Village of Bartlett Board met May 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
1. Call to Order
President Wallace called the regular meeting of May 16, 2017 of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Bartlett to order on the above date at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers.
2. Roll Call
Present: Trustee Camerer, Carbonaro, Deyne, Hopkins, Reinke, and President
Wallace [Newly Sworn Trustee Gabrenya]
Absent: None
Also Present: Acting Village Administrator Paula Schumacher, Assistant to the Village Administrator Scott Skrycki, Finance Director Todd Dowden, Community Development Director Jim Plonczynski, Director of Public Works Dan Dinges, Public Works Engineer Bob Allen, Building Director Brian Goralski, Head Golf Professional Phil Lenz, Chief Patrick Ullrich, Deputy Chief Geoff Pretkelis, Deputy Chief Chuck Snider, Village Attorney Bryan Mraz and Village Clerk Lorna Giless.
3. Invocation – Pastor Ryan Collins from Poplar Creek Church gave the invocation.
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Consent Agenda
President Wallace stated that all items marked with an asterisk on the Agenda are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. He further stated that there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member so requests, in which event, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered at the appropriate point on the Agenda. He asked if there were any items a Board member wished to remove from the Consent Agenda, or any items a Board member wished to add to the Consent Agenda.
Trustee Carbonaro stated that he would like to add item 1 under the Police & Health Committee (Resolution 2017-66-R, a Resolution Approving of the Contract Agreement Between the Village of Bartlett and AES Environmental Inc. for the Police Department Gun Range Lead Management/Decontamination Project) to the Consent Agenda.
Trustee Hopkins moved to amend the Consent Agenda to add item 1 under the Police & Health Committee (Resolution 2017-66-R, a Resolution Approving of the Contract Agreement Between the Village of Bartlett and AES Environmental Inc. for the Police Department Gun Range Lead Management/Decontamination Project), and all items contained therein, and that motion was seconded by Trustee Deyne.
Roll Call Vote to Amend the Consent Agenda
Ayes: Trustees Camerer, Carbonaro, Deyne, Hopkins, Reinke Nays: None Absent: None Motion Carried
President Wallace then recited each item that was originally on the Consent Agenda and each item that was added to the Consent Agenda, including the nature of the matters being considered and other information to inform the public of matters being voted upon on the Amended Consent Agenda. He then stated that he would entertain a motion to approve the Amended Consent Agenda.
Trustee Camerer moved to approve the Amended Consent Agenda and that motion was seconded by Trustee Hopkins.
Roll Call Vote to Approve the Amended Consent Agenda
Ayes: Trustees Camerer, Carbonaro, Deyne, Hopkins, Reinke Nays: None Absent: None Motion Carried
6. Minutes
Trustee Hopkins moved to approve the Board and Committee Minutes from May 2, 2017 and that motion was seconded by Trustee Carbonaro.
Roll Call Vote To Approve The Board And Committee Minutes From May 2, 2017
Ayes: Trustees Camerer, Carbonaro, Deyne, Hopkins, Reinke Nays: None Absent: None Motion Carried
7. Bill List – Covered and approved under the Consent Agenda.
8. Treasurer’s Report
President Wallace congratulated Todd Dowden on his promotion to Director of Finance.
President Wallace then asked Mr. Dowden to present the Treasurer’s Report and the Municipal Sales Report.
Village Treasurer/Finance Director Todd Dowden stated that there was nothing unusual in the Treasurer’s Report for the month of March. The income tax is still down as projected earlier. Motor Fuel Tax distribution through February, 2017 totaled $88,602 which was down $1,929 from last year and the total year is expected to be slightly under budget. He then presented the Municipal Sales Tax Report through January, 2017, and stated that the Village had received $190,934 in sales taxes, which represented a decrease of $3,285 from the same period last year. He is still expecting sales tax to be up 7% for the year.
President Wallace stated that he is continually hearing about the LGDF issue and asked if they were doing any kind of litmus test.
Mr. Dowden stated that they have been getting some legislative updates as far as the amount of money that they will be down. It looks like it could be from $1-$2 million dollars.
Acting Village Administrator Paula Schumacher stated that they have been talking to their lobbyist on a regular basis. Every time that there is a prediction that comes out, they do the litmus test to figure out if it will take hold or get another proposal that has come up. Tom Cullen (lobbyist) did not think that they were going to have the time to do anything with this latest proposal so they will just keep rolling them through and we will keep objecting to them.
One of the proposals was the reduction in the MFT funds. The Village staff has looked at those and feels the Village is covered and will be able to do all the projects it is committed to do under that fund. If the State legislature passes or fails to pass legislation that negatively affect the general revenue fund, it’s really just going to be cutting from there.
9. President’s Report
President Wallace stated that as everyone here is aware, a vacancy in the office of Village Trustee occurred by reason of the death of long time Village Trustee T. L. Arends on April 11, 2017. Under the Illinois Municipal Code, an appointment of a qualified person by the Village President must be made within 60 days after the vacancy occurs. He stated that he could think of no one more uniquely qualified to serve out the balance of Trustee Arends’ term than her own daughter, Kristina Gabrenya, who resides in and works as an optometrist in the Village. He stated that he approached her to see if she might be interested, and she responded with a letter dated May 5, 2017 and her Resume, which was forwarded to the Board, which in short expresses that it would be her pleasure and honor to be able to serve her community in this capacity. He stated that there were other candidates in the back of his mind and a lot of other thoughts going on over the year during Trustee Arends’ illness so it was not a hurried decision. He intended to appoint her, but the appointment will require the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees to be effective, and for her to be sworn in. As Trustee Arends was serving in an elective municipal office with a four year term that expires in May of 2019, this appointment, if confirmed, will likewise expire in May of 2019.
President Wallace then stated: “Accordingly, I Hereby Appoint Kristina Gabrenya To Fill The Vacant Office Of Village Trustee Of The Village Of Bartlett For The Remainder Of The Term Expiring In May Of 2019, And Forward My Appointment To The Board For Confirmation.”
Trustee Camerer moved to concur and consent to the appointment of Kristina Gabrenya to fill the vacant office of Village Trustee of the Village of Bartlett for the remainder of the term expiring in May of 2019 and Trustee Deyne seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote To Consent To The Appointment Of Kristina Gabrenya To Fill The Vacancy In The Office Of Village Trustee
Ayes: Trustees Camerer, Carbonaro, Deyne, Hopkins, Reinke Nays: None Motion Carried
Village Attorney Bryan Mraz then administered the Oath of Office to newly appointed Village Trustee Kristina Gabrenya.
President Wallace presented liquor license renewals for the following:
Class C ext RN McRain Inc. dba 8-Eleven 399 S. Prospect Ave.
President Wallace stated that if there were no objections he would reissue each of the above liquor licenses which will be renewed for the license year May 1, 2017 to April 30, 2018. There were no objections.
10. Question/Answer: President & Trustees
Trustee Deyne stated that he has been getting a lot of comments and feedback from some of the residents regarding the Marathon gas station at Lake Street and Bartlett Road. He wondered if there was anything they could do to improve the quality of that intersection.
Community Development Director Jim Plonczynski stated that it is a code complaint and has gone to the point where they are not getting any cooperation from the owners. It is scheduled for local adjudication. There is still difficulty tracking the owners and has been a problem property for a while. They are hoping with local adjudication that they will be fined.
Trustee Deyne asked about the timeframe they were operating in. If they let it run its normal course, how long will that take? Is there any way to expedite this or is it foolish to spend any money on it?
Mr. Plonczynski stated that the goal is to get it cleaned up. If there is no cooperation, it could take a long time. If they do get a fine, we hope they would show up in court. The court date is scheduled for June 14th.
President Wallace asked staff to let the Board know if they do not show up so they can make a determination if they want to accelerate.
Mr. Plonczynski suggested that they can consult with the Village Attorney and/or the Village prosecutor to determine the next step.
Trustee Hopkins asked if they could contact the IEPA because there is a fuel storage tank in the ground there.
Mr. Plonczynski stated that it was occupied a couple of years ago, but the people operating it were not the owners and were operating on a lease.
11. Town Hall
Joan Plice, 128 S. Hickory Avenue Ms. Plice stated that she was a little concerned about some of the things she read about the property that is directly across from the police station that is in a residential area and going to become a municipal parking lot for the police department. She was confused as to how residential property is suitable for a municipal parking lot. She inquired about real estate situations with the people that live next to that parking lot and how it may affect their property values. She spoke to one of the residents that will be affected and felt that they were a little bit intimidated and complacent. Is this a new precedent that the Village is going to be setting where it will eventually become eminent domain of private property?
Tish Powell, Municipal Marketing Manager for Advanced Disposal Ms. Powell stated that she was there and interested in the discussion over the waste hauler contract for the Village. She was there to answer any questions. They do business in this area and would be interested in providing services for the Village.
12. Standing Committee Reports
A. Planning & Zoning Committee, Chairman Hopkins
Trustee Hopkins presented Ordinance 2017-65, an Ordinance Rezoning the Police Parking Lot Property, Site Plan Approval of the Police Parking Lot Property, Site Plan Amendment Approval for the Municipal Complex Property and Granting Variations for the Police Parking Lot and Municipal Complex Properties.
He stated that this went before the Zoning Board of Appeals on April 6th and the Plan Commission on April 13th, and both have recommended in favor. The Board spoke about it at the last Committee of the Whole meeting and decided to bring it to the Board for a final vote.
Mr. Plonczynski stated that the Village conducted all the required public hearings and there were concerned residents that spoke. The parking lot was not acquired through eminent domain. The Village made an offer on the property and it was purchased outright from the owner. The parking is necessary for the personal vehicles of the police department and will be a secure lot with proper landscaping.
Ms. Schumacher stated that there is an extraordinary lighting feature in that parking lot where it dims the lights on a motion sensor to limit the impact on the neighbors.
Trustee Hopkins moved the passage of Ordinance 2017-65, An Ordinance Rezoning the Police Parking Lot Property, Site Plan Approval of the Police Parking Lot Property, Site Plan Amendment Approval for the Municipal Complex Property and Granting Variations for the Police Parking Lot and Municipal Complex Properties, and that motion was seconded by Trustee Camerer.
Trustee Hopkins stated that he thought it was important that we keep in contact with the residents and asked if there was any way to set up to Code Red alert for residents of the area when construction is going on.
Ms. Schumacher stated that she did not want to delude the Code Red system for non- emergencies. They will put together a contact list for the immediate neighborhood and utilize our regular alerting system.
Roll Call Vote To Pass Ordinance 2017-65 Rezoning Police Parking Lot, Site Plan Approval And Amendment And Variations For Parking Lot And Municipal Complex
Ayes: Trustees Camerer, Carbonaro, Deyne, Gabrenya, Hopkins, Reinke Nays: None Absent: None Motion Carried
B. Building Committee, Chairman Gabrenya
Trustee Gabrenya stated that there was no report.
C. Finance & Golf Committee, Chairman Deyne
Trustee Deyne stated that there was no report.
D. License & Ordinance Committee, Chairman Camerer
Trustee Camerer stated that Resolution 2017-67-R, “A Resolution Approving of the Professional Service Agreement Between the Village of Bartlett and the Law Firm of Storino, Ramello & Durkin” and the Memorial Day Open Burn Request were covered and approved under the Consent Agenda.
E. Police & Health Committee, Chairman Carbonaro
Trustee Carbonaro stated that Resolution 2017-66-R, “A Resolution Approving of the Contract Agreement Between the Village of Bartlett and AES Environmental Inc. for the Police Department Gun Range Lead Management/Decontamination Project”; Resolution 2017-68-R, “A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Equipment Lease Agreement Between John Thomas Inc. and the Village of Bartlett”; “Authorization to Purchase 3 Police Vehicles”; and “Authorization to Purchase 1 CSO Vehicle” were covered and approved under the Consent Agenda.
F. Public Works Committee, Chairman Reinke
Trustee Reinke stated that the Authorization to Purchase 1 Mini-Van, 2 Ford Escapes and 1 Vactor Jet Sewer Cleaning Vehicle were covered and approved under the Consent Agenda.
13. New Business
Trustee Deyne wished President Wallace a happy birthday since tomorrow is his big day.
14. Question/Answer: President & Trustees
President Wallace asked Phil Lenz if there was any feedback on the hole in one video information they had talked about in the past.
Assistant to the Village Administrator Scott Skrycki stated that he talked to the company today. The Village Attorney was uncomfortable with a couple of things on the Agreement and sent a Rider with suggested modifications. The vendor was asked to identify those things and they are working on them with the vendor.
President Wallace stated that the golf course is looking for ways to increase revenue and build the clientele in the restaurant. He stated that he would like to see it at the next meeting.
Trustee Camerer stated that he got an email from a concerned resident regarding the bike path on the north side of Stearns just west of Centennial school regarding some safety issues.
Public Works Director Dan Dinges stated that he thought he was talking about the area near the bridge. The Stearns Road box culvert project that will start as soon as school is out for the summer, will hopefully improve that. They will be eliminating the bridge and extending the box culvert to the north, along with curb and a 6 foot parkway.
President Wallace stated that the Board will be going into the Committee of the Whole meeting immediately following the close of this meeting.
There being no further business to discuss, Trustee Deyne moved to adjourn the regular Board meeting and that motion was seconded by Trustee Camerer.
Roll Call Vote To Adjourn
Ayes: Trustees Camerer, Carbonaro, Deyne, Gabrenya, Hopkins, Reinke Nays: None Absent: None Motion Carried
The meeting was adjourned at 7:27 p.m.