FreeImages - Alicia Jo McMahan
FreeImages - Alicia Jo McMahan
Sponsoring organizations for AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) are being sought by the head of an Illinois bipartisan, governor-appointed commission in which volunteers serve the community, according to a recent news release.
Serve Illinois Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service Commissioner Charlene Foss-Eggemann is seeking the sponsoring organizations for AmeriCorps, which engages teams in community projects nationwide. The organizations can request AmeriCorps NCCC team assistance by submitting a project application.
"Service projects, which typically last from six to eight weeks, address critical needs related to natural and other disasters, infrastructure improvement, environmental stewardship and conservation, energy conservation, and urban and rural development," the news release said. "Members mentor students, construct and rehabilitate low-income housing, respond to natural disasters, clean up streams, help communities develop emergency plans, and address countless other local needs."
Serve Illinois Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service Commissioner Charlene Foss-Eggemann
In 2018, more than 2,300 AmeriCorps members stepped up to meet needs across Illinois through three AmeriCorps programs, including AmeriCorps NCCC. The other two are AmeriCorps State & National and AmeriCorps Volunteers In Service To America.
Foss-Eggemann also is a Park Ridge resident and Maine Township Republican Committeeman.
More information can be found online here.