The city of Park Ridge Youth Commission met Jan. 26 to approve the Snapchat filter design.
Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the commission:
Park Ridge Youth Commission is located at 505 Butler Place, Park Ridge
Members Present: Commissioners: Alderman John Moran, Claire Griebler, Joan Mattingly and Eileen Sergo. Student Commissioners: Evan Arnold, Zach Arnold, Charlotte Geier, Katelyn Kahn, Kamila Kazimierczuk, Ewelina Laczak, Connor Maloney, Shea O’Sullivan, Patrick Shaughnessy, Mary Frances Sheffert, and Sarah Zawadzka
Members Absent: Commissioners: Bobby Pierobon, Jared Skiba and Leslie Wolf. Student Commissioners: Maura Hart, Peter Jakubczak, Emily Krischke, Fiona Maloney, James Shaughnessy, Spyros Vaselopulo and Natalie Wajda
Also Present: Officer Ben Peterson - Park Ridge Police Department, Joe Ramirez and Brigid Madden
Non-Member Alderman Wishing to be Heard on Non-Agenda Items
Citizens Wishing to be Heard on Non-Agenda Items
III. Action Items
Approve Minutes from the December 1, 2016 Meeting
On a motion by Alderman Moran, seconded by Commissioner Mattingly, the Commission agreed to approve the minutes from the December 1, 2016 meeting.
The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote.
B. Approve Snapchat Filter Design
Alderman Moran stated that he did receive permission to use the Pickwick design.
The two design options were distributed. Alderman Moran asked for a show of hands by the Commissioners for each of the two designs. There was a consensus to approve Design #1. Commissioner Mattingly suggested changing the color of the text “Youth Commission” to white. Commissioner Arnold asked if the size of the text could be adjusted so it does not overlap with the Pickwick graphic.
On a motion by Alderman Moran, seconded by Commissioner P. Shaughnessy, the Commission agreed to approve Snapchat Design #1.
The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote.
C. Approve the Title Sponsorship of the Color Run in the amount of $1,000.00
On a motion by Alderman Moran, seconded by Commissioner Mattingly, the Commission agreed to approve the Title Sponsorship of the Color Run in the amount of $1,000.00.
The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote.
D. Approve an Expenditure not to exceed $500.00 for pizza, bottled water and Chamber of Commerce gift certificates for the Dodgeball Tournament
On a motion by Alderman Moran, seconded by Commissioner Mattingly, the Commission agreed to approve expenditure not to exceed $500.00 for pizza, bottled water and Chamber of Commerce gift certificates for the Dodgeball Tournament.
The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote.
IV. Discussion Items
Dodgeball Tournament
The Dodgeball Tournament is Saturday, February 4th at the Centennial Fitness Center. Alderman Moran explained that an ad has been placed in the upcoming Park Ridge Herald. He emphasized advertising the event. Commissioner Kahn will ensure the event is included in the morning announcements at Maine South.
Alderman Moran explained that he ordered the pizza and will pick up Chamber of Commerce gift certificates for the winners.
Commissioners E. Arnold and Z. Arnold indicated that they were available to volunteer. Alderman Moran explained that he would be at the event and able to assist with the brackets. Officer Peterson will not be able to attend, but explained that the Deputy Chief and two to five volunteers will be there.
B. Polar Plunge
Commissioner Geier explained that she has signed up for the Polar Plunge and passed the information on to the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Club at Maine South. Officer Peterson stated that he forwarded the information to the Key Club as well. Alderman Moran explained that he and Acting Mayor Maloney have signed up.
The Polar Plunge is Saturday, February 18th at Northwestern University.
C. Color Run
Commissioner Kazimierczuk explained that a sponsorship letter is not yet available, but she has informed Mr. McArthur that the Youth Commission would like to be the Title Sponsor again this year. Because the expenditure of funds was approved, Brigid indicated that she would send the check as soon as the necessary paperwork is available.
D. Taste of Park Ridge
Brigid explained that she reached out to the screen vendor used at the movie on the Library lawn. They are available on Friday, July 14th during the Taste of Park Ridge. This will be an action item at the next meeting.
The Commissioners discussed the start time and concerns with the bands playing at the Taste. Alderman Moran asked the Commissioners to brainstorm movie ideas.
E. Promotional Items to be Ordered
Alderman Moran explained that promotional items are needed for events in the summer months, specifically the Memorial Day Parade. He asked the Commissioners for suggestions for giveaways. Suggestions included Frisbees, pop sockets, phone pockets for IDs and credit cards and bracelets. Alderman Moran explained that he would price the items and bring that information to the next meeting.
F. 2016 - 2017 Calendar of Events
An updated calendar was distributed.
The Student Commissioners expressed interest in a panel discussion at the Library with college students who have just completed their first year. Commissioner Griebler suggested scheduling the event in the beginning of June. She asked for help in securing students to serve on the panel. Alderman Moran suggested that Commissioner Griebler create a list of who the speakers should be and provide that to the Commission at the next meeting.
Alderman Moran explained that he received an inquiry from a parent regarding sports equipment donation, mostly used shoes. Commissioner Mattingly will inquire with Gear 4 Goals, as to whether or not they accept shoes. Alderman Moran suggested a collection in the fall if the students were interested. He explained that Commissioner Mattingly has begun the research for this project. Commissioner Kazimierczuk questioned what the shoes would be used for, and Alderman Moran suggested she research potential recipient organisations as well.
Officer Peterson explained that additional space is available at National Night Out for the Youth Commission to sponsor or host an activity. The Commission will discuss this in more detail at an upcoming meeting.
V. Administration Report
A. Updated Budget Report
The current account balance is $9598.73
B. Receipts
VI. New Business
Commissioner Mattingly informed the Commission of the upcoming Community Day of Service, which is scheduled for April 30th. She explained that volunteers provide service at local organizations and donations are accepted at Mary Seat of Wisdom. Commissioner Mattingly indicated that collecting books for Bernie’s Book Bank was suggested this year. She will reach out for more information. Alderman Moran asked what role the Youth Commission would play in the event. Commissioner Mattingly explained that the Commission could help publicize and serve as the link with Bernie’s, as well as staff the event.
VII. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 6:35pm.