
North Cook News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Elk Grove Village Board met May 29.

Webp meeting 02

Village of Elk Grove Village Board met May 29.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order

2. Consent Agenda

a. Consideration of a request from Elk Grove Park District to waive fees for a temporary Class

AB Liquor License in the amount of $150 for an event at the Fox Run Golf Links to be held on Friday, June 2, 2017.

(Fox Run Golf Links will host a nine-hole golf and wine tasting event on Friday, June 2, 2017. (This event is for patrons that are over the age of 21 and have pre-registered for the event. (The fee for a Class AB Liquor License is $150. (It has been past practice of the Village Board to grant fee waivers for governmental and non-profit organizations.)

. Consideration of a request from Elk Grove Park District, located at 1000 Wellington Avenue, to waive the FY 2017-18 business license fee for the June 11 Art in the Park event in the amount of $135.

(The Elk Grove Park District is respectfully requesting their Business License fees in the amount of $135 to be waived for a Temporary General Retail License and Food Caterers License for the June 11, 2017 Art in the Park event. (It has been past practice of the Village Board to grant fee waivers for governmental and non-profit organizations.

(The Director of Finance recommends approval.)

. Consideration to award a professional services contract to Johnny Rockets Fireworks

Display Corporation of Chicago, IL to design and produce fireworks displays in an amount not to exceed $62,000.

(This renewal is year five of a five-year contract with Johnny Rockets. (The Village administers three fireworks displays each year. (This year's displays will include: RotaryFest ($8,000), Fourth of July ($50,000), and Tree Lighting Ceremony ($4,000). (The contract cost will be offset each year depending on the contribution of funds by residents through utility billing for the July 4th display. (Sufficient funds are budgeted for this purpose in the General Fund.)

d. Consideration of a request from the Rotary Club of Elk Grove Village for the following:

o to authorize a $15,000 contribution to the 2017 RotaryFest event that takes place from June 14, 2017 to June 18, 2017;

o to authorize the Rotary Club to host a fireworks display on Saturday, June 17, 2017;

e to waive the fee for a temporary Class A liquor license ($2,900), a carnival license fee ($500), and a food caterer's license fee (S100) for a total amount of $3,500; and

o to waive the permit fee for the use of a fire hydrant for non-firefighting purposes in the amount of $75.

(The fees requested to be waived are the Class A liquor license ($2,900), carnival license ($500), food caterer's license (S100), and fire hydrant deposit and connection ($75). (It has been past practice of the Village Board to approve these requests for the annual RotaryFest event. The Village provides street sweeping services for the parking lots utilized by the Rotary Club at the conclusion of the RotaryFest. (Adequate funds have been budgeted and are available for this purpose.)

e. Consideration to award a professional services contract to Nicholas & Associates Inc. of Mt. Prospect, IL for a total contract amount not to exceed $ 892,727 to act as Construction Manager and Constructor for design, architectural drawings, trade bidding, permitting, and supervision of demolition and construction for renovations at the Public Works Biesterfield Facility in the amounts designated as follows:

o Pre-construction services at no charge;

o 4.0% of the actual construction cost for construction services ($253,100);

o 6.75% of the actual construction cost for architectural & engineering services ($427,107); and

o A fixed General Conditions budget ($212,520).

(This agenda item includes professional services associated with the renovation of the Public Works Biesterfield Facility. (Nicholas & Associates prepared all of the drawings and bid documents, reviewed the bid submissions, and is prepared to perform the construction management services. (The Village Board approved the professional services contract with Nicholas & Associates at the February 28, 2017 meeting to act as Construction Manager and Constructor. This represents a project identification exhibit. (The Director of Public Works recommends approval.)

f. Consideration to award a professional service contract to Nicholas & Associates of Mount Prospect, IL to administer various construction contracts with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder in each of eleven (11) trades packages and reimbursable expenses for the Renovation of the Public Works Biesterfield Facility in an amount not to exceed $6,563,161 from the Capital Projects Fund.

(On Tuesday May 23, 2017 sealed bids for the renovation of the Biesterfield Public Works Facility were opened. (The bid document consisted of 11 packages for various trades and several alternates. (Nicholas & Associates, the Village's Construction Managers, have reviewed the bids and discussed the project with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for each of the trades packages to ensure the completeness of the bids and recommends awards to the lowest bidders. (HR Green, the consultants acting as the Village's/Owner's representative, has reviewed the bids and alternates with Village staff and concurs with Nicholas & Associates recommendations to award to each of the lowest bidders in the respective packages based upon their bid submitted.

(The Director of Public Works recommends approval.)

g. Consideration to increase the FY 2017-18 Capital Projects Fund in the amount of $10,000,000.

(The increase in the Capital Projects Fund is necessary to cover costs associated with the Elk Grove 2025 Long-Range Infrastructure Plan.)

h. Consideration to adopt Resolution No. 30-17 authorizing the Mayor to execute an

Intergovernmental Agreement between the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority (Illinois Tollway) and the Village of Elk Grove Village for improvements of Illinois Route 390 from Irving Park Road (Illinois Route 19) to Meacham Road/Medinah Road under the Illinois Tollway Contracts I-13-4603, I-13-4604, I-13-4605, and I-14-4647.

(Attached is a copy of the Intergovernmental Agreement for improvements of Illinois Route 390 from Irving Park Road (Illinois Route 19) to Meacham Road/Medinah Road) to be executed by and between the Illinois State Highway Authority (Illinois Tollway) and the Village of Elk Grove Village. (The Agreement is for the understanding of the improvements for improvements of Illinois Route 390 from Irving Park Road (Illinois Route 19) to Meacham Road/Medinah Road) under the Illinois Tollway Contracts I-13-4603, I-13-4604, I-13-4605, and I-14-4647. (The only financial consideration for the Village is the ongoing maintenance of the emergency preemption devices, which is part of an existing agreement with Cook County. (The Director of Public Works recommends approval.)

3. Public Comment

4. Adjournmennt
