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City of Prospect Heights Plan/Zoning Board of Appeals met July 26.

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City of Prospect Heights Plan/Zoning Board of Appeals met July 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

I. Meeting Commencement:

The regular meeting of the Plan/Zoning Board of Appeals was called to order at 7:01 pm by Chairman Dash, at City Hall, 8 N. Elmhurst Road, in Prospect Heights, Illinois.

II. Roll Call:

Present: Commissioners Kempa, DeGraf, Tammen, Patel, Mellen, Saewert & Chairman Dash


Quorum is present.

Present at the meeting: Director of Building & Development Dan Peterson and Recording Secretary: Jennifer Myzia

III. Approval Of June 28, 2018 Minutes

Motion made by Commissioner Tammen, seconded by Commissioner Saewert to approve the meeting minutes.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Commissioners Kempa, Tammen, Patel, Mellen & Saewert



Abstain: Commissioner DeGraf and Chairman Dash

Motion carried.

IV. Old Business

V. New Business

1. PZBA - Public Hearing: Case No. ZBA 18-10SU

Applicant: Happy Moomins Daycare Inc. represented by Joanna Zychowska

Address: 11 S. Wolf Rd. Prospect Heights, IL 60070

Description of Request:

Description of Request:

Applicant is requesting a Special Use Permit for a daycare center in a B-1 Zoning District per 5-7-2 C of the City of Prospect Heights Zoning Code.

Chairman Dash requests a motion to open public hearing 18-10SU at 7:03 pm

Motion by Commissioner Tammen

Second by Commissioner DeGraf

Voice Vote:

Ayes: Commissioners Kempa, DeGraf, Tammen, Patel, Mellen, Saewert and Chairman Dash


Director Peterson states the owner operates the Crea Dance Studio which is presently at the location and they are proposing to change the business from a dance studio to a day care center. The applicant has had inspections from DCFS and has gone through that application process and has submitted an operations plan for the center that is in compliance with our code. Director Peterson continues to state that according to our zoning code child care and day care centers require a special use permit in the B1 district.

Chairman Dash swears in the public for testimony.

Joanna Zychowska 100 N Elm St Mount Prospect, IL 60056.

Chairman Dash states that Director Peterson thoroughly explained the application and asks Ms. Zychowska if she has anything she would like to add otherwise she will open the case for commissioner questions.

Ms. Zychowska states she has submitted all the information and is ready.

Commissioner Saewert has a question on the playground area. She states that in the R-2 district it is specified that an outdoor play area is required but has requested Director Peterson to speak as to if a B-1district requires an outdoor play area or if it is a state requirement or a county requirement?

Ms. Zychowska states it is a requirement by the state. All the children that attend day care are required to have time on a daily basis outside if the temperature does not go below twenty degrees Fahrenheit. Ms. Kimberly Perkins is the DCFS representative for this area. Ms. Perkins inspected the area and approved.

Chairman Dash asks if it is an existing play area.

Ms. Zychowska states it is a proposed playground area.

Director Peterson states that the City code requires 200 square feet per child in an R-2 district and the reason for that is the R-2 is our multi-family apartment dwelling district and there is limited access. The code is silent when it comes to day care and child care facilities in the B-1 district and we would default to approvals of state agencies at that time. The area in question is an open area to the south end of the property which has been cleared previously and to his belief the landlord has agreed to make sure it is clean and the appropriate area is safe and secure.

Ms. Zychowska states she has spoken to the landlord in regard to the inspection from DCFS and informed him of the recommendations which is the fence and gate for security. The landlord stated he is ready to fully cooperate with the requests of DCFS.

Chairman Dash requests for any other questions or concerns.

Chairman Dash requests a motion to close the public hearing on case ZBA 18-10SU

Motion by Commissioner Kempa

Seconded by Commissioner DeGraf

Voice Vote

Ayes: Commissioners Kempa, DeGraf, Tammen, Patel, Mellen, Saewert and Chairman Dash




Motion carried.

Public hearing closed for 18-10SU at 7:09 pm

Chairman Dash calls for a motion to receive into public record the staff review of the zoning compliance for the application with the zoning standards presented by staff this evening.

Motion by Commissioner Mellen

Second by Commissioner Tammen

Voice Vote:

Ayes: Commissioners Kempa, DeGraf, Tammen, Patel, Mellen, Saewert and Chairman Dash


Chairman Dash calls for motion to vote on recommending City Council approve for the application before us which is a Special Use Permit for a daycare center in a B-1 Zoning District per 5-7-2 C of the City of Prospect Heights Zoning Code

Motion by Commissioner Mellen

Seconded by Commissioner Tammen

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Commissioners Kempa, DeGraf, Tammen, Patel, Mellen, Saewert and Chairman Dash




This case shall go before City Council on Monday August 27, 2018 at 6:30pm.

2. PZBA - Public Hearing: Case No. ZBA 18-11SU

Applicant: Village Cycle Sport: represented by Joe Eberhardt

Address: 1326 N Rand Rd., Prospect Heights, IL 60070

Description of Request:

A. Requesting a Special Use Permit for automobile storage facility for up to 20 vehicles in the B-3 General Services Zoning District per 5-7-5 C of the City of Prospect Heights Zoning Code.

Chairman Dash requests a motion to open public hearing for case ZBA 18-11SU at 7:12 pm by

Motion by Commissioner Saewert

Second by Commissioner Kempa

Voice Vote:

Ayes: Commissioners Kempa, DeGraf, Tammen, Patel, Mellen, Saewert and Chairman Dash



Director Peterson states Mr. Eberhardt has had leased parking spaces on his lot for some time and has participated in numerous discussions with the City on how to bring this situation into compliance and he has been presented with a few options. One of those options is to apply for a special use permit for a vehicle storage facility on the property. Director Peterson states the review is not complete and limited and the off street parking requirements haven’t been completed. What has been prepared for this evening which can be added into the exhibits and staff report is a review of the requirements. These are the standards published in our standard zoning code.

Chairman Dash swears in the public for testimony.

Joe Eberhardt 117 Spring St. Cary, IL – states they would like to use the back 60 feet of the lot which is 350 feet deep and 100 feet wide for parking. Mr. Eberhardt states Village Cycle Sport receives requests all the time from people who cannot park the vehicle in their driveway because it isn’t allowed. Mr. Eberhardt states he has been in communication with Director Peterson as to how to bring this into compliance because there is a limo company that would like to park in the lot.

Chairman Dash states she will use the staff report to ask a few questions. Before moving forward Chairman Dash expresses appreciation for trying to achieve compliance with the codes. Chairman Dash asks Director Peterson how the city became aware of the violation.

Director Peterson states notification was received that a limo company was operating from that address. Upon further investigation, limousines were observed.

Mr. Eberhardt was notified that it was not an appropriate use and since then we have been communicating with Mr. Eberhardt on how to bring this into compliance.

Chairman Dash confirms that someone called to inquire about a limo company operating from that location.

Mr. Eberhardt states that the company would like to register with the City as a Prospect Heights business including purchasing vehicle stickers to achieve full compliance.

Chairman Dash states that could be a result that stems from this case but is not a direct part of this case. She states she wants to understand where the request stems from because no one appeared to oppose the case after the notification to property owners was mailed. Chairman Dash continues to ask if Mr. Eberhardt intends to provide any additional screening.

Mr. Eberhardt states if additional screening is required by code he will comply. He continues to state he is in the process of selling the lot next door which will block visibility of the back of the lot and there is a building in front which also blocks the view.

Chairman Dash asks Director Peterson if the code requires screening.

Director Peterson states yes for off-street parking there is a requirement for screening which can be accomplished with fencing, shrubbery or a numerous variety of ways. Depending on what the new neighbor would do with the lot, it could also act as screening.

Chairman Dash asks in making a motion to approve this evening would making a condition for screening be necessary or would that already be a requirement.

Director Peterson states it would be good to state as part of the record that it was addressed and that the applicant agreed to comply with the requirements of screening per City code.

Chairman Dash asks Mr. Eberhardt to speak regarding the hours of operation.

Mr. Eberhardt states the limo company works at night. They are quiet vehicles and there have never been any complaints from the neighbors. They operate mainly from 6:00pm until 1:00 am.

Chairman Dash confirms with Director Peterson that twenty spots will be the limit for parking.

Director Peterson states that during discussions with Mr. Eberhardt twenty spots is the amount the space will support.

Mr. Eberhardt states he has submitted a layout showing the usage of the space and that there is ample room for the vehicles to turn around, a garbage truck, firetruck or any other necessary vehicles including enough spaces for retail parking for the store.

Director Peterson confirms that would be illustrated in exhibit 3.

Commissioner Mellen asks Mr. Eberhardt if he feels the limo company will be operating the same hours as the retail store.

Mr. Eberhardt states they would have separate hours.

Commissioner Patel asks if this is more of a satellite location that the limos park or if actual customers will be meeting the limos at the location.

Mr. Eberhardt states a driver would leave his car there and take a limo for service.

Customers do not come to the site.

Chairman Dash states the open items on the staff report have been covered and asks

Director Peterson if there is anything in the off street parking code that hasn’t been addressed.

Director Peterson states there is a section regarding lighting and hazards, one of the questions needing discussion is what kind of lighting is existing there, have there or are there safety/security issues that need to be addressed with potential lighting in that area.

Mr. Eberhardt states the building is lit with halogen lighting since the remodel 6-7 years ago. However it would need to be inspected to confirm it is what is needed and if another light needs to be added without disturbing anyone around them, he would be willing to add lighting.

Chairman Dash states if it pertains to screening or lighting Mr. Eberhardt is willing to comply with the city code.

Mr. Eberhardt states yes.

Commissioner Saewert has a question regarding the types of vehicles that are there.

Commissioner Saewert states the special use permit that is being applied for is for automobile storage however in doing a location check it was noticed there were trucks, trailers and a boat

Mr. Eberhardt states those are vehicles owned by employees of Village Cycle Sport and are not paying for parking on site.

Chairman Dash asks is it safe to say that whatever vehicles are allowed to park there by city code that is what would be adhered to.

Mr. Eberhardt confirms yes.

Commissioner Mellen asks Director Peterson since the applicant doesn’t have details on the exact screening would it be something that would have to be considered in the future.

Chairman Dash states that the recommendation would include that screening would need to be complied with as per city code.

Commissioner Mellen states when reviewing the city code it seems rather ambiguous with many options but not necessarily defining height or if there is another objective consideration to how to screen properly.

Director Peterson recommends adding as a condition will comply with city code requirements for screening and prior to the August 27th City Council meeting Mr. Eberhardt can put a plan together for presentation prior to City Council.

Chairman Dash asks how Mr. Eberhardt will know what the plan will be if there isn’t knowledge of what the adjacent property use will be. In example if someone was the construct a building it could potentially alleviate the applicant from having to place a fence or shrubs.

Director Peterson states his recommendation is to put the screening in place and it the event a building is constructed the screening could be removed. Director Peterson admits he realizes there is an expense to that scenario but it isn’t known how long it may take for a development to fill in there. The best bet is to screen the area because if nothing is built for two years than he is out of compliance for two years.

Chairman Dash asks what exactly is being screened. She states that none of the neighbors have come so they have obviously seen the limos there and Chairman Dash asks how long this has been out of compliance and further states more than a few weeks.

Director Peterson states the neighbors are a car dealership and an adjacent municipality to the north, there’s a dense wood line to the west which has screened the residential district and there’s a B-2A district to the south which is adjacent to a parking lot.

Chairman Dash asks if it is even feasible to create a plan if there is nothing to screen from.

Commissioner Patel states you are screening a liquor store and a car dealership.

Commissioner Mellen interjects that his residence is there in that neighborhood and considers himself a neighbor. He states there are a few residential properties on the southwest side and you can see through the yard of the blue house on Olive to the back parking lot there where there is a fence.

Chairman Dash asks if they are within 250 feet of the property.

Director Peterson states yes.

Commissioner Mellen states they are not here and that the screen probably wouldn’t block Olive St. that it would block Rand Rd.

Commissioner Patel states they are talking about screening the back part of the property.

Director Peterson states the other business location that has outdoor vehicle storage is Dave’s Auto at the corner of Elmhurst and Palatine/Frontage, the front part he has his automobile repair storage for his employees or jobs but in the back he has fence storage that he leased out and it is done for both screening purposes and safety/security for the people that are leasing that space so that their vehicles and equipment are protected. The way the application is written it doesn’t specify that it will be just limos. It could be any type and is there a necessity to put safety measures around all the parking or not.

Chairman Dash states she feels that would be up to the people leasing the spots if they didn’t feel their vehicles are secure there.

Mr. Eberhardt states that if a concern is there he has always complied with the city.

Commissioner Saewert states she agrees with commissioner Mellen that if the PZBA is going to vote on the special use for the automotive storage that between now and the time it goes to City Council, Mr. Eberhardt should meet with staff to make sure it complies with the guidelines.

Chairman Dash agrees and states that would be made a condition that the requirements of the code are met.

Commissioner Mellen states he feels it is important that City Council have a screening plan that they can vote on. Is this fence in the back sufficient? What is the plan? This way the Council has something they can evaluate and make a recommendation on.

Chairman Dash asks Director Peterson if he feels a screening plan in necessary.

Director Peterson recommends that the existing property be reviewed as there may be a necessity for an eight foot separation between the business district and the residential district which is allowed through the code with an eight foot fence.

Chairman Dash asks Mr. Eberhardt if he would be agreeable to that.

Mr. Eberhardt responds yes.

Chairman Dash states a condition would be that Mr. Eberhardt works with staff to perform a site evaluation and based on that meeting be willing to make additional improvements in regard to screening whether it is fence or shrubbery of some sort.

Mr. Eberhardt responds yes.

Commissioner Saewert states she believes the safety and lighting issue still needs to be addressed.

Chairman Dash asks Director Peterson if there is an ordinance to the code that would require certain lighting.

Director Peterson responds under hazards of additional parking all parking lot lighting shall be installed and approved by the building director and city engineer. If there are hazards that have been identified then the plan would need to be reviewed by the building director and the city engineer.

Chairman Dash confirms that as this is already part of the code it would not have to be called out as a condition.

Director Peterson confirms.

Commissioner Kempa confirms that the matter being voted on is the parking of any vehicles in that area and they would have to comply with the code of the city.

Chairman Dash confirms and adds up to twenty vehicles.

Commissioner Saewert questions if the PZBA can vote on that because the special use that is being permitted is for automotive storage facility. She questions if the PZBA can vote on the use for any type of vehicle storage.

Chairman Dash asks if what is needed is defining the word automobile or if that is an existing definition in the code.

Director Peterson is in the process of looking for the code to confirm. He states he did see a difference between automobile storage and commercial truck parking in the zoning code as it related to this.

Chairman Dash asks if the approval is only for automobiles in example if the applicant chose to store boats or something else that wouldn’t fall under our current language he would have to come back and reapply or amend to ask for additional considerations for the special use.

Mr. Eberhardt states he would like to include a boat or an RV in the application.

Commissioner DeGraf asks if it is acceptable to run multiple businesses out of a single address.

Director Peterson states yes it is and that it currently exists throughout a large section of the community. If it is similar in nature and falls within the same definition of permitted uses within the zoning district the yes and being in the B-3 that is one of the most intense zoning districts which allows for more intense uses.

Chairman Dash asks Director Peterson if he is looking for what may be entailed in automobile storage facility definition.

Director Peterson states that is correct and he is having difficulty therefore asks if it is possible for a ten minute break to use his desk computer to access to code which is on the city’s web-site.

Chairman Dash requests a motion to pause public hearing 18-11SU at 7:33 pm by

Motion by Commissioner DeGraf

Second by Commissioner Kempa

Voice Vote:

Ayes: Commissioners Kempa, DeGraf, Tammen, Patel, Mellen, Saewert and Chairman Dash



Chairman Dash requests a motion to resume public hearing 18-11SU at 7:40 pm by

Motion by Commissioner Tammen

Second by Commissioner Mellen

Voice Vote:

Ayes: Commissioners Kempa, DeGraf, Tammen, Patel, Mellen, Saewert and

Chairman Dash



Director Peterson states the city’s zoning code has no definitions relating to automobile parking facilities or commercial parking lots. They have references throughout the code about those vehicles uses on the lots supporting ancillary however there are no definitions. Director Peterson recommends making the parking for motor vehicles and recreational vehicles that would allow if someone wanted to lease a space for a boat or a camper it could be done there.

Commissioner Saewert asks about commercial vehicles.

Director Peterson states the issue is being the limousines are for a business this would fall under the commercial vehicle requirements that was just passed.

Chairman Dash states this is an excellent opportunity for those businesses to have someplace to go.

Commissioner Tammen brings up the topic of construction materials using a Bobcat as an example.

Director Peterson states those types of materials would not be permitted as this is for automobile storage and construction equipment is not a motor vehicle.

Mr. Eberhardt states this would conflict with his business and would not want that parked in the back.

Chairman Dash states the condition could be the parking would be limited to motor vehicles, recreational vehicles and commercial vehicles.

Director Peterson states he feels this would encompass it and to add the condition no outdoor storage of construction materials. This is for vehicles this is not for a business storage lot.

Chairman Dash asks if a third condition stating material storage would not be permitted.

Director Peterson confirms.

Commissioner Saewert asks if trucks are being allowed because when she made a site visit it appeared there was a cab from a semi parked in the lot.

Mr. Eberhardt is confused and does not believe there has been a semi cab parked there.

Commissioner Saewert states when she did a site visit there was.

Discussion goes back and forth discussing trailer versus cab.

Mr. Eberhardt states he has spent the night on location during his tent sale and has seen trucks park in back during the late hours.

Commissioner Saewert states there was also a trolley parked in the lot.

Mr. Eberhardt states the trolley belongs to the limo company.

Discussions regarding trolleys are used for weddings and other events.

Director Peterson states a restriction could be made that no tractor trailer semi parking would be allowed.

Commissioner Tammen asks if a landscaper with a half-ton pickup truck and his enclosed trailer would count for two spaces.

Mr. Eberhardt states he is requesting a limit to the size because the lot is 100 feet wide and 60 feet deep.

Commissioner Tammen asks Mr. Eberhardt if he is going to mark the lot.

Mr. Eberhardt states yes, he plans on marking the spaces.

Director Peterson asks Mr. Eberhardt if he would be willing to provide an active list of who has which spaces in the event there is an issue or complaints regarding materials then it is known who to contact.

Commissioner Kempa asks what the hours of operation for the bicycle shop are.

Mr. Eberhardt replies 10am-8pm during the week in the summer, 11am-7pm during the winter and 10am-5pm on Saturday and 11am-4pm on Sunday.

Commissioner Kempa asks if a delivery of bicycles on a trailer can they deliver during non-business hours.

Mr. Eberhardt states delivers are made only during business hours.

Commissioner Tammen asks how it will work with the limo services using the example of people needing to get to the airport at 4am on a Monday or a wedding that may go until 2am.

Chairman Dash asks if the storage facility is open 24 hours a day.

Commissioner Tammen states he thought they would be limiting the hours of access.

Chairman Dash states the intention is not to request a limit on hours for access and continues to state that she believes Mr. Eberhardt would not allow a company with conflicting interests to park in his business lot.

Director Peterson states that in the time the vehicles have been parking there the city has not received one complaint regarding any activity. The city was notified by someone asking if the city was aware of the business.

Commissioner Tammen states this clearly has been working

Commissioner Mellen states as the commercial vehicles are a part of this he asks that the screening be adhered to as there are two residential units behind this lot.

Chairman Dash asks if there are restrictions to what the car dealership can park in their lot.

Director Peterson states the car dealership next door is in Arlington Heights.

Chairman Dash asks what would prevent the car dealership from parking here.

Commissioner Mellen states there is nothing that can prevent them.

Chairman Dash states she considers the Rand Road corridor to be commercial in nature which is subject to a B-3 zoning district, there have no complaints, there is no one here to contest this case, everyone within a specified radius has been notified, vehicles have already been parking there, Mr. Eberhardt is making the effort to comply with the city code and would like to take a motion to entertain a vote.

Chairman Dash confirms there are no other questions or comments from the commissioners and requests a motion to close the public hearing on case ZBA 18-11SU.

Motion by Commissioner DeGraf

Seconded by Commissioner Kempa

Voice Vote

Ayes: Commissioners Kempa, DeGraf, Tammen, Patel, Mellen, Saewert and Chairman





Motion carried.

Public hearing closed for 18-11SU at 7:51 pm

This case shall go before City Council on Monday August 27, 2018 at 6:30p.m.

Chairman Dash calls for a motion to vote approve conditions to the application ZBA 18-


1. The applicant shall comply with the city’s off street parking area or lot code of section 5-8. Compliance with that section of the code will require an inspection with city staff and based on their recommendation adequate screening shall be provided.

2. Limit the parking to include motor vehicles, recreational vehicles and commercial vehicles.

3. Off street parking would not be utilized for any type of material storage.

Motion by Commissioner DeGraf

Second by Commissioner Patel

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Commissioners Kempa, DeGraf, Tammen, Patel, Mellen, Saewert and Chairman Dash




Chairman Dash requests a motion to receive into the public record the staff review of the compliance of this application with the zoning standard as presented by staff this evening and to make these standards part of the official record for the application.

Motion by Commissioner Kempa

Second by Commission Mellen

Voice Vote

Ayes: Commissioners Kempa, DeGraf, Tammen, Patel, Mellen, Saewert and Chairman





Motion carried.

Chairman Dash requests a motion to receive into the public record what has been labeled as exhibit four which is the additional information and municipal code on off street parking area or lot.

Motion by Commissioner Saewert

Second by Commission Kempa

Voice Vote

Ayes: Commissioners Kempa, DeGraf, Tammen, Patel, Mellen, Saewert and Chairman





Motion carried.

3. PZBA - Public Hearing: Case No. ZBA 18-12TA

Applicant: City of Prospect Heights: represented by Dan Peterson

Address: 8 N. Elmhurst Rd., Prospect Heights, IL 60070

Description of Request:

A. Applicant is seeking consideration of Text Amendments to Title 5, Chapter 9: Signs:

Sections 5-9-1, 5-9-3 and 5-9-5 of the City of Prospect Heights Zoning Code. The proposed amendments would amend the sign code by deleting certain sections and adding new language to allow more than one menu board per drive-through restaurant.

Chairman Dash requests a motion to open public hearing 18-12TA at 7:55 pm

Motion by Commissioner DeGraf

Second by Commissioner Tammen

Voice Vote:

Ayes: Commissioners Kempa, DeGraf, Tammen, Patel, Mellen, Saewert and Chairman Dash


Chairman Dash swears the public in for testimony.

Director Peterson describes the Text Amendment change request.

Chairman Dash states she believes everyone had a chance to provide input as to how the ordinance could be amended. She states Director Peterson and staff did research in surrounding municipalities in addition to coordinating with sign manufacturers and therefore she does not have any additional questions or concerns.

Commissioner Saewert compliments Director Peterson and staff on the research provided. There are a few items she would like to bring up for discussion. First, the definition of menu board, it appears to be said a menu board sign is a sign to list items for sale at an establishment at a drive through facility. Commissioner Saewert suggests sign or signs since we are allowing temporary and pre-menu boards that list items or services since there is a potential for a car wash on Rand Rd.

Chairman Dash asks Commissioner Saewert that she is proposing to make changes to the definition of menu board.

Commissioner Saewert agrees and states she proposes it be, sign or signs that list items or services for sale.

Director Peterson states it would be appropriate as there is a drive through dry cleaner

being erected at the corner of Euclid and Elmhurst.

Commissioner Saewert’ s second recommendation would be under section G, striking number one and removing because the city is not limiting them to only one per drive-thru lane.

Chairman Dash asks for a moment so everyone can locate the section referred to.

Commissioner Saewert assists stating it is under permanent signs in the new code in the staff memo.

Chairman Dash confirms it is menu boards are limited to a maximum of one per drive thru lane.

Commissioner Saewert suggests removing that because the real limitation is the square footage and height. Therefore number two could be changed to menu boards are limited to fifty square feet in sign area and eight feet in height per drive-thru lane.

Director Peterson states the rest of that section would define what constitutes the makeup of a sign.

Commissioner Saewert agrees.

Chairman Dash asks Director Peterson if he is agreeable to striking G1.

Director Peterson states yes.

Chairman Dash asks for clarification on how G2 would be modified.

Director Peterson states it wouldn’t as it seems somewhat redundant.

Commissioner Saewert states she recommends adding per drive-thru lane. She suggests menu boards are limited to fifty square feet in sign area and eight feet in height per drive thru lane.

Chairman Dash asks for any other comments.

Chairman Dash requests a motion to close the public hearing on case ZBA 18-12TA

Motion by Commissioner DeGraf

Seconded by Commissioner Saewert

Voice Vote

Ayes: Commissioners Kempa, DeGraf, Tammen, Patel, Mellen, Saewert and Chairman





Motion carried.

Public hearing closed for 18-12TA at 8:05 pm

Chairman Dash calls for a motion to receive into public record the staff review of the zoning compliance for the application with the zoning standards presented by staff this evening.

Motion by Commissioner Kempa

Second by Commissioner Mellen

Voice Vote:

Ayes: Commissioners Kempa, DeGraf, Tammen, Patel, Mellen, Saewert and

Chairman Dash


Chairman Dash calls for motion to vote to recommend approval as amended for the Text Amendments to Title 5, Chapter 9: Signs: Sections 5-9-1, 5-9-3 and 5-9-5 of the City of Prospect Heights Zoning Code. The proposed amendments would amend the sign code by deleting certain sections and adding new language to allow more than one menu board per drive-through restaurant, striking G1 and amending G2.

Motion by Commissioner Tammen

Seconded by Commissioner DeGraf

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Commissioners Kempa, DeGraf, Tammen, Patel, Mellen, Saewert and Chairman





This case shall go before City Council on Monday August 27, 2018 at 6:30pm.

VI. Communications - None

Director Peterson states there is a request for a special meeting on August 16, 2018 for Grandbrier to amend the Special Use for the sale of the builders to the operating partners. This is an administrative process. This special meeting is in lieu of the regular meeting as there are no other cases for August.

VII. Adjournment: At 8:10 p.m.

Motion to Adjourn: Commissioner Mellen

Second: Commissioner Tammen

Voice Vote: Unanimous
