
North Cook News

Monday, March 31, 2025

Village of Glenview Board of Trustees met March 21.


Village of Glenview Board of Trustees met March 21.

Here is the minutes as provided by the Board:

President Patterson called the Village Board of Trustees meeting to order at 7:30 PM


Present: Trustees Britton, Detlefs, Hinkamp, Jenny, Karton, White

Absent: None

Also Present: Interim Village Manager Owen, Village Attorney Patt, Director of Planning Brady, Director of Human Resources Schillerstrom, Recorder McDonagh

A quorum was present.


President Patterson led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.


March 7, 2017 regular Board of Trustees meeting

Trustee Britton motioned to approve as presented seconded by Trustee Hinkamp.

The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.


a.Consideration of a proclamation declaring April 28, 2017, Arbor Day in the Village of Glenview. Approved

For 32 consecutive years, Glenview has been awarded the Tree City USA designation by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the National Arbor Day Foundation to recognize its 26,000 thriving parkway trees and commitment to maintaining an urban forest. An Arbor Day tree-planting ceremony will be held on April 28th at Glenbrook High School. President Patterson read the proclamation declaring April 28, 2017 as Arbor Day. With the advice and counsel of the Board, his motion was unanimously approved by a voice vote. Citizens were asked to observe Arbor Day by reflecting on how important trees are to the character and beauty of Glenview.  


Earth Hour will be observed on Saturday, March 25 at 8:30 PM. This annual event encourages an inter-connected global community to support a sustainable world and raise awareness of environmental challenges.

The Village is working with the US Census Bureau to conduct a partial special census in order to capture increased population growth since the last census was taken in 2010. Several part-time positions are available for local residents. Please visit www.glenview.il.us on the orange Government tab for more information.

Citizens can cast their vote early for the April 4, 2017 consolidated election at Village Hall from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on weekdays and Saturdays through April 3rd. Visit www.cookcountyclerk.com for more information.






Director of Human Resources Sarah Schillerstrom read the consent agenda.

a.Old Business

i.Second consideration of an Ordinance for Official Map Amendment, Rezoning, Final Site Plan Review, and Planned Development for Capitol Seniors Housing at 4700 West Lake Avenue. Approved – Ord. No. 6068

b.New Business

i.Consideration of a Resolution and recommendation authorizing a bid award to PirTano Construction Company, Inc. of Addison, Illinois for the Lyon Stormwater Detention Improvement Project (“Project”) in the amount of $3,061,000.00, plus a three percent (3%) contingency, for a total budget of $3,152,830.00. Approved – Res. No. 17-35

ii.Consideration of a Resolution authorizing a one-year contract extension with Precision Pavement Marking, Inc. of Elgin, IL, for pavement marking services in the amount of $58,680.00. Approved – Res. No. 17-36

iii.Consideration of the approval of the voucher list for March 21, 2017. Approved

Trustee Britton made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented, seconded by Trustee Karton.

On roll call:

AYES: Trustees Jenny, Karton, White, Britton, Detlefs, Hinkamp



Motion carried


a.Consideration of a Resolution to adopt a Supplemental Use Agreement regarding non-motorized boating on Lake Glenview – Continued until May 2, 2017


a.First Consideration of an Ordinance for Final Site Plan Review, Preliminary Subdivision, and Planned Development for Park Place Glenview at 1225 Waukegan Road. Remanded Back to the Plan Commission

Director of Planning Jeff Brady reported on the proposal for 26 units at Park Place, which includes small lot single family homes, duplexes (two buildings) and row home units. The Plan Commission recommended approval on February 28th on a 4-0 vote. Neighborhood feedback was heard at two Plan Commission public hearings related to general concerns about the urban characteristics of the proposed development as well as parking, site circulation, storm water detention and drainage issues associated with the Bonnie Glen neighborhood and the proposed development on the former Village Hall site. In the past two days Village staff has received numerous new comments that were received after the two Plan Commission meetings were held. The new comments specifically relate to six proposed townhome units with optional roof top decks and their overall height to be located at the southeastern portion of the development. Based upon this new information, staff recommends remanding the Park Place case back to the Plan Commission.

Director Brady said public notices were sent out at the end of January to 130 adjacent property owners per Village notification requirements involving rezoning requests. During that same timeframe the developer sent a notice to adjacent neighbors and held a neighborhood meeting at Village Hall. The first Plan Commission meeting was held on February 14th followed by the Appearance Commission’s preliminary review of the development’s aesthetics, landscaping, architecture, signage and lighting on February 15. At the Plan Commission’s 2nd public hearing on February 28th, a recommendation to approve the proposal was sent to the Village Board. Staff recommends that the Village Board remand this matter back to the Plan Commission based on new comments from the neighbors that have not been reviewed or discussed by the Plan Commission at either of previous two public hearings. If the case is remanded back, the Plan Commission will hear the new comments at its March 28th meeting. At that time staff would summarize the new comments and the applicant would be available to answer questions from the Plan Commission and the public. He noted that additional comments will be accepted between now and when the March 28th Plan Commission meeting packet is distributed. The public will also have an opportunity to voice their comments at the March 28th meeting. When the deliberations conclude, the Plan Commission will make a new recommendation to the Village Board.

Director Brady and Trustee Detlefs discussed the notification process for this case. Director Brady confirmed that the Village notified residents on both sides of Raleigh on January 26th. The new comments mostly came from residents who were notified at that time. Some comments came from people who would not be impacted by the development because they live on the southern portion of Raleigh closer to Glenview Road. The developer sent separate notices to a similar list of neighbors but primarily to adjacent neighbors.

Trustee Detlefs remarked that there were two Plan Commission public hearings which were also broadcast on live television, available by video on the Village’s website. All of this occurred between January 26 and February 28 before the second public hearing. The Village Board does not typically remand cases back to the Plan Commission, but he supports approval in this instance because the Plan Commission is the proper body to hear the new concerns from neighbors. He pointed out that neighbors were carefully notified per Village requirements and said they need to pay attention to notices from the Village especially when they indicate that a development is being considered close to their property. It is unusual to remand a case back to the Plan Commission since it has already gone through the appropriate regulatory process.

Trustee Jenny asked if the developer could address the neighborhood concerns without a full remanding back to the Plan Commission. Director Brady indicated that staff and the developer offered to meet with the neighbors to review some portions of the proposal. Because a number of the new comments relate to six of the proposed townhome units, staff felt it was best to ask that the case be remanded back to the Plan Commission. Trustee Jenny wanted to strike a balance between resident concerns and Trustee Detlefs’ comments. Director Brady explained that some of the new comments relate to the proposed roof top decks. After that was discussed with the developer, many neighbors became concerned about the height of six town house units between the fire station and single family units as well as setbacks, landscape buffering and similar issues. Director Brady noted those specific concerns were not raised at the two Plan Commission hearings. Trustee Jenny agreed with Trustee Detlefs that remanding the case back to the Plan Commission should not be taken lightly.

Trustee Karton clarified that remanding this case back to the Plan Commission would not set a precedent. She supports approval due to the overwhelming outpouring from the neighbors and the fact that the Village owned the land. It is not something the Board would do if this case involved a private developer and private land sale. Trustee Jenny agreed with Trustee Karton’s remarks about not setting precedent.

Trustee Detlefs agreed with Trustee Karton’s comments. He asked if height, setbacks, etc. complied with zoning regulations for the property and that no variations were needed. Director Brady clarified that a variation was needed for the planned development with the proposed mix of unit types since there is no section in the zoning code that apply to this mix of uses, however the height and setbacks comply with the Downtown Development district requirements.ng

Trustee Britton motioned to remand the matter back to the Plan Commission for additional review on March 28, 2017, seconded by Trustee Detlefs.

The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.

b.First Consideration of an Ordinance for commercial variations for setbacks on the LCR Hallcrest industrial building at 3206 West Lake Avenue. Approved

Director Brady reported on the rear yard and side yard variances requested for the LCR Hallcrest industrial building to construct a mechanical addition that would house an air compressor at the rear of the property. Due to the functionality of the building and the product manufactured within, the air compressor must be located outside the existing building. The addition won’t be visible from the public right-of-way. There were no objectors from the public at the February 20, 2017 Zoning Board of Appeals meeting at which time a recommendation was made on a 5-0 vote to approve the variances. The Appearance Commission granted approval on March 15th.

Trustee Britton moved to approve item 11b seconded by Trustee Karton.

The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.

Due to the unanimous vote, this matter will be placed on the consent agenda at the next meeting, which is scheduled for Thursday, April 6, 2017 (instead of Tuesday, April 4th due to Glenview’s consolidated election).  

b.First consideration of an Ordinance granting Conditional Use, Final Site Plan Review and Preliminary Subdivision for the Glenbrook South Concessions Building at 4000 West Lake Avenue. Approved

Director Brady said the proposed Concessions Building located at the southwest corner of the stadium will have an overhanging roof, restaurant facilities and Booster Club space. The concessions and Booster Club space will front adjacent to the stadium. The previous concession building was demolished when the stadium’s main entrance was remodeled and required parking lot improvements were made. The Plan Commission reviewed a conditional use on February 28 and recommended approval to the Village Board on a 4-0 vote. The Appearance Commission reviewed the proposal at two meetings and approved the plans for the aesthetics of the proposed concession building on March 15 with a requirement for additional brick on the building’s façade.    

Trustee Britton moved to approve item 11c seconded by Trustee Jenny.

The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.

Due to the unanimous vote, this item will be on the consent agenda at the next meeting, Thursday, April 6th.



Trustee White to adjourn to executive session at 7:59 pm seconded by Trustee Britton.

The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.