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Village of Barrington President and Board of Trustees met May 8.

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Village of Barrington President and Board of Trustees met May 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call to Order:

The Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees was called to order by Village President Karen Darch at 8:00 p.m. on Monday, May 8, 2017 in the Village Board Room, 200 South Hough Street, Barrington, Illinois. Police Chief Dave Dorn led the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence was held in honor of both our federal and state elected officials who are working for the betterment of the people.

Roll Call:

Upon roll being called the following answered present: Trustees Jim Daluga, Tim Roberts, Sue Padula, Jason Lohmeyer, Todd Sholeen, and President Karen Darch. Trustee Pete Douglas was absent. Also present were: Jeff Lawler, Village Manager; Peg Blanchard, Director of Economic Development; Greg Summers, Director of Development Services; Dave Dorn, Police Chief; Patty Dowd Schmitz, Communications/ Events Manager; Village Attorney Jim Bateman.

In compliance with the provisions of Chapter 11, "Rules for Participation in Meetings via Electronic Means" of Title 1, "Administration", of the Village of Barrington Village Code, no member participated in said meeting via electronic means.

Consideration of Modifications to Agenda:

President Darch asked the Board if there were any additions, corrections or deletions to the Agenda that was presented at the dais. None were noted.

Consideration RE: Motion to take a single roll call vote on the question of modifying or setting Agenda Items.

Motion: A motion was duly made by Trustee Padula and seconded by Trustee Sholeen to set the Agenda as presented.

Roll Call: Trustee Daluga, aye; Trustee Roberts, aye; Trustee Padula, aye; Trustee Douglas, absent; Trustee Lohmeyer, aye; Trustee Sholeen, aye; and President Darch, aye. President Darch declared the motion passed.

Persons to be Heard from the Floor - Citizen's Registration Comments:

Patrick Smith, member of the Bike & Pedestrian Committee, commented on the Lake Zurich Road relocation project and the concern he had relative to the turn at LZR and making the road safer for pedestrians, as well as vehicular traffic.

Donald Whitney, 724 Prospect, did not speak, but submitted comments relative to the Roslyn Meadows project, noting that the project should not go forward based on the issues with land use and neighborhood changes. Also, the project will not fit into the existing neighborhood, and is contrary to the vision of the Village of Barrington.

Steve Flunker, 322 Roslyn, did not speak, but submitted comments relative to the Roslyn Meadows project, noting the he opposes the development and the zoning should remain R-5 for single family development.

Brad Riverdahl, 725 Cumnor Ave, did not speak, but submitted comments relative to the Roslyn Meadows project, noting that a 16-unit townhome development does not fall in line with the comprehensive plan and does not fit the neighborhood.

Sue Whitney, 724 Prospect, opposes the rezoning for the Roslyn Meadows project and does not feel the change in land use was ever discussed with the neighbors or publicly and should stay single family zoning.

Cynthia Curin, 429 Waverly Road, did not speak, but opposes the Roslyn Meadows project.

Laura Nadelhoffer, 731 Exmoor Ave, opposes the Roslyn Meadows project, in addition to 98% of the neighborhood opposing the changing in zoning. The Plan Commission decision was not unanimous and that should be taken into consideration. While the neighborhood isn’t opposed to developing the property, it would like the property to remain in keeping with the rest of the neighborhood as single family units.

Marsha Werner, 7 Hubbell Ct, expressed her support for the Roslyn Meadows project. She felt the developer has compromised and reduced the density and feels this project is a good buffer between the neighborhood and the manufacturing area.

Paul Schmitt, 738 Bryant Ave, opposes the Roslyn Meadows project. He feels the developer could reduce the density of the project, if the Village would pay for the public sidewalks, rather than the developer.

Jodie Nettelhorst, 21000 N. Exmoor, Ave, opposes the Roslyn Meadows project and feels that the developer didn’t make a concerted effort to alleviate the residents’ concerns.

John Sinnott, 317 Roslyn Road, opposes the Roslyn Meadows project. He is concerned about the narrowness of the streets and the traffic and congestion near Roslyn Road school. He feels the owner of the property should have sought out developers that would be willing to construct single family development.

Cathleen Bayer, 20927 N. Exmoor, opposes the Roslyn Meadows project due to the traffic and safety hazard that the development will create. The development should remain zoned for single family homes. Multi-family housing should be located nearer the downtown, as the comprehensive plan indicates.

Wayne Miller, 617 Prospect, opposes the Roslyn Meadows project due to the additional traffic it will create. He suggested that the development locate its entrance off of Western Avenue, to keep the traffic off of Roslyn and Cumnor.

Marcia Chester, 735 Bryant Ave, opposes the Roslyn Meadows project because it is contrary to the comprehensive plan. She believes multi-family homes should be located near the downtown, as described in the comprehensive plan.

Eileen Cherry Clark, 120 Roslyn Road, opposes the Roslyn Meadows project because of the traffic it will create. The zoning should remain as single-family home.

John P. Clark, 120 Roslyn Road, opposes the Roslyn Meadows project.

Sheila Feltz, 20826 N. Cumnor, opposes the Roslyn Meadows project because of the additional traffic it will create. She disagrees with the traffic study that was presented by the developer and conducted her own study, indicating that there was already significantly more traffic than what was represented. She does not believe this development is needed as a buffer, and the zoning should remain as single-family homes. This does not fit into the character of the neighborhood.

Janice Heinz, 129 Roslyn Road, opposes the Roslyn Meadows project.

Faye Sinnott, 317 Roslyn Road, opposes the Roslyn Meadows project because the proposed plan has too much impervious surfaces, and is concerned about the additional water it will create within the subdivision. In addition, the traffic the project will create is concerning, sidewalks does not necessarily mean that the project will be more safe. She feels the owner of the property should have sought out developers that would be willing to construct single family development.

Otilia Naranjo, 240 Roslyn Road, opposes the Roslyn Meadows project because the comprehensive plan does not call for townhomes in this area. The development does not fit in with the character and value of the existing neighborhood. There is concern that the development will lower current home values.

Bobbie Henderson, 739 Prospect Ave, opposes the Roslyn Meadows project and does not believe that this area should be spot zoned and should remain single family homes. The development does not fit in with the character of the existing neighborhood and will adversely affect the character and values of the existing homes.

Michele Mahler, 704 Prospect Ave, did not speak, but opposes the Roslyn Meadows project.

Scott Kozak, 709 Prospect Ave, opposes the Roslyn Meadows project because the Zoning Ordinance does not call for multi-family homes. This should remain single-family residential homes along Cumnor Ave and is concerned that the development will have an adverse effect on the existing homes.

Steven, 639 Cumnor Ave, opposes the Roslyn Meadows project, and the property should remain single-family homes.

Shirley Juip, 20774 N. Exmoor, opposes the Roslyn Meadows project because of the safety and the traffic congestion that currently exists and will be created.

Reading of Minutes - Changes, Corrections, Approval:

a. April 24, 2017

Motion: A motion was duly made by Trustee Daluga and seconded by Trustee Roberts to approve the minutes of April 24, 2017 Regular Meeting of the Corporate Authorities, as amended at the dais.

Roll Call: Trustee Daluga, aye; Trustee Roberts, aye; Trustee Padula, absent; Trustee Douglas, aye; Trustee Lohmeyer, aye; and Trustee Sholeen, aye. President Darch declared the motion passed.

Reports Of Village Officials:

1. Village President Report

President Darch called to attention the planters that have been placed around town. We are grateful to Cathy Robinson of Field & Flower Garden Club for their input in creating these beautiful flowers.

2. Village Staff Reports

Greg Summers presented information regarding the Roslyn Meadows subdivision which is on tonight’s agenda. He provided the evolution of the project, since it began in May 2016. Since its inception, the density was reduced from 21 units to 16 units, and open space was increased from 41% to 51%, stormwater detention was increased, and a pocket park was added. Greg answered questions from the Village Board regarding drainage, which drains away from the existing neighborhood. In addition, the developer will be installing sidewalks both on and off-site, which links to an existing walkway. In addition, Greg provided clarification on definitions related to single-family detached, single-family attached, and multi-family homes. He provided examples of other similar development projects throughout the Village. He also provided details on the density of the existing proposed project in comparison to other townhome developments in town. Greg answered questions regarding which portions of the project are zoned for manufacturing and single family homes, and what can currently be built by-right as it is currently zoned.

3. Committee Reports


4. Consent Agenda - Consideration of an "Omnibus Vote (*)."

Illinois Municipalities may adopt by a single roll call vote of the Village Board and Village President a group of assorted ordinances, resolutions, motions and orders by an Omnibus Vote. The Omnibus Vote shall be taken following the unanimous consent by the President and Board as to the items to be included in such vote. Any Trustee or the President may request that any item proposed to be included in an "Omnibus Vote" not be included in that vote.

i. Consideration RE: Motion to take a single roll call vote on the question of passage of Agenda items designated by an asterisk (*) for voting purposes on the Consent Agenda. The motion requires unanimous consent of the President and Board of Trustees.

President Darch identified those items to be included on the Consent Agenda.

ii. Consideration RE: Motion to approve by an omnibus vote those Ordinances, Resolutions, Motions and Orders contained on the Consent Agenda and designated by an asterisk (*) by an omnibus vote.

President Darch listed the following items to be included on the Consent Agenda.

*a. Resolution #17-4650: Approving and Authorizing Execution of a Service Agreement between the Village of Barrington and Andy Frain Services, Inc. for Security Services in the Form of Uniformed Crossing Guard Personnel

*b. Ordinance #17-3942: Authorizing Extension of Aggregation Program for Electrical Load and to Authorize a Request for proposals (“RFP”) Seeking a New Alternative Residential Electric Energy Supplier

*c. Ordinance #17-3943: Granting an Amended and Restates Special Use for a Planned Unit Development for a Moretti’s Restaurant (Re: PC 17-01: 188 and 128 Wool Street)

*d. Ordinance #17-3944: Amending Title 8, “Utilities and Communication Services,” of the Village of Barrington Village Code Relative to the Siting and Installation of a Small Antenna and/or Tower within the Village

Motion: A motion was duly made by Trustee Daluga and seconded by Trustee Lohmeyer to approve the taking of a single roll call vote to adopt and create a Consent Agenda, consisting of Items 4ii*a, 4ii*b, 4ii*c, and 4ii*d as presented.

Roll Call: Trustee Daluga, aye; Trustee Roberts, aye; Trustee Padula, aye; Trustee Douglas, aye; Trustee Lohmeyer, aye; Trustee Sholeen, aye; and President Darch, aye. President Darch declared the motion to take a single roll call vote to adopt and create the Consent Agenda passed unanimously.

ii. Consideration RE: Motion to approve by an omnibus vote those Ordinances, Resolutions, Motions and Orders contained on the Consent Agenda and designated by an asterisk (*) by an omnibus vote.

Pursuant to 65 ILCS 5/3.1-40-40, a single roll call vote of the Village Board of Trustees and the President on a group of ordinances, resolutions, orders, and/ or motions.

Motion: A motion was duly made by Trustee Sholeen and seconded by Trustee Roberts to approve the Consent Agenda, consisting of Items 4ii*a, 4ii*b, 4ii*c, and 4ii*d as presented.

Roll Call: Trustee Daluga, aye; Trustee Roberts, aye; Trustee Padula, aye; Trustee Douglas, aye; Trustee Lohmeyer, aye; Trustee Sholeen, aye; and President Darch, aye. President Darch declared the motion to take a single roll call vote to adopt and create the Consent Agenda passed unanimously.

5. Old Business

A. Ordinance #17-3945: Approving an Amendment to the 2010 Official Comprehensive Plan, as Amended, of the Village of Barrington and a Related Amendment to the Barrington Village Code (Re: PC 16-03 – Approving an Amendment to the 2010 Official Comprehensive Plan of the Village of Barrington Dated April 25, 2017)

Motion: A motion was duly made by Trustee Daluga and seconded by Trustee Roberts to adopt the ordinance listed as Agenda Item 5a, as presented.

Roll Call: Trustee Daluga, aye; Trustee Roberts, aye; Trustee Padula, aye; Trustee Douglas, absent; Trustee Lohmeyer, aye; Trustee Sholeen, aye; and President Darch, aye. President Darch declared the motion passed.

b. Ordinance #17-3946: Approving the Rezoning of and Granting a Special Use for a Residential Planned Development for the Property Located at 540 W. Northwest Highway (PC 16-04: Roslyn Meadows of Barrington Residential Planned Development)

Motion: A motion was duly made by Trustee Daluga and seconded by Trustee Roberts to adopt the ordinance listed as Agenda Item 5b, as presented.

Trustee Daluga noted the difficult decision that was placed before the Village Board tonight in regards to changing the zoning for this development. In making these types of decisions, he takes into consideration what the neighbors have to say, in addition to reading all of the testimony, and reviewing everything that occurred in the Plan Commission hearings. One of the things that needs to be considered is the current M-1 zoning that is also a part of the existing property, in addition to the R-5 zoning. Trustee Daluga compared what the developer is proposing to what can currently be built by-right, with the existing zoning. By accepting the developer’s low-density proposal, which was reduced from 21 units, you are assured that you won’t have a 50,000 square foot industrial building placed at the back of the property. He also noted other areas where there are townhome units embedded into a single-family neighborhood. He believes there will not be any adverse effect on the values of the existing homes. Trustee Daluga noted that the assurance that the M-1 property will never be developed as M-1 is worth voting yes for this project.

Trustee Roberts agreed with Trustee Daluga regarding the assurance that the M-1 property will not be developed as M-1. In addition, he noted that the Village cannot prevent a property access to the street, and therefore the amount of traffic that a 50,000 square foot manufacturing building would create is much worse than the proposed low- density project. Therefore, Trustee Roberts will be voting yes, as well.

Trustee Padula thanked all of the residents for their input and for presenting their thoughts respectfully and creating such a thoughtful dialogue. The proposed development reduces the number of ‘homes’ that face Cumnor compared to what could be built as it is currently zoned, in addition to removing the potential for the construction of an industrial building behind it. While the concerns about density and traffic are valid, the unknown and potential issues that could occur if the property were developed as it currently exists are a larger concern, and therefore Trustee Padula will be also be voting yes.

Trustee Lohmeyer thanked the residents for being involved in the process and for their feedback and the dialogue that occurred. One of the important aspects about this proposed development includes removing the manufacturing zoning - especially with the uncertainty of what might occur with the adjacent GE property. Also, the additional sidewalks are an important element to project, creating linked walkways and safer pedestrian passage for students. Trustee Lohmeyer understands there are existing drainage issues with Roslyn Road are and noted that this project will make the drainage flow away from the existing neighborhood. The developer did reduce the number of units, which was directly related to the suggestions that the residents gave during the process. Finally, the density of 4.9 units per acre demonstrates that this development is not overwhelmingly dense. For all of those reasons, Trustee Lohmeyer will be voting yes.

Trustee Sholeen noted that he understands the concerns about traffic and parking in the Roslyn area, as he lives in a similarly challenging area (the only connecting street between Route 14 and Route 59) and he is in favor of this development.

President Darch noted that she also lives in Trustee Sholeen’s neighborhood and understands the challenges of this proposed development. President Darch noted that the participation of residents throughout this process has made a significant difference in this proposal, when you look at the reduction in the number of units and the way the project is laid out. She compared other controversial projects that resulted in being huge assets to the Village.

Roll Call: Trustee Daluga, aye; Trustee Roberts, aye; Trustee Padula, aye; Trustee Douglas, absent; Trustee Lohmeyer, aye; and Trustee Sholeen, aye. President Darch declared the motion passed.

Comments - "Round the Table":

President Darch presented Trustee Roberts, Trustee Padula, and Village Clerk Frazier with proclamations thanking them for their service over the years. She noted that all proclamations are also available on the Village’s website. Trustee Daluga read a proclamation for Trustee Roberts, Trustee Sholeen read a proclamation for Trustee Padula, and Trustee Lohmeyer read a proclamation for Clerk Frazier. It was noted that Trustee Douglas’ proclamation would be given to him at a later date.

Trustee Daluga thanked the outgoing Trustees for their service and for keeping everyone on track and for helping to create a Village that we can be proud of.

Trustee Roberts thanked the residents who placed their trust in him to serve over the years. He appreciated the village staff for doing a tremendous job, in addition to his fellow board members who have served over the years. With Karen’s leadership, there has been focus on one goal which is to make the Village better. He thanked President Darch for guiding the Village through challenges with State of Illinois and believes that the things the Village did have control over was done well and thoughtfully.

Trustee Padula noted that she was thrilled to have the opportunity to serve in local government as it has been one of the most interesting and fulfilling thing she’s ever done. Under Jeff Lawler’s leadership, she has a better understanding of the complexities of staff’s jobs is very proud to be a part of this Village. Her fellow board members have worked together in a thoughtful and comprehensive way. She has been honored to see so many people participate in the process. She wished the new Board members the best of luck and thanked President Darch for her leadership.

Trustee Douglas was absent.

Trustee Lohmeyer has learned so much in just 2 years – and enjoys the thought process and the way that others think. Part of the interaction of the board is to challenge each other and discuss thoughtfully, even if opinions differ. People don’t always appreciate the amount of time and discussion that goes into making decisions for the village. He thanked staff for doing an amazing job, along with his fellow trustees and clerk.

Trustee Sholeen enjoyed working with the existing board, the clerk, and staff – discussions are done in a respectful, kind way – and we all want to understand the details and ask the pointed questions until we have a good grasp on what is being presented. Regardless, the conversation is always professional and he will miss those that are leaving the board and look forward to what comes next.

President Darch noted that it has been wonderful to work with Tim, Sue, Pete, and Adam – all the volunteerism they put forth. She thanked everyone for their service.

7. Swearing in and Seating of Clerk, Trustees Elect, and Village President

The Honorable Samuel J. Betar, III, 3rd Municipal District of Circuit Court of Cook County swore in Trustees-Elect Todd Sholeen, Jeff Janssen, Jennifer Wondrasek, Ryan Julian, Village Clerk-Elect Tony Ciganek, and Village President Karen Darch

8. Proclamations

a. Memorial Day Monday, May 29, 2017 – Trustee Daluga read the proclamation and it was presented to Paul Corwyn of the VFW.

b. Poppy Days May 22 – 28, 2017

c. Building Safety Month

President Darch noted that all Proclamations can be found on the Village’s website.

9. New Business

a. Motion to Receive and Place on File A Recommendation from the Plan Commission Regarding PC 17-02 SUPD: Public Works, 300 Raymond Avenue

Motion: A motion was duly made by Trustee Daluga and seconded by Trustee Lohmeyer to receive and place on file the recommendation from the Plan Commission regarding PC 17-02 SUPD: Public Works, 300 Raymond Ave

Roll Call: Trustee Daluga, aye; Trustee Lohmeyer, aye; Trustee Sholeen, aye; Trustee Wondrasek, aye; Trustee Janssen, aye; and Trustee Julian, aye. President Darch declared the motion passed.

B. Resolution #17-4651: Granting Approvals for a Mother’s Day 5K Run/Walk on May 14, 2017 Sponsored by the Gateway for Cancer Research, Inc.

Motion: A motion was duly made by Trustee Sholeen and seconded by Trustee Janssen to adopt the resolution listed as Agenda Item 9b, as presented.

Roll Call: Trustee Daluga, aye; Trustee Lohmeyer, aye; Trustee Sholeen, aye; Trustee Wondrasek, aye; Trustee Janssen, aye; and Trustee Julian, aye. President Darch declared the motion passed.

c. Resolution #17-4652: Recognizing and Honoring Dave Nelson upon His Retirement and in Appreciation of His Dedication to the Barrington Community

Motion: A motion was duly made by Trustee Daluga and seconded by Trustee Lohmeyer to adopt the resolution listed as Agenda Item 9c, as presented.

Roll Call: Trustee Daluga, aye; Trustee Lohmeyer, aye; Trustee Sholeen, aye; Trustee Wondrasek, aye; Trustee Janssen, aye; and Trustee Julian, aye. President Darch declared the motion passed.

Payment of Bills: Consideration RE: Motion to Approve:

5. Warrants List – 5/8/2017 - $1,033,444.87 (Expenditures and Payroll - All Funds)

Motion: A motion was duly made by Trustee Sholeen and seconded by Trustee Lohmeyer to approve the payment of bills included in the Warrants List for the period ending 5/8/2017 in the amount of $1,033,444.87.

Roll Call: Trustee Daluga, aye; Trustee Lohmeyer, aye; Trustee Sholeen, aye; Trustee Wondrasek, aye; Trustee Janssen, aye; and Trustee Julian, aye; and President Darch, aye. President Darch declared the motion passed.

Comments - "Round the Table":

Trustee Daluga welcomed the new board and said let’s get to work.

Trustee Lohmeyer echoed Trustee Daluga’s sentiments.

Trustee Sholeen agreed.

Trustee Wondrasek noted she was happy to serve.

Trustee Janssen noted he was happy to serve.

Trustee Julian thanked the voters for the opportunity and he looks forward to serving the people of Barrington.

President Darch noted that there was no need for a closed session and that the next scheduled Regular Village Board Meeting will be held Monday, May 22, 2017 at 8:00 p.m. in the Village Board Room.


Motion: A motion was duly made by Trustee Daluga and seconded by Trustee Lohmeyer to adjourn the Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees on Monday, May 8, 2017.

A voice vote was then called following which President Darch declared the motion to adjourn had been unanimously adopted and the meeting was adjourned.



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