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Prospect Heights City Council reviews appointments, citizen complaints

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The Prospect Heights City Council met Monday, July 11.

"The City of Prospect Heights is divided into five wards with one alderman serving on the City Council per ward. Please view the map to see what ward you are located in"

Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the Prospect Heights City Council:



1. CALL TO ORDER - At 6:34 PM, Mayor Nicholas J. Helmer called to order the City Council Regular Workshop of July 11, 2016.

2. ROLL CALL FOR QUORUM-City Clerk Morgan-Adams called the roll. ELECTED OFFICIALS IN ATTENDANCE - Aldermen - Dolick, Messer, Rosenthal, Williamson

ABSENT - Alderman Ludvigsen by previous notice OTHERELECTED OFFICIALS IN ATTENDANCE - Mayor Helmer, Treasurer Tibbits, City Clerk Morgan-Adams STAFF AND OTHER OFFICIALS - Finance Director Hannon, City Administrator Peterson, A/V Representative Colvin, Assistant to the City Administrator Falcone, and Deputy Clerk Schultheis.

3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Led by Alderman Dolick


5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. June 27, 2016 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes-Alderman Rosenthal moved to Approve

Item, 5A as presented; seconded by Alderman Dolick. ?????? ????? All ayes, no Nays

Motion carried 4 - 0, Alderman Ludvigsen absent


A. Run the Runway segment featured on WGN

B. Fourth of July Festivities Recap There was a brief presentation of the Holiday festivities, including a visual presentation. It was noted that over 20,000 people attended the Run the Runway event.


8. CITIZEN CONCERNS AND COMMENTS (agenda matters) - Citizens commented after the

Natural Resources Report (Item 9A) - Mary Ellen, 207 Owen Place-Referenced an email that she had sent to the Mayor. She was in favor of the efforts from the NRC to renew the area. She asked that interested residents contact the NRC to hear their plan. Resident - Said that it had been 20 years since anyone had try to reclaim the land by taking care of the ponds. She has been impressed by the NRC's work and said that residents and the City should support their plan. Dee Munroe, 212 S Wheeling - Said that the NRC was committed to restoring the native spaces. Tom Spiegelhalter, 100 E Kennilworth - read his daughter's note (as she was a former NRC Commissioner) praising the efforts of the Commission. Wendy Dewar, 206 Tully - She read excerpts from an email that she had sent to the City Council, She said that Tully Park had been established as a nature preserve thanks to the NRC. It was noted that by restoring the prairie land high energy biofields were created. Lynn Schumacher, 19 S Wildwood - Felt disrespected by the "unprofessionalism" of the NRC because she was not given any options in how this was designed. She said she would share her photos with ComEd so that they could see how their grant money was being spent.

It was noted by Alderman Rosenthai that he visited the NRC site and did not see how the NRC took into account input from the residents. He said that if people did not want the prairie, they should not have one. However, he noted that the NRC plan was well done. Alderman Williamson - said that the report of the NRC was one of the best he had seen but noted that the NRC needed to incorporate ali residents. It was not an attack on the NRC, but as a representative commission of the City, the Council needed to be updated. He also said that one area needed to be established before the NRC went on to another area. Alderman Dolick-Noted the dedication and passion of the NRC, but also added that there needed to be more communication with the residents and the Board. He also had concerns about the NRC being over-extended.

9. STAFE AND ELECTED OFFICIALS REPORTS A. ComEd Prairie Restoration Report and Other Status Updates from Natural Resources Commission - the Natural Resources Commission showed a video and gave an update on their Prairie restoration initiative. It was noted that only 1/10 of 1% of the Illinois prairie still remains. The video talked about the timing of mowing and the length of time that prairie restoration took. They discussed Natural Areas Management and the reason why pioneer weeds were necessary to allow to give prairie land time to grow. They also noted that the weeds did not allow for more coyotes, woodchucks or rabbits. It was noted by Commissioner Madden that the NRC had 73 volunteers putting in over 1600 man hours of labor, and that grant proposals were always being pursued, as well as financial support from donors. A packet of Information named "Prospect Heights Natural Resources Commission Project Accounting July 2016" was given to the Council members.

B. Review of Economic Development by Building Director Dan Peterson

ELECTED OTICALS Finance Director Hannon - CAFR will be out in October.

Auditors are going over the City's finances.

Assistant to the City Administrator Falcone - Discussed the success of the Fourth of July parade. He noted that A/V Representative Colvin had taken over 400 photos.

Police Chief Steffen-Noted that the two Fourth of July events had been successful and that there were no arrests despite the crowds. He said that the year's second Outreach event would be at the Brookfield Zoo.

Director of Building and Development Peterson -

o Updated the progress of Uncle Bob's storage on Rand Road

Said that there was a new restaurant on 1255 N Rand Road - Jin 28 which was


Greenbrier was progressing

Lakhani Ramada Inn is set for an August 18th opening

Athletico opened on Elmhurst Road

Opening of a new Mexican restaurant narned Señor Pollo in October/ November, 2016

It was noted that a professional engineering/construction design building was put in on Palatine and 83

There were 83 permits - $3 million in construction

Mayor Helmer-The Mayor is sponsoring a "What's New in Prospect Heights?" Contest. Residents will be asked to ID photos of new areas, new retail shops, and events. Five $10 prizes will be given along with a Prospect Heights Medallion.

City Clerk Morgan-Adams-Noted that there were more floats in this Fourth of July Parade than ever, and that the Run the Runway Event was also larger and grander than ever. She also said that she ate at Jin 28 and was very impressed with the menu and the dinner.

Alderman Rosenthal - said that he ahs frequented Tony's Finer Foods and has noticed that they seem to be very busy. Regarding the NRC, he would like to see the Commission only continuing work in areas where there are no objections. He noted that the plantings were on hold. Alderman Williamson replied that the Council needed time to review the report. There was further discussion from NRC Commissioner Kamysz that the plantings would be lost if

not done soon - timeliness with plantings is crucial. Resident Lynn Schumacher asked that the Council not assume that the residents wanted this, and

asked that the land be manicured better. The Mayor said that there would be an answer whether or not to plant by Thursday, July 14.

Treasurer Tibbits - Noted that Fire Chief Gould would be retiring on July 14, 2016 at 3:30 PM at the Fire Station.

Alderman Rosenthal asked whether or not Enews ads were being paid for. Mayor Helmer replied that they were not paid for, but were used as a way to showcase businesses for residents.

Mayor Helmer- (with a photo displayed of the event) - discussed being part of the swearing in ceremonies, along with Congressman Dold, of 240 new citizens.

O CONSECNTAGENDA - A. O-16-22 Ordinance Amending the Number of Class A Liquor Licenses, Providing Class A Full Service License (8am-2am M-Thurs., 8am-3am Fri-Sat, Noon-2am Sunday) for Lakhani Group Prospect Hospitality (Ramada and Village Inn) (2nd Reading) B. R-16-07 Resolution Amending Resolutions #R-15-16 and #R-15-17 for Scrivener's Errors C. Authorization for the Purchase of Replacement Public Works F550 Dump Truck, Salt Spreader and Plow for $71,415 From State Bid/Purchase Program, Awarded to Currie Motors, Frankfort, IL. Alderman Williamson moved for omnibus approval of Items 10A/B/C; seconded by Alderman

Messer. ROLL, CALL WOTE: AYES — Williamson, Rosenthal, Dolick, Messer

NAYS - None

ABSENT - Ludvigsen

Motion carried 4 - 0


12. NEW BUSINESS A. Reguest of Waiver of 1st Read for O-i6-23 Ordinance Granting Certain Variations at 202 Lanford Lane to Allow a Fence in the Required Corner Side Yard Setback. (Requested Waiver of 1st Reading) - Alderman Williamson moved to approve the waiver of first reading for O-16-23; seconded by Alderman Messer.

ROLL, CALL WOTE AYES - Williamson, Rosenthal, Dolick, Messer

NAYS - None

ABSENT - Ludvigsen

Motion carried 4 - O

B. O-16-23 Ordinance Granting Certain. Variations at 202 Lanford Lane to Allow a Fence in the Required Corner Side Yard Setback. (2nd Reading) - Alderman Williamson moved to Approve O16-23; seconded by Alderman Rosenthal. ROLL CALL WOTE: AYES — Williamson, Rosenthal, Dolick, Messer

NAYS - None

ABSENT – Ludvigsen

Motion carried 4 - O

C. Reguest of Walver of 1st Read for O-16-24 Ordinance Granting Certain Variations at 106 Alton Road to Allow the Reduction of the Required Side for the Construction of a Driveway to Access Rear Yard. (Requested Waiver of 1st Reading) -Alderman Williamson moved to approve waiver of first reading for 0-16-24; seconded by Alderman Messer. ROLL CALL WOTE: AYES - Williamson, Rosenthal, Dolick, Messer

NAYS - None

ABSENT – Ludvigsen

Motion carried 4 - 0

D. O-16-24 Ordinance Granting Certain Variations at 106 Alton Road to Allow the Reduction of the Required Side for the Construction of a Driveway to Access Rear Yard. (2nd Reading) - Alderman Rosenthal moved to Approve 0-16-24; seconded by Alderman Williamson. ROLL, CALL VOT'IEC: AYES - Williamson, Rosenthal, Dolick, Messer

NAYS - None

ABSENT – Ludvigsen

Motion carried 4 - O

13. OPEN WORKSHOP TEMS A. Discussion of Sale of City-Owned Property on Piper Lane - Discussion regarding the need to market the property. It was noted that there need to be more options on this property's use and sale. It was also noted that there are trees on the property that needed clean up. Some suggestions for property use included a sports complex or an indoor driving range. The Mayor noted that as the property was zoned as industrial, there needed to be an industrial use. - No action was taken

B. Discussion of City’s Agreement with Metra - The 20 year agreement with Metra runs out, and there was discussion as to what should be done next. As the City continues to lose money at the Metra Parking lot, there was discussion regarding ways to either increase Metra usage or to dispose of the parking lot and maintenance. There is also the relationship with ComEd., which adds to the dilemma of how to remove the City from responsibility for the lot. The City may have to take down the station building as part of its agreement with ComEd if it vacates the property. It was noted by Finance Director Hannon that the parking lot brings in $64,000 per year but that the City loses $110,000 per year. City Administrator Wade said that the City will continue to talk to Metra and ComEd - No action was taken

NEXT WORKSHOPAGENDA - City Administrator Wade said that next Friday would be the deadline for Agenda items. It was noted by the Aldermen that there needed to be previous review of workshop items until those items were concluded. Aldermen wanted status updates emailed.

14. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A. Approval of Expenditures

General Fund $274,689.82

MFT Fund $18,846.03

Palatine/Milwaukee TDF $425.00

Tourism District $806.46

Development Fund S0.00

DEA Fund $1,758.00

Solid Waste Fund S0.00

SS Area #1 S31428

SS Area #2 $209.52

SS Area #3 S853.05

SS Area A. $119.73

SS Area #5 $695.25

SS Area #8 - Levee Wall #37 $275.45

SS Area-Constrf6 (Water Main) SO.00

SS Area- Debt #6 S0.00

Road Construction S0.00

Road Construction Debt S450.00

Water Fund $20,544.75

Parking Fund $11,450.34

Sanitary Sewer Fund $2,246.72

Road/Building Bond Escrow S500.00

TOTAL $334,184.40

Wire Payments

6/24/2016 PAYROLL POSTING $135,586.24

TOTAL WARRANT $469 ,770.64

City Clerk Morgan-Adams read the warrants. Alderman Dolick moved to Approve the Warrants as presented; seconded by Alderman Messer for the TOTAL of 8334,184,40; 6/24/16 PAYROLL POSTING of $135,586.24; and TOTAL WARRANT of $469,770.64. ROLL (CALL, WOTE: AYES - Williamson, Rosenthal, Dolick, Messer

NAYS - None

ABSENT – Ludvigsen

Motion carried 4 - 0

15. RESIDENT COMMENTS (Non-agenda matters) - None

16, scuTVE SESSION - Nole


18. ADJOURNMENT - At 8:55 PM, Alderman Dolick moved to Adjourn; seconded by Alderman Williamson.

?????? ????: All Ayes, no Nays

Motion carried 4-0, Alderman Ludvigsen absent

Approved by the Prospect Heights City Council on the 25th day of July, 2016.