
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Maine Township Board addresses DUI court evaluations

Webp hall

The Maine Township Board met Jan. 24 to address need for court evaluations for DUIs.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:

Maine Township Board Meeting January 24, 2017

Board Members Present: Trustees Morask, Gialamas, Jones and Schaefer

Other Elected Officials Present: Supervisor Teschky, Clerk Warner and Highway Commissioner


Other in attendance: Dayna Berman, Dan Dowd, Doriene Prorak, Denise Jajko, Elizabeth Coy, Richard

Lyon, Marsha Warnick, Dagmar Rutzen, Michael Samaan, Dick Barton, Mary Swanson, Marvin

Michnik, Susan Sweeney, David Carrabotta, Sharon Durling, Nancy Woulfe, Fred Smith and Wiesia


Supervisor Teschky called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m., Clerk Warner led the Pledge of Allegiance

and called the roll.

Supervisor Teschky stated that Assessor Moylan Krey is absent due to being ill.

Agenda Item: Approval of Minutes of December 27, 2016 Board Meeting

Trustee Jones Motion to waive the reading and approve the minutes of the

December 27, 2016 Board Meeting as amended and distributed

to the Board.

Trustee Gialamas Second.

Motion carried on a roll call vote as follows:

Supervisor Teschky Yes

Trustee Morask Yes

Trustee Gialamas Yes

Trustee Jones Yes

Trustee Schaefer Yes

Motion carried.

Agenda Item: Public Participation


Agenda Item: Approval of General Assistance Expenditures

Payrolls dated December 16, 2016, December 30, 2016 and January 13, 2017 and General

Assistance checks #50283 through check #50362 in the amount of $85,957.49.

Trustee Gialamas Motion to approve.

Trustee Jones Second.

Supervisor Teschky stated that Trustees met at 6:30 p.m. prior to the meeting to review the bills.

Motion carried on a roll call vote as follows:

Supervisor Teschky Yes

Trustee Morask Yes

Trustee Gialamas Yes

Trustee Jones Yes

Trustee Schaefer Yes

Motion carried.

Agenda Item: Approval of Road District Expenditures

Payrolls dated December 30, 2016 and January 13, 2017 and Road District checks #19602

through check #19641 in the amount of $227,514.53.

Trustee Jones Motion to approve.

Trustee Gialamas Second.


Motion carried on a roll call vote as follows:

Supervisor Teschky Yes

Trustee Morask Yes

Trustee Gialamas Yes

Trustee Jones Yes

Trustee Schaefer Yes

Motion carried.

Agenda Item: Approval of General Town Fund Expenditures

Payrolls dated December 30, 2016 and January 13, 2017 and General Town Fund checks #54549

through check #54620 in the amount of $278,703.59.

Trustee Gialamas Motion to approve.

Trustee Schaefer Second.

Motion carried on a roll call vote as follows:

Supervisor Teschky Yes

Trustee Morask Yes

Trustee Gialamas Yes

Trustee Jones Yes

Trustee Schaefer Yes

Motion carried.

Agenda Item: Dagmar Rutzen/OEM

Dagmar Rutzen, OEM Director reported that Office of Emergency Management has been very

busy this past year. They participated in numerous training programs, they were part of many community

events and were always at hand for many events that took place at the Maine Township Town Hall. This

past year OEM participated in 58 events and clocked 2,297 volunteer hours. That amounts to $50,534

worth of trained relief labor.

Ms. Rutzen stated that some of the training programs OEM participated are: Hanover Township

Annual Emergency Management Conference, the Pipeline Seminar, Weather Spotter Classes, Weather

Preparedness Class, Railway Seminar, Wide Area Search Class and Search and Rescue training.

Ms. Rutzen reported that last year OEM participated in many community events such as: Toucha-Truck,

Shredding event, 911 Ceremony, 4th of July Parades, Taste of Park Ridge, National Night Out,

Crop Walk, North Maine Fire Protection District Open House, Annual Garage Sale, Guadalupe Fest, Boy

Scouts’ Haunted House and events at Maine South High School. Stevenson School was consulted by

OEM on updating their emergency plan and tornado drills.

Ms. Rutzen state that at the Township OEM provided traffic control for LIHEAP Program, selling

of the Cook County Vehicle Stickers, Turkey Give-a-Way, Holiday Baskets and Halloween Parade from

Stevenson School students. In the upcoming year they want to continue the community outreach at

community events and continue to train. Also, they are planning to create a community events photo


Ms. Rutzen stated that OEM is looking into adding a module to our local community radio station

(1350 AM) that will broadcast severe weather warnings as they occur.

Trustee Morask asked how large of an audience has been reached by the Maine Township Radio


Ms. Rutzen responded that all of Maine Township and even more can hear the 1350 AM station.

She added that the signs advertising the 1350 AM radio station are displayed all over Maine Township.

Agenda Item: Officials’ Reports

Highway Commissioner Kazmierczak stated that he would like to make a statement regarding

Road District Budget during his report and be withdrawn from New Business. He stated that he wants to

advise the Board that in the future the Highway Department will revise the way the budget has been


Highway Commissioner Kazmierczak stated that starting with the new fiscal year the Highway

Department will adapt zero based budgeting. Zero based budgeting means every function and line item in

the budget starts from a zero base. He added that every expenditure that is appropriated must be justified.


Every function within their taxing body will be analyzed for its needs and costs. Zero based allows

strategic goals to be implemented more readily. It enhances the ability to measure previous results and

current expectations. Budgeting should become detail oriented and should bear fruit incrementally over

the next four years. The Highway Department will continue to subscribe to adhering to a budgetary

formula of lower costs and higher quality of parts and labor.

Highway Commissioner Kazmierczak reported that there was a severe water main break on

Sumac Road. Aqua Illinois Inc. has been working on Golf Road, Sumac Road and Noel Street for the

last three days but the pipes broke down three times in the last two days. The water break is destroying

Maine Township unincorporated areas sewers and Highway Department doesn’t have the equipment to

fix these breaks. He added that hopefully Aqua will fix the pipes and resolve this problem.

Highway Commissioner Kazmierczak stated that State of Illinois CMS office held a huge surplus

fire sale on equipment. Highway Department purchased business office furniture for no cost to them and

in addition some electronics for $50, which might be put for auction. He also mentioned that he received

a case of white gloves and offered them to anybody who needs them. He added that the CMS portion of

the building is closing down at the end of January and everything based on CMS repurchasing plan will

be handle by Springfield.

Highway Commissioner Kazmierczak pointed out that in the next budget he will have to pay

attention to the repair vehicles item, which is very costly.

Clerk Warner reported that Passport application acceptance is still very popular. Only in this

month his office accepted 341 passport applications.

Clerk Warner stated that on December 1, 2016, his office team and he attended the Christmas

Clerk’s Division meeting at Granite City Restaurant in Schaumburg. He added that the Clerks meet about

8 times a year and these meetings are very informative. At the Schaumburg Township meeting the guest

speaker spoke about the necessity that all Township Clerks be certified.

Clerk Warner stated that Supervisor Teschky and Highway Commissioner Kazmierczak joined

the Clerk’s office at Schaumburg Township meeting. They were invited by TOCC Board and had their

Board meeting prior to the Clerk’s.

Clerk Warner stated that he was appointed to be on the board to elect new officers for the Clerk’s

Division and added that the next Clerk’s Division meeting will be held on February 2nd at Niles


Trustee Schaefer stated that she attended the MaineStreamers New Year’s Party and had a great

time and met the nicest people there. She said that the attendees, our senior members, said that if not for

the MaineStreamers group, they wouldn’t have any activities to attend. She commented that it was a

great event and she is looking forward to the next time.

Trustee Jones echoed Trustee Schaefer’s comments regarding the New Year’s Party and stated

that she also had a nice time. She added that MaineStreamers are a great group that Maine Township

residents can join.

Trustee Gialamas also enjoyed the New Year’s party and their presentation. He complimented

Mary Swanson and her staff on great events and programs for MaineStreamers.

Trustee Morask stated that we are busy with FOIA requests. She commented on Wiesia Tytko

and Supervisor Teschky on their making quick responses. She thanked the Assessor’s office and

Highway Department on their great cooperation with Maine Township FOIA officers.

Trustee Morask stated that she had the pleasure to refer three people to the Assessor’s office and

a few young adults to the Recovery Connection.

Supervisor Teschky stated that on Thursday, January 19th she attended the Maine-Northfield

Resident Focus Group at Triumvera Clubhouse in Glenview organized by Chicago Metropolitan Agency

for Planning (CMAP). The purpose of this meeting is getting residents together to listen to their

complaints and hoping for good results with Cook County assistance.

Supervisor Teschky stated that she will be meeting with all the various Department Heads to

discuss their budgets. She also reported that in the first week in January, Maine Township received two

checks from the Insurance company and subcontractor for the claim that was filed in May 2016.

Supervisor Teschky thanked Attorney Dowd for his effort and positive results. Supervisor Teschky

explained that when JULIE and their contractor were working, they severed the power line, which caused

our Town Hall to be without power. An electrical company was hired by Maine Township to fix this

issue. All the expenses incurred were submitted to Comcast insurance as we were the injured party. The

total amount received from the claim was $31,856.


Supervisor Teschky thanked Doriene Prorak for organizing and being very involved and helpful

with Rain Barrel Program. She stated that the free Rain Barrel Program sponsored by MWRD ended on

December 31, 2016. During the six months that Maine Township was in the program, a total of 522 Rain

Barrels were ordered for our residents in the unincorporated area.

Agenda Item: Attorney’s Report

Attorney Dowd had no report.

Agenda Item: Administrator Report

Administrator Berman notified the Board that the revised Ordinance Book is now available on the

Maine Township website.

Agenda Item: Personnel


Agenda Item: Old Business, Maryville Family Behavioral Health Clinic

Supervisor Teschky stated that Maryville Family Behavioral Health Clinic presented to the Board

at the Agency Hearing. The Board of Trustees had additional questions that need to be answered by

Maryville Academy for the purpose of receiving the funding from Maine Township. She introduced

Nancy Woulfe, Director of Business Development and Fred Smith, Director of Community Services

representing Maryville Health Clinic.

Trustee Morask questioned if we can earmark that there is a need for court services and court

evaluations for DUI that it is accepted by the court.

Mr. Smith responded that Maryville Health Clinic does both. They also do counseling and risk

reassessment for DUI. The cost is depending on which level the individual is at and he added that the

first assessment is $350.

Trustee Morask stated that the other concern was that Maryville Health Clinic was not taking new


Mr. Smith explained that it happened due to not having psychiatric services at Maryville. He

added that at this moment they are working with one psychiatrist and they are in the process of

interviewing another psychiatrist. He added that once they will be able to secure another psychiatrist to

their practice the appointments will open up. Maryville Health Clinic is also looking for the full-time

front desk receptionist to take appointments. Mr. Smith assured the Board that Maine Township patients

will have their appointments schedule with psychiatrist as soon as another psychiatrist will be hired. The

time frame to receive a new appointment will be very short.

Ms. Woulfe stated that last year Maryville Health Clinic saw 83 clients from Maine Township.

Supervisor Teschky Motion to fund Maryville Family Behavioral Health Clinic in the

amount of $8,000 starting on March 1, 2017.

Trustee Schaefer Second.

Trustee Morask pointed out that in regards to funding agencies, Maine Township is extremely

fiscally responsible.

Motion carried on a roll call vote as follows:

Supervisor Teschky Yes

Trustee Morask No

Trustee Gialamas Yes

Trustee Jones Yes

Trustee Schaefer Yes

Motion carried.

Agenda Item: New Business, Approval of Resolution 2017-1 of Scheduled Meetings

Supervisor Teschky stated that the schedule of the regular Board meetings for the fiscal year

2017-2018 has to be approved. She presented the Resolution 2017-1 for approval.


The Board of Trustees decided to reschedule the Board Meeting on 4th Tuesday, on December

26th to Wednesday, December 27th due to Christmas Holiday.

Trustee Morask Motion to approve the amended Resolution 2017-1, approving

the regular Board meetings.

Trustee Schaefer Second.

All in favor.

Motion carried on a voice vote.

Agenda Item: New Business, Electric Aggregation Bids

Supervisor Teschky stated that our current Electric Aggregation Contract with Constellation will

terminate on April 1, 2017. Ms. Sharon Durling a NIMEC representative submitted the bids from the

various suppliers.

Ms. Durling explained a chart of all submitted bids and asked the Board for their decision. She

explained their fixed rates per kWh, ownerships and power sources. She suggested Dynegy Energy

because of their lowest rates. Ms. Durling stated that even though the bid will be accepted by the Board,

any resident of Unincorporated Maine Township will be able to opt out from this supplier.

After discussion the final decision was to accept the bid from Dynegy Energy electrical supplier.

Supervisor Teschky Motion to accept Dynegy Energy as the supplier with 12 months

contract plan of 6.378 per kWh.

Trustee Schaefer Second.

Motion carried on a roll call vote as follows:

Supervisor Teschky Yes

Trustee Morask No

Trustee Gialamas Yes

Trustee Jones Yes

Trustee Schaefer Yes

Motion carried.

Agenda Item: New Business, Line Item Transfers

Supervisor Teschky presented the Line Item Transfers for the General Town Fund for the fiscal

year 2016.

Supervisor Teschky explained that the reason for most of the transfers is rising health insurance


General Town Fund:


-9,800 Contingency / +800 Neighborhood Watch, +9,000 Health Insurance


-6,000 Contingency/ +6,000 Health Insurance


-5,000 Contingency/ +5,000 Health Insurance


-3,200 Contingency/ +3,200 Postage

Trustee Morask asked for explanation regarding Postage Line Item Transfer in the Clerk’s office.

Administrator Berman answered that due to the increase of passport applications to be mailed has

resulted in an increase of postage spent.

Trustee Morask Motion to approve Line Item Transfers for General Town Fund

for the fiscal year 2016, in the amount of $24,000 as presented

by Supervisor Teschky.


Trustee Schaefer Second.

Motion carried on a roll call vote as follows:

Supervisor Teschky Yes

Trustee Morask Yes

Trustee Gialamas Yes

Trustee Jones Yes

Trustee Schaefer Yes

Motion carried.

Agenda Item: New Business, Amendment to Budget and Appropriation Ordinance of the Highway


Highway Commissioner Kazmierczak explained the amendment to the Highway Department

budget in Officials’ Reports agenda item.

Supervisor Teschky asked Board Members to go into Closed Session to discuss the Salary Grades

and Ranges 2017-2018.

Trustee Morask Motion to go to the Closed Session.

Trustee Gialamas Second.

Motion carried on a roll call vote as follows:

Supervisor Teschky Yes

Trustee Morask Yes

Trustee Gialamas Yes

Trustee Jones Yes

Trustee Schaefer Yes

Motion carried.

Agenda Item: Closed Session, Staff Salary Grades

The Board re-convened in Open Session at 9:15 p.m.

Trustee Gialamas Motion to re-convene in Open Session.

Trustee Morask Second.

All in favor.

Motion carried on a voice vote.

Supervisor Teschky reported that the Board of Trustees decided to abolish the existing sheet of

Salary Grades and Ranges. The Salary Grades and Ranges will be revised and presented in future Board


Administrator Berman stated that she is in agreement with the Board and the Salary Grades and

Ranges need to be redone.

Agenda Item: Adjournment

Trustee Gialamas Motion to adjourn.

Trustee Jones Second.

All in favor.

Motion carried on a voice vote.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:17 p.m