
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Wheeling Foreign Fire Tax Board met October 12.

Webp meetingroom04

Village of Wheeling Foreign Fire Tax Board met Oct. 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


a) Chairperson Pat Leahy called to order the regular meeting of the Foreign Fire Tax Board (FFTB) of The Village of Wheeling at 9:02 am on October 12, 2018 at 499 S. Milwaukee, Wheeling, IL.


a) Secretary J. Shewfelt conducted a roll call. The following persons were present:

Chairperson Pat Leahy, Assistant Chairperson John Bielik, Treasurer Bryan Zirzow, Secretary Jeff Shewfelt, Keith MacIsaac, and Stewart Watkins. Scott Smith was on an EMS incident and absent the entire meeting.


a) Motion to approve the minutes for September 14th, 2018 were made by B. Zirzow and seconded by J. Bielik.

(1) Motion passed unanimously with a vote of 6-0.




a) Station 42 Daily Herald Delivery

i) B. Zirzow spoke with Daily Herald and notified them that we don't receive the paper where it should be delivered. It is thought that it may be getting delivered with the Police Departments paper. FFTB was reimbursed 1 month subscription dues and should now be getting it delivered to the correct location.


a) Purchase Requisitions Submitted

i) A. Gambro requested the annual purchase of the Active 911 subscription.

(1) B. Zirzow made a motion seconded by K. MacIsaac to purchase the annual Subscription.

(a) Motion passed unanimously 6-0

ii) V. Lanciloti requested the Wall Street Journal Newspaper delivery to all 3 fire stations.

(1) This topic was tabled last meeting to allow the requestor to tally department member's interest. V. Lanciloti was not present at this meeting and no tally was provided.

(a) K. MacIsaac made a motion seconded by J. Shewfelt to bring this request to a vote.

(i) Motion was denied unanimously 0-6.

iii) K. MacIsaac requests reimbursement to the Village of Wheeling for the rear module ventilation system for the new Reserve Ambulance 23.

(1) This is an upgrade to the standard ventilation system that the FFTB has historically purchased for the new ambulances.

(a) B. Zirzow made a motion seconded by S. Watkins to approve the

reimbursement of $847.00 to the Village of Wheeling for this ventilation system upgrade.

(i) Motion passed with a vote of 5-0-1. K. MacIsaac abstained.

iv) K. MacIsaac requested reimbursement to the Village of Wheeling for the upgraded Stryker Power-Pro XT stretcher for the new Reserve Ambulance 23.

(1) This is an upgrade from the standard Stryker stretcher that the FFTB has historically purchased for new ambulances. This provides the fully powered lifting capabilities of the stretcher.

(a) J. Bielik made a motion seconded by S. Watkins to approve the reimbursement to the Village of Wheeling for $5,359.39.

(i) Motion passed with a vote of 5-0-1. K. MacIsaac abstained.

v) K. MacIsaac requested assistance with the purchase of a new records management software.

(1) Due to the fire departments existing software, Firehouse Software, used for records keeping and patient care reports discontinuing their products in January 2019 the IT committee has needed to purchase new software. Firehouse Software recently made this information known to the fire department leaving little time to financially plan for the purchase.

(a) K. MacIsaac is requesting 50% of the first years cost of Image Trend software be paid by the FFTB with the remainder paid by the Village of Wheeling. This is a one-time purchase by the FFTB and the remaining cost of the Image Trend software going forward will be paid by the Village of Wheeling.

(b) Many local fire departments and EMS systems use this software and have provided positive feedback.

(c) This purchase is to be paid in the 1st quarter of 2019.

(i) J. Shewfelt made a motion seconded by B. Zirzow to approve the purchase for $9,217.50.

1. Motion passed with a vote of 5-0-1. K. MacIsaac abstained.

vi) B. Zirzow requests payment of the FFTB's treasurers bond.

(1) S. Watkins made a motion seconded by J. Bielik to approve the purchase.

(a) Motion passed with a vote of 5-0-1. B. Zirzow abstained.

vii) H. Tellock requested paramedic license fee reimbursement.

(1) K. MacIsaac made a motion seconded by S. Watkins to approve the reimbursement of $40.

(a) Motion passed unanimously with a vote of 6-0.

viii) H. Tellock requests upgrade of the fire departments Sam's Club card to the ‘Plus Membership’. This upgrade would allow online ordering and free delivery. A yearly renewal would be required.

(1) K. MacIsaac requested this topic to be tabled until next meeting until he can speak with H. Tellock about the purchase.

b) Update on Election Process

i) J. Shewfelt had posted the nomination sheets at all 3 fire stations which will stay up for the necessary 30 days. Elections will take place in early November prior to the next FFTB Meeting.

c) Discussion on Meeting Frequency

i) FFTB determined that we will change our meeting schedule to having bi-monthly meetings in 2019. This will be reflected on the 2019 meeting schedule.

d) Approval of bills to be paid:

i) All outstanding bills were paid as noted in the treasurer's report.

e) Treasurer’s Report

i) B. Zirzow presented the Treasurer's Report for September 2018 which showed available funds of $80,741.22.

(1) K. MacIsaac made a motion seconded by J. Shewfelt to approve the September Treasurer’s Report.

(a) Motion passed unanimously with a vote of 6-0



a) Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by J. Bielik and seconded by S. Watkins.

i) Motion passed unanimously with a vote of 6-0.

(1) Meeting was adjourned at 09:53 am.
