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Monday, March 31, 2025

Village of Palatine Village Council & Committee of the Whole met December 4.

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Village of Palatine Village Council & Committee of the Whole met December 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

I. Roll Call – Time: 7:00 pm

Attendee Name Title Status Arrived

Jim Schwantz Mayor Present

Tim Millar District 1 Councilman Present

Scott Lamerand District 2 Councilman Present

Doug Myslinski District 3 Councilman Present

Greg Solberg District 4 Councilman Present

Kollin Kozlowski District 5 Councilman Present

Brad Helms District 6 Councilman Absent

Also Present:

Village Clerk Marg Duer, Village Manager Reid Ottesen, Deputy Village Manager Mike Jacobs, Village Attorney Patrick Brankin, Director of Planning & Zoning Ben Vyverberg, Director of Public Works Matt Barry, Fire Chief Scott Andersen, IT Director Larry Schroth, Director of Finance Paul Mehring, Director of Community Services Harry Spila, Director of Human Resources Pam Jackson, Police Chief Alan Stoeckel and Assistant Finance Director Sue Conn

II. Pledge To The Flag

Mayor Schwantz invited everyone to stand and join him in the Pledge to the Flag.

III. Approval Of Minutes

1. Village Council & Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting - November 20, 2017 - Accepted

Result: Accepted [Unanimous]

Mover: Greg Solberg, District 4 Councilman

Seconder: Tim Millar, District 1 Councilman

Ayes: Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Absent: Helms

IV. Mayor's Report

1. As Submitted -

Mayor Schwantz announced upcoming events:

Tuesday, December 5: 6 - 7:30 pm

Harper College Apprenticeship Information Session

Harper College - Wojcik Conference Center

December 8 through December 17

Palatine Jaycees Christmas Tree Sales

Palatine Park District Family Aquatic Center, Fridays through Sundays

V. Recess To The Committee Of The Whole – Time: 7:02 pm

Motion to Recess to Committee of the Whole - Motion Carried by Voice Vote

Result: Motion Carried By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Doug Myslinski, District 3 Councilman

Seconder: Greg Solberg, District 4 Councilman

Ayes: Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Absent: Helms

VI. Committee Of The Whole

A.Administration, Technology & Community Health Committee – Time: 7:02 Pm

Kollin Kozlowski, Chairman

1. Consider an Ordinance Amending the Village's Code of Ordinances Chapter

2, Article XXVII Regarding the Palatine Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) - Motion Carried by Voice Vote

Village Manager Reid Ottesen explained that part of the Village of Palatine’s best practices is to review input from our customers and to monitor the usefulness and effectiveness of our Codes. In reviewing Chapter 2 - Article XXVII, the Village is seeking to update the Village Code to reflect the changes made to the structure and function of the Emergency Management Agency. Three years ago, the Village of Palatine was a lead agency in the creation of the Joint Emergency Management System (JEMS) through Northwest Central Dispatch. The establishment of JEMS not only has significantly improved our disaster response capabilities, but led to annual cost savings to the Village. The proposed ordinance amendments reflect our new structure of operations. Staff recommends approval of the Ordinance amending and replacing Chapter 2 - Article XXVII relating to Palatine Emergency Management Agency (PEMA).

Result: Motion Carried By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Doug Myslinski, District 3 Councilman

Seconder: Scott Lamerand, District 2 Councilman

Ayes: Schwantz, Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Absent: Helms

2. Consider a Motion to Approve the Village of Palatine's Regular Meeting Schedule for Calendar Year 2018 - Approved by Voice Vote

Village Manager Reid Ottesen explained pursuant to the requirements of the Illinois Open Meetings Act, the proposed regular meeting schedule for calendar year 2018 has been prepared. Each calendar year a schedule of the regular meetings for the Village Council and all Village Boards and Commissions is prepared (including meeting dates, times, and locations). Of particular note, there will only be two Village Council Meetings in January and one in July. Staff recommends approval of the regular meeting schedule for 2018.

Result: Approved By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Jim Schwantz, Mayor

Seconder: Tim Millar, District 1 Councilman

Ayes: Schwantz, Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Absent: Helms

3. As Submitted -

Nothing was submitted.

B. Business Finance & Budget Committee – Time: 7:04 Pm

Scott Lamerand, Chairman

1.Consider the 2017 Tax Levy Ordinance - Motion Carried by Voice Vote

Village Manager Reid Ottesen explained the proposed net property tax levy is not more than 105% of the prior year’s final aggregate levy extension. No Public Hearing on the Proposed 2017 Tax Levy is required. The total proposed levy is $29,862,145 with proposed abatements at $7,318,512 and a net requested levy of $22,543,633. The 2017 Tax Levy Request was formulated using $7.3 million in abatements from various alternative revenue sources. Adoption of this ordinance provides funding for critical Public Safety, Mandated Employee Pension, and legally required Debt Service Expenditures as provided for in the CY 2018 Annual Operating Budget. Staff recommends the Mayor and Council approve the 2017 Property Tax Levy Ordinance. Councilman Lamerand expressed his discomfort in having to increase the levy, but it is only after doing everything to avoid increasing. Staff has extended itself to do more with less, and Lamerand expressed appreciation for all their work. The state of Illinois is the cause of some of the actions necessary tonight.

Result: Motion Carried By Voice Vote [5 To 1]

Mover: Greg Solberg, District 4 Councilman

Seconder: Jim Schwantz, Mayor

Ayes: Schwantz, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Nays: Millar

Absent: Helms

2. Consider an Ordinance to Abate 2017 Property Tax Levy - Motion Carried by Voice Vote

Village Manager Reid Ottesen explained the proposed 2017 Property Tax Levy includes abatements from various sources, including: $4,901,163 from TIF revenues; $1,038,813 from Flood Control Surcharge Revenues; $721,240 from Water Revenues; $476,986 from Federal “Build America Bond” Rebates; and $180,310 from Sewer Revenues. These abatements, totaling $7,318,512, are proposed to reduce the property tax burden on our stakeholders. These abatements reduce the gross adopted levy by 24.5%. Adoption of this ordinance provides for a reduced Property Tax burden on each and every home and business owner in Palatine. Staff recommends adoption of the 2017 Property Tax Levy Abatement Ordinance as proposed.

Result: Motion Carried By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Kollin Kozlowski, District 5 Councilman

Seconder: Tim Millar, District 1 Councilman

Ayes: Schwantz, Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Absent: Helms

3. Consider the Tax Levy Ordinance for Village of Palatine Special Service Area Number Five - Motion Carried by Voice Vote

Village Manager explained the Village Council established Special Service Area #5 to accommodate public improvements for the Woods of Countryside. These improvements were the construction and installation of a fire suppression system consisting of a sprinkler system in existing residential buildings to protect the health and safety of workers, tenants, and visitors in the building; and a provision of street lighting in the public way by the construction and installation of street lights and related equipment. The proposed levy is per the established bond schedule. This property tax is separate from the rest of the Village and is only applicable to the residents within the boundaries of Special Service Area #5. This levy totals $586,400 and adoption of this ordinance provides funding for legally required Debt Service Expenditures for CY 2018. Staff recommends the Mayor and Council approve the 2017 Special Service Area #5 Property Tax Levy Ordinance as proposed.

Result: Motion Carried By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Jim Schwantz, Mayor

Seconder: Kollin Kozlowski, District 5 Councilman

Ayes: Schwantz, Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Absent: Helms

4. Proposed Text Amendments to Code of Ordinances:

A.Village Manager Reid Ottesen presented the proposed text amendments to the Code of Ordinances. Motion was to approve Items A, B, C and D with one Voice Vote.

Consider an Ordinance Amending Chapter 7, Article V, Section 7-80 of the Village of Palatine's Code of Ordinances Regarding Ambulance Service Fees - Motion Carried by Voice Vote

The Village Council considered options for adjusting the Village's ambulance service fees and approved a new fee structure that would result in a new resident rate of $750 and a non-resident rate of $1,000 (with no balance billing of residents after insurance). The proposed ordinance will remove the specific fee structure from Chapter 7 of the Village's Code of Ordinances, while the Village's proposed 2018 Fee Schedule Supplement will include the corresponding fees. Staff recommends approval of the proposed text amendment.

Result: Motion Carried By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Kollin Kozlowski, District 5 Councilman

Seconder: Doug Myslinski, District 3 Councilman

Ayes: Schwantz, Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Absent: Helms

B. Consider an Ordinance Amending Chapter 6, Section 6-89A of the Village's Code of Ordinances to Include Review Fees for Condominium De-Conversions - Motion Carried by Voice Vote

The Village Code has long regulated the conversion of rental properties to condominiums. In conjunction with a conversion proposal, the Village Code and Fee Schedule include corresponding fees for the associated Village review. The Village Code also includes regulations for when condominiums go through a de-conversion process, but the Village Code does not include any corresponding fees. The proposed amendment will create a fee structure for de-conversions that mirrors the fee structure for conversions. Staff recommends approval of the proposed text amendment.

Result: Motion Carried By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Kollin Kozlowski, District 5 Councilman

Seconder: Doug Myslinski, District 3 Councilman

Ayes: Schwantz, Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Absent: Helms

C. Consider an Ordinance Amending Chapter 12, Article III Fireworks of the Village's Code of Ordinances - Motion Carried by Voice Vote

The Village's Code of Ordinances, Chapter 12 - Article III, includes a penalty section for those that violate the Village’s applicable fireworks regulations. The existing penalty language refers to the Village's Fee Schedule Supplement for the applicable fine amount. This is inconsistent with how penalties/fines for violating other miscellaneous offenses are addressed. To create consistency within the Village’s Code of Ordinances, the fines associated with violating the Village’s regulations related to fireworks will be removed from the Fee Schedule, and the proposed amendment to the relevant section of the Code of Ordinances will provide for a fine structure consistent with other miscellaneous offenses. Staff recommends approval of the proposed text amendment.

Result: Motion Carried By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Kollin Kozlowski, District 5 Councilman

Seconder: Doug Myslinski, District 3 Councilman

Ayes: Schwantz, Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Absent: Helms

D. Consider an Ordinance Amending Chapter 6, Section 6-1.5(a)(10) Regarding Inspection Fees - Motion Carried by Voice Vote

The proposed 2018 Fee Supplement includes a cancelled building inspection fee, thus requiring a corresponding minor text amendment to Chapter 6 of the Village Code. The building inspection cancellation fee will be consistent with the rental property inspection cancellation fee. Staff recommends approval of the proposed text amendment.

Result: Motion Carried By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Kollin Kozlowski, District 5 Councilman

Seconder: Doug Myslinski, District 3 Councilman

Ayes: Schwantz, Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Absent: Helms

5. Consider a Motion to Approve the Updated Fee Schedule Supplement to the Village's Code of Ordinances - Approved by Voice Vote

Village Manager Reid Ottesen explained the Fee Supplement to the Code of Ordinances is updated annually by the Municipal Cost Index as published in the September issue of American City and County magazine. This index for 2018 calls for an increase of 3.4%; however, staff is proposing specific/focused fee increases in the following areas: Ambulance Service Fees, Motor Vehicle Crash, Water and Sewer Rates, and minor adjustments to Community Services Department related inspections. Ambulance Service Fees changed from a three tiered structure to a structure of $750 resident and $1,000 non-resident, resulting in a $95,000 decrease in the previously proposed property tax levy increase. The Fire Department has proposed an increase of the Motor Vehicle Crash billing rate by 8.3% (rather than the MCI increase of 3.4%). The increase water rates were increased by $0.20 and sewer rates were increased by $0.15. The proposed fees provide adequate and necessary funding for the provision of services as proposed in the 2018 budget. Staff recommends approval of the updated Fee Schedule Supplement as presented.

Result: Approved By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Jim Schwantz, Mayor

Seconder: Kollin Kozlowski, District 5 Councilman

Ayes: Schwantz, Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Absent: Helms

6. Consider a Resolution Appropriating $1,596,125 of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the Maintenance of Streets and Highways - Adopted by Voice Vote (Council District: Budget)

Village Manager Reid Ottesen explained the proposed CY 2018 Capital Improvements Budget has identified the use of $1,596,125 in motor fuel tax (MFT) funds as a source of revenue for street maintenance, resurfacing, reconstruction, and 50/50 apron and curb replacement. Staff recommends that the resolution for the Improvement and Maintenance of Streets and Highways be approved, appropriating $1,596,125 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the 2018 street resurfacing program.Result: Adopted By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Doug Myslinski, District 3 Councilman

Seconder: Tim Millar, District 1 Councilman

Ayes: Schwantz, Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Absent: Helms

7. Consider a Resolution Appropriating Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the Reconstruction of Partridge Drive and Partridge Court - Adopted by Voice Vote (Council District: Budget)

Village Manager Reid Ottesen explained the proposed CY 2018 Capital Improvements Budget has identified the use of $325,000 in Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds for the reconstruction of Partridge Drive, from Falmore Drive to Quentin Road, and Partridge Court. Staff recommends that the resolution appropriating $325,000 of motor fuel tax funds for the reconstruction of Partridge Drive, from Falmore Drive to Quentin Road, and Partridge Court be approved.

Result: Adopted By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Kollin Kozlowski, District 5 Councilman

Seconder: Doug Myslinski, District 3 Councilman

Ayes: Schwantz, Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Absent: Helms

8. Consider a Motion to Approve the Ordinance Establishing Rates of Compensation for Certain Officers and Employees of the Village, Effective January 1, 2018 - Motion Carried by Voice Vote

Village Manager Reid Ottesen summarized the wage adjustment for nonunion and non-management employees is 2.5%. Management/Professional and Executive Leadership positions do not receive a cost of living increase. Merit increases will be based solely upon performance and will vary accordingly. As a result of approved collective bargaining agreements; employees of Palatine Firefighters Local #4588 IAFF, Captains and Lieutenants will receive an increase of 3.6%, and Firefighters and Firefighter/Paramedics will receive a 2.3% increase; employees of the Fraternal Order of Police and the International Union of Operating Employees Local 150 (representing Public Works employees) will receive an increase of 2.5%. Staff recommends approval of the ordinance establishing rates of compensation for certain officers and employees of the Village, effective January 1, 2018.

Result: Motion Carried By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Jim Schwantz, Mayor

Seconder: Kollin Kozlowski, District 5 Councilman

Ayes: Schwantz, Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Absent: Helms

9. Consider an Ordinance Adopting the Calendar Year 2018 Annual Budget - Motion Carried by Voice Vote

Village Manager Reid Ottesen presented the Proposed CY 2018 Budget to the Mayor and Council at a Special Business, Finance, and Budget Committee Meeting held on Saturday, October 28. Follow-up discussions and report-backs were provided at the regular Council meetings on November 6 and November 13. The required Public Hearing on the proposed CY 2018 Budget was held on November 20, 2017. Prior to the Public Hearing, the Council agreed to the implementation of a revised Ambulance Service Fee which allowed a reduction of $95,000 to the previously proposed Tax Levy. The final budget includes this change. The proposed CY 2018 Budget will provide for the continued and uninterrupted provision of services to the stakeholders of the Village of Palatine. Staff recommends approval of the proposed CY 2018 Budget.

Result: Motion Carried By Voice Vote [5 To 1]

Mover: Kollin Kozlowski, District 5 Councilman

Seconder: Greg Solberg, District 4 Councilman

Ayes: Schwantz, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Nays: Millar

Absent: Helms

10. Consider a Resolution Amending the Village of Palatine's Employee Handbook, Including the Adoption of a Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment - Adopted by Voice Vote

Village Manager Reid Ottesen explained the new state resolution. The Village of Palatine has an Employee Handbook which outlines the rules, regulations, benefits, and conditions of employment that apply to Village employees. From time to time, the Village amends the Employee Handbook to comply with state, federal, and local regulations, as well as changing practices. The last update to the handbook was completed with the adoption of the Village's 2016 budget. Several modifications are recommended to reflect changes in and adherence to statutory requirements. The proposed modifications include an emphasis on “at-will” employment; removal of the term “regular” when referring to types of employment; and updating Equal Employment Opportunity and Americans with Disabilities policies. Harassment policies are combined and include a specific prohibition regarding sexual harassment. The residency requirement for new hires is extended to 12 months. Hours of work and overtime are clarified and emphasized that an employee can’t work overtime without authorization. Compensatory Time is clarified. Light Duty is clarified with an emphasis on no permanent light duty and reference to possible discipline if restrictions are not followed. Part-time holidays are clarified. The new 16-step pay plan is explained. Translation Reward Program is extended to part time employees. Reference to health insurance at separation is added. Sick Leave is clarified for leave requests and physician’s note requirement. A Funeral Leave annual limit was added. FMLA was updated to include military exigency. Indoor Clean Air Policy emphasizes smoke-free campus at Village Hall. The Substance Abuse section was changed to Drug Free Workplace now has a medical marijuana restriction. Disclosure of Confidential Information was further defined to protect privacy. Disciplinary Action has one list of offenses rather than tiers of offenses. Mileage Reimbursement Limits established for those with Auto Allowance. Internal Investigations and Searches Policy adds clarifying language. Layoff and Recall period was reduced from 12 months to 6 months. Electronic Media Policy is updated. Staff recommends approval of the resolution updating the Village of Palatine’s Employee Handbook, including the adoption of a Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment.

Result: Adopted By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Doug Myslinski, District 3 Councilman

Seconder: Tim Millar, District 1 Councilman

Ayes: Schwantz, Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Absent: Helms

11.Consider a Motion to Authorize Village Manager to Execute Documents for Employee Benefit Plans - Approved by Voice Vote

Village Manager Reid Ottesen explained the Village of Palatine is self-insured for health insurance. The costs for the program were approved as part of the 2018 budget. To fully implement the program, contracts must be signed with Blue Cross Blue Shield and Allied Benefit Systems. Each of the following pieces of the program require an application and signature; Benefit Program Application (BPA) administrative fee charged by Blue Cross Blue Shield was negotiated to decrease by 3.0%; Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) through Blue Cross Blue Shield and Walgreens prescription rebate credit increases by 27% for the new year; Stop Loss Coverage Policy (individual stop loss policy) is increased by 12.5% over the prior year with total individual stop loss cost for the year expected at $554,580; aggregate stop loss coverage is a 3.75% increase in costs for 2018 and a small portion of plan costs ($13,160); Allied Benefit Systems is responsible for administration of the flexible spending program, which is in compliance with Section 125 of the tax code, and fees remain flat. This motion will authorize the Village Manager to execute necessary contracts to implement the employee benefit program. Staff recommends approving the motion.

Result: Approved By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Tim Millar, District 1 Councilman

Seconder: Kollin Kozlowski, District 5 Councilman

Ayes: Schwantz, Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Absent: Helms

12.Consider a Resolution Amending Resolutions R-65-89, R-106-90, R-142-03 and R-4-05 Establishing a Self-Insurance Health Insurance Benefit Pool for Village of Palatine Employees to Establish a Group Retiree Insurance Plan for Post-65 Retirees (Benistar) - Adopted by Voice Vote

Village Manager Reid Ottesen explained the Village first established a funding pool for health insurance in 1989. This sets forth the basic operating principals for the health insurance program. An actuarial study of post-65 participants was completed in 2016. It demonstrated that the cost of insurance for post-65 Medicare Eligible participants was higher than the actuarial rates. Accounting standards require the Village to set aside reserves for keeping post-65 retirees on the plan if their costs are greater than the charged rate. The Village worked with a consultant, The Horton Group, to identify a group retiree insurance plan that would keep benefits, rates, and customer service consistent with the Village’s Health Insurance plan for post- 65, retired, Medicare-eligible participants. Starting in January 2017, retired Medicare-eligible employees were transitioned to the Benistar Plan. Retired individuals under the age of 65, even those who are Medicare-eligible, can remain on the Village of Palatine plan until they are 65. At age 65, retired participants will transition out of the Village of Palatine Plan to the group retiree insurance plan, or Benistar Plan. Participants can choose their own Medicare supplement instead of Benistar. Post-65 retiree eligibility will no longer remain part of the Village’s plan. This amendment formalizes the change to Benistar as it applies to all post-65 retirees, spouses, and dependents. Staff recommends an amendment to the resolution to add the Benistar Plan for all post-65 Medicare-eligible participants.

Result: Adopted By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Jim Schwantz, Mayor

Seconder: Tim Millar, District 1 Councilman

Ayes: Schwantz, Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Absent: Helms

13.Consider a Motion to Authorize Village Manager to Execute Documents for the Self-Insured Risk Management Program for 2018 - Approved by Voice Vote

Village Manager Reid Ottesen explained the Village has been self-insured for liability coverage since January 1, 2008. The components of the program include a broker; third party administrator; a consultant; and the lines of insurance coverage. To implement the lines of coverage each year, binder Agreements must be signed in order for coverage to take effect on December 31, 2017. The lines of coverage include property, casualty, excess worker’s compensation, crime, cyber liability, fiduciary liability for police and firefighter pensions, and a volunteer policy. The total premium for basic lines of coverage in 2018 is $473,471, which represents a decrease over 2017. Final negotiated policies were lower than anticipated through the early budget process. Expenses can be met through the approved 2018 budget. This resolution asks Village Council to give authority to the Village Manager to execute necessary agreements to implement the policies for 2018. Staff recommends granting authority.

Result: Approved By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Doug Myslinski, District 3 Councilman

Seconder: Kollin Kozlowski, District 5 Councilman

Ayes: Schwantz, Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Absent: Helms

14.As Submitted -

Nothing was submitted.

C. Community & Economic Development Committee – Time: 7:16 Pm

Brad Helms, Chairman


1. As Submitted -

Nothing was submitted.

D. Fire Policy & Community Information Committee – Time: 7:17 Pm

Greg Solberg, Chairman

1. As Submitted -

Nothing was submitted.

E. Infrastructure & Environment Committee – Time: 7:17 pm

Doug Myslinski, Chairman

1. As Submitted -

Nothing was submitted.

F. Police Policy & Code Services Committee – Time: 7:17 pm

Tim Millar, Chairman

1. As Submitted -

Nothing was submitted.

VII. Reconvene The Village Council Meeting – Time: 7:17 pm

Motion to Reconvene the Village Council Meeting - Motion Carried by Voice Vote

Result: Motion Carried By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Doug Myslinski, District 3 Councilman

Seconder: Tim Millar, District 1 Councilman

Ayes: Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Absent: Helms

VIII.Consent Agenda

All items are considered to be routine by the Village Council and will be enacted by one motion, with waiver of first reading. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda.

Result: Adopted By Roll Call [Unanimous]

Mover: Scott Lamerand, District 2 Councilman

Seconder: Kollin Kozlowski, District 5 Councilman

Ayes: Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Absent: Helms

1. Consider a Motion to approve Warrant #23 - Approved

2. Consider an Ordinance Amending the Village's Code of Ordinances Chapter 2, Article XXVII Regarding the Palatine Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) – Approved

Ordinance #O-120-17

3. Consider a Motion to Approve the Village of Palatine's Regular Meeting Schedule for Calendar Year 2018 - Approved

4. Consider an Ordinance Amending Chapter 7, Article V, Section 7-80 of the Village of Palatine's Code of Ordinances Regarding Ambulance Service Fees – Approved

Ordinance #O-121-17

5. Consider an Ordinance Amending Chapter 6, Section 6-89A of the Village's Code of Ordinances to Include Review Fees for Condominium De-Conversions – Approved

Ordinance #O-122-17

6. Consider an Ordinance Amending Chapter 6, Section 6-1.5(a)(10) Regarding Inspection Fees - Approved

Ordinance #O-123-17

7. Consider an Ordinance Amending Chapter 12, Article III Fireworks of the Village's Code of Ordinances - Approved

Ordinance #O-124-17

8. Consider a Motion to Approve the Updated Fee Schedule Supplement to the Village's Code of Ordinances - Approved

9. Consider a Resolution Appropriating $1,596,125 of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the Maintenance of Streets and Highways - Adopted by Roll Call (Council District: Budget)

Resolution #R-42-17

10.Consider a Resolution Appropriating Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the Reconstruction of Partridge Drive and Partridge Court - Adopted by Roll Call (Council District: Budget)

Resolution #R-43-17

11. Consider a Motion to Approve the Ordinance Establishing Rates of Compensation for Certain Officers and Employees of the Village, Effective January 1, 2018 – Approved

Ordinance #O-125-17

12.Consider a Motion to Authorize Village Manager to Execute Documents for Employee Benefit Plans - Approved

13.Consider a Resolution Amending Resolutions R-65-89, R-106-90, R-142-03 and R-4-05 Establishing a Self-Insurance Health Insurance Benefit Pool for Village of Palatine Employees to Establish a Group Retiree Insurance Plan for Post-65 Retirees (Benistar) - Adopted by Roll Call

Resolution #R-44-17

14.Consider a Motion to Authorize Village Manager to Execute Documents for the Self-Insured Risk Management Program for 2018 - Approved

15.Consider a Resolution Amending the Village of Palatine's Employee Handbook, Including the Adoption of a Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment - Adopted by Roll Call

Resolution #R-45-17

IX. Reports Of Standing Committee

A. Administration, Technology & Community Health Committee

Kollin Kozlowski, Chairman

1. As Submitted -

No Report

B. Business Finance & Budget Committee – Time: 7:18 pm

Scott Lamerand, Chairman

1. Consider the 2017 Tax Levy Ordinance - Motion Carried by Roll Call

Ordinance #O-126-17

Result: Motion Carried By Roll Call [4 To 1]

Mover: Scott Lamerand, District 2 Councilman

Seconder: Kollin Kozlowski, District 5 Councilman

Ayes: Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Nays: Millar

Absent: Helms

2. Consider an Ordinance to Abate 2017 Property Tax Levy - Motion Carried by Roll Call

Ordinance #O-127-17

Result: Motion Carried By Roll Call [Unanimous]

Mover: Scott Lamerand, District 2 Councilman

Seconder: Doug Myslinski, District 3 Councilman

Ayes: Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Absent: Helms

3. Consider the Tax Levy Ordinance for Village of Palatine Special Service Area Number Five - Motion Carried by Roll Call

Ordinance #O-128-17

Result: Motion Carried By Roll Call [Unanimous]

Mover: Scott Lamerand, District 2 Councilman

Seconder: Kollin Kozlowski, District 5 Councilman

Ayes: Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Absent: Helms

4. Consider an Ordinance Adopting the Calendar Year 2018 Annual Budget - Motion Carried by Roll Call

Ordinance #O-129-17

Result: Motion Carried By Roll Call [4 To 1]

Mover: Scott Lamerand, District 2 Councilman

Seconder: Kollin Kozlowski, District 5 Councilman

Ayes: Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Nays: Millar

Absent: Helms

5. As Submitted -

No Report

C. Community & Economic Development Committee – Time: 7:21 pm

Brad Helms, Chairman

1. As Submitted -

No Report

D. Fire Policy & Community Information Committee – Time: 7:21 pm

Greg Solberg, Chairman

1. As Submitted -

No Report

E. Infrastructure & Environment Committee – Time: 7:21 pm

Doug Myslinski, Chairman

1. As Submitted -

No Report

F. Police Policy & Code Services Committee – Time: 7:21 pm

Tim Millar, Chairman

1. As Submitted -

No Report

X. Reports Of The Village Officers

A. Village Manager

1. As Submitted -

No Report

B. Village Clerk

1. As Submitted -

No Report

C. Village Attorney

1. As Submitted -

No Report

XI. Closed Session As Required

No Closed Session requested.

XII. Recognition Of Audience

No one came forward.

XIII.Adjournment – Time: 7:21 am

Motion to Adjourn - Motion Carried by Voice Vote

Result: Motion Carried By Voice Vote [Unanimous]

Mover: Tim Millar, District 1 Councilman

Seconder: Scott Lamerand, District 2 Councilman

Ayes: Schwantz, Millar, Lamerand, Myslinski, Solberg, Kozlowski

Absent: Helms
