Village of Bartlett Board will meet May 15.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
1. Call To Order
2. Roll Call
3. Invocation
4. Pledge Of Allegiance
5. *Consent Agenda*
All items listed with an asterisk* are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the General Order of Business and considered at the appropriate point on the agenda.
*6. Minutes: Board Minutes - May 1, 2018
*7. Bill List: May 15, 2018
8. Treasure
Treasurer's Report: March, 2018
Sales Tax Report - January, 2018
Motor Fuel Tax Report -February, 2018
9. President's Report: 1. National Public Works Week Proclamation
2. Commission Appointments
10. Question/Answer: President & Trustees
11. Town Hall: (Note: Three (3) minute time limit per person)
12. Standing Committee Reports:
A. Building & Zoning Committee, Chairman Hopkins
1. An Ordinance Amending the Bartlett Zoning Ordinance Chapter 4A: Residential Districts: 10-4A-2-C-2: Chickens (Poultry)
2. An Ordinance Granting a Rear Yard Variation for 521 Ladysmith Road
B. Community & Economic Development Committee, Chairman Gabrenya
1. None
C. Finance & Golf Committee, Chairman Deyne
*1. A Resolution Approving of the Disbursement Request for Payout No. 5 from the Subordinate Lien Tax Increment Revenue Note, Series 2016 for the Elmhurst Chicago Stone Bartlett Quarry Redevelopment Project
D. License & Ordinance Committee, Chairman Camerer
1. BAPS Parade Permit Request
2. Jain Society Parade Permit Request
*3. Memorial Day Open Burn Request
*4. A Resolution to Authorizing the Execution of an Equipment Lease Agreement between John Thomas Inc. and the Village of Bartlett- Temporary Traffic Light for 4th of July
E. Police & Health Committee, Chairman Carbonaro
*1. An Authorization to Purchase Federal Task Force Officer Vehicle
*2. An Authorization to Purchase Two Police Vehicles
F. Public Works Committee, Chairman Reinke
1. A Resolution Approving of Villa Olivia Elevated Tank Painting and Repairs Agreement between the Village of Bartlett and Seven Brothers Painting
2. A Resolution Rejecting the State of Illinois Department of Transportation's Proposed Bicyclist and/or Pedestrian Improvements along IL 59 at W. Bartlett Rd. Intersection
*3. An Authorization to Purchase a Skid Steer Loader
4. A Resolution Approving of the First Amendment to the DuPage Water Commission Water Purchase and Sale Contract with the Village of Bartlett for the Village of Bartlett Unit System
13. New Business
14. Question/Answer: President & Trustees
15. Adjournment