Village of Buffalo Grove Village Board met April 16.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
1. Call to Order
A. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of Minutes
A. Village Board - Regular Meeting - Mar 19, 2018 7:30 pm
3. Approval of Warrant
A. Approval of Warrant #1288 (Trustee Johnson) (Staff Contact: Scott Anderson)
4. Village President's Report
A. Presentation of Eagle Scouts from Boy Scout Troops (President Sussman, Trustee Stein) (Staff Contact: Dane Bragg)
B. Recognizing Samantha Hartman-Stackhouse's Achievement in Archery (President Sussman) (Staff Contact: Dane Bragg)
5. Village Manager's Report
A. Introduction of New Planner I (President Sussman) (Staff Contact: Chris Stilling)
6. Special Business
7. Reports from Trustees
8. Consent Agenda
All items listed on the Consent Agenda, which are available in this room this evening, are considered to be routine by the Village Board and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the General Order of Business and considered after all other items of business on the Regular Agenda under New Business. (Attached).
A. Proclamation Recognizing National Safe Boating Week (President Sussman) (Staff Contact: Dane Bragg)
B. Proclamation Recognizing Senior Celebration Day (President Sussman) (Staff Contact: Dane Bragg)
C. Proclamation Recognizing National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (President Sussman) (Staff Contact: Dane Bragg)
D. Proclamation Recognizing May 6 - 12, 2018 as Municipal Clerks Week (Clerk Sirabian) (Staff Contact: Julie Kamka)
E. Proclamation Recognizing National Police Week 2018 (Trustee Smith) (Staff Contact: Steven Casstevens)
F. Proclamation Recognizing Distracted Driving Awareness Month 2018 (Trustee Stein, Trustee Smith) (Staff Contact: Steven Casstevens)
G. Proclamation Recognizing Arbor Day (Trustee Stein) (Staff Contact: Michael Reynolds)
H. Proclamation Recognizing May 2017 as Building Safety Month (President Sussman) (Staff Contact: Julie Kamka)
I. Proclamation Recognizing Safe Digging Month (Trustee Stein) (Staff Contact: Michael Reynolds)
J. Authorization to Execute a Contract for Natural Gas/Electric Supply and Service for Select Village Owned Facilities (Trustee Johnson) (Staff Contact: Brett Robinson)
K. O-2018-19 Ordinance Approving a Special Use Amendment for Sky Fitness at 1501 Busch Parkway (Trustee Stein) (Staff Contact: Chris Stilling)
L. Approval of Sky Fitness Development Improvement Agreement (Trustee Stein) (Staff Contact: Darren Monico)
M. O-2018-18 Variation for an Electronic Message Sign at 847 Deerfield Parkway (Trustee Ottenheimer) (Staff Contact: Chris Stilling)
N. O-2018-20 Special Use for a Personal Wireless Communication Facility (Small Cell Antenna) (Trustee Ottenheimer) (Staff Contact: Chris Stilling)
O. O-2018-21 Ordinance Authorizing the Disposal of Surplus Village Personal Property (Trustee Johnson) (Staff Contact: Andrew Brown)
P. O-2018-22 Ordinance Amending Chapter 5.20 - Liquor Controls (President Sussman) (Staff Contact: Julie Kamka)
9. Ordinances and Resolutions
A. R-2018-10 Calendar Year 2017 Village-Wide Street Maintenance Motor Fuel Tax Resolution (Trustee Stein) (Staff Contact: Michael Reynolds)
B. R-2018-11 Resolution Approving Revisions to the Communications Policy (Trustee Johnson) (Staff Contact: Jenny Maltas)
C. O-2018-23 Ordinance Providing for Compensation of the Village Manager (President Sussman) (Staff Contact: Dane Bragg)
D. O-2018-24 Amendment to Ordinance 2009-15 (Comprehensive Plan Update 2009) Adopting the Lake Cook Plan (Trustee Berman, Trustee Weidenfeld) (Staff Contact: Chris Stilling)
E. O-2018-25 An Ordinance Approving a Letter of Agreement Between the Village of Buffalo Grove and the Buffalo Grove Professional Firefighter/Paramedic Association. (Trustee Smith) (Staff Contact: Arthur Malinowski)
F. O-2018-26 Ordinance Granting Preliminary Plan Approval for a Building Addition at 1250 Busch Parkway (Trustee Stein) (Staff Contact: Chris Stilling)
10. Unfinished Business
11. New Business
A. Approval of 1250 Busch Parkway Development Improvement Agreement (Trustee Stein) (Staff Contact: Darren Monico)
B. Award of Bid 2018 Sidewalk Project (Trustee Stein) (Staff Contact: Brett Robinson)
C. Award of Bid Bike Path & Parking Lot Project (Trustee Stein) (Staff Contact: Brett Robinson)
12. Questions From the Audience
Questions from the audience are limited to items that are not on the regular agenda. In accordance with Section 2.02.070 of the Municipal Code, discussion on questions from the audience will be limited to 10 minutes and should be limited to concerns or comments regarding issues that are relevant to Village business. All members of the public addressing the Village Board shall maintain proper decorum and refrain from making disrespectful remarks or comments relating to individuals. Speakers shall use every attempt to not be repetitive of points that have been made by others. The Village Board may refer any matter of public comment to the Village Manager, Village staff or an appropriate agency for review.
13. Adjournment
The Village Board will make every effort to accommodate all items on the agenda by 10:30 p.m. The Board, does, however, reserve the right to defer consideration of matters to another meeting should the discussion run past 10:30 p.m.