City of Elgin Committee of the Whole met April 11.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting – March 21, 2018
Items also on Council Agenda
A. Consideration of Acceptance of Illinois Department of Transportation Distracted Driving /
Occupant Protection Grant ($7,104) Objective: Partner with the Illinois Department of Transportation to continue to provide safer roadways through distracted driving and occupant protection enforcement.
Special Presentations and Reports
All items listed in section “Special Presentations and Reports” are for informational purposes only. As such, the city council is not expected to take action at this time on any item listed below.
B. Elgin Development Group Presentation
The Elgin Development Group will continue its discussion on the City of Elgin-EDG partnership goals by focusing on retaining existing businesses, business outreach, business assistance and advocacy, Enhancing Elgin and recent business attraction activity. Included in the discussion is Open Elgin, the free self-guided tour of architecturally significant buildings in the community on April 21.
Initiatives and Other Items
C. Consideration of Amendments to the 2017 Budget Consistent with the Illinois Municipal Budget Law (No cost to the City)
Objective: Provide budget amendments to reflect actual financial activity undertaken within the 2017 Budget.
D. Consideration of Service Agreement with Integrity School of Dance Inc. ($32,289)
Objective: Provide high quality dance classes for Elgin residents.
E. Consideration of Service Agreement with Midwest Academy of TaeKwon-Do ($22,000)
Objective: Provide high quality TaeKwon-Do instruction to Elgin residents.
F. Consideration of Agreement with Smith Ecological Systems for New Lime Feeder and Controller at the Leo Nelson Riverside Water Treatment Plant ($44,445)
Objective: Replace aging equipment to ensure the ability to continue to properly treat the City’s water supply.
G. Consideration of Agreement with Elgin Sheet Metal Company for Installation of a New Lime Trough System at the Leo Nelson Riverside Water Treatment Plant ($70,775)
Objective: Replace aging equipment to ensure the ability to continue to properly treat the City’s water supply.
H. Consideration of Engineering Services Agreement with KLM Engineering Inc. for the Alft Lane Water Tower Painting Project ($136,075)
Objective: Provide inspection, professional engineering design and construction observation for the rehabilitation of the Alft Lane water tower.
I. Consideration of Funding of the Fox River Study Group ($25,000)
Objective: On-going support for the implementation and maintenance of the watershed model as a management and planning tool for the region.
J. Consideration of Intergovernmental Agreement with Fox River Water Reclamation District for Gravity Sewer Replacement to FRWRD Pump Station 31 (No cost to the City)
Objective: Coordinate infrastructure replacement with Fox River Water Reclamation District for the sewer line extending south of lower Wellington Avenue from the Bluff City Combined Sewer Basin to the FRWRD Pump Station 31.
Announcements from Council
Announcements from Staff