
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Evanston Administration and Public Works Committee met June 12.

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City of Evanston Administration and Public Works Committee met June 12.

Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:

I. Declaration of a Quorum: Alderman Braithwaite, Chair

II. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of May 22, 2017

III. Items for Consideration

Administration & Public Works Committee

(A1) Payroll – May 1, 2017 through May 14, 2017 $ 2,913,680.94

Payroll – May 15, 2017 through May 28, 2017 $ 2,778,643.60

(A2) City of Evanston Bills – June 13, 2017 $ 5,344,098.54

For Action

(A3.1) Contract with CCJM Engineers, Ltd. For Citywide Generator Evaluation

Staff recommends City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract for a Citywide Generator Evaluation (RFP 17-30) with CCJM Engineers, Ltd. (303 East Wacker Drive, Suite 303, Chicago, IL) in the amount of $54,339.99. Funding will be provided from Capital Improvements Fund 2017 GO Bonds (Account 415.40.4117.65515 – 617017). This project was budgeted at $70,000 in FY17.

For Action

(A3.2) Contract with Construction Consulting and Disbursement Services Inc. for Fleetwood-Jourdain Washroom Renovations

Staff recommends City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract for the Fleetwood-Jourdain Washroom Renovations (Bid No. 17-32) with Construction Consulting and Disbursement Services Inc. (5836 Lincoln Ave., Suite 200, Morton Grove, IL. 60053) in the amount of $182,900.00. Funding will be provided from the Capital Improvements Fund 2017 GO bonds (Account 415.40.4117.65515 – 617006) with a budget of $150,000. The additional $32,900 will be funded from realized savings from the generator study (415.40.4117.65515-617017) and the James Park North Field Renovation project (415.40.4117.65515 – 517002).

For Action

(A3.3) Contract with Elanar Construction Co. for James Park North Field Renovations

Staff recommends City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract for the James Park North Field Renovation Project with Elanar Construction Co. (6620 W. Belmont Avenue, Chicago, Illinois) in the amount of $930,062.30. Funding will be provided from Capital Improvements Fund 2017 GO Bonds (Account 415.40.4117.65515 – 517002). This project was budgeted at $1,000,000 in FY 2017.

For Action

(A3.4) Master Agreement for Community Electricity Aggregation

Staff recommends that City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a Master Agreement to Provide Services to an Aggregated Group with the prequalified Alternate Retail Electric Supplier (ARES) that provides the most favorable price per kilowatt hour (Cents / kWh) for the length of term and renewable energy mix that the City Council determines to be the most advantageous. At the City Council meeting on June 12, 2017, staff will present a recommendation to the City Council authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute an agreement with the prequalified ARES that submits the most favorable pricing based on the recommendations provided.

For Action

(A3.5) Change Order Number 2 to Contract for Various Parking Lot Improvement Engineering with Gewalt-Hamilton Associates Inc.

Staff recommends that City Council authorize the City Manager to execute Change Order No. 2 to the contract for Various Parking Lot Improvement Engineering Services with Gewalt-Hamilton Associates Inc. (625 Forest Edge Drive, Vernon Hills, IL 60061) This Change Order was requested by Alderman Rainey to expand the scope of work to include an analysis/design of on-street parking on Callan in Ward Eight of the City and will cost $17,750. This will increase the contract amount from $170,650 to $188,400 and extend the contract completion date to July 28, 2017. Funding will be provided from Capital Improvement Program (CIP) General Obligation Bonds (Account 415.40.4117.65515) for General Phase I Engineering which has a FY 2017 budget of $80,000.

For Action

(A3.6) Sole Source Renewal of Contract Agreement with Call One

Staff recommends that City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a one year contract renewal for telecommunications service with Call One (225 W. Wacker, Chicago, IL 60606) in the estimated amount of $129,000 for the twelve month period beginning June 13, 2017. This contract agreement utilizes the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative program under the auspices of the Northwest Municipal Conference. The projected annual cost is a 14% reduction from FY2016, an estimate based on our previous year’s billing. Actual charges vary depending on usage and service changes. Funding is provided by seven (7) business units noted on the corresponding transmittal memorandum.

For Action

(A3.7) Sole Source Contract Renewal of Accela Maintenance and Support Agreement

Staff recommends the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute the renewal of a software licensing agreement with Accela Inc. (2633 Camino Ramon, San Ramon, CA) for a period of two years at a cost of $89,945.28 per year. This software provides support for City licensing and permitting activities in Community Development, Health, Fire and Public Works Agency. This renewal agreement represents a 43% reduction from last year’s cost and will cover the period of March 1, 2017 through February 28, 2019. Funding is provided from the Information Technology Division’s Computer Licensing and Support Fund (Account: 100.19.1932.62340) with a FY17 Budget of $500,000 and a YTD balance of $351,036.76.

For Action

(A3.8) Purchase of Six Replacement Vehicles/Units from Currie Motors, JX Peterbilt and Standard Equipment

Staff recommends City Council authorize the purchase of (6) replacement vehicles/units for the Public Works Agency from: Currie Motors (9423 W. Lincoln Hwy, Frankfort, IL 60423) in the amount of $126,479; JX Peterbilt (42400 Hwy 41, Wadsworth, IL 60083) in the amount of $546,487.50; and Standard Equipment (2033 West Walnut Street, Chicago, IL 60612) in the amount of $330,493.65. Funding of $614,756.50 is provided by FY2017 Automotive Replacement Fund (Account 601.19.7780.65550) with a budget of $1,455,422. Budget remaining in this account after this purchase is $180,009.92. Funding of $58,210.00 is provided by the FY2017 Water Fund (Account 510.40.4230.65550) with a budget of $186,300. Budget remaining in this account after this purchase is $128,090. Funding of $330,493.65 is provided by FY2017 Sewer Fund (Account 515.40.4530.65550) in the amount of $23,750. Additional funding is provided by savings from Account 515.40.4535.65515, which has a budget of $2,626,000 and a remaining balance of $762,796.

For Action

(A3.9) Contract with Havey Communications Inc. for Emergency Lighting & Sirens

Staff recommends City Council approval of a one (1) year contract with three (3) one (1) year renewals for the purchase of emergency lighting, sirens and aftermarket products and services in the amount of $80,960.00 to Havey Communications Inc. (28835 Herky Drive # 117, Lake Bluff, Illinois 60044). Funding will be as follows: $40,480.00 from Equipment Replacement Fund (Account 601.19.7780.65550), with a FY 2017 budget of $1,455,422.00 and a YTD balance of $794,766.42, and $40,480.00 from Fleet Maintenance Fund (Account 600.19.7710.65060), with a FY 2017 budget of $1,050,000.00 and a YTD balance of $409,360.62.

For Action

(A3.10) Approval of Sidewalk Café at 1009 Davis Street – Yeero Revolution

Staff recommends City Council approval of first-time application for a sidewalk café permit for Yeero Revolution, a Type 2 restaurant located at 1009 Davis Street. The sidewalk café will consist of three tables with two seats each for a seating capacity of six, and will operate daily from 11:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m.

For Action

(A3.11) Approval of Applications for Landscaping Service Assistance through the Great Merchants Grant Program

Staff recommends approval for financial assistance of landscaping services through the Great Merchants Grant Program, totaling $33,550.00, to five Evanston business district areas: Evanston West End Business Association - $8,640.00; Central Street Business Association - $5,760.00, Dr. Hill Arts Business District - $10,000.00; Howard Street Business Association - $1,850.00; and West Village Business Association - $7,300.00. Funding will be from the Economic Development Business District Improvement Program (Account 100.15.5300.65522). The approved 2017 Fiscal Year Budget allocated $350,000 to this account. However, as of May 2017, $8,416.50 have been spent to complete façade projects and to fund Entrepreneurship Support Program requests, leaving the account with $341,583.50.

For Action

(A3.12) First Quarter Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2017

Staff recommends City Council accept and place the First Quarter Financial Report for FY 2017 on file. For Action: Accept and Place on File

(A4) Resolution 53-R-17, Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Payments for Emergency Structural Shoring for the Service Center Parking Structure

Staff recommends City Council adoption of Resolution 53-R-17, authorizing the City Manager to execute payments for emergency structural shoring repairs to the City of Evanston’s Service Center Parking Structure. The City Manager has authorized staff to execute structural engineering service contracts to assess and temporarily shore the parking structure with: Moshe Calamaro & Associates Inc. (930 Pitner Ave. #7, Evanston, IL 60202), Belfor Property Restoration (650 Anthony Tail Suite B – Northbrook, IL 60062), and KPFF Consulting Engineers (630 Davis St, Evanston, IL 60201) The known costs for this work to date is $4,900.83 to Moshe Calamaro & Associates; $23,951.64 to Belfor Property Restoration, and $3,500.00 to KPFF Consulting Engineers. There will be additional costs for rental of the structural shoring in the amount of $962.50/week to Belfor Property Restoration. Funding will be provided from the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) 2017 General Obligation Bonds for Facilities Contingency (Account 415.40.4117.62145.617023), which was budgeted at $200,000 for 2017 and has an estimated $178,510.00 remaining.

For Action

(A5) Resolution 54-R-17, Parking Lease Agreement with 2424 Dempster, LLC (dba Kabul House)

Staff recommends City Council adoption of Resolution 54-R-17, authorizing the City Manager to execute a parking lease agreement for parking spaces on McDaniel Avenue with 2424 Dempster, LLC (dba Kabul House) located at 2424 Dempster Street.

For Action

(A6) Resolution 55-R-17, To Adopt a Complete and Green Network Policy in Construction Projects within the Public Right-of-Way and Public Spaces

Staff recommends City Council adoption of Resolution 55-R-17 to adopt the proposed updated Complete & Green Streets Policy. The 2017 Complete & Green Streets Policy seeks to align the City’s current policy with the City’s Age Friendly goals, develop sector and project level reporting metrics, formalize transportation demand management approaches, and establish a policy exception review channel for non-City lead projects through the Design and Project Review Committee. This item is before the APW since the Parking & Transportation Committee has been unable to meet since November 2016.

For Action

(A7) Ordinance 50-O-17 Amending the City Code to Establish a 4-Way Stop Control at the Intersection of Woodbine Avenue and Jenks Street

Staff recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance 50-O-17 amending Section 10-11-5(D), Schedule V(D) of the City Code to establish a 4-Way Stop Control at the intersection of Woodbine Avenue and Jenks Street. The estimated cost to install two additional stop signs is $150.00. Funding will be through the General Fund-Traffic Control Supplies (Account 100.40.4520.65115), with a FY 2017 budget of $50,000, and a YTD balance of $20,266.17.

For Introduction

(A8) Ordinance 51-O-17, Authorizing the Sale of a Surplus Fleet Vehicles Owned by the City of Evanston

Staff recommends that City Council adopt Ordinance 51-O-17, directing the City Manager to offer the sale of vehicles owned by the City through public auction at the special Northwest Municipal Vehicle Auction being sponsored by America’s Auto Auctions on Tuesday, July 25, 2017 or any other subsequent America’s Online Auction as these vehicles become available, on a timely basis, as a result of new vehicle replacements being placed into service.

For Introduction

(A9) Ordinance 46-O-17, Amending City Code Section 9-5-15, Regulating Small Unmanned Aircraft in the City of Evanston

City staff recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance 46-O-17, amending City Code Section 9-5-15, regulating small unmanned aircraft in the City of Evanston. Ordinance 46-O-17 addresses ongoing community concerns and provide an enforcement tool related to the operation of small unmanned aircraft, including drones.

For Introduction

IV. Items for Discussion

(APW1) Block Party Applications

Staff will discuss the current policy regarding the block party application process and seek Council’s direction for any modifications to the current policy.

For Discussion

V. Communications

VI. Adjournment
