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Village of Northbrook Community Relations Commission met October 4.

Webp meet

Village of Northbrook Community Relations Commission met Oct. 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

Minutes of a Meeting of the

Community Relations Commission

Northbrook, IL

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Present: Chairman Bruce Doughty, Commissioners Christine Beeftink, Elliot Bruckman, Emmeline Hazaray, Helena Osorio, Grace Seo, & Patti Vile

Absent: Commissioners Sarah Kroeschell & John Martin

Representatives: Mary Hansen, Alice Lonoff, Ron Mantegna, Nancy Stoddard, & Marilyn Thompson

Guest: Joy Stuart – Northbrook Park District

Others: Staff Liaison Erik Jensen & Recording Secretary Gale Cerabona


Chairman Doughty welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 6:59 p.m. in the Terrace Room at Northbrook Village Hall.

Hear from the Audience

Ms. Stuart advised that Northbrook Park District is partnering with other entities. She discussed upcoming events including festivals such as Autumnfest. She also shared that the Park District, along with many other agencies, participated in a special event for local Girl Scouts.

Review & Approval of September 13, 2018, Special CRC Meeting Minutes Revisions were noted as follows:

• Line 85 alter jazz combination with Jazz Combo

• Lines 105-106 replace had with has

• Line 136 alter October 18 with November 15

• Lines 144-145 replace the following after committees: including a project to rescue food from the Glenbrook Hospital cafeteria and deliver it to the Northfield Township Food Pantry.

A motion was made by Commissioner Bruckman, seconded by Commissioner Hazaray, to approve the September 13, 2018 special meeting minutes as amended. On a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously.

Review & Approval of June 7, 2018, Celebration of Cultures’ Subcommittee Meeting Minutes Revisions were noted as follows:

• Lines 28-30 place a period after good. Then add….It’s important that banners emphasize what, when, and where.

• Line 33 after that, add being included in place a period after helpful and omit remainder of sentence

• Line 72 replace he with Member Mantegna

• Lines 100-101 place a period after good and omit remainder of sentence

A motion was made by Commissioner Bruckman, seconded by Commissioner Hazaray, to approve the June 7, 2018 Celebration of Cultures’ Subcommittee meeting minutes as amended. On a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously.

Village Update

Liaison Jensen updated the Commission on construction and storm water projects.

Liaison Jensen explained that the Village had recently signed a new refuse and recycling agreement with

Advanced Disposal and explained that a new modified volume-based program was being implemented.

He discussed frequency and service types and the new year-round yard waste/organics collection program.

Liaison Jensen advised there is electronics recycling on the first Tuesdays & Saturdays of the month.

Liaison Jensen reminded further information on refuse and recycling is available on the Village website.

Commissioner Seo asked about a power outage for 100 homes in her area. Liaison Jensen explained there was a recent outage from equipment failure that has since been corrected.

Commissioner Bruckman asked Liaison Jensen about recent improvements on Willow Road near the Union Pacific Railroad overpass. Liaison Jensen stated the Illinois Department of Transportation had completed the project.

Commissioner Vile asked about and Liaison Jensen briefly explained the Cook County sick leave ordinance and the Village’s recent actions on it.

Update on Activities

1. Northbrook Cares

Chairman Doughty advised activities might occur in November. Commissioner Vile volunteered to be on the committee.

2. Celebration of Cultures

Chairman Doughty complimented Commissioners Osorio and Beeftink and the subcommittee on constructive meeting minutes. Commissioner Beeftink stated the next event might occur in Fall 2019. Commissioner Osorio advised Jim at the YMCA is excited about this event. Commissioner Beeftink stated the Arts Commission might also partner with the Commission.

3. Welcome to Northbrook/Flamingo Fridays

Commissioner Bruckman stated a post-event meeting would happen shortly. He noted Sunset Foods was interested in participating again.

Comissioner Bruckman explained additional help and support will be sought in the future and asked that anyone interested in joining the Subcommittee reach out to him.

4. One Community, One Book

Commissioner Beeftink advised the subcommittee met last week. She noted the kick-off might be in summer and could involve adults and young adults. The book that was considered last year is the One Community, One Book for Glenview. Library staff will take the lead and make

recommendations as well as publicize the event with the CRC Subcommittee.

Representative Hansen stated the subcommittee wishes to partner with Welcome to Northbrook/Flamingo Fridays for the kick-off. Commissioner Bruckman stated he welcomes the opportunity.

News from Schools

Chairman Doughty shared the following from District 225:

• The District continues recruitment for a new district superintendent to replace Dr. Riggle, who will be retiring.

• The District will continue investigating the possibility of changing to a collegiate calendar year.

• Glenbrook North’s Homecoming will be occurring in October.

• The District continues to focus on security and has hired a new Security Manager. Chair Doughty also discussed some of the security policies currently being used in the District.

Representative Lonoff asked about policies for a false alarm. Chairman Doughty stated disciplinary policies are in place.

Representative Mantegna inquired about the Presidential Alert and how schools handle that kind of event. Chairman Doughty stated that the schools and other local governments are in constant contact and work closely together.

News from Northbrook Clergy Association

Representative Hansen stated:

• Techny Towers will host the Thanksgiving Inter-Faith Service

• The Pastor Swap will happen January 18, 2019 (this replaces the Inter-Faith Walk).

• Some Houses of Worship will ring their bells on Armistice Day, November 11, 2019 at 11 a.m.

She advised the group wishes to use the Commission logo. Liaison Jensen will investigate same.

Old Business

There was no Old Business.

New Business

Commissioner Vile explained a program Highland Park hosted (including the Park District, School District, Library, and Townships) regarding what offerings there are for residents for services, programs, etc. She thought this could tie into Welcome to Northbrook/Flamingo Fridays. Commissioner Bruckman stated this is happening. Representative Mantegna suggested perhaps the Village Hall stay open later to expand (this event); a subcommittee may need to be implemented. Chairman Doughty stated this could be for all community residents (not just new ones). Commissioner Bruckman stated he would pursue this idea as part of the Welcome to Northbrook/Flamingo Friday Subcommittee.

Eyes & Ears on the Street

• The Thanksgiving Inter-Faith Service will be hosted by Techny Towers

• RAIN and the Northbrook Public Library will hold “Navigating Hot Button Topics” at the Library on Thursday, November 15 from 7 to 8:30 p.m.

• Rosecrance Treatment Facility is starting a parents’ support group on the first & third Mondays at 6 p.m.

Next Meeting

The next CRC meeting is scheduled for November 1, 2018 at the Library.


A motion was made by Commissioner Bruckman, seconded by Commissioner Osorio, to adjourn the meeting at 8:09 p.m. On a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously.
