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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Park Ridge zoning board reviews variance requests

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The city of Park Ridge Zoning Board of Appeals met Sept. 22 to review variance requests.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:




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Commissioner Karkhanis called the meeting to order at 7:30pm.

I. Roll Call


Garrick Bunting

Atul Karkhanis, Chairman

Missy Langan

Rebecca Leslie

Steven Nadler

Linda Nagle

Steve Schilling

City Council

Alderman John Moran


Jim Brown, Interim CP&D Director

Howard Coppari, Zoning Coordinator

Kerry Cwick, Administrative Assistant

Brigid Madden, Senior Administrative Assistant

Julie Tappendorf, City Attorney

Others Present

5 audience members

II. Approval of Minutes – August 25, 2016

On a motion by Commissioner Leslie, seconded by Commissioner Bunting, the Board agreed to

approve the minutes from the August 25, 2016 meeting.

Vote on the motion as follows:

AYES 7 Chairman Karkhanis, Commissioners Bunting, Langan,

Leslie, Nadler, Nagle and Schilling

NAYS 0 None



III. Appeals

IV. Variances

1. Variance at 733 & 801 S Prospect Avenue – Case Number: V-16-09 (Two Minor Variances)

Per section 15.5.A.1, the two adjacent lots are currently considered one zoning parcel. In order

to perform this task, the owner needs to apply for two minor zoning lot width variances for:

733 S. Prospect Avenue: Parcel 1 (lot 17) – 8,309.28 SF; 48’ (Width) by 173.11’ (Length) (per

Section 7.3, Table 3 – min. lot width)

Minutes for the Zoning Board of Appeals (Cont.)


801 S. Prospect Avenue: Parcel 2 (lot 16) – 8,308.32 SF; 48’ (Width) by 173.09’ (Length) (per

Section 7.3, Table 3 – min. lot width)

Paul Kolpak of Kolpak & Lerner, 6767 N Milwaukee Avenue in Niles, is the attorney for the applicant,

Thomas Durham. He requested a continuance for Case Number V-16-09 to the next regularly

scheduled meeting.

On a motion by Commissioner Bunting, seconded by Commissioner Langan, the Board agreed to

continue the variance request at 733 & 801 S Prospect Avenue, Case Number V-16-09 (two minor

variances) to the October 27, 2016 meeting.

Vote on the motion as follows:

AYES 7 Chairman Karkhanis, Commissioners Bunting, Langan,

Leslie, Nadler, Nagle and Schilling

NAYS 0 None



2. Variance at 800 W Devon Avenue – Case Number: V-16-08 (Nine Major Variances)

Proposed Lot 1

A. A reduction in the minimum required parking lot perimeter landscape yard from 4 feet to 2

foot along the northern lot line between proposed Lot 1 and proposed Lot 2; [sect. 13.9.b]

B. A reduction in the minimum required parking lot perimeter landscape yard from 4 feet to 3

foot along the northern lot line between proposed Lot 1 and proposed Lot 3; [sect. 13.9.b]

C. A reduction in the minimum required parking lot perimeter landscape yard from 4 feet to 0

feet along the eastern lot line between proposed Lot 1 and proposed Lot 3; [sect. 13.9.b]

D. A reduction in the minimum required interior parking lot landscaping percentage from 10% to

9%; [sect. 13.10]

Proposed Lot 3

E. A reduction in the minimum required parking lot perimeter landscape yard from 4 feet to 1

foot along the southwestern lot line between proposed Lot 3 and proposed Lot 1; [sect.


F. A reduction in the minimum required parking lot perimeter landscape yard from 4 feet to 1

foot along the western lot line between proposed Lot 3 and proposed Lot 2; [sect. 13.9.b]

G. A reduction in the minimum required parking lot perimeter landscape yard from 4 feet to 0

foot along the western lot line between proposed Lot 3 and proposed Lot 1; [sect. 13.9.b]

H. A reduction in the minimum required northern corner side yard along Talcott Road from 7 feet

to 5 feet; and [sect. 8.4, table 5]

I. A reduction in the minimum required eastern corner side yard along Prospect Avenue from 7

feet to 1 foot, [sect. 8.4, table 5]

Steve Bauer of Meltzer, Purtill & Stelle - 300 Wacker Drive in Chicago is the attorney for the

applicant, Talcott Terrace, LLC. Chairman Karkhanis swore in Ms. Nancy Gillick of Talcott Terrace,


Minutes for the Zoning Board of Appeals (Cont.)


Mr. Bauer explained that he would like to address the questions, comments and concerns from the

previous meeting and referenced his letter to the Board dated September 16th

. He stated that the

variance request is a result of efforts to market, finance and provide various alternatives for the

property as it exists today. He emphasized that the applicant does not intend to modify the site plan.

Mr. Bauer addressed conditioning the variance approval, which is outlined in points #1 and 2 in the

letter to the ZBA. He explained that the applicant is agreeable to approval of the variances,

conditioned upon the requirement that the variances be limited to improvements on the property as

currently constructed; the variances will terminate upon redevelopment. The second condition

requires a Declaration of Cross Easements and Cost Sharing Provisions, which must be approved

by the City Attorney.

Mr. Bauer referenced point #3 of the letter, which states that the variances reflect existing conditions

and no site plan modifications are planned or proposed. He explained that point #4 was not

specifically discussed at the previous meeting. Mr. Bauer stated that the site planned approved in

June 2013 indicates that a bank branch is intended for proposed Lot 2. Since the site plan approval

and redevelopment of the site, there has been a change in market conditions. Mr. Bauer indicated

that banks who have expressed interest in the site require the opportunity to acquire that portion of

the subject property now or in the future. He explained that in order to secure a bank tenant, a lease

with an option to purchase is required.

Mr. Bauer stated that marketing, leasing and financing flexibility are key considerations, along with

tenant flexibility. He explained that subdivision of the property enables the applicant to more

accurately and equitability proportion the real estate taxes to the tenants under a triple net lease.

This would allow the property owner to maintain affordable and equitable rental rates for tenants.

Mr. Bauer next spoke about hardship and unique circumstances. He stated that the property was

recently redeveloped and any attempt to minimize the number of variance requests would require

significant modifications to the site. He noted the irregular, semi-triangular shape of the subject

property, which dramatically narrows by 42% from its west lot line to its east.

Point #7 explains that of the nine requested variances, seven pertain to landscape requirements.

Mr. Bauer stated that the landscape improvements as they exist today are a significant improvement

over the condition of the property prior to its redevelopment. The two remaining variances pertain to

building setbacks. The first concerns a building that was not redeveloped; the existing condition has

been in place for an excess of 50 years. The second is the setback along Talcott Road which

reflects what was specifically submitted to and approved by the City.

Mr. Bauer explained that the variances and subsequent subdivision would be indiscernible and

unnoticeable because there would be no changes to the property.

Mr. Bauer spoke about the issue of uniqueness of the case given that the variances already exist.

He explained that the Board has the benefit of seeing the improvements as they exist today and

knowing that they are not a detriment to the neighborhood.

Lastly, Mr. Bauer explained that the City’s Comprehensive Plan recognizes market changes and the

community should be responsive to those changes. He explained that the Comprehensive Plan

specifically states that community planning is a continuous process sensitive to changing needs.

The Comprehensive Plan identifies the subject property as vital to the community and recognizes

the need to enhance the shopping center.

Chairman Karkhanis explained that a letter was provided from Patrick Corrigan of Corrigan

Ventures Inc. Mr. Bauer explained that Patrick Corrigan was the previous broker for the subject

property; he was involved in the redevelopment and secured leases for the existing tenants. This

letter was entered into the record as Exhibit N, which discussed the difficulty in finding a bank tenant

interested in Lot 2.

Minutes for the Zoning Board of Appeals (Cont.)


City Attorney Julie Tappendorf prepared a memo for the Board intended to answer questions from

the previous meeting. Chairman Karkhanis and the Board found that the memo was sufficient and

did not have further questions.

Howard Coppari explained, that at the request of Commissioner Nadler, the building set plans were

provided, along with an area map/site plan, stamped and received by the Community Preservation &

Development Department on April 9, 2014, and a zoning schedule. The plat of survey was also

provided, dated December 23, 2014.

Chairman Karkhanis asked Mr. Coppari to clarify for the record that the survey indicates a setback of

5.02 feet. Mr. Coppari explained that the zoning schedule indicates an ordinance requirement of

zero feet and five feet is provided under the column “actual.”

Chairman Karkhanis asked that the setback on Talcott Road be treated as a separate issue and if

the variance is denied, the City Council can discuss enforcement.

Commissioner Nadler asked for clarification on where the corner side yard is located and whether a

seven-foot setback should be required. Ms. Tappendorf stated that, as indicated in the memo, the

ZBA is not the body to look into this matter. She agreed with the importance of determining what the

zoning requirement is and what currently exists. Commissioner Nadler disagreed and stated that the

documentation provided is not clear. Alderman Moran explained that the City Council was looking

into the matter and Jim Testin provided an internal memo to City Council.

Chairman Karkhanis referenced the draft of easement agreement, entered into the record as Exhibit

L. Ms. Tappendorf explained that it is subject to review by the City Attorney. The language

regarding the conditions of approval would be added to the Ordinance prior to City Council approval.

Pat Livensparger, 413 Courtland Ave, was sworn in by Chairman Karkhanis. She asked if the

variances would remain if they were approved but the subdivision was not. Ms. Tappendorf

explained that the variances for the setback restriction would remain because they are not related to

the subdivision of the property, but the remaining would not because they are not necessary without

a subdivision. The case will come before City Council as a package after the subdivision request

goes before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Ms. Livensparger asked if the five-foot setback

variance would apply to the entire lot. Ms. Tappendorf explained that the variance would be granted

for the building, not the lot in its entirety, and this would be clear in the ordinance.

Mr. Bauer was given an opportunity to respond and clarified that no variances are proposed for

proposed Lot 2. Any development on Lot 2 is subject to site plan approval.

Commissioner Nadler asked if the cross easement agreement would conflict with existing tenant

leases. Mr. Bauer explained that the agreement is the obligation of the property owner, not the

tenants. Commissioner Nadler also inquire as to whether or not these types agreements become

problematic as properties age. Mr. Bauer described the agreement as “commonplace.”

On a motion by Commissioner Bunting, seconded by Commissioner Langan, the Board agreed to

close the public hearing.

Chairman Karkhanis polled the Commissioners to determine how to group the variances. It was

determined that the landscape variances would be grouped together and the two setback variances

would be voted on individually.

Commissioner Nagle explained that she only heard testimony regarding economic hardship

regarding Lot 2. She asked Mr. Coppari how many variances would be required to subdivide the

property into two lots instead of three. Mr. Bauer explained that the existing legal description does

not coincide with Lots 1 and 2, it is not a single Metes and Bounds lot as it exists today. He stated

that some of the landscape variances would remain if the property was subdivided into two lots

instead of three.

Minutes for the Zoning Board of Appeals (Cont.)


Mr. Bauer added that one motivation for the subdivision is to allow Walgreens to pay its own real

estate taxes directly to the Assessor’s office. He reiterated the concern regarding the option for a

bank to own its own lot. Commissioner Nagle explained that a subdivision is not required to obtain a

separate tax number for Walgreens.

Commissioner Langan asked if the landscape and parking requirements would be affected if the

building on Talcott Road was required to be move to comply with the setback requirement. Mr.

Bauer explained that it would affect parking and interior landscape requirements due to the limited

width, resulting in reduced parking stall depth or narrowed islands.

The Commissioners discussed the discrepancy regarding the setback on Talcott Road. Chairman

Karkhanis explained it is a significant problem, but it will be taken up by the City Council.

On a motion by Commissioner Bunting, seconded by Commissioner Langan, the Board agreed to

recommend approval for the following seven variances, subject to the conditions that 1) the

variations be limited to the improvements on the property as currently constructed and would

terminate upon redevelopment of those portions of the property for which the variations are now

required and 2) the approval is subject to the recording of a Declaration of Cross Easements and

Cost Sharing Provisions reasonably acceptable to the City Attorney.

A. A reduction in the minimum required parking lot perimeter landscape yard from 4 feet to 2

foot along the northern lot line between proposed Lot 1 and proposed Lot 2; [sect. 13.9.b]

B. A reduction in the minimum required parking lot perimeter landscape yard from 4 feet to 3

foot along the northern lot line between proposed Lot 1 and proposed Lot 3; [sect. 13.9.b]

C. A reduction in the minimum required parking lot perimeter landscape yard from 4 feet to 0

feet along the eastern lot line between proposed Lot 1 and proposed Lot 3; [sect. 13.9.b]

D. A reduction in the minimum required interior parking lot landscaping percentage from 10%

to 9%; [sect. 13.10]

E. A reduction in the minimum required parking lot perimeter landscape yard from 4 feet to 1

foot along the southwestern lot line between proposed Lot 3 and proposed Lot 1; [sect.


F. A reduction in the minimum required parking lot perimeter landscape yard from 4 feet to 1

foot along the western lot line between proposed Lot 3 and proposed Lot 2; [sect. 13.9.b]

G. A reduction in the minimum required parking lot perimeter landscape yard from 4 feet to 0

foot along the western lot line between proposed Lot 3 and proposed Lot 1; [sect. 13.9.b]

Vote on the motion as follows:

AYES 5 Chairman Karkhanis, Commissioners Bunting, Leslie, Nadler,

and Schilling

NAYS 2 Commissioners Langan and Nagle



On a motion by Commissioner Bunting, seconded by Commissioner Langan, the Board agreed to

recommend approval for a reduction in the minimum required northern corner side yard along Talcott

Road from 7 feet to 5 feet for the existing building, per sect. 8.4, table 5, Case Number V-16-08.

Vote on the motion as follows:

AYES 4 Chairman Karkhanis, Commissioners Bunting, Leslie,

and Schilling

Minutes for the Zoning Board of Appeals (Cont.)


NAYS 3 Commissioners Langan, Nadler and Nagle



On a motion by Commissioner Bunting, seconded by Commissioner Langan, the Board agreed to

recommend approval for a reduction in the minimum required eastern corner side yard along

Prospect Avenue from 7 feet to 1 foot for the existing building, per sect. 8.4, table 5, Case Number


Vote on the motion as follows:

AYES 4 Chairman Karkhanis, Commissioners Bunting, Leslie,

and Schilling

NAYS 3 Commissioners Langan, Nadler and Nagle



V. Other Items for Discussion and Updates

Commissioner Bunting asked a question of Ms. Tappendorf regarding the case continued earlier in

the meeting at 733 and 801 S Prospect Ave. She explained that a permit will have to be pulled for

the property within 1 year of the variance approval. The applicant can request a longer time frame.

VI. Citizens Wishing to be Heard on Non-Agenda Items

VII. City Council Liaison Report

VIII. Adjournment

On a motion by Commissioner Bunting, seconded by Commissioner Langan, the Board agreed to

adjourn the meeting.

Vote on the motion as follows:

AYES 7 Chairman Karkhanis, Commissioners Bunting, Langan,

Leslie, Nadler, Nagle and Schilling

NAYS 0 None



The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM.

These minutes are not a verbatim record of the meeting but a summary of the proceedings.



In the Matter of )

) Case No. V-16-08

800 W Devon Avenue )


This matter having come before the Board for hearing at the request of Talcott Terrace, LLC, 100 S Prospect

Avenue, Suite 11, Park Ridge, for nine Major Variances:

A. A reduction in the minimum required parking lot perimeter landscape yard from 4 feet to 2

foot along the northern lot line between proposed Lot 1 and proposed Lot 2; [sect. 13.9.b]

B. A reduction in the minimum required parking lot perimeter landscape yard from 4 feet to 3

foot along the northern lot line between proposed Lot 1 and proposed Lot 3; [sect. 13.9.b]

C. A reduction in the minimum required parking lot perimeter landscape yard from 4 feet to 0

feet along the eastern lot line between proposed Lot 1 and proposed Lot 3; [sect. 13.9.b]

D. A reduction in the minimum required interior parking lot landscaping percentage from 10% to

9%; [sect. 13.10]

E. A reduction in the minimum required parking lot perimeter landscape yard from 4 feet to 1

foot along the southwestern lot line between proposed Lot 3 and proposed Lot 1; [sect.


F. A reduction in the minimum required parking lot perimeter landscape yard from 4 feet to 1

foot along the western lot line between proposed Lot 3 and proposed Lot 2; [sect. 13.9.b]

G. A reduction in the minimum required parking lot perimeter landscape yard from 4 feet to 0

foot along the western lot line between proposed Lot 3 and proposed Lot 1; [sect. 13.9.b]

H. A reduction in the minimum required northern corner side yard along Talcott Road from 7 feet

to 5 feet; and [sect. 8.4, table 5]

I. A reduction in the minimum required eastern corner side yard along Prospect Avenue from 7

feet to 1 foot, [sect. 8.4, table 5]

and the Board having held a public hearing as required by law on August 25 and September 22, 2016, and

having heard evidence on the matter, based on the evidence presented, as reflected in the minutes of these

proceedings, and for the reasons indicated in the minutes of this Board in this case.

The Zoning Board of Appeals finds that the following facts have been established:

1. The subject property was recently redeveloped. Due to changes in market conditions,

subdividing the property into three lots would allow increased flexibility for financing and

marketing options.


Therefore, the application of the terms of this Zoning Ordinance would result in undue hardship.

2. The variances will preserve the existing condition of the newly redeveloped property. No site

plan modifications are proposed or planned in conjunction with the request.

Therefore, the plight of the owner is due to unique circumstances.

3. The variances requested reflect existing conditions. Any future redevelopment and the

development of proposed Lot 2 are subject to site plan review.

Therefore, the Variance would not have an adverse impact on the locality.

Therefore, the Board recommends that the City Council approve of the Variances, as requested, Zoning

Case Number V-16-08, on the terms and conditions set forth in the minutes of the meeting of August 25 and

September 22, 2016.