
North Cook News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Park Ridge City Council met April 17.


Park Ridge City Council met April 17.

Here is the minutes as provided by the Council:

I. Call to order

Acting Mayor Maloney called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

II. Roll Call

City Clerk Henneman read the roll call and the following Elected Officials indicated their presence:

Ald. Moran, Van Roeyen, Milissis, Shubert, Melidosian, Mazzuca, and Acting Mayor/ Ald. Maloney

Acting Mayor Maloney welcomed back Clerk Henneman.

Staff present: A. Lamberg; P. Lisowski; F. Kaminski; J. Tappendorf; J. Gilmore; C. Peterson; J. Brown; W.

Zingsheim; M. Suppan; B. Naser

III. Pledge of Allegiance

Attendees of the meeting pledged their allegiance to the United States flag.

IV. Approval of Minutes

A. Committee of the Whole Meeting – March 27, 2017

Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Shubert

Ald. Milissis abstained

Motion carried; voice vote.

B. Regular City Council Meeting – April 5, 2017

Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Shubert

Ald. Milissis abstained

Motion carried; voice vote.

C. Committee of the Whole Meeting – April 10, 2017

Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Shubert

Ald. Milissis abstained

Motion carried; voice vote.

V. Consent Agenda

*All items listed with an asterisk are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There

will be no separate discussion of those items unless an Alderman so requests, in which event the item will be

removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda.

VIII.A.2. Approve the final reading of Ordinance granting a Special Use for a Motor Vehicle Service Station

at 1220 Touhy Avenue (17-07-SU) / Approved by omnibus vote

VIII.F.1. Approve the final reading of Ordinance amending Article 5, Chapter 3 regarding Food

Service Establishments / Approved by omnibus vote

VIII.G.1. Approve the Contract for the 2017 Street Resurfacing Program, 18-00000-1-GM, with Arrow Road

Construction Co., in the amount of $987,981.24

VIII.G.2. Approve a purchase order authority for the Spring 2017 tree purchases to Goodmark Nurseries,

LLC in an amount not to exceed $57,560.00 / Approved by omnibus vote

VIII.G.3. Approve the Contract for the 2017 and 2018 Sidewalk Replacement Program, PW-FY18-02, with

Schroeder & Schroeder Inc., in the amount of $274,140.00 / Approved by omnibus vote

VIII.G.4. Approve the contract for the for 2016/17 Watermain Replacement Program, PW-FY17-21, to

J. Congdon Sewer Service, Inc., in the amount of $295,000.00 / Approved by omnibus vote

VIII.G.5. Approve a one (1) year extension to the contract for Traffic Signal and Street Light Maintenance,

PW-FY17-03, to Meade Inc., in the amount of $83,382.00 / Approved by omnibus vote

VIII.H.1. Award the purchase order for the purchase of one (1) 2017 Ford Utility Police Interceptor AWD to

Currie Motors Frankfort, Inc., 9423 W. Lincoln Hwy, Frankfort, IL 6423 in the amount of $28,745.00

/ Approved by omnibus vote

VIII.I.1. Approve FY17 warrants for period ending 04/15/17 in the amount of $1,559,626.63 reviewed

by Alderman Melidosian / Approved by omnibus vote

Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Shubert.


AYE: Ald. Milissis, Van Roeyen, Shubert, Melidosian, Mazzuca, Maloney, and Moran (7)

NAY: None (0)

ABSTAIN: None (0)

ABSENT: None (0)

Motion carried, 7 – 0.

VI. Reports of City Officials

A. Mayor’s Report

1. Legislative report

No report.

2. Proclamation - Arbor Day, April 28, 2017

Acting Mayor Maloney read a Proclamation in recognition of Arbor Day and the numerous benefits that trees

provide. City Forester Brandon Naser accepted the Proclamation on behalf of the City of Park Ridge which has

been recognized as a Tree City USA member for 33 years and a Growth Award recipient for the last 17 years.

Naser shared highlights of the events planned for April 28, National Arbor Day.

3. Report on Mayoral appointments

Acting Mayor Maloney reported that he has made the following Mayoral appointments:

Jim Stonebridge – Police Pension Board, effective May 1, 2017 for a three-year two-year term; and

Joe Egan – Fire Pension Board, effective May 1, 2017 for a three-year term

He noted the correction of the term length for Mr. Stonebridge which should have indicated a two-year term,

according to state statute.

B. City Council

Ald. Mazzuca, Chairman of the Mayor’s Advisory Board, reported on a recent news release relative to open

volunteer positions on various Boards and Commissions.

C. City Attorney

1. Report on Ethics complaints – Attorney Tappendorf

a. Shall the four (4) Ethics Complaints filed by Eugene Plaza be forwarded to an Independent


Attorney Tappendorf explained that the City Clerk’s office was presented with four separate complaints

received by resident Eugene Plaza. Complaints were filed by Mr. Plaza against Acting Mayor Maloney,

Community Preservation & Development Director Brown, Inspector John Sclafani, and Zoning Officer Howard


Ms. Tappendorf summarized the Ethics Complaint process. Upon review of the complaints, Ms. Tappendorf

found no valid violations. For closure of the review, she suggested that individual motions be made for each

complaint received.

Shall the Ethics Complaint filed by Eugene Plaza on March 10, 2017 against Marty Maloney be

forwarded to an Independent Reviewer?

Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Mazzuca.

Acting Mayor Maloney recused himself from the discussion and action on this motion.


AYE: None (0)

NAY: Ald. Moran, Milissis, Van Roeyen, Shubert, Melidosian, and Mazzuca (6)

ABSTAIN: None (0)

ABSENT: None (0)

Motion failed, 0 – 6.

Shall the Ethics Complaint filed by Eugene Plaza on March 17, 2017 against John Sclafani be

forwarded to an Independent Reviewer?

Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Shubert.


AYE: None

NAY: Ald. Milissis, Van Roeyen, Shubert, Melidosian, Mazzuca, Maloney, and Moran (7)

ABSTAIN: None (0)

ABSENT: None (0)

Motion failed, 0 – 7.

Shall the Ethics Complaint filed by Eugene Plaza on March 16, 2017 against Howard Coppari be

forwarded to an Independent Reviewer?

Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Shubert.


AYE: None (0)

NAY: Ald. Van Roeyen, Shubert, Melidosian, Mazzuca, Maloney, Moran, and Milissis (7)

ABSTAIN: None (0)

ABSENT: None (0)

Motion failed, 0 – 7.

Shall the Ethics Complaint filed by Eugene Plaza on March 17, 2017 filed against Jim Brown be

forwarded to an Independent Reviewer?

Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Milissis.


AYE: None (0)

NAY: Ald. Shubert, Melidosian, Mazzuca, Maloney, Moran, Maloney, and Van Roeyen (7)

ABSTAIN: None (0)

ABSENT: None (0)

Motion failed, 0 – 7.

D. City Clerk

Clerk Henneman expressed her joy for being back at the meeting.

E. City Manager

No report.

VII. Citizens Who Wish to Address the City Council on a Non-Agenda Item

Rob Bowe (808 Shibley) has lived in Park Ridge for the last 12 years. He spoke on behalf of himself and many

area residents who reside at 815, 812, 830, 825, and 811 Shibley and 816 N. Hamlin, many who were in

attendance. He expressed concerns about potential development of land on Busse between Seeley and Shibley

which they refer to as Shipley Park. He expressed that the residents believe it would be a great loss to lose this

green space which is loaded with mature Burr Oaks. They understand based on the zoning that an extreme

change is possible. He also brought up concerns regarding flooding and traffic. He urged the City Council to

refrain from allowing any development on this property. He provided a handout which was made a part of the


According to Community Preservation and Development Director Brown, six to seven parcels were purchased by

an LLC; there is no indication its goal of assembly.

VIII. Reports of Boards, Commissions and Committees

A. Planning and Zoning Commission – Ald. Van Roeyen

1. Approve the final reading of Ordinance granting a Map Amendment for the property at 465 South

Northwest Highway from R-2 Single Family District to R-3 Two-Family District (17-06-MA)

Moved by Ald. Van Roeyen. Seconded by Ald. Milissis.

Director Brown explained the difference between an R-2 and R-3. In response to Ald. Mazzuca’s question, a

Wireless Cell Tower antennae is allowed as a Special Use in an R-2 or R-3 which would require approval by the

City Council.


AYE: Ald. Shubert, Maloney, Moran, Maloney, and Van Roeyen (5)

NAY: Ald. Melidosian and Mazzuca (2)

ABSTAIN: None (0)

ABSENT: Absent (0)

Motion carried, 5 – 2.

2. Approve the final reading of Ordinance granting a Special Use for a Motor Vehicle Service Station

at 1220 Touhy Avenue (17-07-SU) / Approved by omnibus vote

B. Zoning Board of Appeals – Ald. Moran

No report.

C. Liquor License Review Board – Acting Mayor Maloney

No report.

D. O’Hare Airport Commission – Ald. Mazzuca

No report.

E. Historic Preservation – Ald. Shubert

No report.

F. Procedures and Regulations Committee – Ald. Mazzuca

1. Approve the final reading of Ordinance amending Article 5, Chapter 3 regarding Food Service

Establishments / Approved by omnibus vote

G. Public Works Committee – Ald. Shubert

Director Zingsheim reported that the discussion of the Storm Water Master Plan was to take place on April 24,

2017. However, a decision was made to have the new City Council seated before proceeding. Therefore, the

rescheduled date for this discussion is June 12, 2017.

1. Approve the Contract for the 2017 Street Resurfacing Program, 18-00000-1-GM, with Arrow Road

Construction Co., in the amount of $987,981.24 / Approved by omnibus vote

2. Approve a purchase order authority for the Spring 2017 tree purchases to Goodmark Nurseries,

LLC in an amount not to exceed $57,560.00 / Approved by omnibus vote

3. Approve the Contract for the 2017 and 2018 Sidewalk Replacement Program, PW-FY18-02, with

Schroeder & Schroeder Inc., in the amount of $274,140.00 / Approved by omnibus vote

4. Approve the contract for the for 2016/17 Watermain Replacement Program, PW-FY17-21, to J.

Congdon Sewer Service, Inc., in the amount of $295,000.00 / Approved by omnibus vote

5. Approve a one (1) year extension to the contract for Traffic Signal and Street Light Maintenance,

PW-FY17-03, to Meade Inc., in the amount of $83,382.00 / Approved by omnibus vote

H. Public Safety Committee – Ald. Milissis

1. Award the purchase order for the purchase of one (1) 2017 Ford Utility Police Interceptor AWD to

Currie Motors Frankfort, Inc., 9423 W. Lincoln Hwy, Frankfort, IL 6423 in the amount of $28,745.00 /

Approved by omnibus vote

2. Approve a purchase order increase and a change order to the contract awarded to Allstar Asphalt,

Inc. of Wheeling, IL, in an amount not to exceed $35,000.00 for asphalt and concrete work at both

fire stations

Moved by Ald. Milissis. Seconded by Ald. Moran.

Executive Officer Lisowski explained that during a walkthrough with the winning bidder, it was determined that the

rear concrete apron and drive at Station 35 was not included in the bid. The matter was brought to the attention

of K Plus and the Procurement Officer. A quote was provided for the additional work. The project was bid on a

per unit basis which made it more cost effective. The matter was also brought to the attention of the City Attorney

who recommended that it be brought before the City Council.

Executive Officer Lisowski and Acting City Manager Gilmore entertained questions from the elected officials. Ald.

Mazzuca questioned whether the City should bid the additional job out separately or rebid the entire project.

According to acting City Manager Gilmore, the City’s preference was to have all the work performed at once

rather than interrupt the flow of operation. He believed there would be a material impact of the overall cost if it

was bid out separately. The top two bids were within $1,000. Ald. Milissis believes that if the plan identified the

area, this additional work should be on the bidder’s shoulders to cover the cost. All bids came in for the same

scope of project excluding the additional area, according to Attorney Tappendorf.

Ald. Mazzuca believes all bids should be rejected and the project rebid. His displeasure was noted.

Ald. Moran does not believe there would be tremendous impact of the net cost of the project if it was rebid.

He does not believe it is worth the time, cost and efforts for potential savings of a few thousand dollars.

Ald. Melidosian questioned the potential risk or inconvenience. Executive Officer Lisowski indicated that the bid

was already awarded. Concrete on the front of Station 35 has already been poured.

Acting City Manager indicated that the City could conduct a secondary bid event for the extra portion included. In

Public Works Director Zingheim’s opinion, the job should move forward with this piece added to the current job’s

unit pricing. Rebidding would most likely bring back higher costs for a smaller project.


AYE: Ald. Melidosian, Maloney, Moran, Van Roeyen, Milissis, and Shubert (6)

NAY: Ald. Mazzuca (1)

ABSTAIN: None (0)

ABSENT: Absent (0)

Motion carried, 6 – 1.

I. Finance and Budget Committee – Ald. Moran

1. Approve FY17 warrants for period ending 04/15/17 in the amount of $1,559,626.63 reviewed by

Alderman Melidosian / Approved by omnibus vote

2. Proposed Fiscal Year 2017-18 Budget

a. Public Hearing

Approve to open the Public Hearing for the discussion of the 2017-18 Fiscal Year budget.

Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Shubert.

Motion carried; voice vote.

No residents presented comments.

Approve to close the Public Hearing.

Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Milissis.

Motion carried; voice vote.

b. Report from Finance Chairman, Alderman John Moran

The following report from Chairman Moran was read into the record:

“The strategic planning, capital planning and FY18 budget sessions have now concluded. On behalf of

the entire City Council, I would like to thank our Acting City Manager, Joe Gilmore, for his

leadership throughout this process. I’d also like to thank our Department Heads and City staff

members, especially Andrea Lamberg and her team in the Finance Department, for their efforts to

ensure that this was a smoothly run process. Additionally, I’d like to take this opportunity to

acknowledge the late Alderman Dan Knight, who would have been very proud to see how this process

has played out and the major improvements being made that benefit the residents of Park Ridge.

Due to the successful strategic planning meetings held last fall, everyone involved seemed to be

focused on common goals. Here are some of the highlights from the FY18 budget that is about to be


- Approved 8.14% Reduction in the City’s Property Tax Levy, saving taxpayers $1,800,000.

- Two Additional Police Officers

- Three Additional Firefighter/Paramedics

- Purchase of Rescue SUV for Fire Department, to improve response times and extend the life of our fleet

- Major software upgrades in Finance and Community Development to improve interaction with residents

- 25% Increase in the water main replacement budget

- 50% Increase in the sewer lining budget

- 22% Increase in road replacement/repair budget

- Addressing multiple maintenance issues in and around city owned property that have been deferred

for many years.

Since I moved back to Park Ridge in 2010, our City’s financial updates have not always been

positive. Through the hard work and dedication of many of the people in this room, we are now

headed in the right direction.

The community, City Council and staff should all be very proud of the work that has been done

inside of 505 Butler Place over the past year. Park Ridge is not perfect – just review comments on

social media from citizens expressing their concerns and it's pretty obvious that we still have

issues that need to be addressed - but we finally seem to have a stable financial foundation that

will enable us to address these issues and improve the quality of life for the residents of Park

Ridge. As always, the City Council is open to and encourages communication from residents as we

plan for the future.”


The 2017-18 Budget items were split into 2 separate motions.

Approve the following Fiscal Year 2017-2016 Budget items:

c. Approve the General Fund budget for the Fiscal Year 2018 with revenue & other sources of

$33,472,143, expense & other uses of $33,879,965, for a deficit of ($407,821); and

d. Approve the Water Fund Budget for the Fiscal Year 2018 with revenue & other sources of

$10,221,250, expense & other uses of $10,639,802, for a deficit of ($418,552); and

e. Approve the Sewer Fund budget for the Fiscal Year 2018 with revenue & other sources of

$1,868,740, expense & other uses of $2,885,193, for a deficit of ($1,016,453); and

g. Approve the Motor Fuel Tax Fund budget for the Fiscal Year 2018 with revenue & other

sources of $967,610, expense & other uses of $1,100,000 for a deficit of ($132,390); and

h. Approve the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) budget for the Fiscal Year 2018 with

revenue & other sources of $1,064,408, expense & other uses of $939,842, for a surplus of

$124,566; and

i. Approve the Municipal Waste Fund budget for the Fiscal Year 2018 with revenue & other

sources of $2,625,320, expense & other uses of $2,858,032, for a deficit of ($232,713); and

j. Approve the Emergency 911 Fund budget for the Fiscal Year 2018 with revenue & other

sources of $1,200,000, expense & other uses of $1,210,129, for a deficit of ($10,129); and

k. Approve the Uptown TIF budget for the Fiscal Year 2018 with revenue & other sources of

$2,600,000, expense & other uses of $2,089,494, for a surplus of $510,506; and

l. Approve the Dempster TIF budget for the Fiscal Year 2018 with revenue & other sources of

$170,000, expense & other uses of $175,000, for a deficit of ($5,000); and

m. Approve the Asset Forfeiture Fund Budget for the Fiscal Year 2018 with revenue & other

sources of $0, expense & other uses of $97,113, for a deficit of ($97,113); and

n. Approve the Motor Equipment Replacement Fund budget for the Fiscal Year 2018 with

revenue & other sources of $1,283,600, expense & other uses of $1,178,000, for a surplus of

$105,600; and

p. Approve the Information Technology Replacement Fund budget for the Fiscal Year 2018 with

revenue & other sources of $625,000, expense & other uses of $504,200, for a surplus of

$120,800; and

r. Approve the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) Tax Fund budget for the Fiscal

Year 2018 with revenue & other sources of $1,039,064, expense & other uses of $976,211

for a surplus of $62,853

Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Mazzuca.


AYE: Ald. Mazzuca, Maloney, Moran, Van Roeyen, Milissis, Shubert, and Melidosian (7)

NAY: None (0)

ABSTAIN: None (0)

ABSENT: Absent (0)

Motion carried, 7 – 0.

Approve the following Fiscal Year 2017-2016 Budget items:

f. Approve the Parking Fund budget for the Fiscal Year 2018 with revenue & other sources of

$450,300, expense & other uses of $464,848, for a deficit of ($14,548); and

o. Approve the Employee Benefits Fund budget for the Fiscal Year 2018 with revenue & other

sources of $3,873,212, expense & other uses of $3,873,212, for a balance of $0; and

q. Approve the Debt Service Fund budget for the Fiscal Year 2018 with revenue & other sources

of $4,352,645, expense & other uses of $4,347,076, for a surplus of $5,569

Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Shubert.


AYE: Ald. Maloney, Moran, Van Roeyen, Milissis, Shubert, Melidosian, and Mazzuca (7)

NAY: None (0)

ABSTAIN: None (0)

ABSENT: Absent (0)

Motion carried, 7 – 0.

3. Reject all bids received in response to Request for Bid No. FN-FY-17-04 for Cloud Backup Storage

Moved by Ald. Moran. Seconded by Ald. Shubert.

Acting City Manager Gilmore explained there were 63 requests for bid documents; seven bids were received, all

of which were deemed unresponsive for various reasons. He indicated that the City’s best option is to reject all

bids and rewrite the statement of work since it may have been too broad.


AYE: Ald. Maloney, Moran, Van Roeyen, Milissis, Shubert, Melidosian, and Mazzuca (7)

NAY: None (0)

ABSTAIN: None (0)

ABSENT: Absent (0)

Motion carried, 7 – 0.

IX. New Business – For announcement, deliberation, and/or discussion only; no official action

will be taken.

Ald. Melidosian explained that the Library Board of Trustees requested that he take a straw poll of the Council

regarding their opinions of electronic signage at the Library. They are considering an L.E.D. type sign to

announce events and programs. According to Attorney Tappendorf, currently, electronic signs are not allowed.

The first thing that would need to be done is to amend the Zoning Ordinance. Ald. Mazzuca welcomed discussion

at a Procedures and Regulations Committee meeting but reminded all that the last review of the Sign Ordinance

took 2 – 3 years. Ald. Moran suggested getting a detailed proposal, hopefully similar in nature, from the Library

and Park District, who was also interested, to see what is being proposed before staff invests time.

Ald. Milissis mentioned that he spoke to the Acting City Manager and Acting Mayor about arranging an

intergovernmental meeting with senior staff from the other units of local governments. He would be happy to

coordinate. Discussion would include common interests of the governmental bodies.

X. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m.



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