
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Park Ridge Committee of the Whole met April 24.

City of Park Ridge Committee of the Whole met April 24.

Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:

I. Roll Call

II. Citizens who wish to be heard on a non-agenda item

III. Acting City Manager’s Report

A. Approve to adjourn to closed session at the end of the meeting pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 c (2) to discuss collective negotiating matters relating to ICOPS (Illinois Council of Police)

IV. Finance and Budget

A. Action Items

1. Approve purchases estimated to exceed $10,000 in Fiscal Year 2018

2. Approve a One-Year Contract Extension for K-Plus

B. Discussion Items

C. Human Resources

1. Review / update on each union body, labor negotiation(s), grievance(s)

2. Review / update on the non-union body

3. Staffing Changes

4. Pension Update

D. Department Head Report

1. IDROP Collections Update

V. Procedures and Regulations

A. Action Items

1. Approve Zoning Amendments and a Registration Program for Short-Term Rental Units

B. Discussion Items

1. Potential Ordinance that would limit infill activity at Murphy Lake and Park Lake

2. Procedures for appointment to fill Aldermanic vacancy

C. Upcoming P&R Items

1. Future P&R agenda recommendations

D. Department Head Report

VI. New Business

VII. Adjournment
