
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Park Ridge City Council met July 2.

Webp meeting 07

City of Park Ridge City Council met July 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

I. Call to Order

Mayor Maloney called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

II. Roll Call

City Clerk Henneman read the roll call. The following elected officials indicated their presence:

Ald. Moran (arr. 7:04 p.m.), Wilkening, Shubert, Milissis, Melidosian, Mazzuca, Joyce and Mayor Maloney.

There was a quorum.

Staff present: A. Lamberg, P. Lisowski, J. Sorensen, F. Kaminski, A. Simon, J. Gilmore, C. Peterson, J. Brown, and W. Zingsheim

III. Pledge of Allegiance

Attendees of the meeting pledged their allegiance to the United States flag.

IV. Approval of Minutes

A. Committee of the Whole - May 29, 2018

Moved by Ald. Mazzuca. Seconded by Ald. Shubert.

Motion carried; voice vote.

B. Regular City Council meeting – June 18, 2018

Moved by Ald. Mazzuca. Seconded by Ald. Shubert.

Motion carried; voice vote.

Ald. Melidosian requested to address the Consent Agenda as the City Council’s next item of business. He explained that an item listed on the Consent Agenda is related to Library business that is being addressed at a Library meeting later in the evening (a contract about to expire). Action by the City Council is required so the matter can be addressed at the Special Library meeting.

The Consent Agenda, listed on the agenda as Item VI was addressed. (See below)

V. Reports of City Officials

A. Mayor’s Report

1. Reconsideration of the Mayoral Veto relating to a Special Use for a professional office (ground floor) at 104 Main Street

Moved by Ald. Mazzuca. Seconded by Ald. Shubert.

Mayor Maloney briefly provided background information regarding the veto process.

Andrew Duff, Vice-President of Pusheen Corp., indicated to the City Council that he hoped they had received the information packet that was sent to them explaining details about Pusheen Company, who and what is, why they operate as they do, and why they want to stay in Park Ridge.

Ald. Mazzuca inquired about the parking for the new employees. Mr. Duff indicated that the hiring of personnel is on hold for the present time. He explained that a retail store might happen in the future; he had the understanding that at least 51% of the store must be dedicated to sale items in a B-4 zone. Mr. Duffy explained the company is still scrambling to catch from its initial start seven (7) years ago. Ald. Mazzuca believes it would be an asset tothe City if Pusheen was to open up an official shop. In regards to the space required for B-4 retail, Director Brown did not find any percentages or square footage retail requirements.

Ald. Melidosian asked Mr. Duff to provide an overview of the company. Mr. Duff explained that Pusheen employs 20 people, split up in three locations. Five additional employees would be located at the Main Street location; four year leases remain on the other spaces.

In response to Ald. Moran’s inquiry about the home rule sales tax, Finance Director Lamberg explained there is some sales tax generated by Pusheen.

Mr. Duff explained that he acquired signatures of neighboring businesses that supports Pusheen to remain at the location. Ald. Moran acknowledged, indicating that some shop owners contacted him directly who prefer not to have another restaurant on Main Street.

Owen Hayes representing McLennan Commercial Properties, indicated that he works and lives in Park Ridge. He is part-owner of the Main Street property location. He elaborated on his business relationship with Pusheen since he has managed the building in which the business is located for over a decade, acknowledging the company’s growth. He described details of the building located on Main Street, both inside and out. He does not believe that the space would not serve well as restaurant or retail use and in his opinion, makes sense for Pusheen to rent this space. He believes that retail has changes dramatically, mentioning Amazon. He also spoke about the survey conducted by Pusheen. It revealed there are 18 empty storefronts in the B-4 District. In his opinion, there would not be that much vacant space if there was a demand. Mr. Owen confirmed that the space was not placed on the market. Pusheen was interested in the space after Wells Fargo left.

Ald. Mazzuca suggested to consider accepting lower rents for sites that have been vacant for some time. Mr. Hayes mentioned various incentives that might be offered to the lesser to make the deal more attractive. Most rents are consistent, block to block. Taxes on commercial buildings are more that those paid by residential properties. The City is seeing more service based businesses instead of retail.

Ald. Moran clarified that two new eating establishments are currently under construction. In his opinion the market has not dried up and gone away. He understands that some locations are empty; some were vacant but are now occupied.

Kate Duff, Director of Licensing for Pusheen, spoke to Ald. Mazzuca’s point about opening up a retail space in Park Ridge. She spoke about the expediential growth of the business. Location on the first floor is important and more convenient due to the great amount of samples that are received on a daily basis. When they open a retail location, they want it to be a statement giving it all that it deserves. It is in the future plans, but is not something that the business wants to focus on now.

Jeannine Meyers asked to keep a balance of businesses in Pak Ridge. She mentioned the lack of parking for other businesses on Main Street due to the number of eating establishments. She indicated that many Pusheen employees live in Park Ridge and want to remain here. She asked that the Council look at the big picture before driving Pusheen away from the Main Street location.

Noel Belton (20 S. Fairview) moved from Connecticut over a year ago to work for Pusheen. He is responsible for protecting the brand and tracking down counterfeits and infringements around the globe. He spoke about Hello Kitty being in its 44th year of existence. The same person responsible for this is the same one behind Pusheen. He spoke about Pusheen being a global business which is growing so quickly; it is not the right time to set up a retail shop in Park Ridge. They want to fill an empty space, continue to grow, and eventually establish retail space. He promised that Pusheen wants to stay.

Mayor Maloney recognized how proud the Pusheen employees are of its business just as he is proud of his City and Pusheen’s success. But he believes an “us against them” picture has been painted against those not supporting Pusheen’s space on Main Street. Mayor Maloney believes there might be other property in Park Ridge that would enable Pusheen to consolidate their business.

Ald. Moran questioned whether merchandise identifies Pusheen is from Park Ridge. Mr. Duff indicated that people do show up at their offices. Ald. Moran continued a back-forth conversation with Mr. Belton with premise that there is no guarantee that Pusheen would keep its corporate office in Park Ridge.

John Bennet (113 Arthur) is a Planning and Zoning Commissioner and provided information about the case during the Planning and Zoning meeting. The matter passed, 7 – 0. He spoke about three (3) factors that are considered by the Commission; he believes they met the criteria of all three. He did not understand the reason for the Mayoral veto. Mr. Bennet spoke about the Comprehensive Plan which he indicated is to be reviewed annually; it has not been done for nine years.

Attorney Simon clarified that Mr. Bennet is speaking as an individual on his own behalf, not as a commissioner.

Ald. Moran explained the duties of the Planning and Zoning Commission which makes a recommendation to the City Council that makes the final determination. He agreed with Mr. Bennet that the third requirement for a Special Use falls in a gray area. It is the office staff of local businesses that supports the restaurants during the daytime hours.

Ellen Upton (317 Meacham), former Alderman and former head of Uptown Development Task Force, agreed that things change. She explained various discussions that were had in regards to the Comprehensive Plan while serving on the Task Force. Now, she he could not find a retail business in Park Ridge that did not have an online internet presence. She does not believe the City should be afraid of something because it’s different. Creatively thinking, she did not want the City to discount the idea of how many people it could attract if Pusheen was publicized as being located in Park Ridge.

Ryan Shraw (424 S. Fairview) was confused about the tax situation. He spoke about the fee-structures posted on the City’s website. Mayor Maloney explained that the City generates sales tax from what Pusheen sells within Illinois.

Mayor Maloney explained that this matter is not the City of Park Ridge verses Pusheen, which is how he believes it has been presented. He and the City are proud that Pusheen is here. The Mayor addressed its growth over the last year. However, he did not take lightly the intention of Pusheen to leave if it did not get what it wanted. He acknowledged that Pusheen is living up to its promise about the Prospect Avenue location, but it took a very long time. He believes that ground floor space should be reserved for businesses that will bring people to Park Ridge, greater than what was proposed. He urged a no vote to sustain the veto.

Ald. Moran appreciates that Pusheen wants to keep its business in Park Ridge; he does not believe it belongs on the first floor on Main Street. He sees no benefit to the residents. He supports the veto.

Ald. Shubert supports the Mayoral override. He thanked Pusheen for its investment in the community and recognized that it is a well-built business. He believes the City sends mixed messages when the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously approves a matter, then the matter is approved at two readings by the City Council, only to be vetoed by the Mayor. He does not believe it sends the right message to business owners who are considering to locate their business in Park Ridge. He agreed with Commissioner Bennet that it meets the criteria for a Special Use. He agreed strongly with Mayor Maloney that many Special Uses have come before the City Council. He read an excerpt from an article of Harold Advocate from April 2017 that listed the various Special Uses that were approved. He is wondering, based on the number of Special Uses coming before the City, if it is time to review the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Ordinance. He asked fellow Aldermen who voted in favor of the Special Use in the past to do the same tonight and those who did not support it, to reconsider with the hope of keeping Pusheen in Park Ridge.

Ald. Melidosian asked Mayor Maloney for his vision of the site on Main Street. The Mayor responded indicatingthat he believes the City was misled of what to expect for the office space on Prospect Avenue. He would like the space to be occupied by a company that will have foot traffic. Pusheen is not the Special Use he envisions for the space on Main Street.

Ald. Milissis indicated he voted against the Special Use in the past. He reviewed the material submitted by Pusheen. Based on everything that has been presented, he does not understand why that space is necessary for the work that will take place in the location. He believes there is ample office space elsewhere in the City that can house all three of their locations. He too believes that Pusheen is a successful business and would like to see it remain in Park Ridge. He does not want to take this space out of circulation without marketing the property. He pledged to assist in finding Pusheen a new location. It was unfair for Pusheen to say everything hinges on this location.

Ald. Wilkening indicated she will continue to support Pusheen at this location. She noted that the space was never retail with a storefront. It has always been office space. It is logical that they want the first floor since they occupy the second floor.

Ald. Melidosian would like to see the space actively marketed. If it is still on the market in a year, the City Council would need to revisit the topic and reevaluate. He believes the landlords have an obligation to realize that times and the market is changing. The Prospect property was on the market for quite some time before Pusheen moved into the space. He will support the Mayoral veto since he does not believe this is the right investment for that district.

Ald. Mazzuca indicated he would vote to overturn the Mayoral veto. His concern was whether the space would be occupied or vacant. He is not as concerned as others regarding the foot traffic generated by the business. He also pointed out that this is not forever. He hopes that Pusheen is the next Hello Kitty and suggested changing the cat’s bio to indicate that he lives in a house in Park Ridge Illinois.

Ald. Joyce congratulated Pusheen for its success and commented on the business’ expediential growth. He recognized that Pusheen is a unique company and unfamiliar type of business wishing them continued success and growth.

Roll Call

Ayes: Ald. Wilkening, Shubert, Mazzuca, Joyce (4)

Nays: Ald. Melidosian, Moran, Milissis (3)

Absentl None (0)

Abstain: None (0)

Motion failed 4 – 3.

Five affirmative votes were required to override the Mayoral veto.

2. Board and Commission Appointments

a. Approve the re-appointment of Kristine Ackeret to the O’Hare Airport Commission for a three-year term ending June 30, 2021

Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Mazzuca.

Motion carried; voice vote.

b. Approve the appointment of Patricia Pietrusiewicz to the Community Health Commission for an unexpired term ending September 30, 2019.

Moved by Ald. Mazzuca. Seconded by Ald. Milissis.

Motion carried; voice vote.

Both appointees were recognized for their spirit of volunteerism.

3. Approve to adjourn to Closed Session at the conclusion of the Regular City Council Meeting pursuant to 5 ILCS 2 ( c ) ( 1 ) of the Open Meetings Act for purposes of discussing the performance and compensation of specific City employees Moved by Ald. Mazzuca. Seconded by Ald. Moran.

Mayor Maloney clarified that the Closed Session is to discuss the review of City Manager Gilmore.

Ald. Milissis explained that he will continue to vote no since it is his belief that the review should take place at a regular meeting before the public.

Ald. Moran believes the City Manager is doing a fine job and wants the residents know. He questioned the restrictions. Attorney Simon opined that Ancel Glink continues to recommend that personnel reviews be conducted in Closed Session.

Ald. Mazzuca indicated that he has asked City Manager Gilmore to craft a self-evaluation which will be distributed. Another Closed Session meeting will be scheduled to allow the Elected Officials to provide feedback.

Roll Call

Ayes: Ald. Shubert, Melidosian, Mazzuca, Joyce, Moran, and Wilkening (6)

Nays: Ald. Milissis (1)

Absent: None (0)

Abstain: None (0)

Motion carried, 6 – 1.

B. City Council

Ald. Mazzuca reminded everyone residing in Leyden Township in Park Ridge (west of Cumberland and south of Devon) that Mosquito spraying will occur this evening. This is the second spraying occurrence for the area. He encouraged residents to sign up for RSS feeds to keep abreast of any City news releases.

C. City Attorney

No report.

D. City Clerk

No report.

E. City Manager

No report.

VI. Consent Agenda

*All items listed with an asterisk are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of those items unless an Alderman so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda.

VIII.K.1. Approve a budget amendment to the General Fund for the balance of the replacement of Library columns after Library’s $55,000 payment, in an amount not to exceed $93,750

VIII.K.2. Approve FY18 Year-End Budget Amendments

VIII.K.4. Approve a budget amendment to the General Fund for the Community Health Commission

Moved by Ald. Mazzuca. Seconded by Ald. Milissis.

Roll Call

Ayes: Ald. Milissis, Wilkening, Shubert, Melidosian, Mazzuca, Joyce and Moran (7)

Nays: None (0)

Absent: None (0)

Abstain: None (0)

Motion carried, 7 – 0.

VII. Citizens Who Wish to Address the City Council on a Non-Agenda Item

No comments.

VIII. Reports of Boards, Commissions and Committees

A. Community Health Commission – Ald. Joyce

No report.

Historic Preservation Commission – Ald. Joyce

No report.

B. Library Board of Trustees – Ald. Melidosian

No report.

C. Liquor License Review Board – Liquor Commissioner/Mayor Maloney

Ald. Mazzuca inquired whether any establishments added the Farmers Market endorsement. Deputy Clerk Peterson indicated that Beer on the Wall is the only establishment that has come forward to add the endorsement.

D. O’Hare Airport Commission – Ald. Mazzuca

No report.

E. Planning and Zoning Commission – Ald. Wilkening

1. Reconsideration to approve the first reading of Ordinance granting a map amendment for property located at 425 Talcott Road from B-1 Retail to Office District R-4 Multi-Family residential District (18-06-MA)

Moved by Ald. Wilkening. Seconded by Ald. Mazzuca.

Ald. Wilkening explained that Ald. Joyce was absent at the first reading at which time, the matter received a failing vote of 3 – 3. At the June 18, 2018 City Council meeting, Ald. Joyce requested that the matter be reconsidered. Director Brown provided a brief summary of previous actions regarding this case. The Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a hearing; the vote was 7 – 0. According to Director Brown, the proposed rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.

Chris DiFranco (729 Vine ) owns the property at 425 Talcott. He apologized for not being in attendance at the last

meeting. He has owned the property since 1996. He further explained that the adjacent properties are all multi- family residential. The previous business failed in 2008 and he has had difficulty renting the space in its current

condition. Due to the lack of foot traffic, interest is limited. The current renter found another location so Mr. Di Franco believes it is a perfect time to move forward with his plans of having a multi- residential building. If approved, he plans to start the project next year.

Ald. Joyce addressed the tight parking in the area. He suggested having on-site parking.

In response to Ald. Melidosian’s inquiries, Mr. Di Franco indicated that he has not tried marketing the property. His intention is to have condo units.

Director Brown reviewed the minimum lot area of the Zoning Code; the maximum that could be built on this property is 4 units; eight parking spaces would be required.

Ald. Wilkening clarified that the case was not voted down previously; it failed because Ald. Joyce was absent and the matter received a 3-3 vote which is a failing vote.

Ald. Melidosian explained that he did not support this since it is one more building being converted to housing which the School District has a hard time supporting with the end result being non-favorable for the schools including higher taxes. He does not support the zoning change. Ald. Milissis concurred.

Ald. Moran indicated that according to the current map and Comprehensive Plan, the area is designated multi-family residential for its land use. He also believes that the proposed use is better than what currently exists. He does not believe this would be a tipping point for the schools. He will continue to support the motion.

Attorney Simon indicated that this vote is counted as the first reading.

Ayes: Ald. Mazzuca, Joyce, Moran and Wilkening (4)

Nays: Ald. Melidosian, Shubert and Milissis (3)

Absent: None (0)

Abstain: None (0)

Motion carried, 4 – 3.

F. Zoning Board of Appeals – Ald. Moran

Ald. Moran indicated there was a meeting last Thursday which he could not attend. Director Brown reported that the both matters passed and would proceed to the City Council.

G. Procedures and Regulations Committee – Ald. Wilkening

No report.

H. Public Works Committee – Ald. Moran

Director Zingsheim reported on a recent water main repair that occurred at the intersection of Summit and Prospect.

I. Public Safety Committee – Ald. Melidosian

1. Approve a purchase order for one (1) 2018 Ford Police Interceptor Utility AWD to Currie Motors of Frankfort, IL in the amount of $$27,216

Moved by Ald. Melidosian. Seconded by Ald. Mazzuca.

Fire Chief Sorensen provided additional information including that this is for up-fitting the Fire Marshals vehicle, primarily used Monday through Friday. The vehicle may also be used occasionally for emergency purposes as a Battalion Backup or Rescue Backup vehicle. He added that additional information regarding the cost was received since the Council’s last meeting. He also explained that when the Battalion Chief is tied up at an incident, Lt. Plach becomes the stand-in Battalion Chief.

Ald. Mazzuca presented various questions to Fire Chief Sorensen regarding the use of the Fire Marshals vehicle, its alternate use and where it is kept during non-use. Discussion also included backup and alternate use of other Fire Department Officer vehicles and the outfitting purposes. He indicated that the Fire Marshal’s current vehicle does not have any special outfitting. It was handed down by the Police Department.

Ald. Mazzuca inquired whether the Police Department will be retiring any vehicles. City Manager Gilmore did not know off-hand what was set in the MERF budget to be replaced this year. The 2006 vehicle was merely a band-aide for a vehicle that went out of service. It was set to be replaced in 2018.

Ald. Moran expressed his appreciation getting the additional information since he was the one who had initially questioned the up-fitting charges.

Director Zingsheim confirmed that Public Works is okay with the charges brought forth.

Ald. Mazzuca is opposed to the expense indicating is a lot of vehicle for one person. He looks forward to the implementation of the GPS system to deploy the vehicles in the most efficient manner for the taxpayers.

Ayes: Ald. Joyce, Moran, Milissis, Wilkening, Shubert and Melidosian (6)

Nays: Ald. Mazzuca (1)

Absent: None (0)

Abstain: None (0)

Motion carried, 6 – 1.

Chief Sorensen confirmed that Fire Marshal Kevin Plach is the only one in the Department authorized to sign off on a fireworks display. Brief discussion continued regarding the July 3 Fireworks at Maine East High School. He confirmed that three displays have been authorized in 2018 which includes, July 3 at Maine East High School; July 4 at the Country Club, a private event; and also at the Maine East Pep Rally in October.

Finance and Budget Committee – Ald. Mazzuca

1. Approve a budget amendment to the General Fund for the balance of the replacement of Library columns after Library’s $55,000 payment, in an amount not to exceed $93,750 / Approved by omnibus vote

2. Approve FY18 Year-End Budget Amendments / Approved by omnibus vote

3. Approve FY 18 to FY 19 Carryover Budget Amendments / Approved by omnibus vote

Moved by Ald. Mazzuca. Seconded by Ald. Milissis.

Finance Director Lamberg explained the matter was discussed at the Committee level and additional information was requested, specifically for carry over for special equipment for the Police Department. Information was obtained from the interim Deputy Chief which Ms. Lamberg placed in the memo.

Ald. Mazzuca spoke about the carryover for the MERF, taking into consideration the retirement of the fleet manage. He questioned if there will be a similar occurrence at the end of 2018 taking into consideration the eight vehicles in addition to what was budgeted this year. Director Zingsheim did not foresee a problem. He believes Monroe is a good firm but the company is back-logged.

Director Lamberg mentioned there were two vehicles that she removed that were on the original carry-over list. There was no plan in place due to staff transition. She asked that there be a plan in place before proceeding with the amendment. Director Zingsheim welcomes having fresh eye with the new fleet supervisor. Ald. Mazzuca asked that Director Zingsheim talk to the Finance Director when he is ready to proceed.

Ald. Mazzuca does not like the Administration Pool Car on the list but will support the motion, recognizing that

staff explained everything adequately.

Roll Call

Ayes: Ald. Joyce, Moran, Wilkening, Melidosian, Shubert, Milissis, and Mazzuca (7)

Nays: None (0)

Absent: None (0)

Abstain: None (0)

Motion carried, 7 – 0.

4. Approve a budget amendment to the General Fund for the Community Health Commission / Approved by omnibus vote

IX. New business

Ald. Shubert reported on the Bike Task Force, adding that the group will not be meeting in July. He recognized their hard work on the way-finding signage and bike parking. On July 17, he and the Bike Task Force have been invited to attend Go Green’s monthly meeting. It is not an official meeting of the Bike Task Force.

He thanked the Elected Officials who have offered to assist at the Taste of Park Ridge event. He also thanked the Fire Department for advertising on their sign at the station.

Ald. Joyce heard a few times during the meeting that the Comprehensive Plan is outdated. City Manager Gilmore indicated that updating the Comprehensive Plan was included as part of the Strategic Plan. Director Brown indicated that this task is on the radar.

Ald. Joyce also asked if there is a vehicle plan for each department that uses vehicles. Director Zingsheim confirmed there is a plan. Ald. Joyce would like to use time more efficiently and would like to find a way to improve the process. Director Lamberg explained, as part of the Capital Planning Process, there is a comprehensive schedule of the MERF for vehicles and assumes life expectancy which is reviewed every year. Ald. Mazzuca believes there is every intent to improve the process and explained how the GIS system will help determine the needs and find efficiencies.

Ald. Moran spoke about the First Friday Car Show and the Concert in the Park Friday evening. Ald. Melidosian indicated that $4,000 was raised through the Park Ridge Community Women’s Gift Basket raffle.

Ald. Milissis, who serves as the City’s Intergovernmental Liaison, indicated that he intends to host a meeting at the beginning of September with a representative from each Governmental Body in town. He welcomes input from Elected Officials about agenda topics and other attendees that he should include.

X. Adjournment

Approve to adjourn to Closed Session at 9:45 p.m.

Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Mazzuca.

Motion carried; voice vote.

Mayor Maloney announced there would be a brief 5-minute recess before meeting in Closed Session.

The City Council returned to its regular meeting and adjourned at 10:27 p.m.
