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Park Ridge Planning and Zoning Commission reviews cases

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The City of Park Ridge Planning and Zoning Commission met Tuesday, Sept. 13.

"Planning and Zoning Commission - Consists of nine citizen members appointed to four-year terms. The Commission hears and reviews all applications for zoning amendments, planned developments, special uses, pre-annexation agreements, subdivisions, site plans and changes in B-4 Commercial Conservation Districts, and street alley vacations. It also makes recommendations on the adoption of or amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays of the month."

Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the City of Park Ridge Planning and Zoning Commission:






TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2016, 7:00 PM

Chairman Baldi called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

I. Roll Call


Joe Baldi, Chairman

Lou Arrigoni

Jim Argionis (arrived 7:11 pm)

John Bennett

Lou Giannetti

John Kocisko

Chris Zamaites


Tim Kirby

Linda Coyle


Jon Branham, Senior Planner

Josephine Faraci, Administrative Assistant

II. Approval of Minutes

On a motion by Commissioner Bennett, seconded by Commissioner Kocisko the Commission AGREED to approve the minutes from the August 23, 2016 meeting, as submitted.

Vote on the motion as follows

AYES 6 Chairman Baldi, Commissioners Arrigoni, Bennett,

Giannetti, Kocisko, Zamaites

NAYS 0 None


ABSENT 3 Commissioners Argionis (late), Kirby, Coyle

The motion passed.

III. Development Cases

1. Case Number SP-16-01: Site Plan Review for Multi-Family Residential Building at 515 Summit Avenue

Chairman Baldi introduced the case and stated it was a public meeting.

Mr. Branham provided an overview of the application. He stated this was a site plan review to construct a new four-unit multi-family residential building at the property. He stated each unit would contain three bedrooms. The proposed total floor area of the building would be approximately 10,259 square feet and the building is proposed to be 40 feet in height. Eight parking spaces would be provided, including four enclosed spaces and four exterior spaces, which would be accessed via the alley at the rear of the property. The current front-loading driveway from Summit Avenue would be removed. He stated the applicant received preliminary positive feedback from the Appearance Commission in July.

Guido Neri, Neri Architects, Park Ridge, stated that there was a minor revision to the elevations and updated plans were distributed to the Commission.

Commissioner Bennett inquired if there was a minimum lot size requirement in the R-4 District, as there was discrepancy in the table provided.

Mr. Branham stated he believed that there was a text amendment to eliminate the minimum lot size provision, however, he would confirm.

The Commissioners discussed other aspects of the application.

On a motion by Commissioner Bennett, seconded by Commissioner Arrigoni the Commission

AGREED to continue the map amendment request at 515 Summit Avenue, Case Number:

SP-16-01 to the next scheduled meeting.

Vote on the motion as follows

AYES 6 Chairman Baldi, Commissioners Arrigoni, Bennett,

Giannetti, Kocisko, Zamaites

NAYS 0 None


ABSENT 3 Commissioners Argionis (late), Kirby, Coyle

The motion passed.

2. Case Number SP-16-02: Site Plan Review for Temporary Exterior Lighting at 100 South Western Avenue (Park Ridge Park District)

Chairman Baldi introduced the case.

Mr. Branham provided an overview of the application request. He stated this was a site plan review for temporary lights of 24 feet in height. He stated the applicant received seasonal approval for temporary lights from the Planning & Zoning Commission last year and the applicant has returned for a similar request. The applicant plans to have temporary exterior lights available for the ball fields at the southern portion of the property. There would be a total of three temporary light poles of up to 24 feet in height, which would be located near the center of the property and directed east towards the fields. The applicant has indicated that the lights will be seasonal and will allow for soccer teams to hold practices which would end by 9:00pm.

Terry Wolf, Park Ridge Park District, provided additional information of the use of lights.

Commissioner Zamaites inquired how the lights operated. Mr. Wolf indicated that the lights are gas powered and needed to be turned off manually.

On a motion by Commissioner Arrigoni, seconded by Commissioner Kocisko the Commission

AGREED to approve Case Number SP-16-02: the site plan review for temporary exterior lighting at 100 South Western Avenue (Park Ridge Park District)

Vote on the motion as follows

AYES 7 Chairman Baldi, Commissioners Arrigoni, Argionis Bennett,

Giannetti, Kocisko, Zamaites

NAYS 0 None


ABSENT 2 Commissioners Kirby, Coyle

The motion passed.

IV. City Council Liaison Report

Alderman Van Roeyen stated that Mr. Testin was resigning as Director of Community Preservation & Development as of September 23, 2016. He also updated the Commission on other City Council items.

V. Other Items for Discussion

Chairman Baldi stated that staff provided a version of the B-1 District and B-2 District

Purpose Statements which had been reviewed by the City Attorney and presented previously by Commissioner Bennett. He asked the Commission to make a recommendation to City Council on the revised purpose statements. The Commission reviewed the purpose statements and also discussed the issue of current B-1 and B-2 properties which should be reviewed, particularly along Touhy Avenue.

On a motion by Commissioner Bennett, seconded by Commissioner Arrigoni, the Commission

AGREED to recommend the changes of the Purpose Statements to the City Council as well as the consideration to review B-1 and B-2 District properties.

Vote on the motion as follows

AYES 7 Chairman Baldi, Commissioners Argionis Arrigoni, Bennett, Giannetti, Kocisko, Zamaites

NAYS 0 None


ABSENT 2 Commissioners, Kirby, Coyle

The motion passed.

The Commissioners identified areas of concerns regarding the Site Plan Review criteria.

The Commission stated the standards of review in Sections 4.5.E should be reviewed, including the site design, landscaping, screening and open space, and circulation and offstreet parking provisions. They stated any areas of latitude should be identified. They also stated a checklist of all potential areas of review identified in other sections of the Zoning Ordinance would be helpful for reviewing applications.

Citizens Wishing to be Heard on Non-Agenda Items

Pat Livensparger, resident, had additional inquiries about the site plan review submitted for the property at 515 Summit Avenue.

VI. Adjournment

On a motion by Commissioner Bennett, seconded by Commissioner Kocisko, the Commission

AGREED to adjourn the meeting.

Vote on the motion as follows:

AYES 7 Chairman Baldi, Commissioners Arrigoni, Argionis Bennett,

Giannetti, Kocisko, and Zamaites

NAYS 0 None


ABSENT 2 Commissioners Kirby, Coyle

The motion passed.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm

These minutes are not a verbatim record of the meeting but a summary of the proceedings.