Village of Wheeling President and Board of Trustees met April 2.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
1. Call to Order
President Horcher called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call - Clerk Simpson called the roll and the following Board members were present:
Present: Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel, Pat Horcher
Absent: Ken Brady
Trustee Ken Brady was absent and informed the board prior to the meeting.
4. Approval of Minutes
Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 5, 2018
Motion by Ray Lang, second by Mary Krueger to Approve Minutes as presented.
Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel
Final Resolution: Motion Approved
5. Changes to the Agenda -None
6. Proclamations, Congratulatory Resolutions & Awards
Village Clerk Elaine E. Simpson read the following Proclamations into the record:
A. National Crime Victims’ Rights Week – April 8-14, 2018
B. National Public Safety Telecommunicators’ Week – April 8-14, 2018
7. Appointments and Confirmations
A. Steve Freed, Board of Health Commissioner
President Horcher asked for a Motion to approve the appointment of Steve Freed to the Board of Health.
Motion by Dave Vogel, second by Mary Papantos.
Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel
Final Resolution: Motion Approved
8. Administration of Oaths
Steve Freed, Board of Health Commissioner
Village Clerk Elaine E. Simpson administered the Oath.
9. Citizen Concerns and Comments
Rich Rosen spoke about Wheeling Rotary goals and accomplishments.
Deborah Wilson commented on the Liquor Commission meeting and a fire at a local business.
10. Staff Reports
Public Works Director Mark Janeck announced an electronics and document destruction day at Public Works on May 5 from 9:00 a.m. - Noon.
11. Consent Agenda-All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Village Board and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered after all other Agenda items.
Village Clerk Elaine E. Simpson read the Consent items into the record.
A. Ordinance 5165 Authorizing a Fourth Amendment to the Restated Redevelopment Agreement between the Village of Wheeling and WTC LLC for the Development of Land at 351 W. Dundee Road, Wheeling, IL Comprising a Part of the Town Center-II TIF District of the Village of Wheeling, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois
B. Resolution 18-051 Waiving the Fidelity and Surety Bond Requirements for Wings of an Angel to Conduct a Raffle Event for One Year from April 14, 2018 – April 14, 2019
C. Resolution 18-052 Authorizing Acceptance of a Previously-Bid National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) Contract for the Purchase of One (1) Skid-Steer Loader as Specified through Atlas Bobcat of Elk Grove Village for the Not- to-Exceed Amount of $46,088
D. Resolution 18-053 Establishing Compensation Plans for the Village of Wheeling for the Period May 1, 2018 through April 30, 2019
E. Ordinance 5166 Declaring as Surplus and Authorizing the Disposal, Recycling, Sale, or Auction of Municipal Property Owned by the Village of Wheeling
F. Ordinance 5167 Amending Chapter 4.32 of the Village of Wheeling’s Municipal Code, “Alcoholic Liquor Dealers,” Specifically Section 4.32.085, to Increase the Authorized Number of Class A-1 and Class D-4 Liquor Licenses
G. Ordinance 5168 Amending Chapter 4.32 of the Village of Wheeling’s Municipal Code, “Alcoholic Liquor Dealers,” Specifically Section 4.32.080, to Remove the Village’s Strict Cap on Class N-V Liquor Licenses (Video Gaming Cafés)
Motion by Ray Lang, second by Mary Krueger to approve Consent Agenda as presented.
Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel Final Resolution: Motion Approved
12. Old Business - None
13. New Business - All Listed Items for Discussion and Possible Action
A. Resolution 18-054 Approving the Fiscal Year 2019 Budget for Chicago Executive Airport
Village Clerk Elaine E. Simpson read the legislation title into the record.
Chicago Executive Airport Executive Director Jamie Abbott, and Jason Griffith, Director of Finance, were present and answered a question from the Board.
Motion by Ray Lang, second by Dave Vogel.
Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel
Final Resolution: Motion Approved
B. Ordinance 5169 Amending Ordinance No. 4326 to Allow Alcoholic Beverages at Superdawg Drive-In, 333 S. Milwaukee Avenue [Docket No. 2018-5A]
Village Clerk Elaine E. Simpson read the legislation title into the record.
Village Manager Jon Sfondilis outlined the amendment.
Motion by Dave Vogel, second by Ray Lang.
Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel
Final Resolution: Motion Approved
C. Ordinance 5170 Granting Special Use – Site Plan Approval for Packaged Liquor Sales at Superdawg Drive-In, 333 S. Milwaukee Avenue [Docket No. 2018-5B]
Village Clerk Elaine E. Simpson read the legislation title into the record.
Village Manager Jon Sfondilis reviewed the Ordinance.
Motion by Dave Vogel, second by Mary Krueger.
Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel
Final Resolution: Motion Approved
D. Ordinance 5171 Granting Special Use – Site Plan Approval for a Health Club, 1540 Lake Cook Road (9Round) [Docket No. 2018-6]
Village Clerk Elaine E. Simpson read the legislation title into the record.
Community Development Director Andrew Jennings described the request and noted an added condition as follows:
•additional insulation shall be added to the unit to reduce the potential for noise from the health club to have a negative impact on neighboring tenant spaces.
The petitioners were present; there were no questions from the Board.
Motion by Ray Lang, second by Mary Papantos.
Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel
Final Resolution: Motion Approved
E. Ordinance 5172 Granting Variations from Title 19, Zoning, Related to Parking, Green Space, Building Setback, and Parking Setback for a Light Motor Vehicle Repair Facility at 1210 Elmhurst Road [Docket No. 2018-3A]
Village Clerk Elaine E. Simpson read the legislation title into the record.
Community Development Director Andrew Jennings read the following conditions for approval:
1. Reduction in the minimum required rear yard building setback from 25’0” to 17’11”.
2. Reduction in the minimum required parking setback from 10’0” to 0’.
3. Reduction in the minimum required green space from 25 % to 5.2%.
4. Reduction in the required number of parking spaces from 12 to 7.
Director Jennings noted that the variation has an additional condition for approval as follows:
1. In the event that the property is no longer owned or operated in tandem by the light auto motor vehicle repair business at 1212 Elmhurst Road, the Village shall be notified immediately. This change in ownership, management or operation will require the petitioner to obtain approval of a revision of the parking variation after review by the Plan Commission and consideration by the Village Board pursuant to Section 19.06.030D(b) of the Village’s Zoning Code. If such revision is not approved, the parking variation shall automatically terminate without a revocation hearing
Petitioners wre present and answered questions from the Board.
Motion by Ray Lang, second by Dave Vogel.
Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Dave Vogel
Abstain: Joe Vito
Final Resolution: Motion Approved
Trustee Vito abstained as he has represented the petitioner in the past.
F. Ordinance 5173 Granting Special Use-Site Plan Approval for Light Motor Vehicle Repair at 1210 Elmhurst Road [Docket No. 2018-3B]
Village Clerk Elaine E. Simpson read the legislation title into the record.
Community Development Director Andrew Jennings read the following conditions for approval:
1. Prior to occupancy, the parking lot and asphalt drives shall be resurfaced and restriped;
2. In the event that the Special Use is no longer owned or operated in tandem by the light auto motor vehicle repair business at 1212 Elmhurst Road, the Village shall be notified immediately. This change in ownership, management, or operation will require the petitioner to obtain approval of a revision of the Special Use after review by the Plan Commission and consideration by the Village Board pursuant to Section 19.10.030(I) of the Village’s Zoning Code. If such revision is not approved, the Special Use shall automatically terminate without a revocation hearing;
3. Prior to occupancy, efforts shall be made to alleviate the standing water on the south side of the building;
4. Prior to occupancy, the non-painted exterior walls shall be power washed;
5. The trash enclosure gate shall have a sliding mechanism for opening pursuant to the Fire Department memo;
6. The existing wall signs shall be removed and the wall repaired as needed;
7. It is recommended that the rear fence height be increased pursuant to the Community Director’s discretion per Section 19.030.080 of the Village’s Zoning Code; and
8. No outdoor storage is permitted.
Trustee Lang asked that a ninth condition be added requiring that billing for work done in Wheeling, be mailed out of the address in Wheeling.
President Horcher asked for a Consensus on adding the ninth condition related to billing.
Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Dave Vogel
Abstain: Joe Vito
Final Resolution: Consensus Approved
Motion by Dave Vogel, second by Ray Lang to approve with conditions.
Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Dave Vogel
Abstain: Joe Vito
Final Resolution: Motion Approved
G. Ordinance 5174 Amending the Village of Wheeling Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2017 and Ending December 31, 2017
Village Clerk Elaine E. Simpson read the legislation title into the record.
Village Manager Jon Sfondilis clarified how total compensation amounts are calculated. Finance Director Michael Mondschain provided further information on total compensation. Manager Sfondilis outlined his pay structure as noted in his contract.
Director Mondschain reviewed the results of the recent audit and answered questions from the Board.
Motion by Mary Krueger, second by Dave Vogel.
Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel
Final Resolution: Motion Approved
14. Official Communications
Trustee Papantos commented on the Telecommunicators proclamation and publicly thanked every public safety employee.
Trustee Vito spoke about alcohol delivery and asked the Board to consider the possible impact on local businesses should they consider it. Manager Sfondilis clarified that a business that wanted to deliver would be bound by the code of the municipality they're delivering to, but this is something to consider.
15. Approval of Bills
Approval of Bills for March 15 - March 28, 2018 in the amount of $981,424.96¢
Motion by Dave Vogel, second by Mary Papantos to approve Bills as presented.
Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel
Final Resolution: Motion Approved
16. Executive Session
President Horcher asked for a Motion to recess to enter Executive Session for the purpose of discussing pending, probable or imminent litigation and the setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the village.
Motion by Mary Krueger, second by Mary Papantos, that the Regular Meeting recess to enter Executive Session.
Yes: Pat Horcher, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel
Final Resolution: Motion Approved, the meeting recessed at 8:30 p.m.
[Reconvene from Executive Session]
President Horcher asked for a Motion to reconvene into open session.
Motion by Dave Vogel, second by Mary Krueger, that the Regular Meeting reconvenes.
Motion carried by Roll Call vote, the open meeting reconvened at 8:50 p.m.
17. Action on Executive Session Items
18. Adjournment
President Horcher asked for a Motion to adjourn.
Motion by Dave Vogel, second by Joe Vito.
Motion carried by Voice Vote, all ayes, the meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.