
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Park Ridge City Council met September 4.

Webp meeting 02

Park Ridge City Council met Sept. 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

I. Call to Order Mayor Maloney called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

II. Roll Call City Clerk Henneman read the roll call and the following Elected Officials indicated their presence: Mayor Maloney, Ald. Moran, Milissis, Wilkening, Shubert, Melidosian, Mazzuca, and Joyce.

III. Pledge of Allegiance Attendees of the meeting pledged their allegiance to the United States flag.

IV. Approval of Minutes

A. Committee of the Whole – August 13, 2018 Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Shubert. Motion carried; voice vote.

B. City Council Meeting – August 20, 2018 Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Milissis. Motion carried; voice vote. (Abstention by Ald. Shubert)

Ald. Moran spoke about the torrential rainfall event that occurred on September 3 and how it is normal to have ponding and water remain in the street until it drains. Furthermore, he indicated that no system is designed to take that amount of water in that little time. He reported that he attended a meeting earlier in the evening with staff and an alderman to discuss logistics of some stormwater projects that were discussed over the last few months.

Public Works Director Zingsheim explained that the intensity of rainfall is what causes the most problems. Rainfall totals were not available for the recent event but believes that two inches fell, all coming downing within a 30-45 minute period of time. He also reported on the river levels, the operation of the Sibley Lift Station, the Mayfield area, a power spike, flooding in the Police Department, and other storm related matters.

Fire Chief Sorensen and Police Chief Kaminski reported on their department’s calls or involvement with the rainfall event.

Ald. Shubert inquired about areas that were hit hard in his Ward and whether the new modeling will help with predictions. Director Zingsheim explained that relief sewers hold water; it’s what they are supposed to do. Ald. Shubert expressed concerns about basements that flooded. Director Zingsheim asked that he provide him with specific areas so he could take a look.

Ald. Shubert requested Ald. Moran to elaborate on the discussion held with staff earlier in the evening about stormwater projects. Ald. Moran indicated that the matter is scheduled to be a big discussion topic at an upcoming committee meeting; the purpose of meeting was to discuss what had been transferred over.

Ald. Melidosian reported on complaints he received in his Ward. He asked if Public Works is able to share its maintenance records to let residents know what service was done and when. According to Director Zingsheim, residents can call the Service Center and talk to the Superintendent to find out when work, maintenance or improvements were performed on sewers in a specific area. Ald. Melidosian also inquired about the recourse a resident would have after all construction and inspections had been completed and believes the grading was changed to negatively impact a neighboring property. Community Preservation and Development Director Brown spoke about the various inspections that are conducted with a building project; grading inspections are included.

Ald. Wilkening spoke about the flooding on Greenwood Avenue between Busse and Northwest Highway. She thought that the newly built senior facility built was going to hold its own water. Director Zingsheim confirmed that once hooked up, the property will retain its own water. Ald. Moran elaborated further.

When Director Zingsheim was questioned about scheduling a special debris or brush pickup, he indicated that none were planned. Any parkway tree limbs that fell would be removed by the City. Residents need to contact a landscape company to remove any limbs that fell on private property.

Ald. Mazzuca indicated that discussion on storm water projects will continue at the next Finance and Budget Committee meeting on September 24.

V. Reports of City Officials

A. Mayor’s report 1. National Payroll Week

Mayor Maloney presented a Proclamation to Finance Director, Andrea Lamberg, and employees from her department including, Linda Miller, Assistant Finance Director, Lee Limperatos, and Andrew Trettin for their integral part in providing payroll services for the employees of the City of Park Ridge.

2. National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Mayor Marty Maloney presented the Proclamation to Police Chief Kaminski. Its purpose is to raise awareness of identifying persons who may be suffering inside with thoughts of suicide and how a person can help someone who is suffering with mental illness. Social Worker Gerri Silic was unable to attend.

B. City Council No report.

C. City Attorney No report.

D. City Clerk No report.

E. City Manager No report.

F. Finance Director Report Finance Director Lamberg explained that any warrants over $2,500 were provided to Ald. Wilkening for review. 1. Warrant Report C082918 for the period ending August 29, 2018 Fiscal Year 2019 in the amount of $1,013,560.98 reviewed by Alderman Wilkening

VI. Consent Agenda *All items listed with an asterisk are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of those items unless an Alderman so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda.

VII. Citizens Who Wish to Address the City Council on a Non-Agenda Item Adrianna Goracherry resides on Edgemont Lane; her children attend Field School. She would like to request a variance for off street parking based on 12.13 of the Zoning Ordinance for the property located at 623 Devon

Avenue. She is requesting three permanent loading spaces in front of the property, Monday through Friday, 7 am – 9 am and 4 pm to 6 pm for a Child Care Facility. She is also requesting to lease parking between Chester and Washington. If she cannot find parking, she will be unable to sign a lease.

Mayor Maloney directed the person to contact Susan Tedeschi in the Public Works Administration Department.

VIII. Reports of Boards, Commissions and Committees A. Community Health Commission – Ald. Joyce Ald. Joyce reported: the Commission intends to join SolSmart; Get Fit Park Ridge will be occurring in November which is geared towards creating a healthy environment for the citizens; the commission is taking on many initiatives and has been very active.

B. Historic Preservation Commission – Ald. Joyce Ald. Joyce reported that the Commission did not meet during the summer months. The next meeting is scheduled for September 5.

C. Library Board of Trustees – Ald. Melidosian No report.

D. Liquor License Review Board – Liquor Commissioner/Mayor Maloney No report.

E. O’Hare Airport Commission – Ald. Mazzuca Ald. Mazzuca reported a positive development in the Fly Quiet Committee of the ONCC. The Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Annunzio, has given consideration of allowing the public and non-members to comment before votes are taken on matters. The next ONCC meeting is scheduled for 8:00 a.m. on September 7 at Café La Cave.

F. Planning and Zoning Commission – Ald. Wilkening 1. Approve the first reading of an Ordinance granting a Map Amendment from the B-1 Retail & Office District to the B-2 General Commercial District at 1036 Higgins Road (18-13-MA) Moved by Ald. Wilkening. Seconded by Ald. Moran.

Director Brown explained that the building is currently a one-story with a drive through, known as Al’s Beef. There is interest to redevelop the site into a multi-tenant commercial building. A Public Hearing was held before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Karkhanis was the architect for the project and testified at the meeting. The Commission voted 8 – 0 to approve the request. According to Director Brown, there are no substantial differences between B1 and B-2; B-1 allows for residential uses above the ground floor which would no longer be allowed if the property was rezoned. The drive-through would become conforming.

In response to questions, Director Brown explained that the Higgins Road Corridor Plan had no specific recommendations for this particular site. This rezoning would be extremely consistent with the intention of the B-2 District in the Zoning Ordinance for uses along major streets

Mr. Karkhanis indicated there is no definite plans for Al’s Beef to occupy the site. The proposal was brought forth by Starbucks. Mr. Karkhanis recognized City Planner John Branham who worked diligently and was very helpful throughout the process.

Ald. Milissis indicated that he remains concerned with the state of the Zoning Ordinance and hopes it is updated soon. He supports the proposal recognizing the interest of a national chain. He hopes to keep the item off of consent, allowing for discussion at the next meeting.

ROLL CALL AYES: Ald. Moran, Milissis, Wilkening, Melidosian, Mazzuca, and Joyce (6) NAYS: Ald. Shubert (1) ABSENT: None (0) ABSTAIN: None (0) Motion carried, 6 – 1.

G. Zoning Board of Appeals – Ald. Moran 1. Approve the first reading of an Ordinance granting a Zoning Variance to allow an addition to 1345 S. Knight (18-14-VA)

Director Brown explained that the owner/applicants desire to add a second story addition. The home is non- conforming on an irregular shaped lot and is placed and on an off angle. Setback requirements are not met. They need the variance request. The Zoning Board of Appeals voted 5 – 0 to approve the request. One neighbor spoke in favor of its approval at the hearing; six statements of support were included with the application.

Approve to waive the second reading. Moved by Ald. Mazzuca. Seconded by Ald. Moran.

Ald. Mazzuca explained that there was a unanimous vote to approve the case at the ZBA. There was strong support from the neighbors. He also mentioned that the ZBA complimented the applicant on their thoroughness. Therefore, he believes this is a case that deserves a waiving of the second reading. He indicated that the purpose for a second reading is to have residents offer comments; neighbors have already opined.

Ald. Moran also mentioned that the applicants are expecting a baby and would find it helpful starting the addition as soon as possible.

During discussion, the question was raised by Ald. Melidosian when the final approval would happen if the motion on the floor should fail. The answer was September 17. Ald. Melidosian questioned if there were any other reasons for the urgency besides the baby. Ald. Moran mentioned the applicant would like to start as soon as possible due to the change of upcoming change in weather.

Ald. Joyce knows the home and the character is consistent. He understands the urgency based on the reasons provided.

Ald. Melidosian was sympathetic but believes the proposed path of waiving a reading should be considered in emergency situations.

ROLL CALL (to approve in one reading) AYES: Ald. Wilkening, Mazzuca, Joyce, and Moran (4) NAYS: Ald. Milissis, Shubert, and Melidosian (3) ABSENT: None (0) ABSTAIN: None (0) Motion failed, 4 – 3 (super majority vote required to pass)

Ald. Mazzuca intends to strongly support the motion and expressed his disappointment for lack of support to waive the second reading.

ROLL CALL AYES: Ald. Wilkening, Melidosian, Mazzuca, Joyce, Moran, and Milissis (6) NAYS: Ald. Shubert (1) ABSENT: None (0) ABSTAIN: None (0) Motion carried, 6 – 1.

H. Procedures and Regulations Committee – Ald. Wilkening No report.

I. Public Works Committee – Ald. Moran No report.

J. Public Safety Committee – Ald. Melidosian Ald. Melidosian spoke about the 911 Remembrance Ceremony that is planned on September 11 in the front of City Hall beginning at 8:00 a.m. All are welcome to attend.

Chief Kaminski commented on the public protest on Labor Day that was held at I-90 and at the Cumberland Avenue ramp, which is under the jurisdiction of the State Police. The Police Department worked closely with the State Police, Chicago and other local Police Departments to make sure everyone was safe and secure. He indicated that twelve persons were arrested and cited. The event received a great amount of media attention.. He thanked the agencies that worked the event and also the other community Police Departments that protected Park Ridge while on call at the event.

K. Finance and Budget Committee – Ald. Mazzuca Ald. Mazzuca spoke about the new Police Contract. Since it includes provisions allowing for alcohol or drug testing, he would like to discuss having monies allocated to fund the provisions during the next budget meeting.

IX. New business Ald. Milissis requested that other colleagues on the City Council refrain from criticisms of others based on the manner in which they vote.

Ald. Shubert reported on the upcoming Bike Task Force meeting scheduled for September 5. Discussion will include route signs, bike parking, route maps, joining the Des Plaines River Tail Coalition, adoption of the Bike Plan, and potential updates to the Bike Ordinance. The School District has requested input from the Bike Task Force in regards to a grant it had received, “Safe Routes to School.”

X. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m.

Note: The minutes are a summary of business transacted at the meeting. They are not a verbatim copy of the recording.
