
North Cook News

Thursday, February 13, 2025

City of Evanston City Council met April 24

City of Evanston City Council met April 24.

Here is the agenda as provided by the council:

(I) Roll Call – Begin with Alderman Tendam

(II) Mayor Public Announcements and Proclamations

Presentation of Key to the City to Morris “Dino” Robinson

National Volunteer Week, April 23-29, 2017

Preservation Month, May 2017

(III) City Manager Public Announcements

We’re Out Walking (WOW) Ten Year Anniversary

Robert Crown Community Center Project Updates

(IV) Communications: City Clerk

(V) Public Comment

Members of the public are welcome to speak at City Council meetings. As part of the Council

agenda, a period for public comments shall be offered at the commencement of each regular

Council meeting. Those wishing to speak should sign their name and the agenda item or nonagenda

topic to be addressed on a designated participation sheet. If there are five or fewer

speakers, fifteen minutes shall be provided for Public Comment. If there are more than five

speakers, a period of forty-five minutes shall be provided for all comment, and no individual shall

speak longer than three minutes. The Mayor will allocate time among the speakers to ensure that

Public Comment does not exceed forty-five minutes. The business of the City Council shall

commence forty-five minutes after the beginning of Public Comment. Aldermen do not respond

during Public Comment. Public Comment is intended to foster dialogue in a respectful and civil

manner. Public comments are requested to be made with these guidelines in mind.

(VI) Special Order of Business

(VII) Consent Agenda: Alderman Rainey

(VII) Report of the Standing Committees

Administration & Public Works -            Alderman Braithwaite

Planning & Development -                    Alderman Revelle

Human Services -                                Alderman Tendam

(VIII) Call of the Wards

(Aldermen shall be called upon by the Mayor to announce or provide information

about any Ward or City matter which an Alderman desires to bring before the

Council.) {Council Rule 2.1(10)}

(IX) Executive Session

(X) Adjournment

Special Order of Business

(SP1) Resolution 37-R-17: Urging the United States Congress to Move Our Tax

Dollars from Militarism to Human and Environmental Needs

Mayor Tisdahl and Alderman Revelle recommend the City Council adopt

Resolution 32-R-17 urging the United States Congress to move our tax dollars

from militarism to human and environmental needs.

For Action

Consent Agenda

Administration & Public Works Committee

(A1) Payroll – March 20, 2017 through April 2, 2017               $2,866,481.58

(A2) City of Evanston Bills – April 25, 2017                           $1,345,388.08

Credit Card Activity – Period Ending February 28, 2017          $ 180,162.25

For Action

(A3.1) Approval of Divvy Station and Divvy 4 Every Evanstonian (D4EE) Program


Staff recommends City Council authorize the City Manager to purchase and

install one Divvy station and ten bicycles near the intersection of Dempster St.

and Chicago Ave., and launch the Divvy 4 Every Evanstonian (D4EE)

membership subsidy program. Funding in the amount of $57,600.10 for the one

Divvy station and ten bicycles are budgeted from the Parking Fund (Account

505.19.7005.62603). Since the program’s launch in June 2016 City staff has

secured and collected over $550,000 from a state grant and local advertising and

sponsorship support for the Divvy program. In 2017, staff will be collecting an

additional approximately $125,000 in new station sponsorships and renewed

advertising sponsorship funding, not including identified sponsorships from

approved and proposed Planned Development project public benefits

agreements. The D4EE program is projected to generate $1,000 in membership

revenue and have an uncollected revenue cost potential of between $20,000 and

$40,000, assuming that 200 community members register for the program in the

first year.

For Action

(A3.2) Storefront Modernization Program Application for Viet Nom Nom at 618-1/2

Church St.

Staff recommends approval of financial assistance through the Storefront

Modernization Program to Viet Nom Nom at 618-1/2 Church Street in an amount

not to exceed $4,053.66 for the installation of signage and awnings. This agenda

item is presented to the Administrative and Public Works Committee due to the

cancellation of the Economic Development Committee scheduled for March 22.

Funding will be from the Economic Development Fund’s Business District

Improvement Fund (Account 100.15.5300.65522). The approved Fiscal Year

2017 Budget allocated a total of $350,000 for this account to fund both the

Storefront Modernization and Great Merchant Grant programs. To date, $0 has

been spent from this account, leaving $350,000 available for expenditure.

For Action

(A3.3) Contract with A-1 Bus Service, LLC. for Parks, Recreation and Community

Services Department 2017 Summer Bus Transportation

Staff recommends City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract

with A-1 Bus Service, LLC. (3542 West Peterson, Chicago, IL 60659) in the

amount of $38,943.15. A-1 Bus Service was the lowest responsive bidder for the

Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department 2017 summer bus

transportation. Funding will be provided from seven (7) different accounts with a

total FY 2017 budget of $389,665. A breakdown of the accounts are listed on the

corresponding transmittal memorandum.

For Action

(A3.4) Agreement with Krave LLC to Operate Concessions at the Evanston


Staff recommends that City Council authorize the City Manager to execute an

agreement between the City of Evanston and Krave LLC for the Church and

Clark Street food & drink stand and the lakefront mobile concessions

(Lighthouse, Clark St., Greenwood St., South Blvd. and Lee Street) for the 2017

season. Krave LLC is owned by Evanston resident Rachelle Ross, whose office

is located at 710 Madison Street, Evanston, Illinois 60202. Krave LLC will pay the

City $11,500 for the privilege of the 2017 permit. Revenue is budgeted in the

Lakefront Operations Account 100.30.3080.53565. The 2017 budget for

concession permit revenue was projected at $14,000 and overall revenue for

Lakefront Operations is $715,655.

For Action

(A3.5) Contract with Christopher Burke Engineering, Ltd. for Streetlight Master

Plan Project

Staff recommends that City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a

contract with Christopher Burke Engineering, Ltd. (9575 W. Higgins Road, Suite

600, Rosemont, IL 60018) in the amount of $146,143.05 to provide planning

services for the Street Light Master Plan Project. Funding will be provided from

CIP Account 415.40.4117.62145 – 417015. This project is budgeted at $150,000

in FY 2017.

For Action

(A3.6) Contract Extension with Precision Pavement Markings Inc. for 2017

Pavement Marking Program

Staff recommends City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a one-year

contract extension for pavement markings with Precision Pavement Markings,

Inc. (P.O. Box 705 Elgin IL 60123) in the amount of $90,000. This contract is part

of a bid let by the Municipal Partnering Initiative. Funding for this work will be as

follows: 2017 Capital Improvement Fund (Account 415.40.4117.65515 –

417019), which has $90,000 budgeted for Pavement Markings.

For Action

(A3.7) Contract with Builders Paving, LLC for Parking Lot Improvement Project

Staff recommends City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract

for the 2017 Parking Lot Improvement Project (Bid No. 17-27) with Builders

Paving, LLC (4413 Roosevelt Road #108, Hillside, IL 60162) in the amount of

$1,188,000.00. Funding will be provided from the Parking Fund (Account

505.19.7005.65515 – 417024) in the amount of $713,852.51 and from the CIP

Fund (Account 415.40.4117.65515 – 417024) in the amount of $474,174.49.

This project was budgeted at $1,775,000 for FY 2017.

For Action

(A3.8) Purchase of Tree and Planting Services from Suburban Tree Consortium

Staff recommends that City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a

contract award for the purchase of 512 trees and planting services for 350 of

those trees from Suburban Tree Consortium (STC) in the amount of

$130,346.00. Funding for this purchase is provided from three sources:

$68,844.00 from Forestry Division General Funds (Account 100.40.4320.65005),

with a budget of $135,000; $4,650.00 from Replant Express Funds reserve funds

(Account 100.41335); and $58,852.00 from Economic Development Funds

(Account: 100.15.5300.62662), with a budget of $250,000. These expenditures

are specifically to purchase and replant 195 trees in the various business districts


For Action

(A3.9) 2017 Purchase Order for New Tires from Wentworth Tire Service

Staff recommends that City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a oneyear

agreement to purchase tires in the amount of $60,000.00 from Wentworth

Tire Service (300 North York Road, Bensenville, IL) under the State Bid Contract

# 4017722. Funding for this purchase will be from the Major Maintenance, Tires

and Tubes Account 600.19.7710.65065, with a FY 2017 Budget of $100,000.00.

For Action

(A3.10)Renewal of CAD Software License and Service Agreement with SunGard

Public Sector

Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to renew sole

source software license and service agreement with SunGard Public Sector

(1000 Business Center Drive, Lake Mary, FL) for the Police Department’s CAD

(Computer Aided Dispatch) software in the amount of $71,992.80. The

Agreement is effective from May 1, 2017 through April 30, 2018. Funding will be

provided by the Emergency Telephone System – Service Agreements &

Contracts Fund (Account 205.22.5150.62509) with a Budget of $75,000.00.

For Action

(A3.11)Request For Proposal (RFP) Process

Staff recommends the City Council review this response to the referral from the

City Council and place on file.

For Action: Accept and Place on File

(A4) Resolution 28-R-17, Release of City Council Closed Session Minutes

Staff recommends City Council adopt Resolution 28-R-17, releasing the closed

session meeting minutes listed on Exhibit A and finding that a need still exists for

confidentiality as to the minutes on Exhibit B. The City is furthering its efforts to

provide access to information and openness in government through the

appropriate release of closed session minutes of the City Council.

For Action

(A5) Resolution 35-R-17, Authorizing the City Manager to Grant an Easement for

Steam, Condensate and Irrigation Service Lines Installation on Sheridan Rd

Staff recommends City Council adopt Resolution 35-R-17 authorizing the City

Manager to execute an easement agreement with Northwestern University (NU)

for a twenty-foot wide utility easement across Sheridan Road located 130 feet

south of Haven Street. The easement would allow NU to install conduits for

steam, condensate, and irrigation utilities to serve NU properties. The easement

would be granted for a 50 year period. No City funding is required for these utility

crossing. NU will fund the project and will be assessed a one-time easement fee

of $115,563.24.

For Action

(A6) Resolution 36-R-17, Authorizing the City Manager to Grant an Easement for

Electric and Communication Service Line Installation on Sheridan Rd

Staff recommends City Council adopt Resolution 36-R-17 authorizing the City

Manager to execute an easement agreement with Northwestern University (NU)

for a ten-foot wide utility easement across Sheridan Road located 50 feet south

of Emerson Street. The easement would allow NU to install conduits for electric

and communication utilities to serve NU properties. The easement would be

granted for a 50 year period. No City funding is required for this utility crossing.

NU will fund the project and will be assessed a one-time easement fee of


For Action

(A7) Ordinance 40-O-17, Amending City Code Section 7-12-4-2, Lead Service

Line Replacement Program

Staff recommends that City Council adopt Ordinance 40-O-17, amending City

Code Section 7-12-4-2, Installation and Maintenance of Service Pipe from Tap to

Fixtures. The proposed amendment would promote the replacement of lead

water service lines by residential property owners. Funding for the lead water

service abatement program would be from the Water Fund reserves and

transferred to account 510.40.4225.62410 as needed as loans are issued.

For Introduction

(A8) Ordinance 27-O-17, To Approve the Construction of a Local Improvement

Known as Evanston Special Assessment No. 1521

Staff recommends City Council adopt Ordinance 27-O-17 allowing the paving of

the alley north of Brummel Street and east of Grey Avenue through the Special

Assessment Process. Funding will be from: 2017 Capital Improvement Program

(CIP) General Obligation Bonds (Account 415.40.4117.65515 – 417017) in the

amount of $115,932.50, which has $250,000 budgeted in FY 2017; Special

Assessment funds (Account 415.40.4217.65515 – 417017) in the amount of

$115,932.50, which has $250,000 budgeted in FY 2017; and Sewer Fund

(Account 515.40.4535.62461 – 417017) in the amount of $61,360.00, which has

$150,000 budgeted in FY 2017 for this project. This Ordinance was introduced at

the April 17, 2017 City Council meeting.

For Action

(A9) Ordinance 28-O-17, To Approve the Construction of a Local Improvement

Known as Evanston Special Assessment No. 1522

Staff recommends City Council adopt Ordinance 28-O-17 allowing the paving of

the alley north of Simpson Street and east of the Union Pacific Railroad Right of

Way through the Special Assessment Process. Funding will be from the 2017

Capital Improvement Program (CIP) General Obligation Bonds (Account

415.40.4117.65515 – 417017) in the amount of $157,470, which has $250,000

budgeted in FY 2017 and from Special Assessment funds (Account

415.40.4217.65515 – 417017) in the amount of $81,837, which has $250,000

budgeted in FY 2017 for this project. This Ordinance was introduced at the April

17, 2017 City Council meeting.

For Action

(A10) Ordinance 31-O-17, Amending Title 10, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, Chapter

11, Traffic Schedules, Section 18: Residents Parking Only Districts

Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Ordinance 31-O-17, amending City

Code Sections 10-11-18(A) and 10-11-18(C) adding: Residents Parking Only on

Sheridan Road, both sides, Central Street north to 2815 Sheridan Road. Though

the vast majority of the homes on this portion of Sheridan Road have driveways

and the resident home owners would be eligible to obtain the proposed permit,

the primary purpose of the request is to provide ample parking in Districts 1 and

3 for their visitors based on the visitor pass eligibility. Amending the Evanston

Resident Parking Only Districts 1 and 3 will help in providing needed visitor

parking when necessary. This Ordinance was introduced at the April 17, 2017

City Council meeting.

For Action

(A11) Ordinance 32-O-17, Amending Title 10, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, Chapter

11, Traffic Schedules, Section 10(C): Limited Parking

Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Ordinance 32-O-17, amending City

Code Section 10-11-10(C) adding: Greenwood Street, south side, Grey Avenue

to a point 125 feet east thereof. With the increase in commercial activity in and

around the 2000 block of Greenwood Street, it has been reported by commercial

business owners that it has become increasingly difficult for patrons of their

respective businesses to find adequate short term parking in the area. This

Ordinance was introduced at the April 17, 2017 City Council meeting.

For Action

(A12) Ordinance 33-O-17, Amending Title 10, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, Chapter

11, Traffic Schedules, Section 18(J): Residents Only Parking Districts

Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Ordinance 33-O-17, amending City

Code Section 10-11-18(J), District 11: delete 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday

through Friday and add: Twenty-four (24) hours daily, seven (7) days per week.

With the increase in commercial activity in and around the 1100 block of

Emerson Street and on East Railroad south thereof, it has become difficult for the

residents at the corner of Emerson Street and East Railroad (1122 Emerson) to

find parking near their residence. This Ordinance was introduced at the April 17,

2017 City Council meeting.

For Action

(A13) Ordinance 34-O-17, Amending Title 10, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, Chapter

11, Traffic Schedules, Section 10(G): Limited Parking

Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Ordinance 34-O-17, amending City

Code Section 10-11-10(G) adding: Green Bay Road, West side, from Emerson

Street to a point 44 feet north thereof. With the new roadway construction

completed on Green Bay Road, parking has become available on the west side

of Green Bay Road from Emerson Street to Asbury Avenue. Hecky’s Barbecue,

1902 Green Bay Road, has requested that two (2) parking spaces be made

available for customer use for a period of time not exceeding fifteen (15) minutes

between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on any day for carry-out activity.

This Ordinance was introduced at the April 17, 2017 City Council meeting.

For Action

(A14) Ordinance 35-O-17, Decreasing the Number of Class D Liquor Licenses for

The Barn

Local Liquor Commissioner recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance 35-

O-17 amending City Code Subsection 3-4-6-(D) to decrease the number of

authorized Class D liquor licenses. The Barn Investment, LLC d/b/a The Barn

located at 1016 Church Street (Rear) has applied for a Class I Liquor License.

This Ordinance was introduced at the April 17, 2017 City Council meeting.

For Action

(A15) Ordinance 36-O-17, Increasing the Number of Class I Liquor Licenses for

The Barn

Local Liquor Commissioner recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance 36-

O-17 amending City Code Subsection 3-4-6-(I) to increase the number of

authorized Class I liquor licenses from two (2) to three (3), and permit issuance

of a Class I license to The Barn Investment, LLC. d/b/a The Barn located at 1016

Church Street (Rear). The Class I license will permit Company to retail sale of

alcoholic liquor in restaurants only to persons of at least twenty-one (21) years of

age for consumption both on the licensed premises and off the premises. This

Ordinance was introduced at the April 17, 2017 City Council meeting.

For Action

(A16) Ordinance 12-O-17, Amending City Code Section 3-4-6(K) Allowing On-Site

Consumption of Beer and Wine for the Class K Liquor License

Local Liquor Commissioner recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance 12-

O-17 amending City Code Subsection 3-4-6(K) to allow on-site consumption of

beer and wine for the Class K Liquor License. This Ordinance updates the liquor

code to: include a craft beer definition consistent with the Illinois Liquor Code,

235 ILCS 5/3-12(18)(a); exclude the downtown core area from obtaining a Class

K Liquor License; and require Class K Liquor License holders to provide limited

food service when providing sale of craft beer and wine for on-site consumption.

This Ordinance was introduced at the April 17, 2017 City Council meeting.

For Action

(A17) Ordinance 21-O-17, Amending City Code Title 7, Chapter 15, “Board of

Local Improvements”

Staff recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance 21-O-17 amending City

Code Title 7, Chapter 15 “Board of Local Improvements.” Following the

reorganization of the Public Works Agency, Ordinance 21-O-17 updates the titles

of the employees that are members of the Evanston Board of Local

Improvements and makes additional minor text amendments to modernize the

language of the ordinance to current City standards. This Ordinance was

introduced at the April 17, 2017 City Council meeting.

For Action

(A18) Ordinance 41-O-17, Authorization of the City Manager to Negotiate a Sales

Contract for the City-Owned Real Property Located at 1714-20 Chicago


Staff recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance 41-O-17, authorizing the

City Manager to negotiate a sales contract for the City-Owned real property

located at 1714-1720 Chicago Avenue. A two-thirds majority of City Council is

required to adopt Ordinance 41-O-17. This Ordinance was introduced at the April

17, 2017 City Council meeting.

For Action

Planning & Development Committee

(P1) Grant Renewal with Open Communities for Continuation of the Evanston

Landlord-Tenant Program

The Housing, Homelessness and Human Relations Commission and staff

recommend approval of a $40,500 renewal grant to Open Communities (614

Lincoln Ave, Winnetka, IL 60093) to continue the Evanston Landlord-Tenant

Program. The City has partnered with Open Communities to provide landlordtenant

services to Evanston residents and property owners since August 1, 2011.

The period of services funded would be from January 1 – December 31, 2017.

The funding source is the City’s Affordable Housing Fund, (Account

250.21.5465.62490), which has a budget of $75,000, out of a total $1,704,757

budgeted for 2017.

For Action

(P2) Community Partners for Affordable Housing Application for HOME &

Affordable Housing Funding

The Housing, Homelessness and Human Relations Commission and staff

recommend approval of two forgivable loans in the not to exceed amounts of

$252,662 in HOME funds and $326,502 in Affordable Housing Funds to

Community Partners for Affordable Housing (400 Central Avenue, Suite #111,

Highland Park, IL 60035) for the acquisition and rehabilitation of two affordable

rental housing units. Funding is from the HOME Investment Partnerships

Program and the City’s Affordable Housing Fund. Currently, the City has a total

of $300,000 in HOME funds (Account 240.21.5430.65535) and $1,000,000 in

Affordable Housing Funds (Account 250.21.5465.65535) budgeted in FY 2017

for affordable housing projects.

For Action

(P3) Ordinance 42-O-17, Major Adjustment to a Planned Development at 1881

Oak Avenue

Staff recommends adoption of Ordinance 42-O-17 for approval of a Major

Adjustment to a Planned Development at 1881 Oak Avenue, also known as E2.

The applicant proposes to reduce the number of required parking spaces,

currently 353, by 25% (88 spaces) in order to lease those spaces to the public.

The applicant has agreed to a one-time $5,000 contribution to the City of

Evanston Divvy Program as a public benefit.

For Introduction

(P4) Ordinance 38-O-17, Granting a Special Use for a Business/Vocational

School, Knowledge Systems Institute, at 820 Davis St.

The Zoning Board of Appeals and City staff recommend adoption of Ordinance

38-O-17 granting special use approval for a Business/Vocational School,

Knowledge Systems Institute, at 820 Davis St. in the D3 Downtown Core

Development District. The applicant has complied with all zoning requirements

and meets all of the standards for a special use for this district. Alderman Wilson

recommends suspension of the rules for Introduction and Action at the April 24,

2017 City Council meeting.

For Introduction and Action

(P5) Ordinance 8-O-17, Amending Portions of the City of Evanston Zoning Code

Regulating Micro-Distilleries

The Plan Commission and staff recommend adoption of Ordinance 8-O-17,

amending the Zoning Code’s permitted and special uses within a number of the

Business, Commercial and Industrial Zoning Districts relating to micro-distilleries.

Based on feedback from the Plan Commission and staff research, staff is

proposing to amend the zoning ordinance to change “micro-distillery” to “craftdistillery

or micro-distillery”. This modification also aligns with terminology used in

the state liquor control regulations. This terminology change would require

updating the sections currently regulating business and commercial districts,

which permit micro-distilleries as a special use. This Ordinance was introduced at

the April 17, 2017 City Council meeting.

For Action

(P6) Ordinance 37-O-17, Granting Special Use Approval for a Planned

Development with Rezoning and Special Use for a Convenience Store at

831 Emerson

The Plan Commission and staff recommend adoption of Ordinance 37-O-17 for

approval of the Planned Development with rezoning from C1 Commercial and

R5-General Residential to C1a Commercial Mixed use and a Special use for a

convenience store. The 9-story 242-unit residential building would include 3,300

square feet of ground floor commercial space and 174 parking spaces on site.

The development includes 10 site development allowances which can be found

on the corresponding transmittal memorandum. This Ordinance was introduced

at the April 17, 2017 City Council meeting.

For Action

Meetings Scheduled Through May 8, 2017

Upcoming Aldermanic Committee Meetings

4/26/2017   6:00 PM     Transportation/Parking Commission - Cancelled

4/26/2017   7:00 PM     Economic Development Committee

5/1/2017     6:00 PM     Human Services Committee

5/3/2017     5:30 PM     City-School Liaison Committee

5/4/2017      7:00 PM    Housing, Homelessness and Human Relations Commission –

                                   rescheduled to May 9

5/8/2017      6:00 PM    City Council

Information is available about Evanston City Council meetings at: www.cityofevanston.org/citycouncil.

Questions can be directed to the City Manager’s Office at 847-866-2936. The City is committed to

ensuring accessibility for all citizens. If an accommodation is needed to participate in this meeting, please

contact the City Manager’s Office 48 hours in advance so that arrangements can be made for the

accommodation if possible
