
North Cook News

Monday, September 30, 2024

Village of Arlington Heights Committee-of-the-Whole met June 12.


Village of Arlington Heights Committee-of-the-Whole met June 12.

Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:

I. Call to Order

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Roll Call of Members

IV. New Business

A. Review of the 12-month Period Ending 12/31/16 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) - Mr. Matthew Beran, Lauterbach & Amen, LLP

B. Proposed Parking Fee Adjustments

C. Proposed Substantial Amendment to the Village of Arlington Heights' Sections of the 2015 2019 Cook County Consolidated Plan

D. Federal FFY 2017 Annual Action Plan/CDBG Budget

V. Other Business

VI. Adjournment
