, brightness, and time limits.

Chairman Franklin agrees with a lot of the comments made regarding the signs and agrees that it would comply with the appropriate zoning here. She does want to maintain tight control over these types of signs. Chairman Franklin is also concerned about the safety of the middle schoolers in the area and agrees that Commissioner Elisco’s solutions are better than a speed table.

Director Poupard suggested that the Commission direct staff to prepare two resolutions, one for the development, and a second separate one for the electronic message sign since there are several members that are still not in support of the electronic message sign text amendment.

Commissioner Elisco moved and Commissioner Melnick second to instruct Staff to prepare a Resolution approving Docket No. PCD-19-04A/D/E/F/G/H/I, 4105 Dundee Road, Culvers Restaurant as presented subject to the approved vendor verify that they will comply with the Village Noise Ordinances, that the speed table is removed and that additional paving markings and signage are provided for pedestrian safety. All in favor by a roll call vote.

Commissioner Elisco made a motion and Commissioner Pepoon seconded to instruct Staff to prepare a Resolution approving Docket No. PCD-19-4, 4105 Dundee Road, Culvers Restaurant for items B and C only related to the electronic sign portion of the application. All in favor by a roll call vote.


A. DOCKET NO. PCD-19-09: 633 SKOKIE - FIRST BANK OF HIGHLAND PARK WALL SIGN (First Public Hearing.) An application filed by First Bank of Highland Park as lessee of 633 Skokie Boulevard, which is owned by Takiff Properties Group, Ltd. No. 2, an Illinois Limited Partnership for the purpose of authorizing the following zoning relief: A) Approval of a special permit to allow a wall sign in excess of 20 feet in height (SIC No. 9966.00), the tops of which sign is approximately 50’ above grade; B) Approval of a special permit to allow a wall sign in excess of district sign area limitations (SIC No. 9969.00), which is 100 square feet, with a 145.5 square foot sign; and C) Approval of any other such variations, waivers, and zoning relief as may be necessary.

Chairman Franklin questioned if there were any members in the audience wishing to speak on this item. There were no responses.

Commissioner Elisco moved and Commissioner Pepoon second to waive staff presentation. All in favor.

Commissioner Elisco moved and Commissioner DeBartolo second to close the public hearing. All in favor.

Commissioner Elisco moved and Commissioner Sandler second to approve Resolution Number 19-PC-08 for Plan Commission Docket No. PCD-19-09, 633 Skokie Blvd. First Bank of Highland Park. All in favor by a roll call vote.

B. DOCKET NO. PCD-19-06: 1828-1908 TECHNY ROAD - REZONING (First Public Hearing.) An application filed by A.K. Sukhumvit Assets, LLC – Series I as owner of the property commonly known as 1828-1908 Techny Road, for the purposes of authorizing the following zoning relief: A) Rezoning from I-1 Restricted Industrial to ICS Industrial and Commercial Services district; B) Zoning Code Text Amendment to allow Miscellaneous Personal Services, Not elsewhere Classified (SIC No. 7299.01) in the ICS District; C) Zoning Code Text Amendment to allow Beauty Shops (SIC No. 7230.00) in the ICS District; D) Special Permit for More Than One Principal Structure On A Zoning Lot (SIC No. 9880.00); E) Special Permit to allow Beauty Shop operated by Escape Salon by Jasmine Metz F) Special Permit to allow a Miscellaneous Personal Services business operated by A Permanent Effect Electrolysis Inc. G) Variation to reduce the required interior side (west) setback from 5’ to 3.93’ to accommodate the existing small building; H) Variation to reduce the required rear (north) setback from 15’ to 10.62’ to accommodate the existing small building; I) Variation to reduce the required interior side (east & west) and rear (north) yard from 5’ to 0’ to accommodate the existing parking lot; J) Site Plan Approval; and K) Approval of any such variations, waivers, and zoning relief as may be necessary.

Swati Pandey reported that the subject property at 1828-1908 Techny is located on the northwest side of Techny and Anets Drive. It is adjacent to the Techny Prairie Parks and Fields. This property is zoned I-1 - Restricted Industrial. The property to the north is vacant and zoned IB - Institutional Building. The property to the west across the train tracks is zoned I-1, it is the Maurice Sporting Goods property. The property to the south is I-1. The property is designated for major corridor multi use in the Comprehensive Plan. The intended use is higher density such as retail office, personal service, entertainment, fitness. The property owner, which is also the applicant, is requesting to rezone the property form I-1 Restricted Industrial to Industrial and Commercial Services ICS. The reason for the request is to attract a wider variety of tenants onto the property. There are no changes proposed to the exterior of the building or site at this time. The applicant is also requesting a Special Permit to allow multiple buildings on one zoning lot and several variations to accommodate the existing parking lot and a small office/warehouse building, located at the northwest corner of the site. The required number of parking spaces is 98 and there are 155 parking spaces. While staff was reviewing the application, they found that there are two nonconforming uses on the property; a salon and a personal service use (an electrolysis office) which require a text amendment if the property is rezoned to ICS, and a subsequent Special Permit to allow both those uses to continue operating on the property. The salon has been there for about a year and the electrolysis office about fifteen years. The application underwent Preliminary Review by the Board of Trustees and was favorably reviewed but at that time they did not include the text amendments or the special permits for nonconforming uses.

Lewis Kaplan represents the owner of the building.

The Commission wanted to know how the other tenants would feel if this area was rezoned. Mr. Kaplan replied that there are no problems with other tenants.

Chairman Franklin stated that she never likes to boot out an existing business but asked Mr. Kaplan that he reminds the owner of this building that it is his obligation to be aware of what requires a Special Permit.

Commissioner Elisco moved and Commissioner Pepoon second to close the public hearing. All in favor.

Commissioner Elisco would approve as presented and all Commissioners concurred.

Commissioner Elisco moved and Commissioner Melnick second to instruct staff to prepare a Resolution approving Docket # PCD19-06, 1828-1908 Techny Road rezoning as presented. All in favor by a roll call vote.

DOCKET NO. PCD-19-08: 180 Anets Drive - Cell Tower Special Permit (First Public Hearing). An applicationby Mastec Network Solutions o/b/o AT&T as lessee of a portion of the property commonly known as 180 Anets Drive, which is owned by the Northbrook Park District for the purposes of authorizing the following zoning relief: A) Special Permit to allow a Personal Wireless Services Antenna Located on a Tower-Style Structures in Excess of District Height Limitations (Village SIC No. 4810.02); B) Variation to reduce the required distancing between the existing personal wireless service antenna tower and nearby structures from 110’ to 69’; and C) Approval of any such variations, waivers, and zoning relief as may be necessary.

Motion and second to waive the staff presentation. All in favor.

Andy Fitz, on behalf of AT&T was sworn in.

Chairman Franklin asked him if the equipment at the base of the tower will be locked up tight and safe so that kids cannot get to it. Andy Fitz replied that since they are going to install the equipment within the existing fenced in compound, it would be difficult for anyone to gain access to that equipment.

Commissioner Elisco moved and Commissioner Pepoon second to approve Resolution Number 19-PC-09 Plan Commission, Docket No. PCD-19-08 180 Anets Drive as prepared and presented by Staff. All in favor by a roll call vote.




Chairman Franklin stated as part of her new job as Police and Fire Commission Bureau, she asked them to explain the traffic signals at the corner of Shermer and Dundee and they said, you have to come to a full stop unless there is a green arrow if you are heading west on Dundee at Shermer. However, if you are planning to turn from Shermer going east on Dundee, it’s like a right on red, you have to stop but then you can keep going, you don’t have to wait for the light to turn green.


On voice vote, a motion to adjourn passed unanimously. Adjourned at 8:44 p.m.




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