
North Cook News

Monday, March 10, 2025

City of Prospect Heights City Council met May 6

Webp meetingroom05

City of Prospect Heights City Council met May 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

At 6:38 PM, PRESENTATION OF THE COLORS - Led by the Wheeling High School Navy Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (NJROTC) Color Guard - Brian Nguyen, Nathan Johnson, Danny Tran, Jacob Koeckritz presented colors

NATIONAL ANTHEM - Sung by 3rd Ward Alderman Elect Wendy Morgan-Adams and Ann Forman on keyboard

THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE -Led by Alderman Matt Dolick, Ward 5

INVOCATION - Pastor Rod Krueger - Our Redeemer Lutheran Church

CALL TO ORDER - At 6:44 PM, Mayor Nicholas J. Helmer called to order the City of Prospect Heights Council at Rob Roy Golf Course Banquet Hall, 505 East Camp McDonald Road, Prospect Heights, IL 60070.

ROLL CALL FOR QUORUM - City Clerk Morgan-Adams called roll. A quorum was present. ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT - Mayor Heimer, Treasurer Tibbits, City Clerk Morgan-Adams, Aldermen - Rosenthal, Williamson, Dolick, Ludvigsen OTHER OFFICIALS PRESENT - Attorney O'Driscoll, Judge Etchingham (arrived at 6:50 PM)

APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A. Approval of Expenditures

General Fund $17,218.89

Motor Fuel Tax Fund $0.00 

Palatine/Milwaukee Tax Increment Financing District $0.00

Tourism District $0.00

Development Fund $0.00

Drug Enforcement Agency Fund $0.00

Solid Waste Fund $0.00

Special Service Area #1 $0.00

Special Service Area #2 $0.00

Special Service Area #3 $0.00

Special Service Area #4 $0.00

Special Service Area #5 $0.00

Special Service Area #8 – Levee Wall #37 $0.00

Special Service Area-Constr #6 (Water Main) $0.00

Special Service Area- Debt #6 $0.00

Capital Improvements $0.00

Palatine Road Tax Increment Financing District $0.00

Road Construction $0.00

Road Construction Debt $0.00

Water Fund $2,025.31

Parking Fund Sanitary Sewer Fund $2,015.00

Road/Building Bond Escrow $0.00

TOTAL $21,259.20

Wire Payments

4/26/2019 PAYROLL POSTING $144,459.49


TOTAL WARRANT $182,594.49 

City Clerk Morgan-Adams read the warrants. 

Alderman Rosenthal moved to approve the warrants as presented; seconded by Alderman Williamson to include a Total of $21,259.20; 4/26/2019 Payroll Posting of $144,459.49; April Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund of $16,875.80; and a TOTAL of $182,594.49. 


AYES - Williamson, Rosenthal, Ludvigsen, Dolick

NAYS - None

ABSENT - None Motion carried 4-0

ADJOURNMENT - At 6:47 PM, Alderman Rosenthal moved for Adjournment Sine Die; seconded by Alderman Williamson. 


AYES - Williamson, Rosenthal, Ludvigsen, Dolick

NAYS - None

ABSENT - None Motion carried 4-0

Approved by the City Council of Prospect Heights on this the 13th day of May, 2019.
