City of Park Ridge Community Health Commission met March 22.
Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:
Members Present: M. Cunningham, J. Franckowiak, M. Hulting, E. Manning, T. Milburn, J. Nykoluk, A. Plewa-Rusiecki, T. Serio
City Council: Alderman M. Joyce
Others Present: Amy Murrin, Renato Natividad
Staff Present: B. Peterson, Recording Secretary S. Tunzi
Absent: J. Barnette, S. Paschos, T. Williams
Meeting called to order at 7:04 p.m.
I. Roll Call
Roll was taken.
II. Approval of Minutes (February 22, 2018)
E. Manning made a motion to approve the February 22, 2018 minutes. A. Plewa-Rusiecki seconded the motion to approve the minutes. Unanimous approval.
III. Citizens Present Wishing to be Heard on a Non-Agenda Item
Renato Natividad stated that he is a student nurse from Loyola and interested in learning about current health issues within the community.
IV. Action Items
A. CHC Annual Health Fair
T. Serio and M. Cunningham have been working on the Health Fair. T. Serio reported that there is an agreement between the Park District and the city and passed around a final draft of it. T. Williams’ letter for the press release was also passed around. Once T. Serio receives the final versions, they will be forwarded to the commission members via S. Tunzi. She stated that Amy Murrin from the Park District will collect the registration fees and forms. The fees are $50.00 with an additional $25.00 if the vendors would like the Park District to provide a table and two chairs. The fees would be waived for non-profits. A tentative site plan was also passed around. Marketing the fair will be a big project. M. Hulting and J. Barnette will be working on the marketing. J. Barnette will be working on the graphics for the flyers. Margaret Holler from the Park District will need to give her approval on anything publicity-wise.
S. Tunzi reported that she met with the Finance Director, Andrea Lamberg on March 16th and effective May 1st, the way the commission spends their money will be different. The commission’s money is currently in an escrow type account. After May 1st, any spending will have to be voted on at a commission meeting, then it has to be approved at the COW meeting and City Council and finally go through the bi-monthly billing process. When T. Williams returns, she will meet with Andrea to go over everything.
T. Serio expressed concern with regards to organizing and executing due to all of the layers and restrictions with OMA (Open Meetings Act) especially regarding communications and now spending restrictions and added that it has been very difficult.
J. Franckowiak asked why the fee was reduced from $75.00 to $50.00 and discussion ensued. Also discussed was whether or not to have a bounce house. T. Serio will find out the about the liability insurance requirements for a bounce house. Amy Murrin stated that the Park District has a preferred vendor. J. Franckowiak suggested having an early bird sign-up.
A. Plewa-Rusiecki made a motion that the Health Fair fee for profit businesses will be $75.00 and free for non-profits. The fee for tables and chairs is $25.00. E. Manning seconded the motion.
T. Serio asked the commission members for their phone numbers for when she needs to delegate projects out. She added that S. Paschos has secured medical and mental health vendors. J. Nykoluk will ask the Opioid Advisory Group if they would be interested in attending the Fair. B. Peterson stated that he has a good list of contacts/vendors that he invites to National Night Out.
Discussion ensued about identifying the things that will be paid for from the commission’s fund and also have someone find out about the costs of t-shirts, pop-up banner, tablecloth and posters. Someone would also need to design these and it was suggested that J. Barnette could work on this. M. Cunningham stated that she would help if he was unable to.
T. Serio made a motion to approve up to $600.00 for promotional items for t-shirts, handouts and table-top banner. M. Cunningham seconded the motion. All were in favor.
M. Cunningham stated that the commission needs a volunteer to design a registration form. B. Peterson will work on creating this. Discussion ensued as to what would be included in the letter that is going out to the vendors and also the registration process. M. Hulting will be sending out the invitation to the Chamber of Commerce via email. B. Peterson will be sending out the invitations to the non-profit people and it was suggested that Cheryl Peterson could send it out on behalf of the city so it is all inclusive. It was discussed about being selective as to who will have a table at the Health Fair since space is limited. All of the commission’s focus areas should be represented.
It was decided that the process is that the letter/invitation would go out first. Completed applications will be submitted to T. Milburn by April 23rd. At the next commission meeting on April 26th, the commission will go over the list of applicants and will select who will attend the Health Fair. If selected, the vendor will be given a link to the Park District where they can register and pay. Only the exhibitors who are performing something will need to complete an insurance waiver. J. Franckowiak recommended that the selected vendors should be encouraged to bring people to the event.
B. Caught Doing Good
A. Plewa-Rusiecki reported that the photo release form has been revised and has been emailed out to get signatures. Once the signed forms have been returned, the photos can be posted to social media.
C. CHC Survey
T. Milburn reported that T. Williams had communicated that there will be a link to the survey in the Spokesman for April to June. The survey link will also be put on the City’s website and in an email blast to residents who have signed up. The commission members can also post it on their personal Facebook pages or other groups that they are in.
D. Opioid Advisory Group
J. Nykoluk reported that he had attended the Opioid Advisory Group meeting in which the commission is part of. They talked about the prescription disposal kits and there was an event during daylight savings at the police station. J. Nykoluk also announced that there will be an upcoming big event on April 18th at 6:00 pm at the City Hall steps in which there will be a vigil, speakers and a walk around the park and anyone is welcome to attend. Also discussed at the Advisory Group meeting was having little sessions in the future at Maine South to talk about opioids. The group is working on a 90 second public service video which may be shown at the Pickwick theatre. Lastly, he stated there was an article in the Bugle newspaper about this group.
V. Discussion Items
A. Open Meeting Act Requirements/Google Docs/Email/Text, etc.
It was discussed that Google Docs could not be used as there was concern by the City Attorney in regards to the Open Meetings Act requirements and also with FOIA. There would need to be a contact person in the commission to add names or businesses into a spreadsheet. T. Milburn will be the contact person for the Health Fair.
B. Environmental Health and Sustainability Update
T. Milburn reported that nothing has changed with respect to the Sustainability Plan and discussion was deferred to the next meeting.
C. Air Quality Alert Flags
J. Barnette was not present at the meeting and there was nothing to report.
D. Get Fit Park Ridge!
T. Milburn stated that T. Williams is working on this. J. Franckowiak and/or S. Paschos will be working on t-shirts and A. Plewa-Rusiecki on Passports..
E. Tobacco 21 Initiative
T. Williams was not present and there was nothing to report.
M. Cunningham stated that she received an email from the middle school principal the day before about vaping. She stated that apparently there is a vaping epidemic in 6th and 8th grade at Emerson and she wanted the commission to keep this in mind to discuss at a later date. Amy Murrin added that the Park District just added to the open gym rules that that there will be no vaping. T. Serio suggested a speaker series to educate the parents on vaping.
F. Communications and Speaker Series
This has been tabled due to the library construction and can be revisited about having it at a different location.
VI. Administration Report
A.City Staff
B. School Administrators
C. Other Community Entities
VII. New Business.
It was discussed about possibly having a mid-month meeting in May and June prior to the Health Fair.
Alderman M. Joyce reported that it is the budget cycle time for the city. He stated that there had been a discussion about potentially having electric cars, so he is going to write up a proposal to see if the city can get a couple electric charging stations in preparation that a decision is made on getting an electric car.
S. Tunzi stated that since there is going to be a different process in regards to finances, if the commission is looking to spend more money in the next budget year, the money would have to be requested starting in December. She added that the commission still has $3,900.00 in their account.
VIII. Adjournment
E. Manning made a motion to adjourn. A. Plewa-Rusiecki seconded. All were in favor. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.