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Winnetka Village Council Study Session, met April 10

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Winnetka Village Council Study Session met, April 10.

Here is the provided minutes of the Council:

A record of a legally convened meeting of the Council of the Village of Winnetka, which was held in the Village Hall Council Chambers on Tuesday, April 10, 2018, at 7:00 p.m.

1) Call to Order. President Rintz called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Present: Trustees Andrew Cripe, Robert Dearborn, Penny Lanphier, Scott Myers, and Kristin Ziv. Absent: Trustee John Swierk. Also in attendance: Village Manager Robert Bahan, Assistant Village Manager Megan Pierce, Village Attorney Ben Schuster, Public Works Director Steve Saunders, Assistant Public Works Director Jim Bernahl, Community Development Director David Schoon, and no persons in the audience.

2) Public Comment. None.

3) Jurisdictional Transfer – Process Overview. Mr. Berhahl explained that the entity which has jurisdictional control of a road is responsible for the road’s maintenance, repair and development. Since Green Bay Road is the main artery connecting Winnetka’s three business districts, it may be desirable for the Village to acquire control over the road, to gain flexibility over parking, lighting, planting and signage. Mr. Bernahl outlined factors to consider when contemplating a jurisdictional transfer (JT):

• Limits of the transfer

• Agencies involved with the transfer

• Long-term maintenance/reconstruction costs; current condition

• Legal obligations and liability

• Future restrictions on land use

• Future economic impacts of any proposed improvements

• Environmental impacts

• Village schedule for proposed improvements

• Flexibility with permitting processes Mr. Bernahl explained that coming to consensus on the above issues will involve substantive negotiations with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). He noted that Glencoe, Kenilworth and Wilmette have all acquired jurisdiction from the State over portions of Green Bay Road that bisect their communities. Mr. Bernahl listed options for the Council to consider:

• Option 1: Pursue a JT with no grant application or other funding request – estimated completion timeframe: 3-6 months.

• Option 2: Pursue a JT with direct payment from IDOT – assumes the Village leads the improvement process. Estimated completion timeframe: 6-18 months.

• Option 3: Pursue a JT as part of a grant application – assumes IDOT takes the lead on proposed improvements. Estimated completion timeframe: 18-24 months.

• Option 4: Do not pursue a JT – instead, attempt negotiations with IDOT for approval of design objectives. Estimated completion timeframe: 6-12 months.

Winnetka Village Council Study Session April 10, 2018

The Council asked questions and discussed the different options at length. Mr. Saunders explained that the recent IDOT project in the Sheridan Road ravines is a rare example of Option 4 being undertaken. The State was aware of its liability in this area, due to dangerous and recurrent flooding, and therefore had an incentive to thoroughly modernize the road without pressuring the Village to take over jurisdiction. He added that IDOT normally only does the minimum upkeep on roads they retain control over.

There was discussion about the jurisdictional transfers done in Glencoe and Wilmette, leaving the section of Green Bay Road that runs through Winnetka as an outlier owned by the State. Trustee Myers noted that business owners in Hubbard Woods are anxious for streetscape improvements in their area, and asked for a timeline for a Green Bay Road transfer process. Manager Bahan said staff would need time to research the issue.

President Rintz explained that the process begins with conceptual talks; then once preliminary engineering work is done, the negotiation process takes significant time to complete. He noted that the material provided was for information purposes as streetscape planning moves forward; no immediate action was needed by the Council.

12) Closed Session. Trustee Myers moved to adjourn into Closed Session to discuss Personnel

Matters, pursuant to Section 2c(1) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act. Trustee Ziv seconded the motion. By roll call vote, the motion carried. Ayes: Trustees Cripe, Dearborn, Lanphier, Myers, and Ziv. Nays: None. Absent: Trustee Swierk.

President Rintz announced that the Council would not return to the open meeting after Executive Session. The Council adjourned into Executive Session at 8:30 p.m.

4) Adjournment. Trustee Lanphier, seconded by Trustee Ziv, moved to adjourn the meeting. By voice vote, the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:44 p.m.
